Best Original Kit or Class by Beam Doggitty Dog

Which original Beamdog kit do you guys like?
- Best Original Kit or Class by Beam Doggitty Dog62 votes
- Shaman  8.06%
- Shadow Dancer19.35%
- Dwarven Defender12.90%
- Sun Soul Monk  4.84%
- Dark Moon Monk11.29%
- Priest of Tyr  1.61%
- Priest of Tempus  8.06%
- Dragon Disciple  8.06%
- Blackguard25.81%
Post edited by booinyoureyes on
Haven't upgraded to 2.0 yet and I likely won't until the kinks are better worked out, so no Shaman for me. I don't really have any interest in trying the Shadow Dancer. Rasaad is cool, but I'd still rather be a DMM.
As @Tresset said, Priest of Tyr and Priest of Tempus were imported from IWD, and they're both pretty great kits.
Well as much as I love (Red) Dragon Disciple... I'm still saying Blackguard. None of the other D&D CRPGs had done Blackguard well so far imo. Don't know if true to source material or not, but the Neverwinter Nights (2) implementation is... eww. EE Blackguard is just what I envision though, inverted paladin.
Pretty simple. I though that monks could benefit the most from a kit in general. Also, I like the Shar v. Selune dynamic between them and the Sun Soul Monks.
It also plays well conceptually with the monks abilities to "hide in shadows". I basically consider them badass ninjas with frozen palms. The fact that they can detect illusions plays into that as well.
Also, I think they go really well with the portrait that @Pteran is using. One of my favorite Black Pits character was a Dark Moon Monk with that portrait. If only they could use quarterstaves!
But I chose Shadowdancer because the way this kit is played is very unique and different from the average thief, while DMM and BG are still quite close to their class (gameplay-wise ofc)
The Shaman class would be a close second, if they only would have invested more time in its fine tuning. Small things, such as:
- Drumming/chanting sounds when the Shaman Dance is selected (like the Bard Song and Turn Undead)
- Custom dance animations for the Shaman (because them just standing there is boring as hell)
- Giving them their own dogma instead of paste/copying the Druid's (they deserved to have their own quirks)
... would have made the Shaman much better in my eyes. And possibly my favourite class.Name one other kit where it gives you a beard so large and so thick that it blocks half of all physical damage. Name one, I dare you!
My love for dwarfs approves Dwarven Defenders.
But Blackguards are ultimate machines of destruction.
The dwarven defender, the shadowdancer and the dragon disciple are too 3e for me. Yes, I feel the same about the sorcerer
I have nothing against the third edition, I just feel that second and third don't mix too well.
Kit-Wise I love DD, though, having played one in NWN, back in the days when they were added and my first attempts at writing (fantasy) featuring what was basically a DD protagonist (looking back, those were the days (insert nostalgia meme here...)). Nothing much came of it though, except for an unfinished first draft and me using the title (which shall not be named) as a password for a long time.