Hey, @Artonadid say they were unpopular opinions, and unpopular with Gary Gygax and Ed Greenwood fits the bill on a forum about a Forgotten Realms CRPG
Touche, but I still think it's veeeeery risky. If you turn out to be evil, then there is little chance that you'd feel obligated to be grateful, and, as it's said, power corrupts.
Only risky for Good Gods if you fail in Hell. Evil Gods have a free ally. But hey, maybe those good gods hate Cyric enough to try and take power from him, even with the associated risks
To be fair, with the absurd amount of power Cyric had at the time of the Bhaalspawn Crisis, even an evil CHARNAME ascending to godhood would be a net gain for the forces of good, as it weakens Cyric.
*EDIT: I didn't even know "acceding" was a word. Bloody spellcheck...
@Archaos Monks use the Fighter THAC0 progression, not the Thief one. They are even better than Fighters in that regard because they use the Cleric XP table progression, which means they will progress faster than Fighters.
They started to use the "average attack bonus" alongside Thieves, Clerics and so forth in 3rd edition as far as I know.
This may fit better in the odd habits thread, but whatever: I love having to manage my inventory in dungeons. As a rule, I try to keep all manner of unique quest items, all sorts of potions and scrolls, as well as any magical weapon and ammunition.
My party is exploring Durlag's Tower now, and I had to put magical arrows and bolts in the "quivers" of party members who do not even have ranged weapons. Just to create some space in the inventory, you see. Love it.
I just hope I won't find myself in a room full of treasure some day, because I'm certain to die because of my greed.
Planescape Torment was not dictated by an archangel to Chris Avellone. It has dodgy and clunky writing in several parts, and some NPCs were underdeveloped. I think there's no reason a PST:EE that added new bits to it couldn't improve it.
If Minsc had been a new character in the EE games, he would be loathed by many of the people who love him now.
All dwarves and dwarven societies are incomprehensibly boring, with the singular exception of Varric from Dragon Age II.
I have no idea why people love Imoen so much. She has less dialogue than any other NPC and then spends most of BG2 forcibly removed from the party. I don't hate her, but she's more of an idea of a character than an actual, y'know, character.
If Minsc had been a new character in the EE games, he would be loathed by many of the people who love him now.
@Ayiekie That's a good point, I never considered that.
Haters gonna hate.
I've thought about that many times as well since SoD's release and reading legions of ppl talking about the original games writing being vastly superior to anything Beamdog writes. I love all the BG games, I really do, but parts of the writing (and its characters) are corny and poorly written. Minsc is funny, but very one-sided. I also think that if Hexxat had been an original NPC, she wouldn't have recieved all the hate either.
People like Imoen because she is with you from Candlekeep, saves you from Irenicus, turns out to be your sister and she seems like someone you need to take care of. I always feel bad when I dont take her along and usully head rule that she is with the group or a similar stupid excuse
But Baldur's Gate pretends to be. It's a matter of aesthetics - I would cringe as well if you put six-shooters as a range weapon, and I don't care how advanced Lantan gnomes are. Kung-fu monks don't belong in those games (maybe except ToB, because Balthazar was implemented nicely, I think) in my opinion.
43. It's totally okay that Irenicus doesn't kill you after taking your soul in Spellhold. He has no reason at all to consider you to be a threat, nor to expect you to survive. After all, Slayer form was surprise to Bodhi and if he knew something like that can happen he certainly wouldn't allow his sister to "play" with you. 44. Sleep should also affect party, just like web or fireball.
43. It's totally okay that Irenicus doesn't kill you after taking your soul in Spellhold. He has no reason at all to consider you to be a threat, nor to expect you to survive. After all, Slayer form was surprise to Bodhi and if he knew something like that can happen he certainly wouldn't allow his sister to "play" with you.
Again my memory is slim but, even after he learned of slayer form, he still let his sister "play" with you instead of disposing of you while he had the obvious upper hand. This leads me to suspect that at no point even if he knew about slayerform before, he still wouldn't have considered you to be no threat.
Also, he didn't "let" her play with you, she was suppose to dispose of you, but instead she chose to toy with you before doing so and that led to the position she was in.
43. It's totally okay that Irenicus doesn't kill you after taking your soul in Spellhold. He has no reason at all to consider you to be a threat, nor to expect you to survive. After all, Slayer form was surprise to Bodhi and if he knew something like that can happen he certainly wouldn't allow his sister to "play" with you.
Someone was upset about this? I was under the impression that he let you live because Bodhi had plans for you, her maze, and they both were under the assumption that you wouldn't make it out alive. Typical villain folly, but still a reason.
I don't know if this is an unpopular opinion, but drow equipment should be usable outside of the Underdark. I like the idea that they crumble, but it's so good....
1) ~In general I think the game and ADD itself should have focused on 14pts in an attribute as a level when characters begin getting some significant bonuses over average Joes.
2) ~The weight allowance and other bonuses for Fighters with Strength between 18/51-18/00 does not make sense.
3) ~Charisma of Party Leader absolutely should effect Panic chance for all Party Members.
4) ~Manuals should have a lot more accurate data about such things as Shorty Saves, Spell stacking, Resistances, etc.
5) ~There ought to be schools of Cleric Magic according to the God/Holy Symbol involved and a lot more variety reflecting that aspect of Divine Spells.
6) ~Halflings and Gnomes ought to have Max strength of 14-15. Gnomes will still be desirable because of the class combos only they can choose. Halflings ought to have a unique attribute that allows them to "see" beyond the fog of war so that they are aware of enemies before enemies are aware of them. [cancelled by any offensive action or spellcating on the Halfling's part.
7) ~There definitely ought to be more variety in Ammo for slings!!!
8) ~There ought to be a lot less random spawning of low-lifes such as Gibberlings, Xvarts, Kobolds, Tasloi, Gnolls, Hobgoblins, Wolves, Wild Dogs, etc to be replaced by a handful of puzzle challenges. One good place would be Thalantyr's tower as most parties will want access to his spells and goodies. A puzzle that must be solved before one can find him would be a nice change of pace at that point in the game.
9) ~I am not a fan of Jaheira and as far as the romances go I would choose Aerie or Nalia first.
10) ~I would like to have seen the matter of provisions and food play a bigger role. Perhaps situations where the Party must choose between gathering loot and risking serious consequences from lack of food. And the cost of lodgings should have been MUCH more. Peasant-5gp per person/Merchant-10gp per person/Noble-25gp per person. Enough so that completing the story in a timely manner has some logistical pressures to deal with.
11) ~Halberds actually do make sense for a party of adventurers as they are most useful against mounted Knights, a fairly cheap weapon that neutralizes the enormous expense of maintaining a Knight year-round. Of course we do not run into any such horse-borne warriors in the BG saga -- but we could have!! ~Just our good luck that they work so well in Doorway tactics.
ADnD was revolutionary and truly original back then. It set standards about what RPG systems should look like.
But it aged horribly. It is a terrible roleplaying system. It is unintuitive, the PnP version has even more restrictions/rules that make you facepalm compared to BG, it has some good ideas but people that ask for a new BG with ADnD 2E rules should take the multiple nostalgia glasses off.
I really like the Kit system and the multiclass system, which does its job simply and easily. And it has some strange sense of balance. The rest of the system is pretty much bad.
3E went the opposite direction, giving you way too much freedom, by extension, unbalancing the game greatly. Also the whole prestige classes concept was implemented badly. While in 2E you picked a Kit and that was it, in 3E the multiclassing and Prestige Class cherry-picking was monstrous.
4E forgot what DnD is and ignored Ed Greenwood, so it's pretty much the black sheep. Despite being the most balanced edition of all, probably. Too balanced.
One reason I like Pathfinder and now 5E, it's because the former turned Kits into Archetypes, rebalanced the system and 5E because it also takes influences from the previous editions.
45. The most "roleplaying" way of combat is maximum cheese: "so, we are heading into the lair of beholder? Let's get that beholder-rays reflecting shield!". "So, it's our final battle with Irenicus? Let's get advantage by using scrolls of magic protection!". "That dragon can't see us? Let's set loads of traps!" "It's not like we can just rewind time, right?".
*EDIT: I didn't even know "acceding" was a word. Bloody spellcheck...
They started to use the "average attack bonus" alongside Thieves, Clerics and so forth in 3rd edition as far as I know.
Speaking of which, I've never bothered with a Fighter/Mage that focuses on Staff of the Magi before. Better go fix that.
My party is exploring Durlag's Tower now, and I had to put magical arrows and bolts in the "quivers" of party members who do not even have ranged weapons. Just to create some space in the inventory, you see. Love it.
I just hope I won't find myself in a room full of treasure some day, because I'm certain to die because of my greed.
If Minsc had been a new character in the EE games, he would be loathed by many of the people who love him now.
All dwarves and dwarven societies are incomprehensibly boring, with the singular exception of Varric from Dragon Age II.
I have no idea why people love Imoen so much. She has less dialogue than any other NPC and then spends most of BG2 forcibly removed from the party. I don't hate her, but she's more of an idea of a character than an actual, y'know, character.
That's a good point, I never considered that.
Haters gonna hate.
43. It's totally okay that Irenicus doesn't kill you after taking your soul in Spellhold. He has no reason at all to consider you to be a threat, nor to expect you to survive. After all, Slayer form was surprise to Bodhi and if he knew something like that can happen he certainly wouldn't allow his sister to "play" with you.
44. Sleep should also affect party, just like web or fireball.
Unpopular opinion: arcane magic is overrated and quite unnecessary in BG1 and BG2 SoA ('cept for a few breaches here and there).
Again my memory is slim but, even after he learned of slayer form, he still let his sister "play" with you instead of disposing of you while he had the obvious upper hand. This leads me to suspect that at no point even if he knew about slayerform before, he still wouldn't have considered you to be no threat.
Also, he didn't "let" her play with you, she was suppose to dispose of you, but instead she chose to toy with you before doing so and that led to the position she was in.
Demon + Gorgon? wow! hella original
Maztica = Mexico + Aztec
Guess what this place is based on.
Someone was upset about this? I was under the impression that he let you live because Bodhi had plans for you, her maze, and they both were under the assumption that you wouldn't make it out alive. Typical villain folly, but still a reason.
I don't know if this is an unpopular opinion, but drow equipment should be usable outside of the Underdark. I like the idea that they crumble, but it's so good....
2) ~The weight allowance and other bonuses for Fighters with Strength between 18/51-18/00 does not make sense.
3) ~Charisma of Party Leader absolutely should effect Panic chance for all Party Members.
4) ~Manuals should have a lot more accurate data about such things as Shorty Saves, Spell stacking, Resistances, etc.
5) ~There ought to be schools of Cleric Magic according to the God/Holy Symbol involved and a lot more variety reflecting that aspect of Divine Spells.
6) ~Halflings and Gnomes ought to have Max strength of 14-15. Gnomes will still be desirable because of the class combos only they can choose. Halflings ought to have a unique attribute that allows them to "see" beyond the fog of war so that they are aware of enemies before enemies are aware of them. [cancelled by any offensive action or spellcating on the Halfling's part.
7) ~There definitely ought to be more variety in Ammo for slings!!!
8) ~There ought to be a lot less random spawning of low-lifes such as Gibberlings, Xvarts, Kobolds, Tasloi, Gnolls, Hobgoblins, Wolves, Wild Dogs, etc to be replaced by a handful of puzzle challenges. One good place would be Thalantyr's tower as most parties will want access to his spells and goodies. A puzzle that must be solved before one can find him would be a nice change of pace at that point in the game.
9) ~I am not a fan of Jaheira and as far as the romances go I would choose Aerie or Nalia first.
10) ~I would like to have seen the matter of provisions and food play a bigger role. Perhaps situations where the Party must choose between gathering loot and risking serious consequences from lack of food.
And the cost of lodgings should have been MUCH more. Peasant-5gp per person/Merchant-10gp per person/Noble-25gp per person. Enough so that completing the story in a timely manner has some logistical pressures to deal with.
11) ~Halberds actually do make sense for a party of adventurers as they are most useful against mounted Knights, a fairly cheap weapon that neutralizes the enormous expense of maintaining a Knight year-round.
Of course we do not run into any such horse-borne warriors in the BG saga -- but we could have!! ~Just our good luck that they work so well in Doorway tactics.
ADnD was revolutionary and truly original back then.
It set standards about what RPG systems should look like.
But it aged horribly. It is a terrible roleplaying system.
It is unintuitive, the PnP version has even more restrictions/rules that make you facepalm compared to BG, it has some good ideas but people that ask for a new BG with ADnD 2E rules should take the multiple nostalgia glasses off.
I really like the Kit system and the multiclass system, which does its job simply and easily. And it has some strange sense of balance.
The rest of the system is pretty much bad.
3E went the opposite direction, giving you way too much freedom, by extension, unbalancing the game greatly.
Also the whole prestige classes concept was implemented badly.
While in 2E you picked a Kit and that was it, in 3E the multiclassing and Prestige Class cherry-picking was monstrous.
4E forgot what DnD is and ignored Ed Greenwood, so it's pretty much the black sheep.
Despite being the most balanced edition of all, probably. Too balanced.
One reason I like Pathfinder and now 5E, it's because the former turned Kits into Archetypes, rebalanced the system and 5E because it also takes influences from the previous editions.
"It's not like we can just rewind time, right?".
I personally love anomens character and his romance he is one of my favorite NPCs in SOA and TOB
Hey! This is the unpopular opinions thread! Keep your mainstream propaganda out of here!
Everything you said is either widely popular or actual fact.
Here, let me show you. Sit down. Got your pen and paper? Good. Now pay attention and take notes. This is how you do a real unpopular opinion.
Ready? Ok. Now listen. Let me give you an example.
Unpopular opinion:
The Saerileth mod isn't actually as torturously awful as everyone makes it out to be.
See? Good! Now you try it.