Alora is going to check the things that the bad guys took off Eldoth. She broke her lantern in the fight and knows that he had one. She will also take the herbs that he brought in case she wants to make a pizza.
Since she was a warrior, and had a name, she had successfully completed the interrogation by Minsc. Especially since she used enough words to befuddle them all (except Boo, of course). Since the lengthy sentences ended in a question, Minsc selected a 50/50 response. "Yes," he answered, knowing that he was at least half right. He then returned his attention to his Sword of Boo, +0, which had gained a notch or two during the fighting, and was in need of care.
Dammit, Kivan had to die right before an attractive female joins the group.
Maybe after a few levels go by, she'll come back for your corpse and resurrect you. If she rez'd me I would have just complained about it being the worst res I'd ever had, and only a man knows how to do a proper one. You know what, I think it's a good thing I'm dead. Even though I never got to kill any of the group mates in combat, or steal their few riches that they won.
Dammit, Kivan had to die right before an attractive female joins the group.
Maybe after a few levels go by, she'll come back for your corpse and resurrect you. If she rez'd me I would have just complained about it being the worst res I'd ever had, and only a man knows how to do a proper one. You know what, I think it's a good thing I'm dead. Even though I never got to kill any of the group mates in combat, or steal their few riches that they won.
If she rezzes Kivan, I'll bet Kivan will give her a "proper reward".
"I am no evil. I am Branwen, Warrior-Priestess of Tempus. I have come to this place to ride it of what ever troubles the village. Have you come to do the same?" She asked, eyeing the group. If they intend to, they might need some help, for they looked, worn.
I swear I read this with the voice of Xena, warrior princess in my mind...
Xan looks up from reading Edwin's Spellbook. "We discovered it was no spirit, but a band of pirates or smugglers." He toes the dead body of in the gray robes, the leader of the men. "This man was their leader."
Meanwhile, Alora heads back into the room behind the one that had formerly held skeletons. Milo is crouched on top of her backpack, watching her progress.
This room was damaged by fire at some time in the past. A bench runs down the west wall of what was obviously a laboratory. On the bench are various jars and bottles of powders and liquids, and several different pieces of Alchemical apparatus, some stained in different colors, as the liquids they contained dried up long ago.
There is a table against the south wall, forming an L-shape with the bench. In the chair before the table sits a figure with its back to you,a apparently studying a book which is open on the table. The figure wears a worn and threadbare robe embroidered with a variety of mystic symbols, and a pointed hat. On the table are a candlestic, a tiny stump of unlit candle remaining within it, and a variety of other items which, even in the dim light of the lantern you are holding, shine with the warmth of pure gold. One of these objects looks like a human (or humanoid) skull.
If I'm up again, I'll reprise my role as Imoen. She'll put 30 points each into open locks and find/remove traps and go for studded leather armor, a short bow, short sword, backpack, bedroll, rope, a lantern, and thieves' picks.
Some phrases were classic - so classic that others surely repeated them to people they met throughout the realms. The one that came to mind was Minsc's. It came when he followed the tiny trap breaking and lock picking hero. Standing full in the doorway, he called out to the hunched figure, "Stand and deliver, so that my Hamster might have a better look at you."
"I am no evil. I am Branwen, Warrior-Priestess of Tempus. I have come to this place to ride it of what ever troubles the village. Have you come to do the same?" She asked, eyeing the group. If they intend to, they might need some help, for they looked, worn.
I swear I read this with the voice of Xena, warrior princess in my mind...
Although we wouldn't expect her to admit it, if she were evil, would we? After all, Minsc is huge!
lol... Okay, as much of my shopping list as I can get for 40gp, and I'll scavenge the rest (including arrows) from the massive pile of loot and corpses in the room with the adventurers.
Studded Leather and a short sword is 30 gp, Thieves tools are 30 on their own! I suppose you can take poor, dead Yoshimo's... And he had a bow and 60 arrows... and a quiver. Imoen loots the dead. Just joking... I did it all the time in BG1
Okay, so you'll have to take his armor, then, too. Because Studded Leather costs 20 and Leather (which he has) only costs 5. Pretty much everything else you want, he has, plus a torch (he took 2 and used one in the basement).
So, purchased: thieves' picks, backpack, rope, lantern. Scavenged: Yoshimo's leather armor, short bow, quiver, and arrows. Once downstairs, I'll (carefully) help myself to the dagger of venom in case I feel stabby. If nobody minds, I'll also take the potion of speed.
Woo!! I'm rich! I'm filthy rich! I'm financially secure! (And yes, I take his torches, too. Poor Yoshimo. It's dungeon recycling at its best. Or worst, depending on your point of view.)
If the alternative is facing hordes of pirates and undead and undead pirates in only a tunic and breeches and capable only of delivering stern lectures, I'll be a corpse-looting fool.
Okay, You find a supposedly haunted house. The tavern-keeper mentions you aren't the only one seeking to find out what's in there... at least 8 or 9 other adventurers have gone up that way in the last few days. You go on, enter the house, and after some exploration, find Yoshimo's body on an upper floor and loot him naked. Downstairs again, you find an open trapdoor leading to the cellar, where you find a blonde female, a tall bald guy with a strange blue tattoo on his head holding a hamster, a depressed-looking elf, a halfling with a cat riding on her backpack, another halfling in chainmail and a metric ton of dead humans, a dead man in the robes of a Red Wizard of Thay, two dead, nearly naked men, one human, one an elf, and some chopped-up skeletons.
"Heya, it's just me, Imoen," a young woman announces as she carefully steps into the light. She holds her hands out, palms up, lest the large woman with the hammer or the huge man with the hampster be nervous around strangers. "Looks like you all have been busy. The barkeep told me about this place and everyone coming through. I thought I could help, if you need an extra set of hands and eyes."
Focusing on the figure at the table, Minsc wondered at the squeaky voice that had come from it. Boo knew the voice was from behind him, but didn't quite share that information with Minsc. Regardless, the figure had just spoken without moving, confusing and troubling him. "Hear that, Boo? Words without moving. It is a sign that evil is afoot!"
He moved further in the room, curious about the book and wondered if it had pictures of huge warriors with equally huge swords. If so, it would be a good book for Minsc. After all, there was a reason that they were on the sword coast, wasn't there?
The Priestess blinked at the information the elven mage gave her. "Only Smugglers?" She asked, her mind turning at the revoluation. While that would explain why the lights where on at indiscriminate times, and why they would chose this location. The question that remained, is, "Are there any left?" She asked, going past the large tattooed warrior, and glancing around at the carnage.
Branwen turned at the first sound of another voice behind her, not aware that someone had followed her into the manor. She scrutinized the young women, but found nothing amiss with her. Overall she seem like an agreeable young lass. "Ah, another to join this worthy band. I am Branwen, Priestess of Tempus. It seems a different trouble haunts these halls." She said, toeing one of the bodies on the ground.
Meanwhile, Alora heads back into the room behind the one that had formerly held skeletons. Milo is crouched on top of her backpack, watching her progress.
This room was damaged by fire at some time in the past. A bench runs down the west wall of what was obviously a laboratory. On the bench are various jars and bottles of powders and liquids, and several different pieces of Alchemical apparatus, some stained in different colors, as the liquids they contained dried up long ago.
There is a table against the south wall, forming an L-shape with the bench. In the chair before the table sits a figure with its back to you,a apparently studying a book which is open on the table. The figure wears a worn and threadbare robe embroidered with a variety of mystic symbols, and a pointed hat. On the table are a candlestic, a tiny stump of unlit candle remaining within it, and a variety of other items which, even in the dim light of the lantern you are holding, shine with the warmth of pure gold. One of these objects looks like a human (or humanoid) skull.
OOC: So much for sneaky alora!
Scavenged: Yoshimo's leather armor, short bow, quiver, and arrows. Once downstairs, I'll (carefully) help myself to the dagger of venom in case I feel stabby. If nobody minds, I'll also take the potion of speed.
Focusing on the figure at the table, Minsc wondered at the squeaky voice that had come from it. Boo knew the voice was from behind him, but didn't quite share that information with Minsc. Regardless, the figure had just spoken without moving, confusing and troubling him. "Hear that, Boo? Words without moving. It is a sign that evil is afoot!"
He moved further in the room, curious about the book and wondered if it had pictures of huge warriors with equally huge swords. If so, it would be a good book for Minsc. After all, there was a reason that they were on the sword coast, wasn't there?
Branwen turned at the first sound of another voice behind her, not aware that someone had followed her into the manor. She scrutinized the young women, but found nothing amiss with her. Overall she seem like an agreeable young lass. "Ah, another to join this worthy band. I am Branwen, Priestess of Tempus. It seems a different trouble haunts these halls." She said, toeing one of the bodies on the ground.