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Faiths and Powers: Gods of the Realms (Kitpack and divine caster/spell tweaks)



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  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited July 2016
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  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582

    Quick testing suggests that it is absurdly easy to create paladin and ranger kits that won't fall. You just need to add "(kit name) 0" to a 2da titled ( something like) "fallen". It is definitely not tied to the blackguards usability anymore. I strongly suspect that its even possible to make 'trueclasses' not fall-- they all have an entry in kit.ids--and that it is possible to make members of other kits--ie non paladin or ranger kits--fall...

    Edit: Well, you can prevent trueclasses from falling, but in a pleasantly surprising way. If you enter PALADIN 0 and/or RANGER 0, those trueclasses will not fall...

    Note to self:

    	COPY_EXISTING ~fallen.2da~ ~override~ //Remove possibility to fall
    	              INSERT_2DA_ROW 3 0 ~PALADIN 0~
                          INSERT_2DA_ROW 3 0 ~RANGER 0~
                          INSERT_2DA_ROW 3 0 ~INQUISITOR 0~
                          INSERT_2DA_ROW 3 0 ~UNDEAD_HUNTER 0~
                          INSERT_2DA_ROW 3 0 ~CAVALIER 0~
                          INSERT_2DA_ROW 3 0 ~FERALAN 0~
                          INSERT_2DA_ROW 3 0 ~STALKER 0~
                          INSERT_2DA_ROW 3 0 ~BEASTMASTER 0~
    Looking into applying this now. I think it would be ever-so-slightly easier to just use APPEND to add kits to the table. Also, I wonder how this table works? I can't tell if that zero is just a binary indicator telling the game "this kit cannot fall?" Or is it the reputation level at which falling happens? (If the latter, then we could have different kits that fall at different reputation levels. So e.g. a paladin of a super-righteous go like Tyr or Torm could fall if you lose even a single point of rep from the start of the game; while a paladin of Tempus might only fall if you have extremely low rep. And paladins of evil deities might never fall at all.)

    I'm removing falling from the F&P Beastmaster, and adding more alignment options as well. So you can be an evil warrior channeling your inner beast, shapeshifting into a werewolf and calling forth a spirit wolf to fight alongside you, and then go out and just tear stuff up. There's your Dark Ranger following malar... :)
    Only one way to find out...
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited July 2016
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  • DarkersunDarkersun Member Posts: 398
    I don't like to sound like a fanboy, but this will be so great.
    Can't wait for a Walkthrough with T&B, M&G, F&P and SoB :)

    I think the why Rangers are divided will be very good.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited August 2016
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  • AquadrizztAquadrizzt Member Posts: 1,072
    @subtledoctor , actually the idea that Druids are the specialty priest of a deity is not unique to Silvanus. A lot of the nature deities have druids as a specialty priest (if not among other options). I've always a been a big fan of the specialty priest names; they make the kits feel more fantastic and specialized.
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  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited August 2016
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  • DarkersunDarkersun Member Posts: 398
    edited August 2016
    Not enough feedback here, this great mod deserves more. I would like to test and make reports, but my RL is really in the way right now. If this change I will ask you for the beta and make as much tests as possible, but right now there is not much I can do :(

  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582
    Darkersun said:

    Not enough feedback here, this great mod deserves more. I would like to test and make reports, but my RL is really in the way right now. If this change I will ask you for the beta and make as much tests as possible, but right now there is not much I can do :(

    Don't worry about it! Real life can get ya.

    Okay, so I'm marathoning adding iwd spells and paladin changes as i want to get an actual public release, um, released. The marathon approach tends to create more bugs, so we'll see how it goes, but I'm really hoping for a release next week, the earlier the better. My plan of attack looks like this:

    1. Add a few more iwd spells. This includes a few wizard spells that we use to fill in the spheres, as well as a few spells i missed in my little mini mod on these boards ( which will also be updated-- updating one is updating the other, so...)
    2. Integrate those spells with this mod. This looks like it's going to be fairly straightforward, though things always seem to come up when i think that...
    3. Update paladins. And boom
  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582

    Darkersun said:

    Not enough feedback here, this great mod deserves more. I would like to test and make reports, but my RL is really in the way right now. If this change I will ask you for the beta and make as much tests as possible, but right now there is not much I can do :(

    Don't worry about it! Real life can get ya.

    Okay, so I'm marathoning adding iwd spells and paladin changes as i want to get an actual public release, um, released. The marathon approach tends to create more bugs, so we'll see how it goes, but I'm really hoping for a release next week, the earlier the better. My plan of attack looks like this:

    1. Add a few more iwd spells. This includes a few wizard spells that we use to fill in the spheres, as well as a few spells i missed in my little mini mod on these boards ( which will also be updated-- updating one is updating the other, so...)
    2. Integrate those spells with this mod. This looks like it's going to be fairly straightforward, though things always seem to come up when i think that...
    3. Update paladins. And boom
    I'm at step 1.5, now. Everything is going pretty smoothly, but this won't be released on Monday (which was my hope). That's okay. I'm in a groove at this point, brushing away the cobwebs. The spell mod will be updated Monday at least ( just need to test a bit...)
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  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582
    Excellent idea!
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited August 2016
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  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582
    edited August 2016
    One thing that i don't like about option 3 is that it varies from the standard. That is, most classes can't use weapons that they can't gain proficiencies with. A mod idea I've/we've(?)-- it's hard to remember what I've thought about vs what we've actually talked about--had on the back burner is a complete revision of how item use works in the game.

    My thinking is that anybody should be able to pick up and use (e.g.) a longsword, but not everybody can use it with skill. Potentially, similar things can be done with other, that paladin sword can constantly damage non paladin weilders, especially evil ones, and so on.

    Even heavier armors might be usable by those not proficient, if impeding ( beyond just spell failure).

    But anyway, that's another mod. The point is that this with this behavior things work differently for divine classes, which can seem jarring.

    I'm loath to bring it up because it involves more work-- not just for us, but for any third party that would want to plug into this mod-- but there is a fourth option:

    4) as 3, but restrict usability by kit. This is possible now with that opcode that restricts druids from using axes. We'd have to figure out--SD, maybe you already know how-- how to check kit.ids to get the correct kit numbers, but I'm fairly sure it's doable now.

    Advantages: as 3, plus divine kits won't "stick out"

    Disadvantages: as 3, plus more work for us and third parties.
    Post edited by Grammarsalad on
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited August 2016
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  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582
    Oh, that second possibility sounds intriguing...
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited August 2016
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  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582
    Yeah, #2 is probably best...
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited August 2016
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  • AweDeusAweDeus Member Posts: 6
    Where can i get this mod? f_n_p
    I need it for expert instalation of BG:EET
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  • AweDeusAweDeus Member Posts: 6
    Yes, plase.
  • DymeDefDymeDef Member Posts: 66
    The BWS setup for it doesn't have many options due to the version BWS uses not having the ability to use them in a batched install. Just an FYI, I'm attempting to use the installer and just pause before its supposed to install all the FnP modules (BWS says its during rule changes and tweaks, going to try there first then if theres an issue Ill be trying it when the other kit mods install)
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  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    @DymeDef BWS has all the option which you want:

  • DymeDefDymeDef Member Posts: 66
    Strange, it had almost everything named unsupported for batch installation. I just installed it after all the kit mods, waiting for scs to finish up now
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