Anybody can love you when you just buy the odds, but when everybody turns against and all hell breaks loose and looks like you're not a winner, and it looks like love doesn't pay. Most people make a withdrawal when they don't see a benefit!
"War. War never changes. Since the dawn of human kind, when our ancestors first discovered the killing power of rock and bone, blood has been spilled in the name of everything: from God to justice to simple, psychotic rage. In the year 2077, after millennia of armed conflict, the destructive nature of man could sustain itself no longer. The world was plunged into an abyss of nuclear fire and radiation. But it was not, as some had predicted, the end of the world. Instead, the apocalypse was simply the prologue to another bloody chapter of human history. For man had succeeded in destroying the world - but war, war never changes."
Fantastic book, I'm sure it was a huge influence on the Fallout games. It's like Fallout mixed with Martianus Capella, one of the founders of the idea of the liberal arts that recognized the Roman Empire was falling apart and tried to preserve the knowledge he thought people needed.
@DrHappyAngry I agree. A really good book. I discovered recently it has a sequel that has a really bad reputation.
Nice, most people haven't heard of it. Guess I'll stay away from the sequel.
“Soon the sun will set'- is that prophecy? No, it's merely an assertion of faith in the consistency of events.”
― Walter M. Miller Jr., A Canticle for Leibowitz
When you want to mobilize an audience against your enemy, you have to depict him as not just evil but also powerful.
-Koenraad Elst
This quote actually has some sketchy origins. Koenraad Elst is a little-known Islamophobe and a long-winded defender of the quasi-fascist Hindutva movement in India, and he was using this quote to accuse "secularists" of lying about the power of the Hindutva movement (whose favored candidate, Narendra Modi, actually now runs India as Prime Minister, a decent indicator of just how incredibly powerful the movement really is). But when I ran into this line during a research project in 2012, I realized how many things it could apply to.
“You don't like the Goths?"
"No! Not with the persecution we have to put up with!"
"Religious persecution. We won't stand for it forever."
"I thought the Goths let everybody worship as they pleased."
"That's just it! We Orthodox are forced to stand around and watch Arians and Monophysites and Nestorians and Jews going about their business unmolested, as if they owned the country. If that isn't persecution, I'd like to know what is!”
― L. Sprague De Camp Lest Darkness Fall
... democracy is not something you believe in, or a place you hang your hat, but it's something you do. You participate. If you stop doing it, democracy crumbles and falls apart.
-- Abby Hoffman
"There is another class of coloured people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs — partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs."
"That is a form of racism and white supremacy and white control to say that all Black people need to be Democrat and to assume that me running is me splitting the vote. All of that information is being charged up on social media platforms by Democrats. And Democrats used to tell me, the same Democrats have threatened me…. The reason why this is the first day I registered to vote is because I was scared. I was told that if I voted on Trump my music career would be over. I was threatened into being in one party. I was threatened as a celebrity into being in one party. I was threatened as a Black man into the Democratic party. And that’s what the Democrats are doing, emotionally, to my people. Threatening them to the point where this white man can tell a Black man if you don’t vote for me, you’re not Black.”
Discipline is a matter of the imposition of order and the order is necessary especially for people who are hopeless and nihilistic and lots of people are hopeless and nihilistic; way more than you think.
There are two ways to see the world, some people see the thing that they want and others see the thing that prevents them from getting the thing that they want.
All problems, personal, national, or combat, become smaller if you don't dodge them, but confront them. Touch a thistle timidly, and it pricks you; grasp it boldly, and its spines crumble. Carry the battle to the enemy! Lay your ship alongside his!
-- William F. (Bull) Halsey (1882-1959)
-Howard Thurman
Politicians regard this interesting fact with envy.
--Author unknown
-Jaime Lannister
(reflecting with Bronn of the Blackwater on the why of wars in GoT)
— Fallout 3 Intro
A revised Catholic Church and the Nation of Texarkana of course
Fantastic book, I'm sure it was a huge influence on the Fallout games. It's like Fallout mixed with Martianus Capella, one of the founders of the idea of the liberal arts that recognized the Roman Empire was falling apart and tried to preserve the knowledge he thought people needed.
Nice, most people haven't heard of it. Guess I'll stay away from the sequel.
“Soon the sun will set'- is that prophecy? No, it's merely an assertion of faith in the consistency of events.”
― Walter M. Miller Jr., A Canticle for Leibowitz
This quote actually has some sketchy origins. Koenraad Elst is a little-known Islamophobe and a long-winded defender of the quasi-fascist Hindutva movement in India, and he was using this quote to accuse "secularists" of lying about the power of the Hindutva movement (whose favored candidate, Narendra Modi, actually now runs India as Prime Minister, a decent indicator of just how incredibly powerful the movement really is). But when I ran into this line during a research project in 2012, I realized how many things it could apply to.
...and there was light!
―Joseph Brodsky
"No! Not with the persecution we have to put up with!"
"Religious persecution. We won't stand for it forever."
"I thought the Goths let everybody worship as they pleased."
"That's just it! We Orthodox are forced to stand around and watch Arians and Monophysites and Nestorians and Jews going about their business unmolested, as if they owned the country. If that isn't persecution, I'd like to know what is!”
― L. Sprague De Camp Lest Darkness Fall
-- Abby Hoffman
-Booker T Washington
-Kanye West
Because my parents had sex?
And then you realise you were not created using clouds and electricity.
-- Herbert Samuel
That's how they were born, not why @ThacoBell
The "why" is the parents either wanted to have a kid or forgot to use contraceptives and didn't/couldn't have an abortion. Simple as that.
―Arthur Miller
―Marilyn Manson
Ba-scuse me?
-- William F. (Bull) Halsey (1882-1959)