Please note, there *will* be a blank "Focus access to..." link for cleric/druid kits that do not have focus access. Technically the link is correct, you have focus access to no spheres. I'll work on a way to present the information more elegantly.
That's good to seems like the only kit that was missing a "Focus access to..." entry was the Water Mystic, then. If the Druid kits don't have a sphere to focus on, then technically the description for those kits were fine, outside of the "%_sphere% text, obviously.
I'll try out the updated beta later. Unless you read my Acolyte post today before you released the update, I have a feeling another update will be coming soon.
As always @subtledoctor this is amazing work. Thanks. Been a bit held up with life at all, so design, kit creation and icons have taken a big back seat. But hopefully that will change this weekend a little (as it is a national holiday).
My intention was always to have my kits designed for FnP as some of the balancing I have done is actually based around having lesser spell access, so I don't know if they will be available for non FnP playthroughs, or perhaps I will just have it skip the ones in which balance is created through spell access.
No, I was talking about BG2EE. I had previously had that kit available when playing BG1EE.
Then it must have been from DR. But we will add our own variant. (Although, @Grammarsalad do we want to name it something different, in case someone installs DR along with our own?)
Not a terrible idea.
I'll keep dr I mind when designing ( and redesigning) kits so that each has a reason to be there
@IchigoRXC Yeah, time has been an issue for me lately as pressure.
And there will be a home for your kits in fnp, so it's good either way.
Just did a clean install of BGEE along with IWDification and FnP beta (downloaded this morning).
When I got to the FAI, Jaheiara is indeed now a Fighter/Forest Druid as indicated. Is it intentional that she has NO healing spells available when she is first recruited?
That said, she had enough xp to lvl to Forest Druid lvl 2 and when I leveled her up, she gained the Cure Light Wounds spell. Her spell book didn't change except for gaining that spell. So, it's probably not a big deal since it fixed itself, but thought it was strange none the less so figured I'd mention it.
First, I reloaded the save before entering the FAI and recruited Jaheira. She appeared same as before, without Cure Light Wounds spell. Removing her from the party and having her rejoin did not change that. It looks like whatever routines are supposed to fire are, because I get the green flashes and puffs of smoke which I think indicates they are being changed. The only thing that gets her that Cure Light Wounds spell is leveling her up ... even if it's just her Fighter Level. So, she starts off at Fighter 1/Forest Druid 1 and even if she just levels to Fighter 2/Forest Druid 1, she still gains that Cure Light Wounds spell.
I CLUA'd Faldorn into existence and she appeared as level 1 with a few different spells (but mostly the same) as Jaheira, but didn't have Cure Light Wounds either. Upon levelling her up, he got her Cure Light Wounds spell as well.
While I was looking at Faldorn's spell list, I noticed that a lvl 2 spell is bugged. For level 2, there is a "blank" space in between Charm Person or Animal and Cure Moderate Wounds. If you click on it, it says "Ice Blade" over on the right side of the window, but otherwise no data appears for that "spell". I tried to memorize that "blank" spell and I think it does cast it, but also displays a whole pile of text in the window about the about casing the spell Conjure Water Elemental (focus). So, weird stuff going on there. BTW, changing her to Shadow Mystic changes some of her spells but leaves that "blank" Ice Blade spell in the lvl 2 list.
Next I'll check those files you asked about, but wanted to post my initial observations now.
BTW, I should note that I tested this with a Big World setup with other mods installed, but don't believe there was anything that changes any of the priest spells unless Spell Revisions does that. I'll check on the test build with just FnP and let you know if it's different than above.
Faldorn is properly a Jungle Druid, and has sphere access and sphere spells, but ditto about the universal spells. More worryingly, when I tried out the Jungle Druid panther shapechange, it crashed the game. Looks like the panther animation isn't present in BGEE!
Dammit Beamdog, I thought getting all these games on "one engine" with 2.0 meant there would be *one engine* - with the same underlying resources. Do we seriously have to install Extended Animations (which doesn't even currently work, btw) just to have an ability work the same in all three games???
Something else must be interfering, because the panther animation works fine in 2.0 - nothing extra required.
Ran into a spell bug that I think is FnP based. I'm playing IWDEE and one of my characters is a lvl 5 Earth Mystic who has access to the spell Stone Fist. I cast it, which replaces my normal weapons with magic stone fist weapons. The spell is supposed to have a duration of one turn, but seems to last forever. I have rested three times since casting and the stone fists are still present and un-removable. Casting the spell again does nothing.
Would anyone know how to remove the Stone Fist weapons? Maybe a console command or removing a variable through something like EE Keeper?
Just rolled up a acolyte in my big world build. Click the Select Diety button and got "NO VALID REPLIES OR LINKS".
Aside from that, another interesting thing happened in that I had exported the character before trying to select a diety. I fired up my BGEE test build with only FnP installed and imported the character and it imported as a cleric and not an acolyte. Trying to select a diety with that character got the same response as above.
Creating a normal cleric allows the select diety option to function normally.
I also noticed an interface issue while testing. I selected a kit (Mistwalker of Lleira but any kit does the same thing) and it gave me the description of the kit. I decided I didn't want to select that one, but there was no way to back out of it to look at another kit or select nothing at all. I just wanted to see what the different kits did but once you select one to view, you have no choice but to select it. Not a big deal, but it would be nice to be able to back out.
This is natural, I think. It's like importing a modded character into BG2EE; some things are going to be messed up.
Why did you export the character before selecting a deity? I'm a bit unclear on exactly what you did and what the use case is. If we understand it better we can try to make the code a bit more resilient to it.
I'm sure you're correct. I figured that since both installs had FnP that it would import correctly. Obviously something else was altering that behavior because when I imported it into the same build, it imported correctly.
As to "why" I exported to begin with, it was just because I spent a while rolling stats for the character to create a dual cleric-mage and I wanted to save it before I started playing around with the various options. Easier than re-rolling another one that I actually wanted to play as opposed to test. Anyway, the whole point was based on my erroneous assumption that they would import correctly into both builds, but that is not the case and not any problem in the mod itself. Sorry for the false alarm.
I also noticed an interface issue while testing. I selected a kit (Mistwalker of Lleira but any kit does the same thing) and it gave me the description of the kit. I decided I didn't want to select that one, but there was no way to back out of it to look at another kit or select nothing at all. I just wanted to see what the different kits did but once you select one to view, you have no choice but to select it. Not a big deal, but it would be nice to be able to back out.
Just want to note that there is a back out option when I choose deities in Icewind Dale EE. When I click on the "Select a deity" special ability and the list of possible deities is shown, I can either choose a deity or go back to the list. I have not tested FnP in BGEE 1 or 2, though.
The only time this doesn't happen is when my character is a Cleric/Mage or Acolyte. That's when I get the "NO VALID REPLIES OR LINKS" message. @subtledoctor stated this may have been fixed in a developmental build, however.
Found a minor bug ... creating an acolyte gives a 1d6 hit dice, but then changing the kit to the Broken Blade of Tempus which should have 1d8 does not give the extra 2 hp.
- Broken blade: not getting extra hit points. (Their hps will probably have to be reduced to d6. I'll figure something out) - Ice blade spell (icon issues) - Stone Fist (permanent duration) - Anything else?
Do me a favor and double-check b_dom00.baf. (There's a bunch of commented-out stuff, but just delete those lines and look at it then.) I think there might be an issue if someone is both an acolyte and a multiclass. Might need to set B_ACO1 to 0 in the multiclass sections or something like that.
Okay. I'll check it. Just seeing this now (so, it's not in the most recent build)
I'll try out the updated beta later. Unless you read my Acolyte post today before you released the update, I have a feeling another update will be coming soon.
My intention was always to have my kits designed for FnP as some of the balancing I have done is actually based around having lesser spell access, so I don't know if they will be available for non FnP playthroughs, or perhaps I will just have it skip the ones in which balance is created through spell access.
I'll keep dr I mind when designing ( and redesigning) kits so that each has a reason to be there
Yeah, time has been an issue for me lately as pressure.
And there will be a home for your kits in fnp, so it's good either way.
When I got to the FAI, Jaheiara is indeed now a Fighter/Forest Druid as indicated. Is it intentional that she has NO healing spells available when she is first recruited?
That said, she had enough xp to lvl to Forest Druid lvl 2 and when I leveled her up, she gained the Cure Light Wounds spell. Her spell book didn't change except for gaining that spell. So, it's probably not a big deal since it fixed itself, but thought it was strange none the less so figured I'd mention it.
First, I reloaded the save before entering the FAI and recruited Jaheira. She appeared same as before, without Cure Light Wounds spell. Removing her from the party and having her rejoin did not change that. It looks like whatever routines are supposed to fire are, because I get the green flashes and puffs of smoke which I think indicates they are being changed. The only thing that gets her that Cure Light Wounds spell is leveling her up ... even if it's just her Fighter Level. So, she starts off at Fighter 1/Forest Druid 1 and even if she just levels to Fighter 2/Forest Druid 1, she still gains that Cure Light Wounds spell.
I CLUA'd Faldorn into existence and she appeared as level 1 with a few different spells (but mostly the same) as Jaheira, but didn't have Cure Light Wounds either. Upon levelling her up, he got her Cure Light Wounds spell as well.
While I was looking at Faldorn's spell list, I noticed that a lvl 2 spell is bugged. For level 2, there is a "blank" space in between Charm Person or Animal and Cure Moderate Wounds. If you click on it, it says "Ice Blade" over on the right side of the window, but otherwise no data appears for that "spell". I tried to memorize that "blank" spell and I think it does cast it, but also displays a whole pile of text in the window about the about casing the spell Conjure Water Elemental (focus). So, weird stuff going on there. BTW, changing her to Shadow Mystic changes some of her spells but leaves that "blank" Ice Blade spell in the lvl 2 list.
Next I'll check those files you asked about, but wanted to post my initial observations now.
BTW, I should note that I tested this with a Big World setup with other mods installed, but don't believe there was anything that changes any of the priest spells unless Spell Revisions does that. I'll check on the test build with just FnP and let you know if it's different than above.
Sorry to hear about the engine problem.
Would anyone know how to remove the Stone Fist weapons? Maybe a console command or removing a variable through something like EE Keeper?
Edit: i added about 15 or so in the last build, so there may be a few more bugs
Aside from that, another interesting thing happened in that I had exported the character before trying to select a diety. I fired up my BGEE test build with only FnP installed and imported the character and it imported as a cleric and not an acolyte. Trying to select a diety with that character got the same response as above.
Creating a normal cleric allows the select diety option to function normally.
I also noticed an interface issue while testing. I selected a kit (Mistwalker of Lleira but any kit does the same thing) and it gave me the description of the kit. I decided I didn't want to select that one, but there was no way to back out of it to look at another kit or select nothing at all. I just wanted to see what the different kits did but once you select one to view, you have no choice but to select it. Not a big deal, but it would be nice to be able to back out.
As to "why" I exported to begin with, it was just because I spent a while rolling stats for the character to create a dual cleric-mage and I wanted to save it before I started playing around with the various options. Easier than re-rolling another one that I actually wanted to play as opposed to test.
The only time this doesn't happen is when my character is a Cleric/Mage or Acolyte. That's when I get the "NO VALID REPLIES OR LINKS" message. @subtledoctor stated this may have been fixed in a developmental build, however.
- Broken blade: not getting extra hit points. (Their hps will probably have to be reduced to d6. I'll figure something out)
- Ice blade spell (icon issues)
- Stone Fist (permanent duration)
- Anything else?
Anyway, the spell *should* be fixed. Of course, I added a bunch of icons from @IchigoRXC (thanks again for those!) so I may have added more bugs...
No time to thoroughly test