The general idea is that clerics are supposed to be good to have around when facing undead. The game gives you the TU ability, which I think is annoying.
- You can't do anything fun or interesting while turning
- The effect can be annoying in making them scatter, forcing you to chase them down
- The effect can be annoying in making them explode, making you miss a potentially fun and challenging combat encounter.
Most undead are easy enough to fight without a cleric; I usually don't even remember to use TU, instead bashing and spell'ing my way through undead enemies just like any other enemies. If I'm not using TU, then facing undead enemies with a cleric in my party is no different from facing them without one. That's crappy.
These issues can be addressed.
1) We can make clerics "good to have around when facing undead" without resorting to the TU modal action.
Perhaps clerics can passively radiate an aura that weakens undead, thus helping the party mop them.
Or maybe a permanent passive ability is too different; we can make a toned-down modal ability that, say, weakens undead instead of panicking/destroying them, and weakens/slows down/etc. the cleric instead of preventing all actions.
We could get creative in defining how to "weaken" undead, and could make the effect and/or its magnitude differ by kit. We could even let clerics learn multiple different TU effects, like IWD bards learn multiple bard songs.
2) We can make undead more dangerous and scary when you don't have a cleric around. More or less by slightly buffing all undead enemies. Skeletons and zombies should be more intimidating than chihuahuas with short bows - they are the dead risen! Maybe they should have grappling attacks, or a chance to cause panic, or an aura that saps Strength. Something to represent their unnatural and dread-inducing nature. (Think back to how Ravenloft tried to bring horror into the gane mechanics.)
And then of course a cleric could negate this kind of buff, adding more value to the cleric-vs.-undead equation.
1) We will have almost unlimited options for changing how 'turn undead' works once eeex is out in the wild (ie is usable in mac at least). Just about Everything is on the table, so we can really have fun with it. I completely agree that the fear like effect is lame.
But, absolutely @ThacoBell , destroying low level undead automatically for high level priests will not be a problem. Personally, I really enjoy chunking them in mass. We can have as many variants as we like (maybe a version or 6 that chunks and others that don't).
We will even be able to implement limitations on turning. Turning (or extended turning) might fatigue the priest for a limited time or it could even cause them damage. We could disable turning for a period after pressing the button to simulate limiting it by day (or tie it to a special ability that limits it in the normal way).
Even now we can do this...Thinking about it, we can even make the priest turn over a period of time while idle, but this involves scripting--I'm already doing something with sneak for a couple of spells I'll be releasing with the next version of fnp (etc.)
Specific ideas:
Deity specific turning:
- Akadi: control air elementals (and 'turn' others, whatever that might turn out to mean). Also, as they level up they can do 'air' relayed related things to allies and enemies. Similar for all elemental gods. Kossuth, for example, might protect the priest via fire shield while turning.
- Bane: protect allies from fear and/or cause fear in ones (non undead) enemies. Or turning can induce a curse like effect for nearby enemies (i.e. the reverse of the bless spell) or a doom like effect. Cloak of fear effect on the priest is also appropriate.
- Lathander: direct damage to nearby undead. Slow and even paralysis as undead freeze in a kind of fear from the gaze of the morninglord. Also, slow seems like a worthy 'standard' turn effect.
- Shar: turning could act as a hide in shadows (we could add a his/ms progression. At higher levels maybe even nearby allies could be hidden. Thiefs could get a bonus to his, etc. This could also be appropriate for mask.
- Talos: lightning shield, call lightening effects. That sort of thing.
2) I love this but I'm wondering if it should happenin a different mod. I've played on and off with the idea of doing a "creature revisions" mod but it seemed a bit insane to add another huge project...
but then again, what is sanity, really?
Heh, well, you know I'm not very enthused about EEex, since I think playing on an iPad is the ultimate way to play IE games (and this style of isometric game in general). So I'm planning to code an alternate version of whatever we land on, which would simply disable the TU button and operate an alternate modal ability from the innate or item abilities button. (I'm already doing this now, allowing fighter/thieves and mage/thieves to use a modal bard song ability, so it would be quite easy to implement for TU.)
Oh cool. I'll have to check that out.
I was also thinking about alternative ways to accomplish what we want without Eeex (I actually do think that no part of this mod should require another mod, even Eeex.) It's pretty easy to do with invisible monster trickery, but I'm curious what you have going on.
My first, most basic idea is to replace the Panic effect into an Enfeeble and/or Slow effect. Undead should be pale, weak versions of themselves when exposed to the shining force of a priest's faith.
Then there could be enhanced versions:
- Panic
- Hold
- ongoing damage
- Domination
- outright death
The complication of making a modal ability that is not undead-centric is a bit tricky. It would be appropriate for some deities, but we'd have to draw a line at some point, which may not be very satisfactory. Also it kind of steps on the toes of bard songs, so we'd have to be careful.
Alternate 1: I like slow, hold and splat for good, maybe panic and dominate for evil.
Alternate 2: constant damage- maybe d4 per round, save negate at first and then increase by level(?)
Alternate 3.0: limited uses per day. Damages undead and heals party for a bit (i.e. fluffed as a 'burst of positive energy).
Alternate 3.1: As 3.0, but but evil clerics damage enemy non undead and heal allied undead.
Alternate 3.2/3.3: As 3.0 or 3.1 but allow characters to select alternate 'channeling feats' the player can select as the character levels up
I love this [buffing undead] but I'm wondering if it should happenin a different mod. I've played on and off with the idea of doing a "creature revisions" mod but it seemed a bit insane to add another huge project...
Well, it could be a (very) optional component. And wouldn't do that much. Just give undead (predominantly low-level undead some passive and/or aura-like and/or on-hit abilities that would interfere with your ability to fight them. Maybe a minor fear aura, maybe increased use of the (currently under-used IMHO) Disease effect, maybe some kind of aura that messes with your movement, so you can't control the battlefield as well as you can with normal mobs.
I see. That's reasonable. Maybe we could include minor script buffs
I think 3.0 would work better as actual spells - maybe do a 'burst of positive energy' thing as a replacement for Repulse Undead/Undead Ward (which are pretty useless in their vanilla incarnations)
And I think the constant damage would be something on top of the normal TU effect, for priests of Lathander etc.
Hmm, maybe certain spells can even 'buff' turning if various ways (e.g. they open a more direct channel to their deity/certain planes of existence)
Given that BWS is dead, I think we can freely mess around with our component structure. You know, finally switch over to
- Install cleric kits?
- Install druid kits?
- Install paladin kits?
- Install ranger kits?
- etc.
Yeah, that's an excellent idea. We can add subsystems (Including spheres) as we go along, as well.
Given that BWS is dead, I think we can freely mess around with our component structure. You know, finally switch over to
- Install cleric kits?
- Install druid kits?
- Install paladin kits?
- Install ranger kits?
- etc.
Yeah, that's an excellent idea. We can add subsystems (Including spheres) as we go along, as well.
Good idea, also due to constant mod updates, may I ask to fill mod metadata for Project Infinity so players can update all of you mods without re downloading entire package again?
Given that BWS is dead, I think we can freely mess around with our component structure. You know, finally switch over to
- Install cleric kits?
- Install druid kits?
- Install paladin kits?
- Install ranger kits?
- etc.
Yeah, that's an excellent idea. We can add subsystems (Including spheres) as we go along, as well.
Good idea, also due to constant mod updates, may I ask to fill mod metadata for Project Infinity so players can update all of you mods without re downloading entire package again?
I will do this for all my mods this weekend. It's time for me to integrate my spell fixes with sd's current build anyway
What would be the chances of getting a champion kit that is equivalent to the cavalier? It was always my favorite paladin kit, and for me, getting bonuses against demons and devils is quintessentail paladinness.
@subtledoctor The version you gave me earlier is doing this for every class that has spell memorization on creation.
Could spell revision be doing this? It worked fine in the other build though so i'm not sure.
I'm getting the same issue using a clean bg2ee 2.5 install with Iwdification divine spells and fnp 0.77sd8, and nothing else installed.
I do not know how open this project is to suggestion.
I do not know if I have the time to argue points.
I do not know if my effort here even matters in the end.
I do not know how many future people will play Baldur's Gate.
I do not know if Baldur's Gate should be added on to or if I should solely continue making my own R.P.G.
I do not know if there is a healthy enough community of content creators for Baldur's Gate.
I do know that herein to complete this project properly there is a lot of work to be done.
I do know that I have studied a great amount of source material for Advanced Dungeons and Dragons.
I do know the source book Faiths & Avatars and I studied every class specialization, every deity and I know that there are missing and off tuned areas of this ambitious project.
For example: Windwalkers should use chain mail according to TSR.
Spell duplications, installed on a fresh download of Baldur's Gate Siege of Dragonspear.
I do not know if there has been found a way to break the glass ceiling of the limit of classes and specializations per class. Is there a way to expand this small pool of class choice? God's Speed Friends.
@subtledoctor The version you gave me earlier is doing this for every class that has spell memorization on creation.
Could spell revision be doing this? It worked fine in the other build though so i'm not sure.
I'm getting the same issue using a clean bg2ee 2.5 install with Iwdification divine spells and fnp 0.77sd8, and nothing else installed.
Were you by chance using an alternate sphere system, like the "2E spheres" option?
Umm... no. The install has just two options: 1. everything and 2. only spheres, no kits. I am installing the first one: "everything".
@subtledoctor The version you gave me earlier is doing this for every class that has spell memorization on creation.
Could spell revision be doing this? It worked fine in the other build though so i'm not sure.
I'm getting the same issue using a clean bg2ee 2.5 install with Iwdification divine spells and fnp 0.77sd8, and nothing else installed.
This also fixes a major problem that crept in a reversion 9 updates ago, that was messing up the 2E spheres system.
Great, thanks.
What's the current recommendation for using IWDification, Divine Remix and FnP together? I'm thinking:
1. IWDification: everything
2. DR: new spells (do not overwrite existing) and ranger kits. Skip cleric remix, druid remix and spheres.
3. FnP: everything
@subtledoctor Windwalkers are priests of Shaundakul, the Cleric/Ranger of Shaundakul is in your module.
A priest of Shaundakul is a Windwalker and they can use chain mail. If you are open to suggestion and if any of my suggestions are given merit I can go through the rest of Faiths & Avatars and try to given suggestions that are easy, moderate and hard to implement (instead of being an 'idea guy' with bloat).
If there is a way to expand the amount of class options in the hard cap this will bring a Renascence to modding and will not force people to fight over precious class specialization slots per mod. It would foster innovation, breath life into creating new kits and classes and be more community and future friendly. Basically in a nutshell breaking the glass ceiling class limit class will encourage people to create as many kits and classes and the best ones of the same theme could be merged and improved for more polish and community cooperation and fun.
(Bla bla bla bla personal stuff)
I would greatly enjoy being a part of this project if it's a healthy environment to work and if things are disagreed compromise could be found. That being said I agree with this project and I tried in the past to expand the class option but I was discouraged with my lack of time, hard cap to class limits and lack of stable community members to work with. More people = more fun, more fun = more productivity, more productivity = more fulfillment of goals, more fulfillment of goals = more general success, more general success = more people.
I instead I have retreated away from the volatile uncertain community projects that I was so heart set on in the past looking for a team like Dark Side of the Sword coast but to no avail. I focused elsewhere upon my own projects for my own games instead of many false starts to roads to nowhere; yet I learned how to build a road - even if most of them went no where.
The question now it is make my work stick and to have a project that will not die. These are my biggest issues for I like to contribute a great deal. My biggest issue is lack of scripting talent. I can smash my way through a bunch of scripting windows but it is not my strength. Design, story lore, items, setting are my strengths.
I have many frozen class and kit (and more adventure / setting content) related projects but I know my achielle's heel: lack of creative community. I lack a group of like minded people driven people to work and succeed with. Baldur's Gate community has always seemed like a fickle one, I have yet to find a solid group of people to work with and restore moral after many hard hours and grinding high quality content. I have actively sought out people to work with yet with mixed results. My tank game is a success but not my RPG related projects.
My personal near decade of experience with the Baldur's Gate creation with the community has been short bursts of help but any long ranging and large in scope project has been: Crash and Burn, Crash and Burn, Crash and Burn, Crash and Burn, Crash and Burn, Crash and Burn! Then if I wanted success I had to pick up the pieces and it turns into a Frankenstein of a success (juxtaposed to the original vision) xD. Sheer Force of Will in areas where I am bad at (WeiDU) have slammed my square pegs of my skill-set through round holes of content launch success thresholds.
Anyway would you guys like some fresh blood to tinker with this project? I agree with the scope and ethos here just I want to help iterate and iterate and iterate to better version that I know this module can become; the project that is in your mind's eye at the end of a long development and polish cycle. What the class system should have been all along (instead of the original compromise in the Bioware and Beamdog game iteration) to maximize Baldur's Gate character class enjoyment and fun. That is if that the social environment will allow.
@subtledoctor I have a few classes (that could be kits) in mind to implement although there would need to be a very good motivation to do so for the amount of work would be a great deal to finish well.
Monetization, Bioware, Beamdog. Start up funds and successful companies who employ many talented people to compile many work hours from many people into an enjoyable product.
Wall of Text how to solve all the issues, cure all diseases, end world hunger etc.:
This lack of unity and motivation I think stems from the lack of monetization options for the community. Baldur's Gate may be the wrong game with the right ideas. So much work to achieve modules to share. Look at what Youtube (used to be) and what Twitch is now, a monetization platform for creators to pursue their industry.
Money builds civilization and money brings all walks of life together; for good, for evil and for the ugly. All of these projects and roads to nowhere (for myself). If there was a proper core of people to start anew, make a new game like Baldur's Gate but financed as a proper game to build; as Baldur's Gate was by Bioware and Black Isle.
Perhaps this path of paying people for assets and and services to make my own game content would yield better results (than what I have experience working alone and not paying people to work on a I game that I enjoy yet hold no position to benefit from its success *directly*). I would rather say I am a game developer for my own games than 'I make mods for other people's games'. It bothers myself that I am not living up to my potential in who I should be when I am not pursing my own games directly.
Small community modules that could be monetized for the community creators and drive new community made content. It would make a home for creative people all around the world as a by product. It seems that being in the wilderness online working off a larger albeit aging entity is ultimately limited in scale and feasibility and not practically human compatible in design / approach.
What I want to achieve for a game like Baldur's Gate would need many people; many talents. I have hired carpenters, electricians, mechanics, machine operators, many skilled labour people in my own life. I have bought many industrial materials to create real world projects from idea to reality yet the digital world is not currently going so smooth in contrast for myself and my aspirations.
I think my online difficulties boil down to a difficulty financing people online. I have the money for small projects but I have yet to establish a company and I need to sort out some banking and tax quirks I would imagine with pay pal. If I can wire people money I think my frustrations in not finding enough people to work with would not be so much. Then the issue would shift rather to a better problem of trying to find efficient productivity with a team.
In real life I can pay people directly with cash and work directly person to person with them. I cannot do this effectively *yet* online. I do not have any friends in real life to work with in my industry either so I have to bug people online and face the churn and like one out of like 100 people I meet here I can work with and even then it is just unreliable and very unproductive over time. Too much frustration x.x.
Imagine if I could commission you / your friends a thousand dollars (or what ever) to bang out an improved version of this for a game just like Baldur's Gate but being able to talk to the engine developers about making more room / ergonomics to add more options for class specializations. It would be so much easier and more fun and rewarding to have this kind of life style; for myself and everyone who creates. I would just need to be transparent and avoid corruption and bad business practice to keep on the right track.
Perhaps I am pursuing good goals with bad methods currently. No one works for free and working alone on what is realistically a group made industry seems to be cuckville to achieve big goals. Very hard, no fun, no reward and no praise, plus you cannot rock the house down with getting a bunch of talented people together in the space real life area and just go nuts on an idea with proper synergy.
With that being said. I like your project, it seems interesting and I can off minor help over time. Although realistically I should finish my modules though. It would bug myself if I did not after being so close to finishing most of them. Eh over ambitious and not enough time; business as usual.
Bla bla bla bla personal stuff
Although I hope to kick my small scale of operation right in the ass with a proper video game company in the future. Yet I am not rich and I gotta build a house for my poverty family this year (instead of abandoning them to suffer in self-destruction). Then I have to finish my personal house on my property for myself (hire an engineer to complete the foundation, build my house - I have the materials already just not the time).
Then once I have hopefully stabilized my family with a real life business they can manage (not just myself being the bread winner at 23 and everyone being older than myself x.x) and killed poverty in my family for this generation and the next few and after I am dead (seriously fuck poverty) I can really go crazy with this kind of video game business. Even then if everything goes tits up (I died for example) my is family has access to an excavator and dump truck and trailer (recently acquired this year, paid in cash) and can run a landscaping business to keep them middle class (if they keep off the drugs / don't self destruct / don't be dumb). I gotta say my generation is kind of fucked right now for my family but life is a bitch for if it was easy it would be a slut.
There are many things on my mind right now; I have many irons in the fire. I work a few jobs and I am mostly doing renovation / construction / demolition / handyman / landscaping with some mechanical repair / grave digging / elderly care / random odd jobs mostly for older people thrown in as extra work. I learned to be a non-professional electrician to wire my family's house while I am spearheading a renovation for my family's old house (because no one was smart enough). I really wonder what I could do if I wasn't carrying my family on my shoulders and I could focus on my career entirely. I also create music (I play electric guitar 6.5/10 learning to sing better right now x.x) and I make games online for fun but I want creating video games worth playing to be my career.
Okay why are the resurrection spells worse than table top? I thought this was to be more in line with video game rpg balance (which is a lot more liberal with resurrection abilities not more conservative than table top).
I love the extra content and the sphere system but breaking the resurrection spells is a step towards low fantasy and novelization; not high flung video game rpgs where the player faces thousands of encounters with many people who could die at any step.
Raise Dead and Recall Spirit should be 5th level, base Baldur's Gate works better for more play styles and skill ranges. Especially in Durlag's tower and Ice dungeon and werewolf island where resurrection is hard and laborious if not for an in party healer. Has anyone considered the first games in the Baldur's Gate saga and how the spells are balanced around the encounters?
People should be given more play options not less with this module; how is taking away resurrection from players when in the base Baldur's Gate and Siege of Dragonspear a smart idea? I want to remove this module just based on that but I run with a higher custom tweaked experience cap but being considerate I know that I shouldn't assume people run with that enthusiast set up. How is nerfing resurrection for the first two games in the Baldur's Gate series a good idea for optional content when a cleric, druid and shaman cannot cast anything higher than 5th level spells in the first two games?
5th edition table top added Revivify to let players enjoy taking more risks and be able to recover and have fun; a page taken out of modern rpgs. Much to the popularity of World of Warcraft where healers can res the party at the first dungeon runs in the game. I agree with liberal resurrection in synergy team based adventure video games. You wipe, you res, you try again. Not, you wipe game over, qq million mile walk back from grave yard / reload. For example I have played over a year of Classic Naxxramas; it is hard, it takes 4-5 hours to clear with 40 people and it is challenging (a lot more than Baldur's Gate solo runs) and you die a lot, everyone dies a lot but the healers can res fast and have wipe protection and the train keeps going. The key note here is that the challenge is in the encounters gamplay mechanics and not the death mechanics. Also why force people to reload the game over and over in the first 2 games? It seems like a big nerd strategy to never let your party die and force players to constantly save around every corner. This is not onboarding; it is off boarding people for this module:
Also speaking of Revivify and being more balanced around video game realities, why not add Revivify to minor access Life sphere at level 3 but actually require a diamond to cast? Revivify with a diamond component would be balanced for it is not a free raise dead spell at the 3rd level Life sphere but instead a cast anywhere temple raise dead. If there are spell mechanic limitations make it a dialog option spell where if you cast it summons a dialog window (a hidden npc) and if the caster has no diamond, no res player option and you wasted the spell xD. Check out the spell it is made in the wake of modern video game rpg play styles (lots of party death, low level resurrection being a normal thing; added for the sake of bettering gameplay) I am all for making the game more refined and a better over all experience even if some elements are not from 2nd edition (like a lot of newer stuff actually when Siege of Dragonspear was made, 3.5, 4th and 5th edition elements can be seen inspiring different bits of the canon content.
Hmm, if only we could make a cool game like Baldur's Gate from the ground up. I actually think resurrection and such spells should be toned back to be very very powerful spells but then everything else would need to be balanced from the ground up. I am split my friend for I know that Baldur's Gate is a high fantasy game with high level spells and resurrection should be more liberal, legacy balance infrastructure. Although if I were to start from scratch I would put raise dead at level 6 (even level 7). Although I have a few different ways to resurrect people and approach to take on game design and world experience structure.
@subtledoctor / (people who worked on this project) Do you want to help work a new RPG with myself? I have 8 major spheres and arcane (a magic system like spheres but a bit different, same idea though).
Here is a planet I designed for my RPG setting a while back (Scale: 2.44 times the size of Earth):
Here is a piece of the super continent of Aelleria:
Here is the most of the Political map of Aelleria:
Also here is a political map are the Human Realms:
I'm still creating magic and divine power / spell details and I think more ideas would help. Spells like Fireball would be near the highest magic power spells a single powerful magic wielder could cast. I feel that dungeons and dragons magic gets too powerful after the 7th, 8th and 9th spells while melee and divine casts are kind of left in the dust (can't solo 6 dragons at once like a good wizard can).
I want to extend Baldur's Gate to 750,000 and 1,610,000 experience after a lot more interesting optional content is added like dragons and liches for the Sword Coast. I like the wild style of Original Baldur's Gate with the depth and character arcs of Baldur's Gate II. I am too poor to make a new game like Baldur's Gate but a new saga so I keep tinkering on Baldur's Gate content. To capture the best of both worlds.
Although I need to find more like-minded creative friends to build fantasy worlds with. People like already made games but they got to start somewhere.
Are parsing erroes that appear near the start of installation of FnP 0.77sd10 harmless? At first I though it was me, but I get them on clean installs as well.
1) We will have almost unlimited options for changing how 'turn undead' works once eeex is out in the wild (ie is usable in mac at least). Just about Everything is on the table, so we can really have fun with it. I completely agree that the fear like effect is lame.
But, absolutely @ThacoBell , destroying low level undead automatically for high level priests will not be a problem. Personally, I really enjoy chunking them in mass. We can have as many variants as we like (maybe a version or 6 that chunks and others that don't).
We will even be able to implement limitations on turning. Turning (or extended turning) might fatigue the priest for a limited time or it could even cause them damage. We could disable turning for a period after pressing the button to simulate limiting it by day (or tie it to a special ability that limits it in the normal way).
Even now we can do this...Thinking about it, we can even make the priest turn over a period of time while idle, but this involves scripting--I'm already doing something with sneak for a couple of spells I'll be releasing with the next version of fnp (etc.)
Specific ideas:
Deity specific turning:
- Akadi: control air elementals (and 'turn' others, whatever that might turn out to mean). Also, as they level up they can do 'air' relayed related things to allies and enemies. Similar for all elemental gods. Kossuth, for example, might protect the priest via fire shield while turning.
- Bane: protect allies from fear and/or cause fear in ones (non undead) enemies. Or turning can induce a curse like effect for nearby enemies (i.e. the reverse of the bless spell) or a doom like effect. Cloak of fear effect on the priest is also appropriate.
- Lathander: direct damage to nearby undead. Slow and even paralysis as undead freeze in a kind of fear from the gaze of the morninglord. Also, slow seems like a worthy 'standard' turn effect.
- Shar: turning could act as a hide in shadows (we could add a his/ms progression. At higher levels maybe even nearby allies could be hidden. Thiefs could get a bonus to his, etc. This could also be appropriate for mask.
- Talos: lightning shield, call lightening effects. That sort of thing.
2) I love this but I'm wondering if it should happenin a different mod. I've played on and off with the idea of doing a "creature revisions" mod but it seemed a bit insane to add another huge project...
but then again, what is sanity, really?
Oh cool. I'll have to check that out.
I was also thinking about alternative ways to accomplish what we want without Eeex (I actually do think that no part of this mod should require another mod, even Eeex.) It's pretty easy to do with invisible monster trickery, but I'm curious what you have going on.
Alternate 1: I like slow, hold and splat for good, maybe panic and dominate for evil.
Alternate 2: constant damage- maybe d4 per round, save negate at first and then increase by level(?)
Alternate 3.0: limited uses per day. Damages undead and heals party for a bit (i.e. fluffed as a 'burst of positive energy).
Alternate 3.1: As 3.0, but but evil clerics damage enemy non undead and heal allied undead.
Alternate 3.2/3.3: As 3.0 or 3.1 but allow characters to select alternate 'channeling feats' the player can select as the character levels up
Alternate 4.x: some combination of the above
I see. That's reasonable. Maybe we could include minor script buffs
Hmm, maybe certain spells can even 'buff' turning if various ways (e.g. they open a more direct channel to their deity/certain planes of existence)
I'm quite partial to the slow version as a default for simple reasons: it is effective and you can clearly see it in game.
Yeah, that's an excellent idea. We can add subsystems (Including spheres) as we go along, as well.
ERROR locating resource for 'APPEND'
Resource [CLABSHGS.2DA] not found in KEY file:
Stopping installation because of error.
i am unfamiliar with modding ie games so i am unsure of how to resolve it myself
debug log attached
Good idea, also due to constant mod updates, may I ask to fill mod metadata for Project Infinity so players can update all of you mods without re downloading entire package again?
I will do this for all my mods this weekend. It's time for me to integrate my spell fixes with sd's current build anyway
I'm getting the same issue using a clean bg2ee 2.5 install with Iwdification divine spells and fnp 0.77sd8, and nothing else installed.
I do not know how open this project is to suggestion.
I do not know if I have the time to argue points.
I do not know if my effort here even matters in the end.
I do not know how many future people will play Baldur's Gate.
I do not know if Baldur's Gate should be added on to or if I should solely continue making my own R.P.G.
I do not know if there is a healthy enough community of content creators for Baldur's Gate.
I do know that herein to complete this project properly there is a lot of work to be done.
I do know that I have studied a great amount of source material for Advanced Dungeons and Dragons.
I do know the source book Faiths & Avatars and I studied every class specialization, every deity and I know that there are missing and off tuned areas of this ambitious project.
For example: Windwalkers should use chain mail according to TSR.
Spell duplications, installed on a fresh download of Baldur's Gate Siege of Dragonspear.
I do not know if there has been found a way to break the glass ceiling of the limit of classes and specializations per class. Is there a way to expand this small pool of class choice? God's Speed Friends.
Umm... no. The install has just two options: 1. everything and 2. only spheres, no kits. I am installing the first one: "everything".
Great, thanks.
What's the current recommendation for using IWDification, Divine Remix and FnP together? I'm thinking:
1. IWDification: everything
2. DR: new spells (do not overwrite existing) and ranger kits. Skip cleric remix, druid remix and spheres.
3. FnP: everything
Will this work fine?
A priest of Shaundakul is a Windwalker and they can use chain mail. If you are open to suggestion and if any of my suggestions are given merit I can go through the rest of Faiths & Avatars and try to given suggestions that are easy, moderate and hard to implement (instead of being an 'idea guy' with bloat).
If there is a way to expand the amount of class options in the hard cap this will bring a Renascence to modding and will not force people to fight over precious class specialization slots per mod. It would foster innovation, breath life into creating new kits and classes and be more community and future friendly. Basically in a nutshell breaking the glass ceiling class limit class will encourage people to create as many kits and classes and the best ones of the same theme could be merged and improved for more polish and community cooperation and fun.
(Bla bla bla bla personal stuff)
I instead I have retreated away from the volatile uncertain community projects that I was so heart set on in the past looking for a team like Dark Side of the Sword coast but to no avail. I focused elsewhere upon my own projects for my own games instead of many false starts to roads to nowhere; yet I learned how to build a road - even if most of them went no where.
The question now it is make my work stick and to have a project that will not die. These are my biggest issues for I like to contribute a great deal. My biggest issue is lack of scripting talent. I can smash my way through a bunch of scripting windows but it is not my strength. Design, story lore, items, setting are my strengths.
I have many frozen class and kit (and more adventure / setting content) related projects but I know my achielle's heel: lack of creative community. I lack a group of like minded people driven people to work and succeed with. Baldur's Gate community has always seemed like a fickle one, I have yet to find a solid group of people to work with and restore moral after many hard hours and grinding high quality content. I have actively sought out people to work with yet with mixed results. My tank game is a success but not my RPG related projects.
My personal near decade of experience with the Baldur's Gate creation with the community has been short bursts of help but any long ranging and large in scope project has been: Crash and Burn, Crash and Burn, Crash and Burn, Crash and Burn, Crash and Burn, Crash and Burn! Then if I wanted success I had to pick up the pieces and it turns into a Frankenstein of a success (juxtaposed to the original vision) xD. Sheer Force of Will in areas where I am bad at (WeiDU) have slammed my square pegs of my skill-set through round holes of content launch success thresholds.
Anyway would you guys like some fresh blood to tinker with this project? I agree with the scope and ethos here just I want to help iterate and iterate and iterate to better version that I know this module can become; the project that is in your mind's eye at the end of a long development and polish cycle. What the class system should have been all along (instead of the original compromise in the Bioware and Beamdog game iteration) to maximize Baldur's Gate character class enjoyment and fun. That is if that the social environment will allow.
Monetization, Bioware, Beamdog. Start up funds and successful companies who employ many talented people to compile many work hours from many people into an enjoyable product.
Wall of Text how to solve all the issues, cure all diseases, end world hunger etc.:
Money builds civilization and money brings all walks of life together; for good, for evil and for the ugly. All of these projects and roads to nowhere (for myself). If there was a proper core of people to start anew, make a new game like Baldur's Gate but financed as a proper game to build; as Baldur's Gate was by Bioware and Black Isle.
Perhaps this path of paying people for assets and and services to make my own game content would yield better results (than what I have experience working alone and not paying people to work on a I game that I enjoy yet hold no position to benefit from its success *directly*). I would rather say I am a game developer for my own games than 'I make mods for other people's games'. It bothers myself that I am not living up to my potential in who I should be when I am not pursing my own games directly.
Small community modules that could be monetized for the community creators and drive new community made content. It would make a home for creative people all around the world as a by product. It seems that being in the wilderness online working off a larger albeit aging entity is ultimately limited in scale and feasibility and not practically human compatible in design / approach.
What I want to achieve for a game like Baldur's Gate would need many people; many talents. I have hired carpenters, electricians, mechanics, machine operators, many skilled labour people in my own life. I have bought many industrial materials to create real world projects from idea to reality yet the digital world is not currently going so smooth in contrast for myself and my aspirations.
I think my online difficulties boil down to a difficulty financing people online. I have the money for small projects but I have yet to establish a company and I need to sort out some banking and tax quirks I would imagine with pay pal. If I can wire people money I think my frustrations in not finding enough people to work with would not be so much. Then the issue would shift rather to a better problem of trying to find efficient productivity with a team.
In real life I can pay people directly with cash and work directly person to person with them. I cannot do this effectively *yet* online. I do not have any friends in real life to work with in my industry either so I have to bug people online and face the churn and like one out of like 100 people I meet here I can work with and even then it is just unreliable and very unproductive over time. Too much frustration x.x.
Imagine if I could commission you / your friends a thousand dollars (or what ever) to bang out an improved version of this for a game just like Baldur's Gate but being able to talk to the engine developers about making more room / ergonomics to add more options for class specializations. It would be so much easier and more fun and rewarding to have this kind of life style; for myself and everyone who creates. I would just need to be transparent and avoid corruption and bad business practice to keep on the right track.
Perhaps I am pursuing good goals with bad methods currently. No one works for free and working alone on what is realistically a group made industry seems to be cuckville to achieve big goals. Very hard, no fun, no reward and no praise, plus you cannot rock the house down with getting a bunch of talented people together in the space real life area and just go nuts on an idea with proper synergy.
With that being said. I like your project, it seems interesting and I can off minor help over time. Although realistically I should finish my modules though. It would bug myself if I did not after being so close to finishing most of them. Eh over ambitious and not enough time; business as usual.
Bla bla bla bla personal stuff
Then once I have hopefully stabilized my family with a real life business they can manage (not just myself being the bread winner at 23 and everyone being older than myself x.x) and killed poverty in my family for this generation and the next few and after I am dead (seriously fuck poverty) I can really go crazy with this kind of video game business. Even then if everything goes tits up (I died for example) my is family has access to an excavator and dump truck and trailer (recently acquired this year, paid in cash) and can run a landscaping business to keep them middle class (if they keep off the drugs / don't self destruct / don't be dumb). I gotta say my generation is kind of fucked right now for my family but life is a bitch for if it was easy it would be a slut.
There are many things on my mind right now; I have many irons in the fire. I work a few jobs and I am mostly doing renovation / construction / demolition / handyman / landscaping with some mechanical repair / grave digging / elderly care / random odd jobs mostly for older people thrown in as extra work. I learned to be a non-professional electrician to wire my family's house while I am spearheading a renovation for my family's old house (because no one was smart enough). I really wonder what I could do if I wasn't carrying my family on my shoulders and I could focus on my career entirely. I also create music (I play electric guitar 6.5/10 learning to sing better right now x.x) and I make games online for fun but I want creating video games worth playing to be my career.
I love the extra content and the sphere system but breaking the resurrection spells is a step towards low fantasy and novelization; not high flung video game rpgs where the player faces thousands of encounters with many people who could die at any step.
Raise Dead and Recall Spirit should be 5th level, base Baldur's Gate works better for more play styles and skill ranges. Especially in Durlag's tower and Ice dungeon and werewolf island where resurrection is hard and laborious if not for an in party healer. Has anyone considered the first games in the Baldur's Gate saga and how the spells are balanced around the encounters?
People should be given more play options not less with this module; how is taking away resurrection from players when in the base Baldur's Gate and Siege of Dragonspear a smart idea? I want to remove this module just based on that but I run with a higher custom tweaked experience cap but being considerate I know that I shouldn't assume people run with that enthusiast set up. How is nerfing resurrection for the first two games in the Baldur's Gate series a good idea for optional content when a cleric, druid and shaman cannot cast anything higher than 5th level spells in the first two games?
5th edition table top added Revivify to let players enjoy taking more risks and be able to recover and have fun; a page taken out of modern rpgs. Much to the popularity of World of Warcraft where healers can res the party at the first dungeon runs in the game. I agree with liberal resurrection in synergy team based adventure video games. You wipe, you res, you try again. Not, you wipe game over, qq million mile walk back from grave yard / reload. For example I have played over a year of Classic Naxxramas; it is hard, it takes 4-5 hours to clear with 40 people and it is challenging (a lot more than Baldur's Gate solo runs) and you die a lot, everyone dies a lot but the healers can res fast and have wipe protection and the train keeps going. The key note here is that the challenge is in the encounters gamplay mechanics and not the death mechanics. Also why force people to reload the game over and over in the first 2 games? It seems like a big nerd strategy to never let your party die and force players to constantly save around every corner. This is not onboarding; it is off boarding people for this module:
Also speaking of Revivify and being more balanced around video game realities, why not add Revivify to minor access Life sphere at level 3 but actually require a diamond to cast? Revivify with a diamond component would be balanced for it is not a free raise dead spell at the 3rd level Life sphere but instead a cast anywhere temple raise dead. If there are spell mechanic limitations make it a dialog option spell where if you cast it summons a dialog window (a hidden npc) and if the caster has no diamond, no res player option and you wasted the spell xD. Check out the spell it is made in the wake of modern video game rpg play styles (lots of party death, low level resurrection being a normal thing; added for the sake of bettering gameplay) I am all for making the game more refined and a better over all experience even if some elements are not from 2nd edition (like a lot of newer stuff actually when Siege of Dragonspear was made, 3.5, 4th and 5th edition elements can be seen inspiring different bits of the canon content.
Two logs, one from iOS BGEE and one iOS SoD.
@subtledoctor / (people who worked on this project) Do you want to help work a new RPG with myself? I have 8 major spheres and arcane (a magic system like spheres but a bit different, same idea though).
Here is a planet I designed for my RPG setting a while back (Scale: 2.44 times the size of Earth):
Here is a piece of the super continent of Aelleria:
Here is the most of the Political map of Aelleria:
Also here is a political map are the Human Realms:
I'm still creating magic and divine power / spell details and I think more ideas would help. Spells like Fireball would be near the highest magic power spells a single powerful magic wielder could cast. I feel that dungeons and dragons magic gets too powerful after the 7th, 8th and 9th spells while melee and divine casts are kind of left in the dust (can't solo 6 dragons at once like a good wizard can).
I want to extend Baldur's Gate to 750,000 and 1,610,000 experience after a lot more interesting optional content is added like dragons and liches for the Sword Coast. I like the wild style of Original Baldur's Gate with the depth and character arcs of Baldur's Gate II. I am too poor to make a new game like Baldur's Gate but a new saga so I keep tinkering on Baldur's Gate content. To capture the best of both worlds.
Although I need to find more like-minded creative friends to build fantasy worlds with. People like already made games but they got to start somewhere.
Anyway I you can find a lot of my work here (I also work on tanks as well):