@Grammarsalad , if you are able to change the duration of the water elemental to 1 turn/level and have its AI work like the fire elemental, that would be great.
@subtledoctor What about adding a copy of each druid spell to the list of arcane spells? Would that be too complicated/time consuming?
*edit* @Grammarsalad Whatever tripleclass kits you end up making, would it be possible to make them available to all races? Every race restriction removing mod I have tried does not work for multiclass kits. Orcs are a favorite class of mine and they can't be most of the kits availible in FnP.
@Grammarsalad Couldn't you just have the kit grant certain sphere access? A bard aura type effect could probably be emulated by giving the kit an area effect type spell under the special abilities tab? If a druid can toggle their shapeshift, shouldn't an aura also be made to toggle? The Meistersinger kit in MnG has druid spells in its wizard spellbook. Give it high lore progression as well. It seems doable to me. Granted I know nothing about the actual mechanics of modding so I guess take it with a grain of salt. I just REALLY REALLY WANT A F/M/T KIT WITH BARD FLAVOR.
*EDIT* I'm not demanding that it be done. I love and am grateful for all the work you guys have done. I just got a little excited.
No, please suggest possible workarounds. It's actually really easy to put druid spells in their spellbook, but it is the "replacing all mage spells with druid spells" thing that is the issue (there are a few issues with this). It probably makes more sense to give the spells via sphere access (i.e. as cleric spells)
@Grammarsalad , if you are able to change the duration of the water elemental to 1 turn/level and have its AI work like the fire elemental, that would be great.
@Necromanx2 Ahhh, i never got to that. Thanks for reminding me. On it.
@subtledoctor What about adding a copy of each druid spell to the list of arcane spells? Would that be too complicated/time consuming?
*edit* @Grammarsalad Whatever tripleclass kits you end up making, would it be possible to make them available to all races? Every race restriction removing mod I have tried does not work for multiclass kits. Orcs are a favorite class of mine and they can't be most of the kits availible in FnP.
Half orcs should be able to be almost any kit in fnp(though the multi class half orcs's not so much, but that is because there are fewer mc kits). As for triple class (assuming you use a mod that allows them to be triple class), they should be able to select talos, azuth(sp), and at least one more (say this bard type). But, probably not correlated, er that elven god.
Btw, I do kinda vaguely remember the original 1e bard, but I'm not sure what to write in terms of fluff...
@Grammarsalad Heck, I'd take having druid spells in the spellbook alongside the regular arcane ones. I'd just not choose the arcane ones for RP reasons. If this stuff is impossible or simply takes far too much time for the benefit, I'm gonna take your word for it. Whatever you decide to build, I'm excited for it. F/M/T used to be my signature charname, so having a kit or two available for one is right up my alley.
From my limited modding knowledge, what you are trying to do would be realy pita to mod. Basicaly they would have to somehow prevent you from selecting initial spells, make sure you cant learn new spells from scrolls, prevent you from using wizard items, make druid items available to you and more other nightmarish stuff.
However if you realy desire to play that specific class, you can. With little work, you can achieve what you want with EEkeeper, little help from Near infinity and some roleplaying.
Make a backup of your override folder, and probably also of dialog.tlk
1) Find each desired druid spells with near infinity. Make copy of them under different file name and change their attribute from clerical to wizard (ok this will probably take some work ). 2) Create Fighter/Mage/Thief character 3) Using EE Keeper delete all his spells and than assign those druid spells you just converted 4) If you happen to run into druid item, that you cannot use, use EE keeper to give yourself the ability to use any item 5) Roleplay the rest (no mage items, no scrolls etc.)
There will still be other quirks such as mage HD, HLAs, no bonus spells from WIS, speed casting penalty in case of YARAS and probably more, but most of it should be solvable with further use of EE keeper and/or near infinity.
Lol, my brain kept telling me that we were talking about a fmc, despite all of the information that contradicts that (e.g. stuff involving thief skills).
I'm not going to have time to do this this weekend, unfortunately. This would be a one off that wouldn't work with this mod, or anything but a unique (though, I'm sure fun) playthrough.
@ThacoBell this is what I can do. I can give you code that would make all druid items usable by a fmt, and even convert all druid spells to mage spells, but you would have to add those spells using EE keeper. You would have to select regular mage spells at character creation and then you would have to delete those spells with ee keeper. That's not that much work if you are starting at first level (you could add the spells at each level up, to preserve your sanity). That's the best i can do
@Arizael@Grammarsalad Thanks for the suggestions to emulate my idea. I can RP it pretty easily.
@subtledoctor That sounds amazing. I would play that class to no end. Oh and about your cleric thief idea, I do think it sounds pretty cool, I uh, just don't play elves. Ever.
Using BWS I am noticing that I no longer have a deity select button for Jaheira and Minsc. Was this changed in a later version and I am just missing something or are they just preset to their basic class?
What is the lore behind mystics ? I am building a Black pits no reload party and I do have this awesome picture for Light mystic, but she is shown wielding mace and scale armor and it sadly seems that mystics are for some reason restricted to druid weapons
@subtledoctor How does SoB extra half attack from single weapon style handles magical weapons? I am asking because character wielding sword summoned by the spell Moonblade was stuck on 1 attack per round, despite two pips in single weapon style. Even when before casting the spell she held club (one pip in clubs/maces) and had the proper 3/2 attacks.
@subtledoctor , I notice that multi-class priests get one use of select deity even if I already have a kit selected. I created a Gnome Illisionist/Fast Paws of Baervan and even though I see I have the kit and summon Bear, I also have a select deity use. Jaheria has the same thing. Even though Jaheria is a multi-class fighter / Druid of Silvanus, she has use of select deity in her special abilities. If I use the ability then it doubles up on her use of summon wolf.
I typically go into EEKeeper and remove the select deity ability.
One more thing. The Fighter / Priest of Clangadin does not use his war hammer proficiency for the spiritual hammer he can summon at will (no to hot bonus for the 3 pips in war hammer when I summon the spiritual hammer spacial ability). Is this intended?
@RVNS are you sure that BWS installed the FnP kits? I have seen others say it does not install all components and maybe that is why you cannot select a deity.
EDIT: When Jaheria and Minc don't have the select deity, do they have a bunch of spells to select from to memorize? If yes, then FnP did not install properly.
Yes, that's what I meant to say: some kits only get installed through "full install" and doesn't give the option for a "picky install" (is that even a word in English?).
Anyway, I thought that it was something you guys were going to alter - not everyone looking for the kits want the sphere system or all the kits.
I love the cleric kits in FnP, but the way the mods deals with rangers, paladins and druids really makes the "full install" not an option to me.
But again, just my opinion. Both you and @Grammarsalad are doing an awesome work with this mod.
I remember back in the past trying to alter the FnP files on my installation so the only kits installed were those that I would actually use (mostly those related to NPCs deities), but I can't remember how or why it didn't work.
One more thing. The Fighter / Priest of Clangadin does not use his war hammer proficiency for the spiritual hammer he can summon at will (no to hot bonus for the 3 pips in war hammer when I summon the spiritual hammer spacial ability). Is this intended?
I'll have to look at the itm. It is probably a matter of changing the proficiency. Added to the list.
@RVNS are you sure that BWS installed the FnP kits? I have seen others say it does not install all components and maybe that is why you cannot select a deity.
EDIT: When Jaheria and Minc don't have the select deity, do they have a bunch of spells to select from to memorize? If yes, then FnP did not install properly.
Man, i don't know anything about bws these days. Is anybody maintaining it?
@RVNS for best results, make sure you are installing component #102. Don't choose specific kits, just use the "install everything" option. The UI has scroll bars for kit selection, so having extras really doesn't hurt, and component 102 is in the best shape right now.
One more thing. The Fighter / Priest of Clangadin does not use his war hammer proficiency for the spiritual hammer he can summon at will (no to hot bonus for the 3 pips in war hammer when I summon the spiritual hammer spacial ability). Is this intended?
I recall coding that to use its own proficiency, and you automatically get points in that proficiency when you summon the hammer. And as you rise in level, you will get more points. So at 16th level or something, you wield that hammer with grandmastery. I think.
@Grammarsalad we should make a pass through every weapon and balance them so you don't actually become worse in melee by summoning the weapon. We can give them their own "magic weapon" proficiency (I propose ExtraProficiency20 i.e. stat 134), and determine what level of specialization and/or what APR each weapon should have, based on its spell level and on whether it scales.
Clageddin's Hammer is coded that way and I think it actually works well (notwithstanding the above report, you actually won't spend much if any time with 3 pips in hammers before that ability gives you 3 pips in its weapon). But other spells are terrible: Moonblade in particular, and Phantom Blade too. I feel like Decastave and Shillelagh should really make you specialized/+.5 APR as well, since they don't have any interesting utility beyond being a magic weapon.
Yes, that's what I meant to say: some kits only get installed through "full install" and doesn't give the option for a "picky install" (is that even a word in English?).
Anyway, I thought that it was something you guys were going to alter - not everyone looking for the kits want the sphere system or all the kits.
I love the cleric kits in FnP, but the way the mods deals with rangers, paladins and druids really makes the "full install" not an option to me.
But again, just my opinion. Both you and @Grammarsalad are doing an awesome work with this mod.
I remember back in the past trying to alter the FnP files on my installation so the only kits installed were those that I would actually use (mostly those related to NPCs deities), but I can't remember how or why it didn't work.
@Raduziel What it is about the way this mod handles those classes?
Update: I've been spending time on my spell mod and a secretish project-- that's kinda the bad news-- but the good news is that my schedule is opening up and so I'll be around more to work on fnp in the near future.
One thing that is holding me up is that i have to relearn (and in many cases re-relearn) how to do a few things. But that's going rather quickly, so yay.
This week is a bit crammed in that i have to write a couple of papers, but I'll be working slowly on fnp through the week, and i should have something soon
*edit* @Grammarsalad Whatever tripleclass kits you end up making, would it be possible to make them available to all races? Every race restriction removing mod I have tried does not work for multiclass kits. Orcs are a favorite class of mine and they can't be most of the kits availible in FnP.
Ahhh, i never got to that. Thanks for reminding me. On it. Half orcs should be able to be almost any kit in fnp(though the multi class half orcs's not so much, but that is because there are fewer mc kits).
As for triple class (assuming you use a mod that allows them to be triple class), they should be able to select talos, azuth(sp), and at least one more (say this bard type). But, probably not correlated, er that elven god.
Btw, I do kinda vaguely remember the original 1e bard, but I'm not sure what to write in terms of fluff...
From my limited modding knowledge, what you are trying to do would be realy pita to mod. Basicaly they would have to somehow prevent you from selecting initial spells, make sure you cant learn new spells from scrolls, prevent you from using wizard items, make druid items available to you and more other nightmarish stuff.
However if you realy desire to play that specific class, you can. With little work, you can achieve what you want with EEkeeper, little help from Near infinity and some roleplaying.
Make a backup of your override folder, and probably also of dialog.tlk
1) Find each desired druid spells with near infinity. Make copy of them under different file name and change their attribute from clerical to wizard (ok this will probably take some work
2) Create Fighter/Mage/Thief character
3) Using EE Keeper delete all his spells and than assign those druid spells you just converted
4) If you happen to run into druid item, that you cannot use, use EE keeper to give yourself the ability to use any item
5) Roleplay the rest (no mage items, no scrolls etc.)
There will still be other quirks such as mage HD, HLAs, no bonus spells from WIS, speed casting penalty in case of YARAS and probably more, but most of it should be solvable with further use of EE keeper and/or near infinity.
I'm not going to have time to do this this weekend, unfortunately. This would be a one off that wouldn't work with this mod, or anything but a unique (though, I'm sure fun) playthrough.
@ThacoBell this is what I can do. I can give you code that would make all druid items usable by a fmt, and even convert all druid spells to mage spells, but you would have to add those spells using EE keeper. You would have to select regular mage spells at character creation and then you would have to delete those spells with ee keeper. That's not that much work if you are starting at first level (you could add the spells at each level up, to preserve your sanity). That's the best i can do
@subtledoctor That sounds amazing. I would play that class to no end. Oh and about your cleric thief idea, I do think it sounds pretty cool, I uh, just don't play elves. Ever.
(And a half-orc Meistersinger would make for a quirky character)
How does SoB extra half attack from single weapon style handles magical weapons? I am asking because character wielding sword summoned by the spell Moonblade was stuck on 1 attack per round, despite two pips in single weapon style. Even when before casting the spell she held club (one pip in clubs/maces) and had the proper 3/2 attacks.
Jaheria has the same thing. Even though Jaheria is a multi-class fighter / Druid of Silvanus, she has use of select deity in her special abilities. If I use the ability then it doubles up on her use of summon wolf.
I typically go into EEKeeper and remove the select deity ability.
EDIT: When Jaheria and Minc don't have the select deity, do they have a bunch of spells to select from to memorize? If yes, then FnP did not install properly.
I remember reporting it some months ago, but RL dragged me away from the forums.
Anyway, I thought that it was something you guys were going to alter - not everyone looking for the kits want the sphere system or all the kits.
I love the cleric kits in FnP, but the way the mods deals with rangers, paladins and druids really makes the "full install" not an option to me.
But again, just my opinion. Both you and @Grammarsalad are doing an awesome work with this mod.
I remember back in the past trying to alter the FnP files on my installation so the only kits installed were those that I would actually use (mostly those related to NPCs deities), but I can't remember how or why it didn't work.
What it is about the way this mod handles those classes?
Update: I've been spending time on my spell mod and a secretish project-- that's kinda the bad news-- but the good news is that my schedule is opening up and so I'll be around more to work on fnp in the near future.
One thing that is holding me up is that i have to relearn (and in many cases re-relearn) how to do a few things. But that's going rather quickly, so yay.
This week is a bit crammed in that i have to write a couple of papers, but I'll be working slowly on fnp through the week, and i should have something soon
Not a problem with the mod at all.
As I told before, I recognize that both you and @Grammarsalad did an awesome job in every aspect of this mod but some elements are not of my taste.