Favorite Spell Sequences
Member Posts: 152
What are some of your favorite Sequencer combinations?
Minor Sequencer:
Web + Web
Bless + Chant (Cleric/Mage)
Doom + Silence (Cleric/Mage)
Greater Malison + Confusion + Emotion:Hopelessness
Web + Spider Spawn + Spider Spawn
Skull Trap + Skull Trap + Skull Trap
Minor Sequencer:
Web + Web
Bless + Chant (Cleric/Mage)
Doom + Silence (Cleric/Mage)
Greater Malison + Confusion + Emotion:Hopelessness
Web + Spider Spawn + Spider Spawn
Skull Trap + Skull Trap + Skull Trap
Luck + Magic Missile
Luck + Acid Arrow
For sequencer then i am pretty much 100% 3 x Skull Trap
At higher levels i will use:
Greater Malison Lower Resistance Lower Resistance as my spell trigger, even though it's only useful for big boss fights like dragons, demons etc.
Luck is definitely under-rated as a spell IMO, the short duration sucks, but if you can pop it into a minor sequencer or use during improved Alacrity it can make a pretty decent improvement to minimum damage.
@malachi151 You might find previous threads interesting as well: https://forums.beamdog.com/discussion/44257/7-3x4-8-3x6-9-3x8-do-unto-the-ai-as-you-would-have-the-ai-do-unto-you
Also note that while the range of spell sequencers and triggers is only limited by your visual range, if you try to use a short-range spell in it, it will fail when you activate the sequencer. Likewise, invalid targets will also cause spells to fail. So, if you put Chant and Barkskin in a Minor Sequencer and used it on somebody far away, the Barkskin spell would fail due to the high range and the Chant spell would fail because Chant is on-self only.
Anyways, here's some of my own.
Greater Malison + Chaos + Emotion
Solid area of effect control. Would be GM+Chaos+Slow but slow has no travel time which means it will hit before the GM. Alternatively, GM+Chaos+Chaos
Domination + Hold Monster
This is pretty nice. Hold Monster doesn't affect allied creatures so it won't bite you if the domination succeeds. Also benefits from no cast time so the Hold Monster can hit enemies in a small cluster.
Magic Resistance + Lower Magic Resistance + Lower Magic Resistance
No, not a typo. This is actually better than LMR x3 as Magic Resistance sets the target's MR to lower than 40%, where afterwards the two LMR spells reduce it to zero (guaranteed due to spell scaling) Useful against enemies with MR in the 90% or 100%. Needs a cleric/mage (hi Aerie!)
Healing spell x3
Cuts down on casting time and provides an emergency button. Again, needs a cleric/mage.
- Greater Malison + Doom* + Chant*
- Slow + Glitterdust + Doom*
- Stoneskin + Blur + Mirror Image
- Stoneskin + Fireshield(Red) + Fireshield(Blue)
- Animate Dead + Animate Dead + Animate Dead
- Wyvern Call + Wyvern Call + Wyvern Call
- Spell Immunity:Conjuration + Spell Immunity:Necromancy + Spell Immunity:Abjuration
- Strength + Invisibility + Spell Immunity:Divination (For Mage/Thieves)
- Web + Coudkill (or Death Fog) + Coudkill (or Death Fog)
- Sunfire + Sunfire + Sunfire
- Tenser's Transformation + Improved Haste + Protection from Magical Weapons
[ * = needs a Cleric/Mage]4+2+1 = 7 penalty on Saving throws. Great to have to make those Negate on Save type spells work. A Finger of Death can follow nicely.
4+4+2 = 10 penalty on AC and Attack rolls. However there's a save vs. spell allowed for the first two spells.
Doom + Doom + Doom* and again Doom + Doom + Doom* and again...[Sorry, it doesn't stack. I was mistaken. Thanks to @semiticgod for correcting this.]Just because it stacks...
Saves you in melee if you have forgotten to memorise PFMW or just haven't got it yet.
Let them hit you for some time...
At your service, my Lord!
Where did those dragons come from...?
Now Kangaxx can't harm you at all. For a time though.
Go back-stab a mage at your leisure. Even True Sight can't find you.
Stand and see your enemies die. Might cast greater malison first.
Become a bomb. Best keep your friends away.
If you fancy going into melee. I don't use it though.
In a chain contingency,
- Horrid Wilting + Horrid Wilting + Horrid Wilting
- Project Image + Project Image + Project Image
- Protection from Energy + Protection from Energy + Protection from Magical Weapons
I can only think of this much at the moment. I'll add more if I remember later.The pinnacle of destruction.
Defies the laws of Optics. Probably the best.
This used to work in the original game. But the EE has sent this to its grave. Let us observe a minute of silence to mourn for this great combo that is no longer with us any more.
Makes you invincible to elemental and physical onslaughts for a short time.
"This spell stacks with itself, offering up to 127% resistance to fire, cold, electricity, acid, and magic damage, at which point the above damage types will heal the character by 27% of the damage number they should have caused, but may still interrupt actions such as spellcasting."
"There’s a lesser version of this spell [Protection From The Elements], which excludes magic damage resistance, nor does it stack with itself."
Maybe you've confused between the two?
Nevertheless, I'll immediately edit my previous post so that it no longer contains fallacious information that may serve to confuse others. Thanks once again.
Chant + Luck = Whatever spells you cast in the next few rounds is at +2 minimum damage per damage die (yes, all 20 of 'em). Combine with Improved Alacrity next turn for maximum carnage.
Mirror Images + DUHM: Tank mode Jr.
Fireshield Red + Fireshield Blue + Stoneskins = Tank mode Sr. Perfect for a Projected Image to get right to work tanking everything.
Polymorph shenanigans:
Strength + Draw Upon Holy Might = 24 Strength spider with 4 APR.
DUHM + Spiritual Hammer = 22 Strength spider with a magic +3 hammer.
DUHM + Flame Blade = 22 Strength spider with a PfMW bypassing flaming sword.
Web + Web = The spider now has a place to play.
Mislead + Improved Haste + Tenser's Transformation = Spiders can backstab, 8 times a round, and have -1 base THAC0.
Righteous Magic instead of Mislead = Can't backstab, but can hit 8 times a round, has 22 Strength, and hits for maximum damage every strike.
Combine with Tank Mode Jr and Sr for 25 Str, defensive buffs and shields, and a Contingency: Enemy sighted for either Enchanted Weapon or Spiritual Hammer for those occasions where, honestly speaking, you could probably have killed everything with a Projected Image and spells, but wanted to make the party fighters feel bad about themselves.
Conjure X Elemental + Conjure X Elemental + Conjure X Elemental
where X = Air/Earth/Fire, as per the requirement.
I know that elementals are probably not the best summons, but when you really need them in large numbers, use this. This not only cuts down the casting time by 1/3rd, but you will have to engage into that "psychic contest for 3 rounds" only once, and not every time for each summoned elemental.
@semiticgod , @JuliusBorisov , @Grond0 , Can any of you confirm whether this is true or not?
Maybe enemies only save once against the initial casting of multiple Webs, but then have to save against each Web separately in following rounds? What about Stinking Cloud and Cloudkill?
I got Aerie and Jan to cast Cloudkills using wands, and made my protagonist stand amidst those fumes. Now, if they didn't stack, he would have received damage from only one of them. But, as can be seen from the screenshot below, he's receiving damage from both the Clouds.
So the inference? Cloudkills stack.
Same goes if you use the Wand of Lightning trick to hit somebody with multiple Wand of Paralyzation charges simultaneously. They'll only need to make one saving throw.
Likewise, two spells in the same sequencer will strike as if they were one spell for the purposes of burning through spell protections. A double Aganazzar's Scorcher Minor Sequencer will only take 2 spell levels out of Minor Spell Turning, instead of 4. Spell Revisions will also prevent this from happening; that Minor Sequencer would strike as 4 spell levels.
I started a new thread to discuss the effect of sequencers on saving throws: https://forums.beamdog.com/discussion/66870/sequencers-vs-saving-throws
I did a plenty of tests and observed (sometimes) surprising results..