Yep, SRR specifically, and that sorted everything out. I cannot thank you enough, please let me know if you have a patreon or a PO box I can ship cookies to. I shall go forth and praise you and your mods (I'm also using kits from might & guile) in the most glowing of terms ^^
So, your personal fork installed just fine, but the fewarden still gets no spells with it, so that's something to keep in mind for your next full release. For my part, I'm just going to play an Abjurist of Mystra instead, as that caught my eye very nicely, so my needs are definitely being covered by the mod as it is right now
I grabbed Jaheira and consoled some xp at her to test your changes that way instead and noticed that druid armour restrictions have been tightened and that when she levels up, her proficiency options are limited to dagger/club/spear/staff/bows/dart/sling but that she can equip scimitars and retains her proficiency point in them even though it doesn't increase, so I'm wondering which of the two is intended behaviour in this case. I can't really check intended behaviour against the excel on the front page, because the weapon proficiency part of it seems to be a little out of date.
On a whim I also added Item Revisions-style Ankheg Plate to her inventory and she can't equip that either even though that mod flags it as usable by druids, so that's a compatibility issue (that isn't this mod's problem!), and one I can't figure out how to fix given the item is definitely flagged as druid-okay in near infinity. You've obviously done some clever things in 2das I don't understand to get all this to work XD I'm willing to live without the heavy armour, but I must admit if the scimitar loss is deliberate I may have to go looking for good clubs. At least that gives me something new to try!
If you need logs or anything else off me, let me know, and I'm sorry for taking up so much of your time, but I figure you'd rather be aware of these things than not.
@subtledoctor, i pick your's forked version 0.75.26 yesterday, but hit in issue what in BG2EE can't create character - level 2 spell selection screen is empty. On official released version is fine, and i'm doesnt found where this selection screen altered.
PS: Does it exist somewhere explanation of sphere system? Say what is focus access, major access and minor access? It is clear what focus access makes spells accessible at least one level earlier, minor is configurable, and major looks like baseline. But, then what else in depth? In create_spere_system you patch target/range, i read in previous post(s) about what you try to resolve some targeting issues, but there is unclear why this doesnt done just as
separate tweak/fix. Or focus/minor access not only move spells at different level, but also alter spell "power" somehow? E.g. what is intended behavior? (Because all near-modern versions i try has same buggy code, which makes wrong spell target for wounds regeneration in depending of other mods installed (TnB specifically, but still looks like issue originally in FnP).) Cold Fingers (or how this spell called), also get wrong target - lucky priest hit itself with it.
I had thought you'd attached it to existing kits or something - shows how little I know XD At this stage it frankly sounds easier to manually modify the armour and tell the game it's leather for my own use. This seems like an extreme edge case brought about by my particular combination of mods and my going "just as long as I can still use one of my designated frontliners as such..." Then again I suppose it is traditional that druids can wear heavy armour if it's made of compatible materials, just sounds like a lot of work for you guys. And yes, I used the EET install tool because there's only so many setups I can be arsed to run, and that laziness is now biting me in aforementioned arse. I've checked its innards and it is indeed installing DR too late. I shall modify its install order myself and be ready to jump ship to project infinity asap.
@subtledoctor spells like Chill Touch are definitely changed by third party mods, both original games (BG1EE, BG2EE) has correct instant cast effect (just checked them with Near Infinity). But, actually i'm doesn't installing nothing except kind of essentials like SR+IR+IWD. I'm never say what this is this mod issue, just put insight in SoB what this thing becomes somewhy broken (because basically IR/SoB users may effectively notice this effect with increased casting speed penalties - so, this was just kind of relevant info, but from where it comes i'm still not identified, and should be reported/fixed in correct/upstream mod which cause this. And so... looks like my feels was right - this thing worked correctly before.
In past F&P was fine for me too, but it was at least year ago.
I'm will make issue once get more info about reproduction and spell samples. Yesterday i'm tried setup over BG2EE, but as i'm mentioned before, i'm even can't start game, because spell selection screen has no spells at level 2, so can't create FnP character, but i can switch to BG1EE.
On another side, all latest FnP code including your fork has already discovered targeting issue, but somewhy no-one fix it, and all what i'm hear that it is work fine.
PATCH_IF (%abil_target% = 4) BEGIN
LPF ADD_SPELL_EFFECT INT_VAR opcode = 148 target = 1 power = %lvl% parameter1 = 0 parameter2 = 1 timing = 1 STR_VAR resource = EVAL ~%the_spell%~ END
PATCH_IF (%abil_range% < 35) BEGIN
PATCH_IF (%abil_range% > 4) BEGIN
LPF ALTER_SPELL_HEADER INT_VAR range = (%abil_range% - 3) END
PATCH_IF (%abil_range% < 5) BEGIN
LPF ALTER_SPELL_HEADER INT_VAR target = 5 END // what the hell?? why did I do this??
// LPF ALTER_SPELL_HEADER INT_VAR range = 2 END // maybe this is what I meant to do
You already described some here , but generally change spell to be self-targeted from non-self-targeted is catastrophic choice. Think about spells like Burning Hands and their equivalents, healing touch spells, etc.
@subtledoctor, to close question about "Chill Touch" - SRv4b16 turns (CHILLT.ITM) on-hit effect into cast spell with mode 0 (cast normally) with duration 0, and since this is no more uses "cast instantly (ignore level)" mode (1) - speed penalty get applied. No have idea why they change this, but this is looks like SR bug.
@subtledoctor now, about spell targeting. There is setup: BG1EE+SOD, SRv4b16, IWD latest, latest F&P from your fork.
// Log of Currently Installed WeiDU Mods
// The top of the file is the 'oldest' mod
// ~TP2_File~ #language_number #component_number // [Subcomponent Name -> ] Component Name [ : Version]
~DLCMERGER/SETUP-DLCMERGER.TP2~ #0 #1 // Merge DLC into game -> "Siege of Dragonspear" DLC: 1.2
~SPELL_REV/SETUP-SPELL_REV.TP2~ #0 #0 // Spell Revisions: v4 Beta 16
~SPELL_REV/SETUP-SPELL_REV.TP2~ #0 #10 // Deva and Planetar Animations: v4 Beta 16
~SPELL_REV/SETUP-SPELL_REV.TP2~ #0 #20 // Mirror Image Fix: v4 Beta 16
~SPELL_REV/SETUP-SPELL_REV.TP2~ #0 #30 // Dispel Magic Fix: v4 Beta 16
~SPELL_REV/SETUP-SPELL_REV.TP2~ #0 #50 // Remove Disabled Spells from Spell Selection Screens: v4 Beta 16
~SPELL_REV/SETUP-SPELL_REV.TP2~ #0 #55 // Spell Deflection blocks AoE spells: v4 Beta 16
~SPELL_REV/SETUP-SPELL_REV.TP2~ #0 #60 // Update Spellbooks of Joinable NPCs: v4 Beta 16
~IWDIFICATION/SETUP-IWDIFICATION.TP2~ #0 #30 // IWD Arcane Spell Pack: Beta 5
~IWDIFICATION/SETUP-IWDIFICATION.TP2~ #0 #40 // IWD Divine Spell Pack: Beta 5
~IWDIFICATION/SETUP-IWDIFICATION.TP2~ #0 #60 // Two Handed Axe Item Pack: Beta 5
~FAITHS_AND_POWERS/FAITHS_AND_POWERS.TP2~ #0 #102 // Select an installation method below: -> install everything (as designated in settings.ini): 0.75.26
In this setup there is no issues with targeting of healing spells... but! Create "Woodscout of Mielikki", levelup, and cast "Burning Hands". Now this spell doesn't targeted at all, it is deal damage to self and to some cone (which looks like always directed to the east).
ADD: Worth to note, what in this way lot of spell duplicates appears, and this looks like unintended. Some one also fight against this issue...
Burning hands will likely have to revert to creature-targeting for the sphere version. @Lamiar if the spell was given a range of 2, it would fail if you attempted to cast it anywhere beyond 2 feet of the casters current position. The caster will not move into position close enough before attempting to cast it.
@subtledoctor now let change setup a bit, basically same as above but TnB added:
// Log of Currently Installed WeiDU Mods
// The top of the file is the 'oldest' mod
// ~TP2_File~ #language_number #component_number // [Subcomponent Name -> ] Component Name [ : Version]
~DLCMERGER/SETUP-DLCMERGER.TP2~ #0 #1 // Merge DLC into game -> "Siege of Dragonspear" DLC: 1.2
~SPELL_REV/SETUP-SPELL_REV.TP2~ #0 #0 // Spell Revisions: v4 Beta 16
~SPELL_REV/SETUP-SPELL_REV.TP2~ #0 #10 // Deva and Planetar Animations: v4 Beta 16
~SPELL_REV/SETUP-SPELL_REV.TP2~ #0 #20 // Mirror Image Fix: v4 Beta 16
~SPELL_REV/SETUP-SPELL_REV.TP2~ #0 #30 // Dispel Magic Fix: v4 Beta 16
~SPELL_REV/SETUP-SPELL_REV.TP2~ #0 #50 // Remove Disabled Spells from Spell Selection Screens: v4 Beta 16
~SPELL_REV/SETUP-SPELL_REV.TP2~ #0 #55 // Spell Deflection blocks AoE spells: v4 Beta 16
~SPELL_REV/SETUP-SPELL_REV.TP2~ #0 #60 // Update Spellbooks of Joinable NPCs: v4 Beta 16
~IWDIFICATION/SETUP-IWDIFICATION.TP2~ #0 #30 // IWD Arcane Spell Pack: Beta 5
~IWDIFICATION/SETUP-IWDIFICATION.TP2~ #0 #40 // IWD Divine Spell Pack: Beta 5
~IWDIFICATION/SETUP-IWDIFICATION.TP2~ #0 #60 // Two Handed Axe Item Pack: Beta 5
~TOMEANDBLOOD/TOMEANDBLOOD.TP2~ #0 #10 // Spell Tweaks: General Rebalancing: 0.8.30
~TOMEANDBLOOD/TOMEANDBLOOD.TP2~ #0 #11 // Spell Tweaks: Revised Illusionary Clones: 0.8.30
~TOMEANDBLOOD/TOMEANDBLOOD.TP2~ #0 #12 // Spell Tweaks: Revised Invisibility: 0.8.30
~FAITHS_AND_POWERS/FAITHS_AND_POWERS.TP2~ #0 #102 // Select an installation method below: -> install everything (as designated in settings.ini): 0.75.26
Now, woodscout's "regenerate moderate wounds" 1 level spell (e.g. from vigor focus) when you cast it on someone, effect will be applied to caster, not to the target which you choose. Same 2-nd level spell work normally.
In reality issue caused by component: "~TOMEANDBLOOD/TOMEANDBLOOD.TP2~ #0 #12 // Spell Tweaks: Revised Invisibility: 0.8.30". It alter lot of things, and i guess FnP just not a smart enough when apply own patches (but actually, i'm doesn't look what's wrong exactly).
Do you need "wrong sample" spells, or my instructions is enough?
PS/OFF: I'm still at a stage where TnB rules are too break-world for me, so it is not a world's end for me, because i'm doesn't use it (disabling necromancy even for generalists? eh? get out from my generalists! ). I like some ideas, may be mixed cantrips with normal level 1 spells will be good. And new metamagic options looks solid, but... some current cantrips spells are horrible. Doing minor debuffs with very small duration like 1 round is absolutely doesn't work with game's action economy. Doing minor damage - is okay. When i'm tried once 1-level cantrips, i'm really miss some my full-powered equivalent, and basically want cast it not as cantrip. Shield as cantrip is nice, but also questionable - i'm actually prefer turn many buffs to stay longer (8/8+ hours), or at least be scalable 5 turns + 1 turn / level, enable them auto-buff with AI scripts *to* focus on other game mechanic rather than searching right spells in this small spell bar which kind of pain.
Burning hands will likely have to revert to creature-targeting for the sphere version. @Lamiar if the spell was given a range of 2, it would fail if you attempted to cast it anywhere beyond 2 feet of the casters current position. The caster will not move into position close enough before attempting to cast it.
I quite disagree... Wizard cast "Burning Hands" without any issues: it walk to target and cast it at given range.
Issue as i'm understand going from method of cloning spells (which actually is not cloned, but just invoked via 146/148 opcodes). So, this should be solvable by full spell cloning (but I'm sure, there is also has some weirdness ).
Issue as i'm understand going from method of cloning spells (which actually is not cloned, but just invoked via 146/148 opcodes). So, this should be solvable by full spell cloning (but I'm sure, there is also has some weirdness ).
That's the issue - op148 with instant casting will fail when attempting to cast a spell out of range, which is ~2-3 feet less than the range they will start casting it at if they are not already in range when they attempt to cast it. You can easily see this behavior by changing the casting mode of op148 from normal to instant on a scroll of Cone of Cold, and attempting to cast it at full range.
You cannot fully clone a spell - the resref will not match, which can cause all sorts of issues with how other spells interact with it. It may not be much of an issue for Burning Hands, but it can quickly add up for other spells. Casting the original spell through op146/148 is the next best thing.
My guess would be that "Spell Tweaks: Revised Invisibility: 0.8.30" is turning the spells into small-AoE point-targeted spells to bypass Invisibility on allies.
I'm pretty sure wizard spells actually are cloned - only priests spells are cast via 146/148, and only if the sphere system changes their spell level. But maybe the focus version if wizard spells use 146/148.
I didn't think there were any dpells that target "any point" and have a range under 5. Burning Hands... maybe Color Spray too? In any event there are likely few enough of them that we can just adjust them to "living actor" target manually.
FnP creates D5PW103, whom basically looks like full clone of wizard spell with small changes (spell type i think, but may need to be revalidated). And D5MW103. D5MW103 uses 146/148, and Woodscout cast exactly D5MW103. What is really work for me: is copy plain wizard spell, and change it's type. Any way, i'm can propose good test: if you enable in game "Show AOE Circles" - and they are not shown - then it is 146/148 "cloned" spell, which would not work as user may count. "Showing AOE circles" is feature... user may to expect what is actually work. So 146/148 doesn't seem very good choice in this sense. You (or anyone) may argue about loosing immersivity with aoe circle, but this will be very bad and sad arguing. 146/148 just not work for user in friendly way (at least in current spell cloning implementation). Period.
In reality issue caused by component: "~TOMEANDBLOOD/TOMEANDBLOOD.TP2~ #0 #12 // Spell Tweaks: Revised Invisibility: 0.8.30". It alter lot of things, and i guess FnP just not a smart enough when apply own patches (but actually, i'm doesn't look what's wrong exactly).
I highly doubt that.
Highly doubt? I already test it for you before post, just before post. Simple enough reproduction with absolute minimum mods. Look. Nothing against you, you help a lot, but this is feels horrible. I'm will stop discuss here about, because it is not constructive, i'm has enough experience to understand that you will not be able fix this error by looking on spell file, and need reproduce this personally. Without this rest has no sense. Anyway, file attached (146 opcode, targeted to self)... but this doesn't add nothing new.
TnB made Necromancy spells available to everyone like a year ago...
Again, then it is some undiscovered glitch. I was unable to learn necromancy spells, i guess, by TnB, becuase FnP & M&G doesn't prevent to do it. But this currently is out of my personal scope, so i'm will not press on this. Also i'm can't remember which version it was. I feel TnB more likely to good, but just now is quite not ready.
The issue with self targetting spells is the same I described here.
Quite unnerving that it occures with the same kit for Lamiar (not that i tested with other ones really).
Now, woodscout's "regenerate moderate wounds" 1 level spell (e.g. from vigor focus) when you cast it on someone, effect will be applied to caster, not to the target which you choose. Same 2-nd level spell work normally.
Same for me, the bug occured only on "focus" versions of the spells, no the classic ones.
I seem to recall that i had issues with spells like burning hands too, which were casted on my character.
Since i deleted this install i'll try to do another setup tomorrow with mods i'm quite sure to use on my next run, and test thoses things.
If i can duplicate the bug once more i'll upload the spells here if it can help !
I was planning to actually wait for the next big update to have all the new spells goodness but i'll do it for science 'o' (will just avoid SCS, i guess it would not affect this kind of issue)
Issue as i'm understand going from method of cloning spells (which actually is not cloned, but just invoked via 146/148 opcodes). So, this should be solvable by full spell cloning (but I'm sure, there is also has some weirdness ).
That's the issue - op148 with instant casting will fail when attempting to cast a spell out of range, which is ~2-3 feet less than the range they will start casting it at if they are not already in range when they attempt to cast it. You can easily see this behavior by changing the casting mode of op148 from normal to instant on a scroll of Cone of Cold, and attempting to cast it at full range.
You cannot fully clone a spell - the resref will not match, which can cause all sorts of issues with how other spells interact with it. It may not be much of an issue for Burning Hands, but it can quickly add up for other spells. Casting the original spell through op146/148 is the next best thing.
My guess would be that "Spell Tweaks: Revised Invisibility: 0.8.30" is turning the spells into small-AoE point-targeted spells to bypass Invisibility on allies.
I'm understand, this generally not a new to me. However It only discover's how complex this task with given tools / mods / spell system / etc., but use op146/148 is not only one right choice, otherwise we should lock with classic spells and never touch them all.
Well, i'm played with "Burning Hands" a bit, and... sadly, op148 normally work only in normal casting mode. I'm just recreated D5MW103 spell from scratch, which invoke op148 by using normal casting mode, but now get understanding what speed casting penalty will be applied twice. Oh.
But, i'm also define original projectile on this spell, and option "Show AOE Area" begin work... but need to be careful (!) in that case animation may performed, but op148 may silently fail (in instant mode).
Would it be crazy to keep the same range for the 146/148 spells, and increase the range of the original spells by 3?
Looks like this may work, but, in that case original spells will work differently... Bit of experiments: Wizard with burning hands by default burn targeted creature (if i click into creature) from zero distance. But with range of 5 - it will attack from 1-2 steps distance. At same time wrapped spell - will behave more closer to original unmodified spell. Chicken and egg and inconsistency. Wrap original spells for everyone too? Looks too complex.
Probably it is easier detect this spells (manually), and may be clone them directly, especially when they are simple like "burning hands", wizardic, and i believe doesn't has complex mechanics in spell system. Rest may be MAY be altered via patching ranges. (Say, having different ranges at wizard/priest is may be kind of class advantage ). But from UX perspective it is still better to have uniform behavior in equal spells. If you completely clone spell - then it is opens possibility to alter them in bigger way(s), effectively introduce lesser/greater versions.
@subtledoctor, again, i'm never say what regenerate moderate wounds are bound to same issue as burning hands. There is two separately running issues. I doesn't say this directly, but it was implication from two separate tests. Sorry for uncleanness. However all what i may see as user is wrong targeting.
Now I entertained a new hypothesis: the TnB Invisibility Tweaks adds a global effect to every spell, with a 321 targeting the caster - to cancel a special low-level invisibility spell I made. I wrote the FnP 146 code to skip global effects and only evaluate effects inside headers, but maybe I screwed that up? So I just now installed TnB Invisibility Tweaks and FnP 0.75.26 onto IWDEE 2.5.17 and looked at the focus version of Cure Moderate Wounds... and nope, everything works perfectly well, the focus version is targeting 'preset target.' So I was right, it's nothing to do with TnB.
What it is! You check it incorrectly. TnB Invisibility Tweaks adds global self-targeting effect, and then FnP clone it, it is no sense to modify how spell invoked via 146, if your spell already cloned incorrectly. FnP determine effect target from first spell effect which is now points to global effect, instead of effect in spell ability, looks like issue in this code (read comment):
COPY_EXISTING ~%the_spell%.spl~ ~override/%focus_res%.spl~
WRITE_LONG 0x34 %flvl%
READ_LONG 0x64 abil_offset
READ_SHORT 0x68 abil_number
READ_BYTE (%abil_offset% + 0x0c) abil_target
READ_SHORT (%abil_offset% + 0x0e) abil_range
READ_LONG 0x6a eff_offset
WHILE (%abil_number% > 0) BEGIN
SET abil_number = (%abil_number% - 1)
WRITE_SHORT (%abil_offset% + 0x26 + (0x28 * %abil_number%)) 1
// !!! read effect target, which now is part of global effect, instead of spell ability effect
READ_BYTE (%eff_offset% + 0x02) eff_target
LPF DELETE_EFFECT INT_VAR match_probability2 = 0 END
PATCH_IF (%abil_target% = 4) BEGIN
LPF ADD_SPELL_EFFECT INT_VAR opcode = 148 target = 1 power = %lvl% parameter1 = 0 parameter2 = 1 timing = 1 STR_VAR resource = EVAL ~%the_spell%~ END
PATCH_IF (%abil_range% < 35) BEGIN
PATCH_IF (%abil_range% > 4) BEGIN
LPF ALTER_SPELL_HEADER INT_VAR range = (%abil_range% - 3) END
PATCH_IF (%abil_range% < 5) BEGIN
LPF ALTER_SPELL_HEADER INT_VAR target = 5 END // what the hell?? why did I do this??
// LPF ALTER_SPELL_HEADER INT_VAR range = 2 END // maybe this is what I meant to do
LPF ADD_SPELL_EFFECT INT_VAR opcode = 146 target = %eff_target% power = %lvl% parameter1 = 0 parameter2 = 1 timing = 2 STR_VAR resource = EVAL ~%the_spell%~ END
COPY_EXISTING ~%fsphere%.spl~ ~override~
LPF CLONE_EFFECT INT_VAR match_opcode=171 STR_VAR match_resource=~SPWI101~ resource = EVAL ~%focus_res%~ END
This literally makes what when TnB Invisibility istalled, D5FP217 cast 146 targeted to self, while without TnB installed it is pick preset-target from original spell ability.
@subtledoctor i have no idea why you can't reproduce. I guess you should pick exact game (BG1EE 2.5), and exact mod versions included in tests, and be sure what are you use clean github versions which we are only has chance to use. No have other ideas.
I grabbed Jaheira and consoled some xp at her to test your changes that way instead and noticed that druid armour restrictions have been tightened and that when she levels up, her proficiency options are limited to dagger/club/spear/staff/bows/dart/sling but that she can equip scimitars and retains her proficiency point in them even though it doesn't increase, so I'm wondering which of the two is intended behaviour in this case. I can't really check intended behaviour against the excel on the front page, because the weapon proficiency part of it seems to be a little out of date.
On a whim I also added Item Revisions-style Ankheg Plate to her inventory and she can't equip that either even though that mod flags it as usable by druids, so that's a compatibility issue (that isn't this mod's problem!), and one I can't figure out how to fix given the item is definitely flagged as druid-okay in near infinity. You've obviously done some clever things in 2das I don't understand to get all this to work XD I'm willing to live without the heavy armour, but I must admit if the scimitar loss is deliberate I may have to go looking for good clubs. At least that gives me something new to try!
If you need logs or anything else off me, let me know, and I'm sorry for taking up so much of your time, but I figure you'd rather be aware of these things than not.
PS: Does it exist somewhere explanation of sphere system? Say what is focus access, major access and minor access? It is clear what focus access makes spells accessible at least one level earlier, minor is configurable, and major looks like baseline. But, then what else in depth? In create_spere_system you patch target/range, i read in previous post(s) about what you try to resolve some targeting issues, but there is unclear why this doesnt done just as
separate tweak/fix. Or focus/minor access not only move spells at different level, but also alter spell "power" somehow? E.g. what is intended behavior? (Because all near-modern versions i try has same buggy code, which makes wrong spell target for wounds regeneration in depending of other mods installed (TnB specifically, but still looks like issue originally in FnP).) Cold Fingers (or how this spell called), also get wrong target - lucky priest hit itself with it.
In past F&P was fine for me too, but it was at least year ago.
I'm will make issue once get more info about reproduction and spell samples. Yesterday i'm tried setup over BG2EE, but as i'm mentioned before, i'm even can't start game, because spell selection screen has no spells at level 2, so can't create FnP character, but i can switch to BG1EE.
On another side, all latest FnP code including your fork has already discovered targeting issue, but somewhy no-one fix it, and all what i'm hear that it is work fine.
You already described some here , but generally change spell to be self-targeted from non-self-targeted is catastrophic choice. Think about spells like Burning Hands and their equivalents, healing touch spells, etc.
In this setup there is no issues with targeting of healing spells... but! Create "Woodscout of Mielikki", levelup, and cast "Burning Hands". Now this spell doesn't targeted at all, it is deal damage to self and to some cone (which looks like always directed to the east).
ADD: Worth to note, what in this way lot of spell duplicates appears, and this looks like unintended. Some one also fight against this issue...
@Lamiar if the spell was given a range of 2, it would fail if you attempted to cast it anywhere beyond 2 feet of the casters current position. The caster will not move into position close enough before attempting to cast it.
Now, woodscout's "regenerate moderate wounds" 1 level spell (e.g. from vigor focus) when you cast it on someone, effect will be applied to caster, not to the target which you choose. Same 2-nd level spell work normally.
In reality issue caused by component: "~TOMEANDBLOOD/TOMEANDBLOOD.TP2~ #0 #12 // Spell Tweaks: Revised Invisibility: 0.8.30". It alter lot of things, and i guess FnP just not a smart enough when apply own patches (but actually, i'm doesn't look what's wrong exactly).
Do you need "wrong sample" spells, or my instructions is enough?
PS/OFF: I'm still at a stage where TnB rules are too break-world for me, so it is not a world's end for me, because i'm doesn't use it (disabling necromancy even for generalists? eh? get out from my generalists!
I quite disagree... Wizard cast "Burning Hands" without any issues: it walk to target and cast it at given range.
Issue as i'm understand going from method of cloning spells (which actually is not cloned, but just invoked via 146/148 opcodes). So, this should be solvable by full spell cloning (but I'm sure, there is also has some weirdness
You cannot fully clone a spell - the resref will not match, which can cause all sorts of issues with how other spells interact with it. It may not be much of an issue for Burning Hands, but it can quickly add up for other spells. Casting the original spell through op146/148 is the next best thing.
My guess would be that "Spell Tweaks: Revised Invisibility: 0.8.30" is turning the spells into small-AoE point-targeted spells to bypass Invisibility on allies.
FnP creates D5PW103, whom basically looks like full clone of wizard spell with small changes (spell type i think, but may need to be revalidated). And D5MW103. D5MW103 uses 146/148, and Woodscout cast exactly D5MW103. What is really work for me: is copy plain wizard spell, and change it's type. Any way, i'm can propose good test: if you enable in game "Show AOE Circles" - and they are not shown - then it is 146/148 "cloned" spell, which would not work as user may count. "Showing AOE circles" is feature... user may to expect what is actually work. So 146/148 doesn't seem very good choice in this sense. You (or anyone) may argue about loosing immersivity with aoe circle, but this will be very bad and sad arguing. 146/148 just not work for user in friendly way (at least in current spell cloning implementation). Period.
Highly doubt? I already test it for you before post, just before post. Simple enough reproduction with absolute minimum mods. Look. Nothing against you, you help a lot, but this is feels horrible. I'm will stop discuss here about, because it is not constructive, i'm has enough experience to understand that you will not be able fix this error by looking on spell file, and need reproduce this personally. Without this rest has no sense. Anyway, file attached (146 opcode, targeted to self)... but this doesn't add nothing new.
Again, then it is some undiscovered glitch. I was unable to learn necromancy spells, i guess, by TnB, becuase FnP & M&G doesn't prevent to do it. But this currently is out of my personal scope, so i'm will not press on this. Also i'm can't remember which version it was. I feel TnB more likely to good, but just now is quite not ready.
The issue with self targetting spells is the same I described here.
Quite unnerving that it occures with the same kit for Lamiar (not that i tested with other ones really).
Same for me, the bug occured only on "focus" versions of the spells, no the classic ones.
I seem to recall that i had issues with spells like burning hands too, which were casted on my character.
Since i deleted this install i'll try to do another setup tomorrow with mods i'm quite sure to use on my next run, and test thoses things.
If i can duplicate the bug once more i'll upload the spells here if it can help !
I was planning to actually wait for the next big update to have all the new spells goodness but i'll do it for science 'o' (will just avoid SCS, i guess it would not affect this kind of issue)
I'm understand, this generally not a new to me. However It only discover's how complex this task with given tools / mods / spell system / etc., but use op146/148 is not only one right choice, otherwise we should lock with classic spells and never touch them all.
But, i'm also define original projectile on this spell, and option "Show AOE Area" begin work... but need to be careful (!) in that case animation may performed, but op148 may silently fail (in instant mode).
Looks like this may work, but, in that case original spells will work differently... Bit of experiments: Wizard with burning hands by default burn targeted creature (if i click into creature) from zero distance. But with range of 5 - it will attack from 1-2 steps distance. At same time wrapped spell - will behave more closer to original unmodified spell. Chicken and egg and inconsistency. Wrap original spells for everyone too? Looks too complex.
Probably it is easier detect this spells (manually), and may be clone them directly, especially when they are simple like "burning hands", wizardic, and i believe doesn't has complex mechanics in spell system. Rest may be MAY be altered via patching ranges. (Say, having different ranges at wizard/priest is may be kind of class advantage
No opinion. No see good choice.
What it is! You check it incorrectly. TnB Invisibility Tweaks adds global self-targeting effect, and then FnP clone it, it is no sense to modify how spell invoked via 146, if your spell already cloned incorrectly. FnP determine effect target from first spell effect which is now points to global effect, instead of effect in spell ability, looks like issue in this code (read comment):
This literally makes what when TnB Invisibility istalled, D5FP217 cast 146 targeted to self, while without TnB installed it is pick preset-target from original spell ability.