^ LOL... That is wrong on so many levels, and yet I can't stop laughing.
I'll follow along with the others, reluctantly, but if I see what looks like a cemetary or a chapel or both, I'll stop and draw the others' attention to it.
OOC: downloading BG now and it's going super slow. Dribs, drabs, and trickles--with the occasional spurt.
Okay, you walk into the octagonal room and move into the Southern hallway. From here, there is a spiral stairway going up to the east, and open double doors to the west. Through the double doors, you see a magnificient 40-foot-square room, brilliantly lit by three massive crystal chandeliers. Pillars of stone stand against dull white marble walls, supporting the ceiling. In the center of the room, a long, heavy table stands covered with a fine white satin cloth. The table is laden with delectable foods of every type: roasted beast basted in a savory sauce, roots and herbs of every taste, sweet fruits and vegetables, along with cakes, pies and stewed fruit. Places are set for every one of you with fine delicate china and silver. At each place there is a crystal goblet filled with an amber liquid whose delicate fragrance tantalizes your senses. At the corner of the far west wall, between floor-to-ceiling length mirrors, stands a massive pipe organ. Its pipes blare out a thunderous melody that offers in its tones greatness and despair. Seated before the keys, its back toward you, a single caped figure pounds the keys in raptured ecstacy. The Figure suddenly stops, and a deep silence falls over the dining hall. The figure slowly turns towards you.
The man, tall and strong, with glowing yellow eyes, smiles at you. "Welcome to my home," he says, his voice soft and cultured, yet filled with power. "Please, enjoy this meal I have had my servants prepare for you." He looks up and sees Irina, and his mouth curls up in a curiously gentle smile at the edges. "And you, too, Irina. We may be opponents, but there is no need to take up arms just yet, is there?"
Edwin smiles back at Strahd and gives a small bow. He begins to sit at the table as if it is the most natural thing in the world. Being sure that the simpletons with him will be confused with an enemy they can't simply rattle a sword at, he gestures for the others to sit as well.
"We thank you for the kind welcome, and shall do our best to be fitting guests in your home."
Noble, /snicker... How much longer will you keep up this pretense, you act as one who mocks the nobility with your attitude, I wonder what was done to you to dispise them so. The nobility sans a very few are refined and hold themselves to a higher calling, they are not above the masses, they give their whole life to them. You would never understand it with your urchin upbringing, but mock it as you like. Maybe even this Strahd will teach you how kind nobility and lawfullness can be, well, before we ram a stake through his heart, chop off his head and stuff his mouth full of garlic. But I'm getting ahead of myself.
Oh, Strahd, am I missing something? Something that makes you not worry about that at all? I am sure, I'm sure you are fully prepared for a beheading and it wouldn't impede your calling at all. Now that we have these pleasanties out of the way, shall we enjoy your meal. I can't wait to see what you truly have in store for us.
"My urchin upbringing? If you can call being raised as the daughter of the Grand Duke of Baldur's Gate an urchin upbringing, then yes, I was unfortunate indeed. And what gave you the impression that I mock and despise nobility, when I am of noble birth and upbringing myself? I am undoubtedly of higher noble rank than yourself, if you are even nobility at all."
I'm not eating/drinking anything I didn't carry in with me. And I will stay close to Iriana. I do not believe this situation is as peaceful as it looks.
Strahd responds to Skie, but his attention is mostly on Irina. "I am Count of these lands, having conquered them in my impetuous not quite youth." His voice is urbane and cultured. When Keldorn upbraids Skie, the Count listens. "The way you lash out, so, Paladin, one might wonder it is that you so fear. Was this how you were raised to treat women?" he asks mildly.
I will not answer the likes of you to such a thing, you have no right to pretend to care of women. I only wish for Skie to end her charade, her false nobility is tiring to put up with.
*goes to sit down and eat.. casting true sight on the table of food*
Aerie takes a seat near Alora and regards Strahd calmly. "Good evening. Thank you for the use of your coach. It was a most...efficient means of travel."
OOC @LadyRhian the gulping is more me than Aerie. I've read enough Ravenloft to know that Strahd is a Machiavellian badass of the first order who never really dies or undies or dies for good or whatever you want to call it. One minute, he's suave and cultured and urbane. The next, well, the bloody smears on the walls go rather well with the wallpaper...
There's cake! Alora decides Strahd isn't a really bad vampire since he has provided us with cake. She tries not to look greedy while helping herself to a slice (and palming another slice into her pocket for emergencies).
Can I play on your organ Mr Strahd? (Alora ignores the look Skie gives her). If he will let her Alora will proceed to play this (including the laughter at the end) while everyone has dinner:
Cernd shook his head, watching the vampire try to skillfully goad them into attack him. Keldorn, specifically. The druid took a seat slowly, nodding. He glanced at the extravagant meal, and then spoke, slowly. "The lengths you go to try to impress us in your Den is interesting." He said, watch Keldorn's actions closely, knowing that he wouldn't lower his guard unless he thought the food was harmless.
We should be cautious and resist the temptation. After all, our host wants us dead and the food may be poisonous or render us incapable of defending ourselves.
Valygar stares disapprovingly toward Alora for not heeding his words as she gobbles down a big chunk of cake.
*rolls a 1 for Common Sense* hmmmm watery Gypsy tea vs. a 20 course meal.....*absently munches on some pork crackling* this cannot be our vampire. he doesn't sparkle! *Seeing him unarmed, she has no intention of attacking, instead she listens to Edwin as he addresses the count*
Strahd merely smiles at Keldorn. "Of course, I would not presume to judge you... that is up to your God, isn't it?" he asks with a shrug and a knowing look. He turns his attention to Cernd when he speaks. "My people have a long tradition of hospitality," he tells the Druid. "As a nobleman, I could do no less."
His attention swings to Valygar. "You, sir, malign my hospitality." He gives the ranger a look that bodes ill for him later, but goes on. "I am a warrior. I would never resort to the weakness of poison when I could merely swing my sword at you to deprive you of life."
For those of you who eat, the food is delicious. As a vampire, Strahd may not eat himself, but apparently he has cooks who really know how to prepare excellent food. REALLY excellent food. The amber liquid in the glasses is an excellent wine that tantalizes your senses with its deiicate bouquet and fruity overtones of apples and cherries as well as grapes. No one sickens or gets poisoned from what they eat.
Strahd smiles at Aerie's remark. "You seem to have enjoyed it. I am glad." He bestows a smile upon her that Aerie feels reveals the nobleman he once was beneath the grayish paleness of undeath. She gets a sense of a devastatingly forceful man, confident and powerful, appreciative of female beauty and gentleness.
Strahd studies Edwin. "I have no enemies here. My people fear me, as they should. Love only supports a ruler so far, but fear may take him further. They know I am strong. Strong enough to protect them and keep them safe. But if they betray me, well, nothing will save them."
"You prey on us for blood," Irina says with disgust. "How is this 'protecting us'?"
Strahd shrugs. "Nobility requires taxes and tithes from their subjects, but I do not demand your money, do I? No, my requirements are quite different. You live on my land, you know what I am... why do you balk at paying the price for protection? Your ancestors did not."
Irina scoffs. "I and my brother have been attacked by your creatures. Twice you have left your mark on me, and I have done nothing to deserve this!"
"Nothing? Why Irina, your fiery words quite touch my heart," Strahd said, his words sounding... indulgent rather than mocking or amused. "But what can you expect from a man completely in love with you?" There was an inherent truth underlying those words that made Irina gasp.
Irina looks... shocked. "But I have never... sought your attention, or even seen you!" she cried.
Strahd smiles at her, his teeth very white, but no fangs that you can see. "You have done nothing other than be yourself, my dear," he tells her. "That was quite enough for me. Perhaps you have issue with the way I have courted you, but I am old and quite set in my ways. I apologize if my courtship is not quite the loverly one that you were expecting."
Irina is so outraged by this remark that coherent words desert her, leaving her nearly sputtering and red-faced.
Branwen shuffles from foot to foot, feeling quite confused. This urbane noble speaks with such calm and seeming wisdom, his words all seeming quite reasonable to her. He appears to pose no threat, wish no ill will, and even speaks of love. But the uneasiness remains deep in her heart. Uncharacteristically hesitant, she clears her throat and speaks up, somehow afraid to meet Strahd's eye...
"You speak of love for this woman...you greet us as if we were old and honoured friends...why then, did you set your wolfly hellbeasts upon us as we approached? That was not the actions of a reasonable nobleman, as you seem to desire to be seen as. And, yes, you may love this woman, covet her...*she frowns* ...but it seems to me as if this is just possession you crave, not love. Irina does not return your feelings, this is evident. She fears you, instead of regarding your advances with fondness. You have power, yes, but my fear is that you misuse it. Deliberately, you have maliciously claimed this woman as your own without her consent...this must not go on...i see no love here, merely common lust and abuse...If you truly believe you love her, you would not subject her to the indignity of stealing her lifeblood in the night as a common thief!
Edwin takes a grape from the table and chews it slowly while watching Strahd.
"No enemies? I must respectfully disagree. You realize of course why we have come here. The villagers would see you dead (or whatever the vampire nomenclature is). We have been sent to see to it. While I do not claim that we shall attempt to kill you, surely they will send others. Wether or not they succeed, constant attacking adventurers would be an annoyance at the least. It is my proposal that you come to an agreement with the villagers that they are more happy with."
If you weren't truly an evil being, I feel we could have been friends. It is a shame, but I thank you for your hospitality. Now, I do mean to be blunt here, why do you wish us to be here? Get on with it, or at least hand us over the child you have stolen from town.
You seem the lawful sort, so I expect you will happily oblige. If you consider blood a form of taxation, than I know we can come to an accord, your words speak much of your openness.
Aerie listens quietly after having sampled several of the dishes on display. She helps herself to a slice of cake and watches the interplay between Strahd and her companions. On the surface, Strahd's reasoning seems sound enough, but, Branwen has a very valid point. She also disagrees that fear is the best way to rule, but, for now, she'll listen and watch the others.
Strahd smiles at Branwen. "In my youth, courtship was... different. Often, one would simply show up and carry off the object of your affections. If you were a noble, you would bring your retainers. I have few humans that serve me any more, so I send what I have. Twice I have been on the verge of carrying off my love," he glances at Irina in a warm way, "when her protests stayed my hand. Sadly, she seems not to have remembered welcoming my kiss at first." His golden eyes gleam. "And I am not the man of my youth. I acceeded to her wishes. Now, it seems, she has come to me. A fact I am enjoying..."
Irina sputters again, her face red, with anger and impotent rage, it seems.
Strahd turns his face to Edwin at his words. "They have sent others before. I remain." he says, fairly dismissively. "If they wish to rail at their fate of being ruled over by a strong ruler, that is their right."
Smiling at Skie, he says, 'It is the finest deer in my forests. I am glad you are enjoying my hospitality. It is so rare that I entertain guests these days, especially ones from other noble houses."
Strahd turns a confused look on Keldorn. "I have stolen no children from town. I do not know what you mean." He definitely looks honestly confused.
You intrigue me Strahd, a foul abomination, but yet I gather an honest one. You have laws, foul though they be, but you seem to follow them yourself. If not, I fear dear Irina would already be gone from us.
Answer me if you can, what do you know of the Gypsies near by? How do they stay free of your rules and requirements. More importantly, a child from town, Gertruda is her name. She has been hidden from you and if what you says it truthful I have just betrayed her existence to you, but her mother says you have stolen her. A man, such as yourself, or as she said me.. Came and took her.
I have more questions, but they shall wait, I don't want to be indebted to you, what knowledge do you seek from us? Or is it something else.
"Ah, Gertruda!" The confusion clears from Strahd's face. "I did not steal her from town. I found her wandering in the forest by herself. She said she wished to meet the noble Prince who ruled from my castle, and I invited her inside to see it. She says she does not wish to leave, or to return to town. I think she finds her mother's rule rather... oppressive." He shrugs expressively. "I fear she would be overwhelmed in any other place, as her upbringing has left her quite... unprepared for life on her own."
I'm unsurprised that a sheltered life would do such a thing, yet her mother feared you and what you would do to her greatly. Still, if you would permit us, can we see her and judge her health and being anyways. Allow, a neutral group to impartially judge this matter.
I'll follow along with the others, reluctantly, but if I see what looks like a cemetary or a chapel or both, I'll stop and draw the others' attention to it.
OOC: downloading BG now and it's going super slow. Dribs, drabs, and trickles--with the occasional spurt.
The man, tall and strong, with glowing yellow eyes, smiles at you. "Welcome to my home," he says, his voice soft and cultured, yet filled with power. "Please, enjoy this meal I have had my servants prepare for you." He looks up and sees Irina, and his mouth curls up in a curiously gentle smile at the edges. "And you, too, Irina. We may be opponents, but there is no need to take up arms just yet, is there?"
"We thank you for the kind welcome, and shall do our best to be fitting guests in your home."
Skie proceeds to sit down at the place closest to the delicious looking roasted beast.
"Thank you... is it Lord Strahd? Count Strahd? What is your title exactly?"
Oh, Strahd, am I missing something? Something that makes you not worry about that at all? I am sure, I'm sure you are fully prepared for a beheading and it wouldn't impede your calling at all. Now that we have these pleasanties out of the way, shall we enjoy your meal. I can't wait to see what you truly have in store for us.
"My urchin upbringing? If you can call being raised as the daughter of the Grand Duke of Baldur's Gate an urchin upbringing, then yes, I was unfortunate indeed. And what gave you the impression that I mock and despise nobility, when I am of noble birth and upbringing myself? I am undoubtedly of higher noble rank than yourself, if you are even nobility at all."
*goes to sit down and eat.. casting true sight on the table of food*
OOC @LadyRhian the gulping is more me than Aerie. I've read enough Ravenloft to know that Strahd is a Machiavellian badass of the first order who never really dies or undies or dies for good or whatever you want to call it. One minute, he's suave and cultured and urbane. The next, well, the bloody smears on the walls go rather well with the wallpaper...
Can I play on your organ Mr Strahd? (Alora ignores the look Skie gives her). If he will let her Alora will proceed to play this (including the laughter at the end) while everyone has dinner:
Valygar stares disapprovingly toward Alora for not heeding his words as she gobbles down a big chunk of cake.
At last his eyes go to Strahd.
"You have made many enemies in the town, the people fear and mistrust you. My companions would be set at ease if they knew these fears were in vain."
hmmmm watery Gypsy tea vs. a 20 course meal.....*absently munches on some pork crackling*
this cannot be our vampire. he doesn't sparkle!
*Seeing him unarmed, she has no intention of attacking, instead she listens to Edwin as he addresses the count*
His attention swings to Valygar. "You, sir, malign my hospitality." He gives the ranger a look that bodes ill for him later, but goes on. "I am a warrior. I would never resort to the weakness of poison when I could merely swing my sword at you to deprive you of life."
For those of you who eat, the food is delicious. As a vampire, Strahd may not eat himself, but apparently he has cooks who really know how to prepare excellent food. REALLY excellent food. The amber liquid in the glasses is an excellent wine that tantalizes your senses with its deiicate bouquet and fruity overtones of apples and cherries as well as grapes. No one sickens or gets poisoned from what they eat.
Strahd smiles at Aerie's remark. "You seem to have enjoyed it. I am glad." He bestows a smile upon her that Aerie feels reveals the nobleman he once was beneath the grayish paleness of undeath. She gets a sense of a devastatingly forceful man, confident and powerful, appreciative of female beauty and gentleness.
Strahd studies Edwin. "I have no enemies here. My people fear me, as they should. Love only supports a ruler so far, but fear may take him further. They know I am strong. Strong enough to protect them and keep them safe. But if they betray me, well, nothing will save them."
"You prey on us for blood," Irina says with disgust. "How is this 'protecting us'?"
Strahd shrugs. "Nobility requires taxes and tithes from their subjects, but I do not demand your money, do I? No, my requirements are quite different. You live on my land, you know what I am... why do you balk at paying the price for protection? Your ancestors did not."
Irina scoffs. "I and my brother have been attacked by your creatures. Twice you have left your mark on me, and I have done nothing to deserve this!"
"Nothing? Why Irina, your fiery words quite touch my heart," Strahd said, his words sounding... indulgent rather than mocking or amused. "But what can you expect from a man completely in love with you?" There was an inherent truth underlying those words that made Irina gasp.
Irina looks... shocked. "But I have never... sought your attention, or even seen you!" she cried.
Strahd smiles at her, his teeth very white, but no fangs that you can see. "You have done nothing other than be yourself, my dear," he tells her. "That was quite enough for me. Perhaps you have issue with the way I have courted you, but I am old and quite set in my ways. I apologize if my courtship is not quite the loverly one that you were expecting."
Irina is so outraged by this remark that coherent words desert her, leaving her nearly sputtering and red-faced.
"You speak of love for this woman...you greet us as if we were old and honoured friends...why then, did you set your wolfly hellbeasts upon us as we approached? That was not the actions of a reasonable nobleman, as you seem to desire to be seen as. And, yes, you may love this woman, covet her...*she frowns* ...but it seems to me as if this is just possession you crave, not love. Irina does not return your feelings, this is evident. She fears you, instead of regarding your advances with fondness. You have power, yes, but my fear is that you misuse it. Deliberately, you have maliciously claimed this woman as your own without her consent...this must not go on...i see no love here, merely common lust and abuse...If you truly believe you love her, you would not subject her to the indignity of stealing her lifeblood in the night as a common thief!
"No enemies? I must respectfully disagree. You realize of course why we have come here. The villagers would see you dead (or whatever the vampire nomenclature is). We have been sent to see to it. While I do not claim that we shall attempt to kill you, surely they will send others. Wether or not they succeed, constant attacking adventurers would be an annoyance at the least. It is my proposal that you come to an agreement with the villagers that they are more happy with."
You seem the lawful sort, so I expect you will happily oblige. If you consider blood a form of taxation, than I know we can come to an accord, your words speak much of your openness.
Irina sputters again, her face red, with anger and impotent rage, it seems.
Strahd turns his face to Edwin at his words. "They have sent others before. I remain." he says, fairly dismissively. "If they wish to rail at their fate of being ruled over by a strong ruler, that is their right."
Smiling at Skie, he says, 'It is the finest deer in my forests. I am glad you are enjoying my hospitality. It is so rare that I entertain guests these days, especially ones from other noble houses."
Strahd turns a confused look on Keldorn. "I have stolen no children from town. I do not know what you mean." He definitely looks honestly confused.
Answer me if you can, what do you know of the Gypsies near by? How do they stay free of your rules and requirements. More importantly, a child from town, Gertruda is her name. She has been hidden from you and if what you says it truthful I have just betrayed her existence to you, but her mother says you have stolen her. A man, such as yourself, or as she said me.. Came and took her.
I have more questions, but they shall wait, I don't want to be indebted to you, what knowledge do you seek from us? Or is it something else.