I was definitely 20 prior and 10 afterwards. I don't usually roll full parties, so it was a hectic battle, but I think Charname was charmed and another member was confused and killed the cook.
I just left the mine unflooded to get a Cleric/Ranger to 20 reputation and came back to test kill the cook and didn't Fall. I'm not sure if paladins and rangers have the same thresholds, so I'll try it next time I have a paladin that far (could be a while). I was using SCS and Tweaks Anthology for that run, but I don't think they change any of those mechanics.
Is it possible to complete the Isle of Balduran without access to cold iron? Thinking of going there with a solo Cleric/Ranger, but there aren't any cold iron blunt weapons that I'm aware of.
Is it possible to complete the Isle of Balduran without access to cold iron? Thinking of going there with a solo Cleric/Ranger, but there aren't any cold iron blunt weapons that I'm aware of.
Wands of Heavens work just fine vs Greater Wolfweres. Wands of Paralyzation help a lot but not in your case.
As a cleric/ranger, I would propably use potions of firebreathing and wand of the heavens charges against the greater wolfwere + the loup garous. There's some RNG to it due to magic resistance and regeneration being involved, but it is certainly possible to complete the island.
There are also two mods for dealing with the lycanthropes on the isle as well. One is an override drop in by @tresset (turns spiritual hammer spell into an iron silver weapon), and the other is the Silver Staff of Aule mod that changes the +3 martial staff in Ulgoth's beard into one with a cold iron/silver core- +4 vs lycanthropes. Seems only fair that divine casters get some weapons to use against them. Both help in combo with the already mentioned wand of heavens.
Unless my SCS install changes something, it looks like the Greater Wolfweres regenerate 30 HP per round (5 per second) and have 50% MR on top of 50% elemental resistances. A Wand of the Heavens, by itself, would never overcome a Greater Wolfwere's regeneration unless you had truly miraculous dice rolls. The average damage for the strongest option, a Potion of Firebreath, is only 33 damage assuming a successful saving throw and no interference from magic resistance--you would likely run out of potions before you made progress. If the cleric/ranger gets druid spells, then Call Lightning could help if you had very good luck.
Without mods, a solo cleric/ranger cannot reliably take down a Greater Wolfwere. It would depend on luck, and the amount of luck needed would be pretty extreme.
@semiticgod: The wiki lists "extremely high HP regeneration - 5/second, or 30 HP per round. Fortunately, their actual maximum HP is relatively low, at 66." and "greater wolfweres have no magic resistance, they have 50% elemental resistance". Without the MR, do you think they're doable? If not, I'll probably drop a save and get to SoD (or die trying) and then come back to give it a go.
Edit: This is a non-modded install with druid spells, so I do have access to Call Lightning.
@jessejmc: Near Infinity in my install says 50% magic resistance, but my numbers assume you get past their MR every time anyway.
Still, my numbers also assume that the target made its save every time... and the odds look a little nicer if we factor in Doom and Chant to impose a save vs. breath of 9, in which case the Greater Wolfwere would suffer almost 45 damage on average with a Potion of Firebreath. If they don't have any magic resistance in a given install, then Doom+Chant and 5 (on average) Potions of Firebreath could realistically kill one, though you might need a lot of extra potions if the Greater Wolfwere made too many saves.
On another note, what's even on that isle that'd be useful for a C/R? You should easily have hit the EXP-cap solo, and I can't recall any reason to risk a run over... basically nothing. Am I missing anything there?
On another note, what's even on that isle that'd be useful for a C/R? You should easily have hit the EXP-cap solo, and I can't recall any reason to risk a run over... basically nothing. Am I missing anything there?
There's the Staff Mace, which is the most damaging blunt weapon in the game other than the Staff of Striking (more than Aule's Staff or Krotan's Skullcrusher).
It's all of 0.5 damage average higher than Aule and Ashideena (2d4+2 averages at 7, 1d6+3 averages at 6.5, and 1d4+2+1 electric also averages at 6.5 unless Luck is in effect). Granted, being able to use a shield or dual-wield is nice, I guess, but... In a game where ranged attacks reign supreme, I'm unconvinced of its usefulness.
I suppose having the Staff Mace increases average damage by... 1.5 per round (Assuming 3 APR from specialization, level 7, and an Oil of Speed, and ignoring dual-wielding) compared with Ashideena which is also 1-handed. I guess if you've went for 2* Quarterstaffs 2* Slings and don't want to spend 2* on Warhammers...?
There's nothing useful there that justifies the risk for this run. I've hit the experience cap before entering Baldur's Gate and will probably have around 300k on entering SoD anyway. While the Staff Mace is nice, I don't have any points in Quarterstaff. I mainly play classes that haven't earned a spot on the Hall of Heroes, and Cleric/Ranger is one of the more capable solo classes on that list, so I was considering giving the island a go. I will most likely skip it and use whatever autosave is most recent after Sarevok's or my death to see how it would have gone.
Hey Wise, I never get the 'poisoned' icon in that quest, so it sounds like a mod. Or maybe it appears only when you're running out of time?
In any case I just checked an old save of mine in EEKeeper and saw two global variables POISONPARTY and POISONPARTY2 with very high values (seven digits each). You could check if you can find those variables and what values they have.
(Xzar losing HPs might be from an expiring Larloch's Minor Drain or Vampiric Touch?)
The EE introduced the poisoned icon, though it doesn't appear immediately. Have you actually drunk Marek's antidote - in the EE you do have to drink that rather than just kill Marek.
Wow I can't help you there. In my install the potion bottles don't even look green (but grey). As soon as Charname has taken one potion, a message appears on screen saying "You have been cured ...". I always give the NPCs a potion too but I doubt that's necessary.
Did you pick up / receive Lothander's seemingly useless potion? I think you have to, as it's supposed to be one half of the antidote.
I did indeed. However, after he gave it to me, being evil I killed him for his possessions.
I then went for Marek's half of the antidote.
I reloaded and have done the quest again without killing Lothander and everything seems OK except that in the journal, the quest is not labelled as finished.
No poison symbol. Of course I will have to wait and see.
I don't understand it, except I am wondering if having the geas paper in my possession was a problem.
I think it is a bug, but what causes it, I don't know.
As you can see, there is also POISONWARNING and POISONPARTYICON.
I have also looked at an old game [Not this setup] and of course the poison quest is marked as "Finished."
I'm wondering if deleting them, or indeed POISONPARTY and POISONPARTY2 as well would solve the problem.
Looks like it's possible to beat the game without dealing physical damage and without having spellcaster levels. The Ring of Energy and One Gift Lost could get you through BG1 and most of SoD, the Voidsword could let you (eventually) take down Belhifet, all three could slowly get you through BG2, and you could take down Ascension Melissan indirectly with the Scorcher Ammunition, as her fire resistance is 50% once Yaga-Shura (who's vulnerable to the Voidsword) dies. You wouldn't want to play on Insane, though, or else you'd be wrestling with Fallen Solars who couldn't realistically be killed due to their fire immunity, high MR, and immunity to +3 weapons and below. If you were willing to allow Blackguards and the Reform Party trick, you could also spam Absorb Health infinitely for nonmagical magic damage.
A long time ago I was quite pleased to defeat BG1 without killing a single person in a solo fighter/thief run. (probably not possible in EE with Algernon's Cloak being nerfed) It was quite interesting to see how many quests could be completed without having blood on my hands. My favourite weapon was fists,
A long time ago I was quite pleased to defeat BG1 without killing a single person in a solo fighter/thief run. (probably not possible in EE with Algernon's Cloak being nerfed) It was quite interesting to see how many quests could be completed without having blood on my hands. My favourite weapon was fists,
It's still possible. You can't avoid getting XP for Sarevok's death, but you can complete BG1 with 0 kills .
A long time ago I was quite pleased to defeat BG1 without killing a single person in a solo fighter/thief run. (probably not possible in EE with Algernon's Cloak being nerfed) It was quite interesting to see how many quests could be completed without having blood on my hands. My favourite weapon was fists,
It's still possible. You can't avoid getting XP for Sarevok's death, but you can complete BG1 with 0 kills .
A long time ago I was quite pleased to defeat BG1 without killing a single person in a solo fighter/thief run. (probably not possible in EE with Algernon's Cloak being nerfed) It was quite interesting to see how many quests could be completed without having blood on my hands. My favourite weapon was fists,
It's still possible. You can't avoid getting XP for Sarevok's death, but you can complete BG1 with 0 kills .
I can see it being done with a party easily enough. The mages can use charm instead of using Algernon's Cloak. I can't see how a solo fighter/thief could do it now though.
The Nymph Cloak, at least in my installs, still has charges instead of being once-per-day like the EE Algernon's Cloak. Recharged, it has 100 charges, and you can get two copies: one from the nymph in the Ragefast questline, and one by killing Halbazzer Drin (charming him and feeding him to a carrion crawler in the sewers is a simple way to do it). A Shadowdancer could spam the Nymph Cloak's charm ability all while maintaining invisibility!
A long time ago I was quite pleased to defeat BG1 without killing a single person in a solo fighter/thief run. (probably not possible in EE with Algernon's Cloak being nerfed) It was quite interesting to see how many quests could be completed without having blood on my hands. My favourite weapon was fists,
It's still possible. You can't avoid getting XP for Sarevok's death, but you can complete BG1 with 0 kills .
I can see it being done with a party easily enough. The mages can use charm instead of using Algernon's Cloak. I can't see how a solo fighter/thief could do it now though.
You may have mods which create different problems, but in the unmodded game Algernon's Cloak alone is sufficient to take you through most of the required encounters. As for Sarevok, you can kill him and his entire party without ever setting eyes on them - just repeatedly activate the lightning trap on the left of the temple.
In my installation, Algernon's Cloak doesn't charm any more. I thought that it was EE that made the difference. It must be a mod, though which one I have no idea. I have killed Mulahey and Davaeorn by charming them and letting kobolds/battle horrors kill them and I once killed Sarevok with that lightning trap by accident after beating him up with fists. The wierd thing is that the hardest part was getting to the scroll on Mulahey's body as the kobolds were standing on it after they killed him. I had to charm other kobolds to lure them away.
In the past, I've mentioned a very nasty way that the Ducal Palace fight can go wrong: a confused Flaming Fist Mercenary or a confused doppelganger can end the game by attacking Sarevok, since the game doesn't distinguish between who is attacking Sarevok; it acts the same as if you went for him yourself. This means that your own Chaos spells or the SCS Doppelganger Mage's confusion spell can end the run if anyone makes a failed save in the wrong spot.
But the solution is very simple: just cast Invisibility on Sarevok. That way, no one can target him, even if they are confused.
I just left the mine unflooded to get a Cleric/Ranger to 20 reputation and came back to test kill the cook and didn't Fall. I'm not sure if paladins and rangers have the same thresholds, so I'll try it next time I have a paladin that far (could be a while). I was using SCS and Tweaks Anthology for that run, but I don't think they change any of those mechanics.
Wands of Heavens work just fine vs Greater Wolfweres. Wands of Paralyzation help a lot but not in your case.
There are also two mods for dealing with the lycanthropes on the isle as well. One is an override drop in by @tresset (turns spiritual hammer spell into an iron silver weapon), and the other is the Silver Staff of Aule mod that changes the +3 martial staff in Ulgoth's beard into one with a cold iron/silver core- +4 vs lycanthropes. Seems only fair that divine casters get some weapons to use against them. Both help in combo with the already mentioned wand of heavens.
Without mods, a solo cleric/ranger cannot reliably take down a Greater Wolfwere. It would depend on luck, and the amount of luck needed would be pretty extreme.
Edit: This is a non-modded install with druid spells, so I do have access to Call Lightning.
Still, my numbers also assume that the target made its save every time... and the odds look a little nicer if we factor in Doom and Chant to impose a save vs. breath of 9, in which case the Greater Wolfwere would suffer almost 45 damage on average with a Potion of Firebreath. If they don't have any magic resistance in a given install, then Doom+Chant and 5 (on average) Potions of Firebreath could realistically kill one, though you might need a lot of extra potions if the Greater Wolfwere made too many saves.
There's the Staff Mace, which is the most damaging blunt weapon in the game other than the Staff of Striking (more than Aule's Staff or Krotan's Skullcrusher).
I suppose having the Staff Mace increases average damage by... 1.5 per round (Assuming 3 APR from specialization, level 7, and an Oil of Speed, and ignoring dual-wielding) compared with Ashideena which is also 1-handed. I guess if you've went for 2* Quarterstaffs 2* Slings and don't want to spend 2* on Warhammers...?
The problem that I have is that according to the log, the quest isn't finished. Also my PC still has the poisoned icon.
Is there some way of correcting things using EE Keeper or perhaps creating another Marek and killing him.
It could well be one of dozens of mods that is causing a bug.
In any case I just checked an old save of mine in EEKeeper and saw two global variables POISONPARTY and POISONPARTY2 with very high values (seven digits each). You could check if you can find those variables and what values they have.
(Xzar losing HPs might be from an expiring Larloch's Minor Drain or Vampiric Touch?)
This is how it is developing. As you can see, just to make sure, I took two of Marek's potions. Even after sleeping she is still poisoned.
Did you pick up / receive Lothander's seemingly useless potion? I think you have to, as it's supposed to be one half of the antidote.
I then went for Marek's half of the antidote.
I reloaded and have done the quest again without killing Lothander and everything seems OK except that in the journal, the quest is not labelled as finished.
No poison symbol. Of course I will have to wait and see.
I don't understand it, except I am wondering if having the geas paper in my possession was a problem.
I think it is a bug, but what causes it, I don't know.
Yet again my character is poisoned.
On this occasion Lothander wasn't killed, so he was nothing to do with the problem. His potion is undrinkable.
@Blackraven Here are my global variables.
As you can see, there is also POISONWARNING and POISONPARTYICON.
I have also looked at an old game [Not this setup] and of course the poison quest is marked as "Finished."
I'm wondering if deleting them, or indeed POISONPARTY and POISONPARTY2 as well would solve the problem.
It's still possible. You can't avoid getting XP for Sarevok's death, but you can complete BG1 with 0 kills
Checks party's kill stats... Oops.
I can see it being done with a party easily enough. The mages can use charm instead of using Algernon's Cloak. I can't see how a solo fighter/thief could do it now though.
You may have mods which create different problems, but in the unmodded game Algernon's Cloak alone is sufficient to take you through most of the required encounters. As for Sarevok, you can kill him and his entire party without ever setting eyes on them - just repeatedly activate the lightning trap on the left of the temple.
But the solution is very simple: just cast Invisibility on Sarevok. That way, no one can target him, even if they are confused.