Farmer Brun: "I've NOTHING to give you, I spent EVERYTHING I had repairing my tools, please help me find my son" (or somesuch) Go inside his house. Gold and gems in the chests. Trust nobody, not even the farmer NPC with a sob story and convincing voice acting.
Maybe the reason he's standing outside in the first place is because he got evicted, and that money in the house belongs to the landlord. Maybe Farmer Brun is an indentured servant to the landlord, who's making him stand outside to serve as a scarecrow.
Heh, if I was a building code enforcement agent in that area, I'd be shutting the house down yesterday. I mean, mannn, talk about a serious bug infestation issue. I'll bet if one called The Orkin Man, he'd turn his little wagon around faster than you could spit.
EDIT: I wonder why the ankhegs don't bother the cows and horse there? Well, I suppose that might be a reason why he has only got the few animals left that he does.
@Zaghoul The ankhegs are literally protected by the government, that's canon.
What if the ankhegs were put there to drive out the landowners so they can use it for something else and the only one's that are left are Farmer Brun and those fisherman.
And think about it, something terrible happened to both of them
1. Farmer Brun lost his son (lol, that rhymes) 2. The fisherman made enemies with Umberlee over some sort of payment (they deserved it really)
*Gasp* What if the Temple of Umberlee owns the land!
@ZaramMaldovar Heh, it's an interesting area for sure. Ya got me thinking of a particular gentleman and amulet in SoD that could tie in here, given the nature of them both.
When I started this thread 10 months ago I never expected it to be so popular, now here we are 1000 comments, over 18,000 views and 34 pages later we're still going strong.
We've had fan art, memes, random off-hand discussions. I'm really glad to be such a big part of this Baldur's Gate Forum world. Thank you all.
What I like most about pickpocketing in video games is how people never realize that they've been robbed. Like in Skyrim. Sure, it's weird they don't notice when you pickpocket the clothes they are wearing. Even weirder when no one notices that the entire town is walking around in their underwear.
Not that I've ever stolen every piece of clothing in Whiterun. No no no.
I just want to reiterate how absolutely bananas this is.
Not only was Imoen able to pickpocket Full Plate Armor, which is 70 lbs of interlocking metal plates, off of a giant shark person's body without them noticing, but that same suit of armor, whose interlocking plates were fitted for a MASSIVE SHARK PERSON was then able to be worn by a small halfling woman without any adjustments needing to be made.
I just want to reiterate how absolutely bananas this is.
Not only was Imoen able to pickpocket Full Plate Armor, which is 70 lbs of interlocking metal plates, off of a giant shark person's body without them noticing, but that same suit of armor, whose interlocking plates were fitted for a MASSIVE SHARK PERSON was then able to be worn by a small halfling woman without any adjustments needing to be made.
Baldur's Gate logic: One size really does fit all!
Are the Sahuagin supposed to be big? Been a while since I looked at them but I thought their in game model was pretty tiny. Comarable to a xvart or a goblin.
I've based their size on the one in the mosaic you see in the chapter introduction right before getting to the Sahuagin city. And that one looks pretty darn big.
I just want to reiterate how absolutely bananas this is.
Not only was Imoen able to pickpocket Full Plate Armor, which is 70 lbs of interlocking metal plates, off of a giant shark person's body without them noticing, but that same suit of armor, whose interlocking plates were fitted for a MASSIVE SHARK PERSON was then able to be worn by a small halfling woman without any adjustments needing to be made.
Baldur's Gate logic: One size really does fit all!
Heh, it's like a pastiche of LOTR:
One Size To Fit Them All, (Something) (something, something) In the Gate that's Baldur's, where the logic dies.
Are the Sahuagin supposed to be big? Been a while since I looked at them but I thought their in game model was pretty tiny. Comarable to a xvart or a goblin.
Average height is 6ft (keeping in mind that they have arched backs), average weight is 200 lbs according to FR wiki. The picture in the narrated cutscene makes them look HUGE though.
Here it is:
And that's compared to a human pirate. Mazzy is much smaller!
From 2nd edition Monstrous Manual regarding the sharkies: "Sahuagin never stop growing, although they grow very slowly, and death comes to most before the years allow growth to large size. Leaders are always the largest and strongest. It is reported that the nine sahuagin princes are each of the four-armed sort, as is the king.". I think we need one of those nice 4-armed dudes thrown in down there myself. A miniature that came out like this for for D&D:
@Iroumen: In IWD2, Lightning Reflexes just gives +2 to Reflex saves. "Evasion" (available with 1 monk level or 2 thief levels) and "Improved Evasion" (available with 10 thief levels) let you dodge damage spells that offer a Reflex save.
He did spend everything.
Or a lawn gnome.
...too soon?
EDIT: I wonder why the ankhegs don't bother the cows and horse there? Well, I suppose that might be a reason why he has only got the few animals left that he does.
The ankhegs are literally protected by the government, that's canon.
What if the ankhegs were put there to drive out the landowners so they can use it for something else and the only one's that are left are Farmer Brun and those fisherman.
And think about it, something terrible happened to both of them
1. Farmer Brun lost his son (lol, that rhymes)
2. The fisherman made enemies with Umberlee over some sort of payment (they deserved it really)
*Gasp* What if the Temple of Umberlee owns the land!
4 of the same letter in a could almost say that's alliteration.
I think I know a guy.....
Thank you @semiticgod for this great honor.
When I started this thread 10 months ago I never expected it to be so popular, now here we are 1000 comments, over 18,000 views and 34 pages later we're still going strong.
We've had fan art, memes, random off-hand discussions. I'm really glad to be such a big part of this Baldur's Gate Forum world. Thank you all.
That is Mark Meer, the voice of Baeloth cosplaying as Baeloth.
You sir, win the forum. As well as my eternal gratitude and 1,000,000 quest experience. That is amazing.
Not that I've ever stolen every piece of clothing in Whiterun. No no no.
Not only was Imoen able to pickpocket Full Plate Armor, which is 70 lbs of interlocking metal plates, off of a giant shark person's body without them noticing, but that same suit of armor, whose interlocking plates were fitted for a MASSIVE SHARK PERSON was then able to be worn by a small halfling woman without any adjustments needing to be made.
One Size To Fit Them All, (Something) (something, something)
In the Gate that's Baldur's, where the logic dies.
Here it is:
And that's compared to a human pirate. Mazzy is much smaller!
"Sahuagin never stop growing, although they grow very slowly, and death comes to most before the years allow growth to large size. Leaders are always the largest and strongest. It is reported that the nine sahuagin princes are each of the four-armed sort, as is the king.". I think we need one of those nice 4-armed dudes thrown in down there myself.
A miniature that came out like this for for D&D:
Natural Lightning is on you in a heartbeat though. Comes out of nowhere.
It's even crazier in IWD2, when rogues have spectacular Reflex saves and you can see enemy thieves routinely dodging Static Charge spells.