@Shandyr I studied German & French in high school, so now might be a good time to brush up on those. Then again, I'd love to learn Russian or Chinese (Mandarin) next. Looks like they don't have Chinese though.
I've used Duolingo on and off for a few years now and it simply is the best online language learning tool I've found. In case people missed it, it is also available as an app. I used it all the time on the subway on my way to work to improve my spanish and esperanto among others. Yeah, they have esperanto and that is awesome. I have the same username there as here if anyone feels like adding.
And I added you @Shandyr ! Hah, @FinneousPJ that's kind of a funny story. They have some kind of "test your skills" test you can take if you're already familiar with a language. So I took it for my native Swedish because I was curious what the course would look and sound like. So I try this test for a few minutes and suddenly... I get 3000 xp and go to level 11 in Swedish. I guess I'm just that good at my... native... language.
Well, apparently I'm only 5 % fluent in Swedish these days. "Do you want to add this to your Linkedin profile?" Duolingo asks. Since I work as a language consultant in Swedish I'm going to say thanks but no thanks.
Still waiting for R'lyehian to make its appearance though.
P.S. I earned 20 XP in Russian already! Davai, @JuliusBorisov join us on Duolingo
Bravo, continua così!
PS No cheating with Google Translate
Also, there is a japanese course on its way. You can check out coming courses at https://incubator.duolingo.com/
Now if I was speaking to a Frenchman, I would say it like this...
I eata da beefa. Le Beef me like. Giva da beefa. MOOO *action eating a burger*
And I would get me some beef... Most likely raw with an uncooked egg on it...