Protection from Evil

I apologize if I'm "double posting" or whatever folks call it and get angry about. I tried searching but didn't really find the answer I was looking for. In BGEE and BG2EE, do the Protection from Evil spells give a +2 bonus to saving throws? I've noticed that the spell description does not mention this, but I know that this bonus was originally given before.
Edit: ah, it appears from later posts that it was indeed fixed without me noticing!
Was your sorcerer evil-aligned? If not, that would mean that opcode 219 in Protection from Evil applies to all hostile spells, regardless of the caster's alignment.
The only thing I can think of is that opcode 233 (modify proficiencies) is set to 1 star in the "PROTECTION_FROM_EVIL" proficiency...and I don't know if that even does anything.
Saving Throws
1st test was with with chaotic evil sorcerer. I cast Protection from Evil at Imoen first, then followed with Blindness. I repeated until Imoen's saving throw vs. spell was 22, which wouldn't be possible without the bonus from PfE.
2nd test was with lawful good sorcerer. I cast the same spell sequence and repeated one hundred times. Imoen's best saving throw vs. spell was 20. This means PfE correctly recognizes alignment.
3rd test was with chaotic evil cleric. I cast Protection from Evil, 10' Radius at Imoen, then followed with Command. I repeated until Imoen's saving throw vs. spell was 22, which wouldn't be possible without the bonus from PfE10R.
4th test was with lawful good cleric. I cast the same spell sequence and repeated one hundred times. Imoen's best saving throw vs. spell was 20. This means PfE10R correctly recognizes alignment.
Demon Protection
1st test was with a scripted drow wizard who cast Summon Fiend. The summoned glabrezu immediately attacked and killed the drow and then my character.
2nd test was with the same drow wizard. This time the drow first cast PfE at himself and then followed with SF. The summoned glabrezu only attacked my character.
3rd test was with the same drow wizard. This time only my character cast PfE. The summoned glabrezu attacked only the drow, his summoner. The demon then stood still.
4th test was with the same drow wizard. Both the drow and my character started with PfE. The summoned glabrezu attacked nobody and stood still.
5th test was CLUAConsole - C:CreateCreature("DEMGLA01"). This is glabrezu with gender "NIETHER - 4", as per NearInfinity. The demon attacked and killed my character regardless of PfE.
6th test was CLUAConsole - C:CreateCreature("DEMGLAB"). This is glabrezu with gender "SUMMONED_DEMON - 9". If my character used PfE, the demon stood still and didn't attack. If the character didn't have the protection, the demon attacked.
Hope this helps!
Environment: BG2:EE (v1.3.2064), SCS (v30)