I'd definitely be interested in this. I love the idea of a community magazine, and have been watching the zine closely since the days when the name "The Monthly Turnip" was still being discussed (I know it was only a few months ago, but that makes me sound like a really dedicated fan )
I'd like my submission to be topical, if at all possible. Would I be able to know the theme for July's issue beforehand? That way I could possibly focus on a game with said theme to review, or some such thing.
That's off-topic, but everytime I see JuliousBorrisov "Promote" someone, the icon always remind me of a middle finger for some reason. I find it hilarious.
That's off-topic, but everytime I see JuliousBorrisov "Promote" someone, the icon always remind me of a middle finger for some reason. I find it hilarious.
I was thinking about this since I saw these yesterday. With so many forumites on here, and the breadth of time of the Forum.
Could you maybe have a "meet the forumite" section. Where you get to know important or influential forumites here?
I see you did one for Elminster, but there are many an interesting forumite around here.
Dunno, just a thought.
As a follow-up to that. I'd have to make time for it, but I could see if I could make time. I dunno, call the feature Alaundo's Alehouse or something based on the old off-topic forum that I'd also shamelessly ported from Gamefaqs back in the day.
And we need the communities help for our next issue:
Know any games (besides Baldur's Gate Trilogy obviously) that have interactive chickens?!
We know of Dungeon Keeper and Hearthstone. There is Slime Rancher, NWN: SoU and even Rise of the Tomb Raider. There is even an easter egg Chicken in Gears of War. Zelda series counts even though they aren't really called chickens, and then there is Pokémon's Torchic and Combusken which sorta look like chickens... I guess.
In Skyrim there's that one chicken that famously got a whole lot of first time players in trouble. Immediately upon finishing the tutorial, first city, there's just a chicken in the middle of town.
Many players, testing their newfound agency, decided to attack the chicken.
Unfortunately it seems the locals are quite fond of this chicken. The whole town turns on you if you attack it. It's a bit much for a newbie adventurer to handle.
Our Fan Fic contest is now closed. If you submitted and have not received a follow up email, contact us ASAP. Winners will be announced in our June Issue! Chicken Issue is out soon.
I'd like my submission to be topical, if at all possible. Would I be able to know the theme for July's issue beforehand? That way I could possibly focus on a game with said theme to review, or some such thing.
I smell a @Shandaxx
We need NWN reviews for all the official mods!
I was thinking about this since I saw these yesterday. With so many forumites on here, and the breadth of time of the Forum.
Could you maybe have a "meet the forumite" section. Where you get to know important or influential forumites here?
I see you did one for Elminster, but there are many an interesting forumite around here.
Dunno, just a thought.
I'll also shoot an email to you about the idea.
And we need the communities help for our next issue:
Know any games (besides Baldur's Gate Trilogy obviously) that have interactive chickens?!
We know of Dungeon Keeper and Hearthstone.
There is Slime Rancher, NWN: SoU and even Rise of the Tomb Raider.
There is even an easter egg Chicken in Gears of War.
Zelda series counts even though they aren't really called chickens, and then there is Pokémon's Torchic and Combusken which sorta look like chickens... I guess.
But do you all know any others?
Many players, testing their newfound agency, decided to attack the chicken.
Unfortunately it seems the locals are quite fond of this chicken. The whole town turns on you if you attack it. It's a bit much for a newbie adventurer to handle.