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  • ArctodusArctodus Member Posts: 992
    @Wise_Grimwald Yeah, I thought about that, but the SCS Greater Doppelgangers have very low saves. However, since it’s AoE, if one or two can fail their save, that’s a good bonus. I’ll evaluate if spending aura on the wand is worth it.

    Anyway, hide-and-seek bombing worked decently enough against Slythe. He did get a hit in, but I survived and finished him. I’ll report about it later after I dealt with the Ducal Palace.
  • StummvonBordwehrStummvonBordwehr Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,385
    edited August 2018
    I fully agree on Semiticgods advice on the palace fight. Ichtyl is awesome - she has greater malison at disposal for the dopplegangers good saves. She has saved my butt more than once with her chaos spell. But there are others you can invite...
    The cleric of helm in the temple, Jardek and butler, Ramizath and the uncle with the cat. Even the guard out side. I usually bring everyone with a sword or a spell for the ducall palace. The more the merrier...

    the hostile guards do spawn on the map, but only to the west of Ramizaths tower. Potion of invisibilty can be used to park them somewhere - or even better: charm them. The nymph cloak has 40 charges - go nuts I say.
    Post edited by StummvonBordwehr on
  • ArctodusArctodus Member Posts: 992
    Hey everyone, I had an unlucky encounter with a gargantuan spider in SoD. It managed to web me even if I had a ring of free action on. That's a bug I don't know if it was reported, but, when you use the Greenstone Amulet and the protection expired, it takes away ALL your protection. I have been feared by demons in the past while wearing the Kiel's helmet for the same reason.

    So I used CRTL-R on myself instead of reloading, because I should never have been webbed in the first place. I also checked to see if the web tangle is a mind-affeecting spell, but it's not. Free action should have blocked it. I didn't even had a web animation around my character and still had the free action icon on my portrait. I forgot to take a picture, sorry.

    Anyway, did I miss something ? I believe my run hasn't been compromised because of that. Am I right ?
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    I thought Gargantuan Spiders didn't use Web Tangle. I thought they only imposed a sleep effect on hit and spawned alongside conventional Web traps. Is it possible that the disabler was actually unconsciousness instead of web? That would certainly explain why it triggered only when the Greenstone Amulet wore off.

    If it was indeed Web Tangle and not an on-hit effect, then the Ring of Free Action should have prevented it. The ring should grant immunity to both the web opcode as well as the "Hold I" opcode, opcode 109, known as "Paralyze" in Near Infinity, which used to accompany the web effect back when web was just a visual opcode instead of a disabler in its own right. It's possible that the ring is bugged to only grant immunity to the Web spell instead of the web opcode, but that would definitely be an unintentional bug worthy of a reload.
  • NeverusedNeverused Member Posts: 803
    I'm pretty sure Gargantuan spiders have used Web Tangle on me in the past: it's why I'm actually fighting the Iron Throne fight nowadays for that second ring of Free Action for three permanent sources (two rings, and Spider's Bane)
  • kjeronkjeron Member Posts: 2,368
    Arctodus said:

    Anyway, did I miss something ? I believe my run hasn't been compromised because of that. Am I right ?

    Gargantuan Spider have two disabling abilities:
    The Web Tangle spell, which Free Action should block.
    And an on-hit poison attack that causes unconsciousness (only blocked by 100% poison resistance or immunity to the sleep effect). Though if this were the case you should have seen your character fall down.
  • Jaheiras_WitnessJaheiras_Witness Member Posts: 614
    edited August 2018
    Quick question re Improved Alacrity (I should know answer but can’t remember): does it only cleanse aura after casting a spell or does it also work after using a scroll or potion?

    Also: what about HLAs? Can I use Improved Alacrity to then cast (e.g.) GWW and Critical Strike?

    One more: Robe of Vecna / Amulet of Power. Do they only speed up spellcasting or also casting from scrolls?
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486

    Quick question re Improved Alacrity (I should know answer but can’t remember): does it only cleanse aura after casting a spell or does it also work after using a scroll or potion?

    Also: what about HLAs? Can I use Improved Alacrity to then cast (e.g.) GWW and Critical Strike?

    Not sure about scrolls/potions, but yes, IA can be used to instantly cast GWW and Critical Strike and other HLAs.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    Arctodus said:

    I had an unlucky encounter with a gargantuan spider in SoD. It managed to web me even if I had a ring of free action on. That's a bug I don't know if it was reported, but, when you use the Greenstone Amulet and the protection expired, it takes away ALL your protection. I have been feared by demons in the past while wearing the Kiel's helmet for the same reason.

    Please create a report at as has been fixed (Greenstone Amulet removes Kiel's helmet's protection for morale failure)
  • ArctodusArctodus Member Posts: 992
    @JuliusBorisov I started that run on v2.3 and I’ll finish it on it (Almost done with SoD anyway).

    If I see that in v2.5, I’ll report.
  • Jaheiras_WitnessJaheiras_Witness Member Posts: 614

    Quick question re Improved Alacrity (I should know answer but can’t remember): does it only cleanse aura after casting a spell or does it also work after using a scroll or potion?

    Also: what about HLAs? Can I use Improved Alacrity to then cast (e.g.) GWW and Critical Strike?

    Not sure about scrolls/potions, but yes, IA can be used to instantly cast GWW and Critical Strike and other HLAs.
    Thanks Blackraven. If anybody knows answer to other 2 questions that would be much appreciated:

    1) Does Improved Alacrity clear aura after casting from scrolls? Don't care about potions too much, but need to know if it works with scrolls.
    2) Does Robe of Vecna/Amulet of Power affect casting speed from scrolls?

    For context and the reason I ask is that I have just exited the Underdark and started Chapter 6 in current playthrough. It's a solo SCS no-reload game and I am also playing minimal resting. So far I have rested 3 times in the game: at Garren's cabin (story rest), a voluntary rest in Chapter 3 before facing Planar Prison/Planar Sphere/Unseeing Eye/Sewers Mindflayers (I needed the spells to face these difficult quests!) and then the free rest while travelling to Spellhold.

    So I have completed Chapters 4 and 5 from the Spellhold rest and have just a couple of spells and abilities remaining. Plan is to do the 3 easy new areas (Small Teeth Pass/North Forest/Forest of Tethyr), head back to Athkatla and do a load of forging with Cromwell (I have the fixpack component that means a day does actually pass for each item crafted). That will trigger a load of fatigue so I will do one more voluntary rest before facing:

    1) Vampires/Bodhi
    2) Twisted Rune
    3) Kangaxx (but I have already defeated the liches and have the body parts)
    4) Chapter 7 Part 1 (Suldanesselar up to Irenicus at the Tree of Life)

    I then get the free rest in entering hell to complete SoA and start ToB.

    So really this is all about planning ahead to see which spells I need to memorise to do the quests listed above. Twisted Rune and Kangaxx will require a shedload of defensive spells (multiple Spell Shields on top of the usual defences). So I am going to be really restricted in what I have left to face Irenicus, hence need to know if scrolls can substitute.

    Gameplan for Irenicus, based on the gamut of defences he is likely to have, is:

    Improved Alacrity --> Spell Thrust --> Ruby Ray --> Pierce Magic --> Spell Thrust --> Breach --> Critical Strike = gg.

    So really what I need to know is whether I need to memorise all above as spells to get them off under Improved Alacrity, or if I can use scrolls to fill in gaps and Improved Alacrity will still clear aura after each cast.

    Help appreciated :)
  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,461
    edited August 2018
    It's a long time since I've done it, but I do seem to remember using scrolls with IA. I think the reason why it's a long time is that using scrolls is not instant - though casting the spell may be, there's a pause prior to the casting beginning when using a scroll (unlike using a potion). The pause is relatively short so that doesn't mean IA is no use with scrolls, but I think it is better suited to casting your own spells ...

    Edit: having tested this I agree with @Iroumen :p.
    Post edited by Grond0 on
  • lroumenlroumen Member Posts: 2,538
    I am quite sure scrolls and potions are not affected by Alacrity.
  • ArctodusArctodus Member Posts: 992
    edited August 2018
    For what it's worth, I was able to create a repro case of my bug. I created a bunch of gargantuan spiders through the console for the test.

    I'm webbed and can't move even if my portrait has a free action icon on it. No web animation either. My character was selected and the portrait suddenly went unselectable.

    Seriously, I'm super happy I got that repro case, because I don't think I would have been ok continuing my run. Shit, that's a relief.

    My next run will be on v2.5 and I'll take the time to test the Greenstone Amulet. It seems that this bug is not only affecting fear, like the bug report suggest.
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    edited August 2018
    Further to my comment in the No Reloads Thread that the soultaker dagger was not on the body of the dragonknight, thinking that it was a bug, I thought that the best way forward was to create one using the command: C:CreateItem("DAGG10.ITM")
    I got the code from EE Keeper.
    However I get the following report in the game.

    Can anyone elucidate?
    That report makes me think that this is the reason the dagger didn't appear among the demonknight's possessions.

    P.S. using EE Keeper to get the dagger worked.
    I am confused. :confused:
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    C:CreateItem("DAGG10") should be working (without the .itm part)
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868

    C:CreateItem("DAGG10") should be working (without the .itm part)

    What makes you think that I don't often use such commands? Thanks. I'll remember that!
  • Jaheiras_WitnessJaheiras_Witness Member Posts: 614
    lroumen said:

    I am quite sure scrolls and potions are not affected by Alacrity.

    Ok, thank you. Going to find out tonight if the plan works as have just entered the palace in Suldanesselar. Bodhi and Twisted Rune were embarrassingly easy (the latter thanks to a perfectly timed Time Stop, which finished casting just as the enemies spawned and their prebuffs fired, but before they could get off PFMW or Chain Contingency; Vaxall, Layene, the vampire and the fighter were all dead before the Time Stop ended (have I mentioned how absurd Improved Haste is?), leaving just Shangalar. Kangaxx was tough, but mainly his lich form which summoned numerous demons, mordy’s swords and Fallen Planetar. Demilich form was easy, Time Stop + few whacks under Improved Haste was all it took.

    I’m well prepared for Irenicus, Spell Thrusts, Pierce Magics and Ruby Rays are at the ready. One problem: don’t have any Breaches left (and no Spell Traps either to get them back). Could be interesting...

  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    I have the Drizzt Saga amongst a host of other mods installed on my EET installation. Will the Drizzt Saga NPCs be available in SOD if I ever get that far? If they are not available automatically, can I make them available by making them exportable in EE Keeper?
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    I know that halflings are supposed to get bonuses when using slings. Does anybody know if that was implemented in BGEE? The same query regarding long swords and longbows for elves.
  • EnuhalEnuhal Member, Moderator Posts: 1,090
    Yes, these bonuses are implemented in the EE. +1 thac0 for halflings using slings, same for elves using long swords, short swords, short bows and long bows.
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
  • EnuhalEnuhal Member, Moderator Posts: 1,090
    Quick question: With SCS, does Faldorn still always kill Cernd if you have them fight in a cutscene (as in: not having Cernd in your party)?
  • ArctodusArctodus Member Posts: 992
    edited September 2018
    @Enuhal Well, I went through the changelog of scs v31 (by camdawg) and it doesn’t seem to be addressed. Since it was still a problem in earlier version, assume it’s still the case. So, no change as far as I can see.

    I’ll read a bit more about scs v31 and, if I find something, I’ll let you know.

    Edit : I’m really wondering if it’s an intended behavior at this point.
  • EnuhalEnuhal Member, Moderator Posts: 1,090
    Just did a quick test by creating a character and consoling her to trademeet + druid grove. Cernd doesn't transform or use spells, he just tries to autoattack Faldorn with his staff and promptly loses the battle, so, yeah, I'll have to take a druid into my party to finish this quest.
  • ArctodusArctodus Member Posts: 992
    Since DavidW seems a bit more active at G3 these days, I’ll probably make thread to ask about that, and also ask about the neurasthenic behavior of Liia Jannath at the Ducal Palace.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    That's been unintended behavior for quite some time now! I've always got around them by turning Liia invisible and using CTRL-Y to win the fight for Cernd.
  • StummvonBordwehrStummvonBordwehr Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,385
    I have question on the palace fight in BG1. Hope you can help me

    I am running a mage 3 -> figther 8 at the moment. After some restarts its going really well - wands and BG1 is a match made in heaven...

    But I am dreading the palace fight. I ran a M3->F8 as my first no reload run and I was undeniably wiped out in the palace fight. So I am thinking about some specific things to help my odds

    1) remebering 2 web spells (1 via the necklace), and firing them off in a minor sequencer via the scroll from the first iron throne fight. Would that work? Hopefully in full plate armor.

    2) dispelling the dopplegangers mirror images. But I cant figure out which scroll to use (dont do mages normally, but I’d like to learn). I dont want to use remove magic or dispel magic, because I want Ichtyl to use her greater malison + chaos combo.

    3) And would some of the wands be helpfull? Polymorph? Or paralyzation perhaps?

    4) And what about scrolls. Should I dish out slow? And what else might work?

    Thanks in advance, and best of luck on all your runs.
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