What was the Candlekeep Merlin secret that Beamdog found while making E.E.?

I remember that Beamdog staff found a hidden secret in the character creation screen where if you punched in a code you started the game in Candlekeep with a full party with Merlin and early version of some N.P.C.s like Imoen. I cannot find the article / post about the discovery so I hope to see if anyone here remembers what the secret was. There was screens shots, I did it myself once or twice and I think the main character had a Montaron portrait; does anyone have any information / a link to the original post?
It makes a character named E lminister and a full party (I only remember Alora) starting in Candlekeep.
It was a quick cheat to show off the game at an E3 or something back in the day.
Party of Minsc, Jaheira, Alora, Edwin, Coran.
All level 5/6.
Ton of equipment, including BofS, plate mail, Varscona, guards ring, cloak of Balderan, arrows ect.
Seems like charname has unlimited spells, is a level 6 cleric/mage.
12 spell slots/level (if not more) lol.
No Edwin amulet.
Went as far as the FAI and now I have two Jaheiras in party, what a nightmare.
It's kind of boring though but I'm tempted to carry on....two Edwins could be fun.
Any way to fix that?
Do you mind if I post this here in your thread?
Sorry if you do, ask for it be moved if you don't.
Just wanted to say that I think I have had a slight brain implosion. Here I am playing with a party which is so OP for the beginning of BG, for instance I'm about to start Nashkel being able to cast a handfull of cloudkill spells, summon skeletons, an invisible stalker (should I want one) ect. plus all the cleric spells I want. I have a party with two Edwins and two Jaheiras and a charname who says nothing and Alora.
And they repeat their lines, one after the other. And they haven't noticed each other.
Something has gone terribly wrong.
I can't cope.
Why doesn't the game know what is happening?
I think Dopplegangers have taken over.
I knew they would get me in the end................
Gorion: It's okay, Elminster, it's all right. I did not die that night, nor have I yet. The blade that you thought slew me had been treated with a magical poison. It left me, a living a living soul and lively mind, imprisoned in a body that gave all appearance of death. The man that you saw that night is called Sarevok, and he has been in the keep for three days past under the reverse alias "Koveras." Tethtoril kept watch on him but, in our foolishness, we never thought that he might have others with him... Please, child I have loved you too much to lose you now.
Tethtoril: Elminster and I had suspected it for some time. With Sarevok away from his lair, Elminster was at last able to locate your stepfather and bring him to safety... Forgive me, Elminster. I should have told you Earlier. But to raise your hopes up only to see them dashed to pieces all over again? There is too much heart left in this bony cage for me to have done that.
Elminster: Please, child, sheathe those weapons and sheathe thy madness, too. Come with us and we shall see thee, at last, to safety.
Your time has come primate! RAAAAAAAAHHH!!!
Arkanis and Deder were never illusions...
You have been waylaid by enemies and must defend yourself!
(A.I. Battle of your saved game parties verses random travel encounters). Have noober as a super rare encounter (1% chance)