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Faiths and Powers: Gods of the Realms (Kitpack and divine caster/spell tweaks)



  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    Raduziel said:

    This might have been answered elsewhere, but I have looked through several pages and have been unable to find it.

    I am using BWS to install this mod, but I do not want to install the sphere system, just to pick the kits that I want.

    However on installation it skips many of the kits that I want. Is there an answer to this problem?

    No. It's the same "issue" that I'm having. Some kits will only install if the "Install everything" option is chosen.
    The strange thing is that I used to be able to install most of those kits without the sphere system. I now wish that I had kept the older version as I had no problems at all with it.
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  • ArizaelArizael Member Posts: 263

    Thanks for the answer. I should have mention that I am using Yaras, so even mages can run around in full plate. The question about armored casting is clouded in mist, since if "proper" druids actualy get their spells from Silvanus and thus can cast i.e. in Akhneg armor, how do the various Mystics get them ? From other deities ? If not shouldn´t they get speed penalties from armor like arcane casters ? If so, do they actualy follow the druidic ethos ? Does the ethos vary between different types of Mystics ? Many other stupid question that I should probably not ask you :D

    I always thought that DnD drudis detested metal, because they consider mining as raping the nature and stuff (which if you actually visit some mine might not be that far from truth). For some reason the rules were designed in such way, that it was ethicaly correct to dual-wield large steel curved blades and in case of fighter/druids (at least in BG) even metal armors. I guess the ethos of fire Mystic who, lets say lives near barren volcano, would probably have different point of view, on the issue of metal usage, than the classic forest druid.

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  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    A little question and I am not sure whether this is related to this mod or another one. I have rolled a cleric/ ranger and cast the spell to choose the kit (D5_MCKT). I chose the kit to be Helm and the text says that the relevant spell that I should have is Seeking Sword. However the innate spells that I get are: "Armour of Faith" and "Animal Empathy." Is this how it should be? I would have thought that this is wrong as he already has "Armour of Faith" as a choice in his spell selection.
  • Necromanx2Necromanx2 Member Posts: 1,246
    edited December 2017
    @subtledoctor, just had my 27th level UR priest select epic ability and tried my first spell pick. None work (kept reloading and tried them all). Any innate affect or ability works fine. All the spells don't show in the 7th level spell list.

    EDIT: Viconia is an Acolyte of Shar. She has mace proficiency, but cannot use a mace (not a strength issue). If she can't use he mace, can the proficiency be moved to a weapon she can use?
    Post edited by Necromanx2 on
  • RamzaRamza Member Posts: 114
    Just for the heck of it, I tried once again to install this mod on the beta for IWDEE (1.5.10 this time). I got the same error when the sphere system was attempted to be installed. Broke out the old NP++ and managed to get it to install.

    The missing file was clabshGS.2da. It appears that the tpa file was doing a check only for clabsh01.2da, which it was finding, but it was then issuing a copy command to clabshGS.2da which didn't exist. I added a check for the second file, no error. I'm not sure at this point if the mod will work correctly in IWDEE, but it installed this time :)
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  • RamzaRamza Member Posts: 114

    Lines 756 to 763 originally read:
    COPY_EXISTING ~clabsh01.2da~ ~override~
    LPM remove_blank_lines
    APPEND_FILE ~faiths_and_powers/spheres/universal_spells.txt~
    COPY_EXISTING ~clabshgs.2da~ ~override~
    LPM remove_blank_lines
    APPEND_FILE ~faiths_and_powers/spheres/universal_spells.txt~

    I changed it to read:
    COPY_EXISTING ~clabsh01.2da~ ~override~
    LPM remove_blank_lines
    APPEND_FILE ~faiths_and_powers/spheres/universal_spells.txt~
    COPY_EXISTING ~clabshgs.2da~ ~override~
    LPM remove_blank_lines
    APPEND_FILE ~faiths_and_powers/spheres/universal_spells.txt~

    Checking for the file reported as missing before actually trying to copy it. Possibly related, there's a bug reported on the redmine that shaman have no special abilities, this missing file is probably the cause of that, so when they fix that, this probably won't be an issue anymore.
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  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582
    edited December 2017

    Got it. Yeah, I never understood why Beamdog included 2 Shaman clab files when there is only one kit available. Seems sloppy, unless there's something I don't understand about the way it works. But this is an easy fix, I'll update the mod when I'm next in front of my computer.

    I'm at a computer now, so I did it.

    Faiths & Powers beta 0.74s

    - Updated Stormwall

    - Updated a few kit descriptions

    - Added a check for clabshGS.2da to avoid failed install on IWDEE 2.5.x (thanks Ramza)

  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    @Grammarsalad Can you please switch version scheme to Semantic Versioning and instead of letters use x.x.x format?
  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582
    ALIEN said:

    @Grammarsalad Can you please switch version scheme to Semantic Versioning and instead of letters use x.x.x format?

    So, it'd be:

    "Faiths & Powers beta 0.74.19"

    Or thereabouts?

    Good to see you around
  • Necromanx2Necromanx2 Member Posts: 1,246
    Should the Mystics also get their element resistance as a bonus to damage on their spells as well? It would help with their very limited major spell access.
  • ArizaelArizael Member Posts: 263
    I am not entirely sure if it belongs in this thread, but since both of you guys fiddle with balance and spells and the topic does affect divine casters I hope you won´t get too mad at me.

    I would like to start a discussion about two categories of spell that i never really get to effectively use and i feel that most people are on the same page. These categories are touch spells and magical weapons. Note that i am using spell revisions, which already buff them significantly as opposed to their vanila version.

    Touch spells - combat spells that do elementary or magical damage, plus generaly some save or else effect. For example the spell Shocking grasp deals nice level scaling electrical damage plus save or stun effect ( again nice level scaling penalty). Seems neat for level 1 spell does it not ?

    Well I did not manage to make it work no matter what I tried. The idea was to try it with fighter multi to quickly bring down dangerous targets such as Mulahey, Bassilus or Greywolf or enemies with stoneskin. The problem is that even that the spells does give you +4 thac0 bonus, it does not count in STR bonus nor proficiency or style bonus. Thus after casting the spell, the character ended up with worse thac0 and got stuck on 1 APR until he either hit or the spell expired. In all scenarios the character´s combat efficiency went significantly down, unless lucky hit on first attack followed by failed save.

    Magical weapons - Basicaly sort of longer lasting touch spells. Again if I look at the descriptions of the spells Shiellag(sp?) or Moonblade, they both look pretty solid. The issue here is, that they either do not use any proficiency at all or in most cases force proficiency to one pip. This means that Jaheira with two pips in clubs ends up better using nonmagical club than the spell. The style bonuses does apply, but i lost the extra APR from SoB SwS after casting Moonblade, which is significant downside.

    In conclusion i think both of these need slight buffs. For touch spells I would suggest more thac0 and/or STR bonus as well. For magical weapons i would simply let the character use his own proficiency, because if you have no clue how to swing a sword i guess you should try out something else than summoning magical swords. Mages should have the ability to put pip into swords in such cases probably.
  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582
    edited December 2017
    Arizael said:

    I am not entirely sure if it belongs in this thread, but since both of you guys fiddle with balance and spells and the topic does affect divine casters I hope you won´t get too mad at me.

    I would like to start a discussion about two categories of spell that i never really get to effectively use and i feel that most people are on the same page. These categories are touch spells and magical weapons. Note that i am using spell revisions, which already buff them significantly as opposed to their vanila version.

    Touch spells - combat spells that do elementary or magical damage, plus generaly some save or else effect. For example the spell Shocking grasp deals nice level scaling electrical damage plus save or stun effect ( again nice level scaling penalty). Seems neat for level 1 spell does it not ?

    Well I did not manage to make it work no matter what I tried. The idea was to try it with fighter multi to quickly bring down dangerous targets such as Mulahey, Bassilus or Greywolf or enemies with stoneskin. The problem is that even that the spells does give you +4 thac0 bonus, it does not count in STR bonus nor proficiency or style bonus. Thus after casting the spell, the character ended up with worse thac0 and got stuck on 1 APR until he either hit or the spell expired. In all scenarios the character´s combat efficiency went significantly down, unless lucky hit on first attack followed by failed save.

    Magical weapons - Basicaly sort of longer lasting touch spells. Again if I look at the descriptions of the spells Shiellag(sp?) or Moonblade, they both look pretty solid. The issue here is, that they either do not use any proficiency at all or in most cases force proficiency to one pip. This means that Jaheira with two pips in clubs ends up better using nonmagical club than the spell. The style bonuses does apply, but i lost the extra APR from SoB SwS after casting Moonblade, which is significant downside.

    In conclusion i think both of these need slight buffs. For touch spells I would suggest more thac0 and/or STR bonus as well. For magical weapons i would simply let the character use his own proficiency, because if you have no clue how to swing a sword i guess you should try out something else than summoning magical swords. Mages should have the ability to put pip into swords in such cases probably.

    This doesn't bother me at all. In fact, I've been working on a fairly ambitious spell mod.

    An odd coincidence, but I was thinking something similar about touch spells today.

    I was thinking of making touch spells automatically hit. My thinking is that this would make them more useful for single and multi class mages. You are already melee, which is really dangerous for a (single class) mage.

    I hadn't thought about magical weapons, but that sounds like a good 'global' option. It's going on the list

    Edit: added a few additional options.

    You can take a look here:

    And if you have more ideas, please feel free to let me/us know
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited December 2017
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  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    I kind lean towards #2 as well. Its at least, sounds simpler.
  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582
    edited December 2017

    Re: spell weapons - I don't love the idea of using your own proficiency, unless we're willing to make a bunch of variants for the spell to be useful to a lot of people (Moonmace, Moonhammer, Moonaxe, etc). That would be a lot of work. I suggest one of two things:

    1) Simply add bonuses to APR, thac0, etc. as equipping effects to simulate specialization.

    2) Have spell weapons use ExtraProficiency20, and also grant specialization in that prof (to whatever extent is appropriate) as an equipping effect. And tick whatever flags are necessary to get bonuses from stats, styles, etc.

    Either one should be fairly easy, just a few patches applied to each .ITM. For some reason I prefer #2 - it seems technically superior, more 'honest.' (#1 reminds me of the way Buoware gave creatures all 9s for stats and then gave them thac0 and AC bonuses to simulate stat bonuses... quite annoying.)

    #2 will be subject to the CLSWPBON bug in that cleric/thieves and cleric/mages will not get APR bonuses for specialization/mastery. Beamdog is aware of the bug and hopefully it's fixed by next month when the patch is finalized.

    Yeah, I'm not really fond of 1. 2 is more or less the way that most of them work, though they use prof00 (large sword).

    @subtledoctor, as long as you can assure me that 2 won't conflict with any of your mods, I'm happy to implement that as an option (for some reason, I just assumed that it would).

    Edit: the attack bonus can be addressed with a couple of 177s if beamdog doesn't fix the problem
    Post edited by Grammarsalad on
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited December 2017
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  • PaulaMigratePaulaMigrate Member Posts: 1,201
    A few days ago I reported a store being completely empty and not buying or selling anything after F+P component 105 changed it. It was a mod added store, so my report was rejected.

    This time it is the same but with a regular store
    Mods affecting SELANIO.STO:
    00000: ~FAITHS_AND_POWERS/FAITHS_AND_POWERS.TP2~ 0 105 // Select an installation method below: -> no new kits - JUST install the sphere system: 0.74n
    It is the fence in the Cloakwood mines shack. I restored the version from backup/105 to my override and it's back to usable.
  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582
    edited December 2017

    A few days ago I reported a store being completely empty and not buying or selling anything after F+P component 105 changed it. It was a mod added store, so my report was rejected.

    This time it is the same but with a regular store
    Mods affecting SELANIO.STO:
    00000: ~FAITHS_AND_POWERS/FAITHS_AND_POWERS.TP2~ 0 105 // Select an installation method below: -> no new kits - JUST install the sphere system: 0.74n
    It is the fence in the Cloakwood mines shack. I restored the version from backup/105 to my override and it's back to usable.

    That report was not rejected*, but i haven't had a chance to check it, yet.

    I'll add this one to the list

    * proofedit: er, it's evidence, but I think it's pretty good evidence

    Ignore the strikeout. I think that's a github thing(?)
  • ArizaelArizael Member Posts: 263
    @Grammarsalad Too many mods.... can´t keep track of them all. Well time to reinstall again. My playgroup will probably kill me.

    I would not go as far as to make touch spells autohit. It would remove what makes them special and would propably make them too strong (autohit Harm). But something radical like +10 to thac0 might work.

    @subtledoctor From technical point of view you are naturaly right, moonhammers and moonaxes would overflow the spellbook. But how will you make it work from balance point of view ?

    I mean we probably do not want level 3 wizard or cleric cast flame blade and get extra half APR with thac0 boost, which means that on level 3 the magical proficiency will be probably just one pip. But a fighter/mage or fighter/cleric who just hit level 3 won´t probably find the spell appealing as casting it would mean he looses his precious specialization (he just earned), putting him back to 1 APR.

    So in the end how would you motivate the characters to invest his or her spell slot into the magical weapon ? I feel like the fighter multiclasses should be more inclined to go for them than single classes, but those should not be ommited as well.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited December 2017
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  • kjeronkjeron Member Posts: 2,368

    Re: spell weapons - I don't love the idea of using your own proficiency, unless we're willing to make a bunch of variants for the spell to be useful to a lot of people (Moonmace, Moonhammer, Moonaxe, etc).

    Rather than separate spells, you could let the spell automatically decide which weapon to create based on the casters proficiency, SPLPROT, and opcodes 326/318. Not a variety of weapons, just 2 identical version of the same one, except each uses a different proficiency.
    So the Moonblade checks Longsword proficiency, if its higher than what the spell would be providing at this level, create a version that uses Longsword proficiency. Otherwise, create a version that uses extraprof20.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    Wait, there's a fence at the cloakwood mine? Where!?
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited December 2017
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  • PaulaMigratePaulaMigrate Member Posts: 1,201
    ThacoBell said:

    Wait, there's a fence at the cloakwood mine? Where!?

    Enter the shack from the rear

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  • PaulaMigratePaulaMigrate Member Posts: 1,201

    Enter the shack from the rear
    That's what sh- oh forget it.

    I actually never knew about that.

    And I have to apologize.
    That guy, who opens the Sellanio.sto is really another mod-added creature. He was there in every game I ever played BGT or EET, so I mistook him for a vanilla guy. Also his shop has no prefix. But he's really from NTotSC again and I never play without that mod ever.
    So it looks like your mod doesn't like the shops from that mod and there is a pattern here.
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