I like to troll my friends and family, especially my mum. There's something really satisfying about winding up one's mother. I also troll my cat by balancing things things on his head and yawn raping him.
warning: yawn raping a cat is dangerous and should only be done by experienced professionals, seriously they snap their jaws shut when the finish yawning and they can't even control it.
I would never troll. I especially would never accidentally get fun threads closed because I can't hold back if I am tempted to troll someone. Or annoy the admins by trolling. I *especially* wouldn't troll during April fools. No no, my vest is as white as freshly fallen snow. I swear.
warning: yawn raping a cat is dangerous and should only be done by experienced professionals, seriously they snap their jaws shut when the finish yawning and they can't even control it.
I like trolls! They make great music, know how to feast, have nice hairstyles and lovely green skin just like me.
Edit: And now I do!
Come to think of it his farts must be horrendous.
I like to think of it is as part of the P.E. era.
It would explain a lot.
*more whimpering*
*crying like a baby*
don't make me play football in the rain!
P.E. stands for the expanse of time pre-embalming of moi.
It also stands for the expanse of time post-embalming.
It really hasn't caught on...