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Unpopular opinions



  • mashedtatersmashedtaters Member Posts: 2,266
    Better archers than factory slaughter houses. :p
  • VojevodVojevod Member Posts: 10
    edited March 2016
    Well, on the topic of unpopular opinions, I think it would've been interesting to see how the developers would've written Imoen's death and its impact on Charname. It is noticeable that she was to be written off without any 'meta' knowledge and I do not think that her character makes much of a difference in ToB nor that her interactions with Charname are that significant. If I'd have to define her character in ToB with a single word, it'd be 'aloof'. And while the writing isn't necessarily bad, I don't think that the focus should've been put on her coping with being a Bhaalspawn, especially in the way that it was handled. The way her development is being guided by Charname seems more like a regression instead of a proper development of her story.
  • mashedtatersmashedtaters Member Posts: 2,266
    edited March 2016
    On the subject of Imoen, I don't like her very much. I think her the writing in of her with Bhaalspawn heritage feels out of place. When I found out she was a Bhaalspawn, just like me, I was like, "Oh, <i>purlease!</i>"

    edit: HEY, what did I do wrong??? Ohoho, I forgot to press the brand new italicize button, which changes the < > to a [ ]! Hah! Be smarter than the machine, @mashedtaters...
  • VojevodVojevod Member Posts: 10
    I think her the writing in of her with Bhaalspawn heritage feels out of place. When I found out she was a Bhaalspawn, just like me, I was like, "Oh, <i>purlease!</i>"
    To a certain extent, it was feasible, albeit a bit forced. She might've been a second ward of Gorion, yet I am unaware of any IG explanation as to why Gorion didn't take her along after he received that letter.
  • VojevodVojevod Member Posts: 10
    edited March 2016
    Please tell me you're joking.
  • mashedtatersmashedtaters Member Posts: 2,266
    Grum wrote: »
    Vojevod wrote: »
    Please tell me you're joking.

    But it makes sense. It really does!

    Imoen showed 0 evidence of succumbing to the bhaalspawn taint. It wasn't until throne of bhaal that she started to develop even minor powers. Even after going through the same tortuous experiments as Charname, she didn't go slayer on the party.

    Gorion knew that Sarevok was after *one* bhaalspawn. Sarevok says "ward" singular. So Gorion took the child that showed the most signs of falling to the taint, deciding to protect the purer one.

    Save the sweet, innocent, girl whose worst interests seem to be picking pockets and locks our of curiosity...or save the other child with 18s in all stats and who is optimized for killing everything that moves?

    Yeah, take the obvious bhaalspawn with you and keep the kid safe.

    Plus that, "Heya! I'm Imoen!" is just so darn cute! I may not like her story, but her voice actress had it down.
  • GrumGrum Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 2,100
    elminster wrote: »
    If I could change any NPC's class and backstory I would make Eldoth a fallen ranger (with his poison arrows intact and with adjusted proficiencies). His backstory would then be that instead be that he was a corrupt former head guard at a keep. He made a deal with Krotan (an ogre mage of considerable power) to allow Krotan access to the keeps lower dungeons. The ogre mage went on to kidnap and then perform horrible experiments on some of the residents of the keep. When the deal was discovered he was forced to flee. He's been hiding out in the cloakwood forest ever since.

    Wouldn't that make him an entirely new character? Not that I would mind, as he sounds awesome...
  • Abi_DalzimAbi_Dalzim Member Posts: 1,428
    typo_tilly wrote: »
    An extra archer is better than a mage in BG1, from far more consistent and greater damage dealing. A small pile of dispelling arrows are all you need for those few moments of caster battles. :3

    And a wand of Sleep for everything else, of course. Good thing that's one of those wands that any class can use.
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    Whoa, any class can use a wand of Sleep? Are you sure about that?
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited March 2016
    Any class can use it. The only restriction on it is (like any wand) your intelligence has to be 9 or greater.
  • craymond727craymond727 Member Posts: 208
    @Tad_Has_A_Cold_Olive I agree with the sentiment of your post, and especially like your latter two examples, but I feel the Barbarian class has a strong cultural emphasis as well, which wouldn't be reflected or experienced in Candlekeep. Nomadic steppe tribes are a non-Northern example, but I think it's a stretch to RP a Candlekeep-raised barbarian.
  • Metal_HurlantMetal_Hurlant Member Posts: 324
    An unpopular opinion is having a Mage with 18 STR which becomes 19 in BG1. Another unpopular opinion is having a high WIS for that same mage. I find it useful to have a Mage with a high STR, DEX, INT, WIS as well as 15 CON (later becoming 16). I wouldn't knock back those stats.
  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,266
    edited March 2016
    elminster wrote: »
    Any class can use it. The only restriction on it is (like any wand) your intelligence has to be 9 or greater.

    Any class except wizard slayer, that is... They can't use it.
  • Abi_DalzimAbi_Dalzim Member Posts: 1,428
    Tresset wrote: »
    elminster wrote: »
    Any class can use it. The only restriction on it is (like any wand) your intelligence has to be 9 or greater.

    Any class except wizard slayer, that is... They can't use it.

    There's reasons I never quite get around to a serious Wizard Slayer run. It just feels like a drag.
  • GrumGrum Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 2,100
    Abi_Dalzim wrote: »
    Tresset wrote: »
    elminster wrote: »
    Any class can use it. The only restriction on it is (like any wand) your intelligence has to be 9 or greater.

    Any class except wizard slayer, that is... They can't use it.

    There's reasons I never quite get around to a serious Wizard Slayer run. It just feels like a drag.

    Agreed. If wizard slayers were like dwarven defenders are we're stuck with **** then I'd give one a try. But the restrictions for them are just too much. Which is a shame as thematically they are really cool.
  • AutocratAutocrat Member Posts: 68
    I'm doing a wizard slayer run right now. It's a blast. The kit was buffed in the 2.0 patch to get a 25% chance to miscast magic on hit. Which is pretty damn powerful if you're dual wielding, or using a bow. I just finished Cloakwood mines and CHARNAME is a one man army (literally, there is no need for other party members after getting the boots of speed).

    On topic:
    Wizard slayers could use some more love.
    I sort of wish there was an item that only wizard slayers could use. It would be most refreshing to see an item description that read "Only usable by: WIZARD SLAYER".
  • GrumGrum Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 2,100
    Autocrat wrote: »
    I'm doing a wizard slayer run right now. It's a blast. The kit was buffed in the 2.0 patch to get a 25% chance to miscast magic on hit. Which is pretty damn powerful if you're dual wielding, or using a bow. I just finished Cloakwood mines and CHARNAME is a one man army (literally, there is no need for other party members after getting the boots of speed).

    On topic:
    Wizard slayers could use some more love.
    I sort of wish there was an item that only wizard slayers could use. It would be most refreshing to see an item description that read "Only usable by: WIZARD SLAYER".

    Btw in icewind dale wizard slayers can wear elven sewn gloves and cloaks. It's only a few % of cold resistance, but it feels good to have something in those slots.
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