The terrible things we do because we are lazy.

So have you ever done something horrible because you couldn't be bothered to do the longer good alternative?
I have and it mostly happens towards the end of a day's play, when I'm tired and really just don't care about RPing or random NPC's anymore.
My shameful examples:
- Killed Valygar because I didn't want him in my party, but did want the planar sphere.
- Killed Brage because I encountered him before I had explored all of the map and didn't want to make a return trip.
- Ctrl Y'd a waiter, in a tavern because he decided to stand on some loot.
What evil has laziness made you perform?
I have and it mostly happens towards the end of a day's play, when I'm tired and really just don't care about RPing or random NPC's anymore.
My shameful examples:
- Killed Valygar because I didn't want him in my party, but did want the planar sphere.
- Killed Brage because I encountered him before I had explored all of the map and didn't want to make a return trip.
- Ctrl Y'd a waiter, in a tavern because he decided to stand on some loot.
What evil has laziness made you perform?
Ctrl+y'd melissan because I wanted to see the ending with other NPC's that I brought in thru the pocket plane instead of playing the entire game over again.
Ctrl+j on maps I have been over.
I always kill Valygar if I don't need him in the group. I need to go to the planar sphere every time.
Installed dungeon-be-gone.
Doesn't identify items I know by heart what is.
Ctrl Y'd a waiter, in a tavern because he decided to stand on some loot.
Though I’ve never done this, I must confess that my protagonist has fantasized about tossing a magic missile at one of the guards as she impatiently taps her foot, waiting for him to move off of Tarnesh’s remains on the steps of the Friendly Arms. They always seem to stand on top of him in my game.
@semiticgod said:
Not letting my characters sleep at inns because it costs 1 gold.
Now that is frugal behavior at it’s finest.
When playing an Evil protagonist, I've sometimes killed Valygar, stolen the Light Gem, killed Adalon, and various other nasty things ... but obviously those are legitimate role-playing choices for the Evil path.
I don't recall ever doing any of these things merely as a short-cut.
I regret nothing.
- bengoshi
I finished the Unseeing Eye in about 5 mins flat, didn't even bother to buff just used haste. It was kind of funny to see beholders trying to eat my party.
I eventually did fix it yesterday and beholders are casting spells again, well the twisted rune one was, but I only did it because something broke my romance and I had to reinstall BG2tweaks, so I just did SCS as well.