What race would you most likely be in the Forgotten Realms?

Well, obviously you'd be a human, but let's play pretend here.
As always, feel free to specify in the comments.
As always, feel free to specify in the comments.
- What race would you most likely be in the Forgotten Realms?53 votes
- They are just jeallous of your beard, gurl! - A Dwarf!  3.77%
- Look who's thinking they are prettier than everybody else. - An Elf!16.98%
- Everyone just wants you to shut up. PLEASE. - A Gnome!  9.43%
- What about elevenses? Luncheon? Afternoon Tea?! - A Halfling!  7.55%
- Some might call you boring. They might be right about that. - A Human!28.30%
- I guess someone touched your mom's plane. Heyo! - A Planetouched!  5.66%
- Hah, a mule joke. Haven't heard that one before. - A Hybrid!15.09%
- LITERALLY from another plane of existance. - An Externar!  1.89%
- Look at you, you special snowflake. - Other11.32%
No Dragonborn, this list is bias!
Oh wait.
Drow are my favorite race but I'd be a gnome.
I'd even look like a special snow field until one stands on me.
Edit: based on the OP and @bengoshi's remark below, I guess I should have voted human then since I would probable be a human (it's very difficult to imagine ACTUALLY being anything other than human). But voting human when I never RP being a human seams odd as well.. Being a teifling is being mostly human though.
I've looked here: https://dnd.wizards.com/dungeons-and-dragons/what-is-dd/races and still undecided.
Maybe I can use some kind of a test, answers in which (being biased, of course, but in the end they still determine what I would most likely be, right?) could help with an answer...
And voila! I'm a Half-Elf (and not a dwarf, as I would like to be).
One of the question was how though I am?
Answer: I drink poison for breakfast.
You scored 71 intellectual, 75 urbanization, and 34 physical!
You are a powerful Mindflayer. Extremely smart and highly civilized, you plot in dark places and are the terror of all adventurers. Don't let the high culture and intellect fool you though. You're also strong enough to rip a person's brain out of their skull (it's how you eat after all). You are a sinister mindflayer.
Explaination of Scores
Physical: This represents how phsyical you tend to get when dealing with situations. Creature's with high scores like getting physical and tend to be large. Creature's with low scores on the other hand perform poorly when forced into a physical situation.
Mental: This represents how much you enjoy using your mind to over come challenges. Creature's with high scores tend to be very cunning and often posses magical and/or psionic ablities. Creature's with low scores however lack the patience or capacity to deal with situations that require thought to overcome.
Urbanization: This represents the enviroment you prefer. Creature's with high urbanization scores are most comfrotable in places that have been greatly altered to be more livable. Creature's with low urbanization scores prefer natural surrondings and tend to have little impact on their enviroment.
While some of the creature's presented here are typcially good or typically evil, keep in mind that this test has no bearing on your morality. You might be a drow that actully works against the evil forces of loth or a corrupt gnome that designs torture devices.
That test doesn't come off as too trustworthy :I
Half-sane wizard with green clothes and making obscure references coming through!