How do you beat Mages in this game?

How does a fighter or thief defend himself against a mage. I'm a fighter/thief and the assassin mage at the friendly arms inn kicked my ass. What defensive measures or strategies can I take against a mage?
As it's so early in the game you don't have many options. But the best strategy is to try and interupt him casting. In BG1, arrows and ranged attacks reign supreme. So my strategy is to keep my charname away as much as poss, attack him as quickly as you can with missiles, use the wand Imoen has to try and stop him casting that first spell and get XZAR to do the same.
You can also, if you're finding it very tough, (it's a bit sneaky though). Wait until the two FAI guards are nearby, approach him but still stay away, he comes down the steps to talk to you. You back away and let the guards attack him as well as your party from range.
Alternatively just get someone like Imoen or Xzar to backstab him or as others mention just shoot him from a distance. When doing that make sure your party are not close together and keep a close eye on the action - if he casts an area spell (like sleep) have the target run one way and anyone nearby another. That way area spells will never affect more than 1 person. Tarnesh doesn't have many spells, so if you keep the PC out of the way during the initial conflict, you will always win that fight attacking from range with a party of 3 or more.
Also if you have a cleric you can cast remove fear to protect yourself from it for a bit.
Alternatively, you can get yourself, Imoen, Xzar and Montaron with all ranged weapons and the moment he turns hostile start attacking him and hope to interrupt his spellcasting.. Or attack him before he even goes hostile. And spread your characters far enough apart that they wont all get hit by the horror spell.
@JCPheonix the arcane spell "Blindness" is extremely vicious in the unmodded game. In unmodded BG1 a blinded enemy is almost always easy to kill as he can't fight back against attacks beyond his circle of vision (about range 1 - so attacks with a 2-handed weapon can be outside his vision range as well as missile attacks). In addition, failed attempts to blind neutral creatures don't turn them hostile (though successful blind does), so you can try multiple times as long as you don't let them talk.
Interrupting Tarnesh's spell casting is the key to defeating him and I just see this encounter as an extension of the tutorial.
Edit: Found the thread
If you tell your character to attack him after the Dialogue starts, it's almost always too late, it's like he starts casting before the dialogue is even over so I have to get ready to interrupt him as soon as he's about to start dialogue.
When meeting a mage, bow and grovel and generally show respect.
Many a mage feels a pang of guilt hurting those who are beneath them. It's like kicking a puppy.
However, some mages may just step on you like an ant.
Unless your a gnome, dwarf or Halfling... Then you get spell resistances... A mage dislikes... Resistances...
An inquisitor can make the fight pretty easy, too, by casting True Seeing against his Mirror Images.
Xzar can interrupt him to death with Larloch's Minor Drains, and Imoen should use her wand (unless you're playing a multi-class in the original vanilla game - she doesn't get the wand in that case.)
It's hardest if you're not a cleric, cavalier, or inquisitor, or you didn't take Montaron and Xzar. In that case, you have to worry about the Horror, and your priority is to interrupt it, or have Charname flee and avoid the fight altogether while the guards make the kill. Imoen can still win the fight with her wand if she has it.
In all mage and cleric fights in general, prioritize hitting the mage and then the cleric with everything you've got. They are too dangerous to live. "Concentrate all firepower on that super star-destroyer!"
I take your point on it potentially being a surprise encounter but i wasnt talking about getting it on the first try... It shouldnt be that hard after a couple of goes though. Thats why i asked about difficulty setting and such... which was a genuine question...
IMO the duration of status effects should be shorter and somewhat randomized per person, so they don't all run for exactly the same duration. Fear, for example, should last between 1 and 5 rounds, not 1 whole turn (1 minute).
The problem with all of the status effects is that, for the most part, if any status effects lands, it is game over.
As for Tarnesh - Minor Lalroch's Drain + Wand of Magic Missiles + arrows. You should be able to kill him before he casts Horror with a bit of luck, @JCPheonix. Alternatively you can use borderline cheese - let him cast Horror, then move outside his line of sight and try to hide in shadows. Guards should take care of him, and you should be safe.
Go get him
That said, if you can reliably interrupt him, you can kill him.