Went back to last save Found Bartlett's body and then picked up the Princess no one recognizes the princess again The princess now says she wants to go to culdeny but the gate is locked
By now, you might have figured this out long ago, but in the caves where you found Criosa is another exit that leads to a battle outside Culdeny.
Hi, first off, big fan of the module so far. Great stuff.
I’m on Act 4, and I’ve reached the point where Robert Black has ridden to our rescue after heading to the frontlines. But when we go through the dialogue to the point that he’s supposed to take me to the General, nothing happens. I just get the Experience and nothing continues.
Hi, first off, big fan of the module so far. Great stuff.
I’m on Act 4, and I’ve reached the point where Robert Black has ridden to our rescue after heading to the frontlines. But when we go through the dialogue to the point that he’s supposed to take me to the General, nothing happens. I just get the Experience and nothing continues.
Glad you're enjoying it At that point of the module, the next mod *should* load, so if it's just sitting there, there's a problem. Someone at BD should take a look
Hi, first off, big fan of the module so far. Great stuff.
I’m on Act 4, and I’ve reached the point where Robert Black has ridden to our rescue after heading to the frontlines. But when we go through the dialogue to the point that he’s supposed to take me to the General, nothing happens. I just get the Experience and nothing continues.
Glad you're enjoying it At that point of the module, the next mod *should* load, so if it's just sitting there, there's a problem. Someone at BD should take a look
Yeah, I realized shortly after posting that it was the end of the chapter. I can just save the character and start up the next one manually at least. Thanks for the quick reply, though!
Hi, first off, big fan of the module so far. Great stuff.
I’m on Act 4, and I’ve reached the point where Robert Black has ridden to our rescue after heading to the frontlines. But when we go through the dialogue to the point that he’s supposed to take me to the General, nothing happens. I just get the Experience and nothing continues.
Glad you're enjoying it At that point of the module, the next mod *should* load, so if it's just sitting there, there's a problem. Someone at BD should take a look
Yeah, I realized shortly after posting that it was the end of the chapter. I can just save the character and start up the next one manually at least. Thanks for the quick reply, though!
That will also work! No worries, I happened to be checking my email at the time
Amazing time with this module, the little hiccups I had through the first couple acts never gave me any issue. However I'm at a part in Act III where I seem to have skipped an important area don't have a backup save to go to and I was wondering if anything could be done about it...
I'll try to be spoiler-less about it but, In Act III, after delving into two desert dungeons for very important key items and delivering them to the mage tower in the nearby town, I used the Stone of Recall while still in the tower to return to the fort and talk to an archmage there and then saved the game...but I got confused as to why some things had changed there, and looked up a guide to find out I missed a very important plot moment involving the antagonist since I chose to warp back instead of walk outside first.
Is it possible to use commands to warp back to the area and re-do that part? I'm considering moving past it but I'm invested enough to want to try and see that part of the story since it's rather far into Act III for me to replay the whole thing again.
Dang, I thought I'd addressed that issue a long time ago. Oh well! There is a console command that can send you back to that area.
dm_jumptopoint <x> <y> <area>
Unfortunately, after wrangling the toolset for the past hour, I just can't get the module open to get the area code for that place you want to get back to. But yes, it's possible if you can open the module file and get that code.
I couldn't figure out how to get the module to open either (I downloaded it through the community tab in EE) but I did a bumrush through the enemies and back to the area to find the scene I had missed waiting for me anyhow, so I got what I wanted. Thanks for the rapid reply!
I couldn't figure out how to get the module to open either (I downloaded it through the community tab in EE) but I did a bumrush through the enemies and back to the area to find the scene I had missed waiting for me anyhow, so I got what I wanted. Thanks for the rapid reply!
I always get an email telling me if someone posts here, so I try to make time to help if I can. Weird how the mod just won't open anymore, maybe something to do with it being a curated module now? Anyway, glad you got through it, enjoy!
First of all thanks for the mod which I have completed several times with a variety of builds. It is by a country mile the best single player mod I have found. One thing which seems not right is Maggie the henchman as a cleric in act two but with druid proficiency feats. A friend of mine says that on his version she is a proper druid and he doesn't have as many problems as I do keeping her alive especially from the isle of the dead onwards. I note she joins up briefly in act 4 as a druid. Any plans to change the act 2 version at all?
Glad you're enjoying the mods Maggie ended up being a 'cleric of nature' rather than a full druid since druids aren't nearly as useful as clerics in nwn, specifically for the henchman healer role. Lately I can't even open the mods in the toolset so I doubt I'd be updating them anytime soon.
Thank you for creating these! I thoroughly enjoyed this masterpiece in its entirety shortly after you completed the series. I've only recently started playing again and was quite pleased to see the Aielund Saga under the Community tab. I've run into some synching issues very early, however, such as missing portraits. I had assumed that these versions would be the most current, but I'm also looking at some of your comments here, where it appears that even you don't have access to your own content. Would you recommend playing the versions found in this Community tab in their current state? I'm somewhat familiar with the Vault and could easily download and install from there, but I'm wondering if your most current work is found there?
You're welcome! Looks like some other issues have cropped up recently, since I haven't seen issues with the portraits before. If you're desperate to play, the version from the vault is basically the same, but in general, I did find the enhanced edition of nwn to be a smoother experience, quirky bugs aside
Help please?
I played the whole saga for the first time with a Druid/Fighter/Weapon Master and it was great!
Now I began it anew with a Bard/Ranger and… as soon as I try to save in Act II, the game crashes and continues to crash every time I click on LOAD GAME until I delete the save in Act II.
It would seem something has changed. This morning I was told some files had to be downloaded to play Act II. I did it and now the problem seem solved. I will update you if things change again.
I sure am!
Mind if I ask a couple questions?
-Could a Bard Champion of Torm get the Paladin/Cleric quest even if the paladin henchman is not with them?
-A bard with a Polymorph scroll could get the Curiosity Killed the Cat quest? Could a Ranger, since Polymorph is on their spell list? Could a Shifter wildshaped into a dragon hatchling? (I guess I will find out soon).
I also wanted to warn you that on your site, if I click to see Act I quests, I am redirected to the novels’ page. I figured you would like to know that.
The paladin quest is looking for either Sir William, or a PC who has the Paladin class specifically.
I think so long as you're tiny in some fashion Curiosity should let you through that little gap. In theory!
Thanks for the tip on the site, I didn't know any still goes to it
Sorry to bother you again. I romanced Criosa (as a lady) in my first run, so I would like to romance Robert (still as a lady) in the second one. I triggered the first conversation on Culdeny bridge (though there was no "romance" option in it). I saw that in previous posts you say that the second conversation should trigger in Cairnwood forest, near the entry point. Should this be the first forested area where you meet the druid, or the second one with Sebastian? and where exactly should the conversation begin? I am in the first area but nothing seems to be happening.
Hmm, there should have been a romance option just after culdeny, so if you didn't see that option, none of the other events will trigger. The trigger point in the forest is in the same place for both Robert and criosa.
Well, I've managed to open the mod in nwn Diamond to check it out. You haven't romanced Criosa in your current game have you? That prevents you also romancing Robert as well. The Robert romance should trigger if the value "criosa_love" is at 0 on the PC when you move over the trigger at the little bridge. Use the DM Mode to apply "dm_setvarint criosa_love 0" onto your character then try moving across the trigger again. Fingers crossed!
By now, you might have figured this out long ago, but in the caves where you found Criosa is another exit that leads to a battle outside Culdeny.
I’m on Act 4, and I’ve reached the point where Robert Black has ridden to our rescue after heading to the frontlines. But when we go through the dialogue to the point that he’s supposed to take me to the General, nothing happens. I just get the Experience and nothing continues.
Glad you're enjoying it
Yeah, I realized shortly after posting that it was the end of the chapter. I can just save the character and start up the next one manually at least. Thanks for the quick reply, though!
That will also work! No worries, I happened to be checking my email at the time
I'll try to be spoiler-less about it but, In Act III, after delving into two desert dungeons for very important key items and delivering them to the mage tower in the nearby town, I used the Stone of Recall while still in the tower to return to the fort and talk to an archmage there and then saved the game...but I got confused as to why some things had changed there, and looked up a guide to find out I missed a very important plot moment involving the antagonist since I chose to warp back instead of walk outside first.
Is it possible to use commands to warp back to the area and re-do that part? I'm considering moving past it but I'm invested enough to want to try and see that part of the story since it's rather far into Act III for me to replay the whole thing again.
dm_jumptopoint <x> <y> <area>
Unfortunately, after wrangling the toolset for the past hour, I just can't get the module open to get the area code for that place you want to get back to. But yes, it's possible if you can open the module file and get that code.
I always get an email telling me if someone posts here, so I try to make time to help if I can. Weird how the mod just won't open anymore, maybe something to do with it being a curated module now? Anyway, glad you got through it, enjoy!
Thank you for creating these! I thoroughly enjoyed this masterpiece in its entirety shortly after you completed the series. I've only recently started playing again and was quite pleased to see the Aielund Saga under the Community tab. I've run into some synching issues very early, however, such as missing portraits. I had assumed that these versions would be the most current, but I'm also looking at some of your comments here, where it appears that even you don't have access to your own content. Would you recommend playing the versions found in this Community tab in their current state? I'm somewhat familiar with the Vault and could easily download and install from there, but I'm wondering if your most current work is found there?
I played the whole saga for the first time with a Druid/Fighter/Weapon Master and it was great!
Now I began it anew with a Bard/Ranger and… as soon as I try to save in Act II, the game crashes and continues to crash every time I click on LOAD GAME until I delete the save in Act II.
Mind if I ask a couple questions?
-Could a Bard Champion of Torm get the Paladin/Cleric quest even if the paladin henchman is not with them?
-A bard with a Polymorph scroll could get the Curiosity Killed the Cat quest? Could a Ranger, since Polymorph is on their spell list? Could a Shifter wildshaped into a dragon hatchling? (I guess I will find out soon).
I also wanted to warn you that on your site, if I click to see Act I quests, I am redirected to the novels’ page. I figured you would like to know that.
I think so long as you're tiny in some fashion Curiosity should let you through that little gap. In theory!
Thanks for the tip on the site, I didn't know any still goes to it