Who Was Your First Character?

What was the first character you ever took through BG or IWD?
For me, I started playing Baldur's Gate 2 when I was around 11. My first character was a Cavalier with Anomen's portrait and my name, romancing Aerie. I always gave him the best equipment and set him up with the Red Dragon Scale, Dragonscale Shield, Dragon Helm, and Celestial Fury because I thought a warrior with all-red armor and a gold sword looked cool. He had really min-maxed stats and used Intelligence as a dump stat, so I died lots of times in the mind flayer city. Our party always included Minsc, Jaheira, Aerie, and Nalia; I ran with a consistently good-aligned party. Anomen joined the group as well, but failed his test because I encouraged him to kill Saerk.
For me, I started playing Baldur's Gate 2 when I was around 11. My first character was a Cavalier with Anomen's portrait and my name, romancing Aerie. I always gave him the best equipment and set him up with the Red Dragon Scale, Dragonscale Shield, Dragon Helm, and Celestial Fury because I thought a warrior with all-red armor and a gold sword looked cool. He had really min-maxed stats and used Intelligence as a dump stat, so I died lots of times in the mind flayer city. Our party always included Minsc, Jaheira, Aerie, and Nalia; I ran with a consistently good-aligned party. Anomen joined the group as well, but failed his test because I encouraged him to kill Saerk.
First to finish BG2/ToB was an Undead Hunter named Carthius, using Keldorn's pic.
I don't even remember what my first BG1 playthrough was. Might have been a bard. I didn't like BG1 too much when I played it first, but I learned to love it, and now, it's my favorite part to play in no-reload runs.
I remember only very few things about this very first druid in ToB - his name was "Master of Stonehenge" (I was very young, okay?), and he used only spears and quarterstaffs (the two +6 weapons appealed to me - remember, I already knew the game from watching my brother play - and I also used a guide from a german videogame magazine called "GameStar").
It is kind of a shame that I never really got to experience the story of the games blind as a player. Still, following my brother along was always very exciting, and I constantly pushed him to play BG2 (not that he needed much convincing).
When the EEs came out, my first BG1EE character was the Monk Gengetsu, quickly followed by a Sorceror, as I wanted to try classes that had not been possible in the original game. Gengetsu has completed SoA in EE, but I restarted him after SoD came out, so that I could run him through SoD & seed BG2 with the SoD items that transfer to BG2. I still haven't completed that run, as restartitis has reared its ugly head again & again.
She traveled with Imoen, Garrick, Xan, Ajantis and Kivan. Besides that, I don't remember much about the playthrough except Ajantis getting chunked at the final battle.
When I loaded her into BG2, she had a party of Minsc, Anomen, Jaheira, Valygar and Yoshimo. I did the Planar Sphere quest first and soon regretted it as I got my ass handed to me and I couldn't figure out how to defeat a demon with my party so I restarted with a Skald named Dualm.
Dualm's party was Yoshimo, Aerie, Minsc, Anomen and Haer'Dalis (who was dead half the time). Minsc was chunked by Bodhi and had to be replaced by Keldorn. He used a halberd (Wave blade) but mostly stood around singing or using melf's minute meteors.
My first ever character was a thief named Nixon.
My first BG2 run was with a neutral evil hafling assassin named Lander Buckleberry. I sucked pretty badly at the sequel, too, I must admit. Even the mephits in chateau Irenicus seemed scary. I was so bad I had no clue about what spells to use or anything and I was too lazy to use the manual. Yet I still beat the game somehow. My greatest memory is Firkraag. After 1000 reloads and getting my entire party barbecued, I finally beat him by having my tiny halfling run around with the boots of speed and the gesen bow, pot shotting him for about an hour in real time until he ran out of stoneskins (though at the time I probably didn't even know that's what he was using) and finally took enough damage to drop. SMH and laughing at the memory of it. But man was that fun.
My first PnP for DnD Basic Red Book was Dwight. A Dwarven Fighter, which from memory was all you could be as a Dwarf, and he was my second play though for BG1.
Both still live today as my goto characters for any of the games I just want to play without much thought. The time spent developing these characters...
Most characters are removed after I finish the game nowadays, but I still keep Tor's files around. He's 18 years old now. But he's been drinking since the day he was conceived, so I guess that doesn't mean anything to him.
That was one of my favorite animes growing up. I love Vash.
The first character I finished BG2 with was not even mine. I just took my dad’s old character Percival and finished his playthrough after he stopped playing.
so when my neighbor was showing me the game, i was so fascinated on what dnd was, i thought this would be great
so my first character was a fighter, he had 18/91+ strength ( perhaps even 18/00 even ) and the rest of his stats were like 13 or 14 ( i had no idea what constitution, dexterity or charisma was ) and i though; well having a little bit of intelligence and wisdom should be helpful ( LOLOLOLOLOL ) ah being so gimped was great, a disgusting 10 starting AC and 10 starting HP for a fighter, love it
and then my weapon of choice: two handed sword, i loved that sword, i wanted to be this huge warrior wielding this awesome big sword, so that is what i went with
and not knowing ANYTHING about AC or THAC0 or just mechanics all together ( all i really knew was; low AC is good, and higher HP is better ) so when it came to buying items, i just bought the items that were more expensive and hoping that they were better than the ones i was wearing previously
and the gameplay, i was so awe inspired for how the game looked, for back in 1998 i thought the graphics looked amazing and i was just blown away with the presentation
and dying, i did a lot of dying, ( because my neighbor had it set to max difficulty and i didnt even know there was a difficulty setting ) but anyways, i was having a blast, i remember getting the platemail armor for the first time, holy crap did that take forever ( i think i was around level 5 before i could finally afford it ) and the large shield +1 , i remember grinding countless gibberlings grabbing 2d6-1 GP per gibberling just so i could finally buy the large shield +1
and then the fateful day finally came and i had the platemail armor AND the large shield +1 AND a long sword +1, and i was like; hell yeah! khalid is invincible now, he will never die again now that his AC is actually in the negatives ( when i first played the game i thought that if your AC was in the negatives, that is how much less damage you took )
and yet there was many more deaths, but such good memories on how absolutely terrible i was at that game, and NEVER having any money because i was spending all my money at temples raising my characters back from the dead and using the temple to heal them HAHAHA
and then my first PnP character, is was when 3rd edition first came out, i made a barbarian named Dracke and he had bhaal's blood in him, which made him a large half-orc, he was my only character that made it to epic levels out of all the years and characters our friends have made/played, Dracke was the only one that reached that epic status of level 25
unfortunately i dont have my original Dracke character anymore ( since his character sheet was SO destroyed from constantly erasing stuff, i had his original character sheet from level 1 all the way to level 25, it was a complete disaster that sheet )
but some of the cool things i had with Dracke was my colossal wagon that was completely made out of adamantine and it held a bunch of fancy foods and wines and silk clothes and a whole bunch of noble type stuff ( i remember having a roll of cheese that weighed around 700 lbs ) and the creature that i used to haul this thing around? a colossal hydra with 12 heads, who could apparently fly,
that was my favourite "companion" ever, i find it kind of funny, because since my DM at the time was still kind of new to the game, he didnt really know what a hydra was, and he thought it was something else ( hence the reason why this thing could fly ) but the best part was on how i got it:
so there was supposed to be this big battle and after i finished the last boss per se there was going to be this huge pile of gold and magic items and treasure and all that jazz, and i was like; nah, i just want the hydra instead
so i do the adventure take down the big boss dude and my DM says; you have defeated *whoever it was* and you see his massive treasure trove of..... one scroll
and that was the scroll i used to get my awesome colossal hydra, good times
oh plus, two of the most memorable fights i had with dracke was when he was epic, he battled a pheonix creature that had like 15000+ or so HP, holy CRAP did that take forever, i think that was like a 3 or 4 hour battle in real life, i had to use a whole bunch of charges from my staff of frost and potions of heal and the such
and then the 2nd big battle i had was with an efreeti god that had 30000 HP and after the 2 or 3 hour mark my DM got tired and just gave me the efreeti stats and said: here you can battle this guy on your own, im going to bed. Even after that it still took me a good hour or so to finish that guy off as well, ah the good times of high school
and then the final story of Dracke, Dracke's last adventure was a place called Dracke's Keep ( a knock off of Watcher's keep in ToB, since that game was still incredibly new at the time, and that is the idea that my DM had for him, and Tob was also epic as well, so it fit the bill ) i remember doing the keep, having a blastio and i remember finding suit of breastplate +10 off of some half-orc boss
but shortly after that, we never played with Dracke ever again, because we met a whole bunch of new friends that became interesting in DnD so we played with them instead and made new characters, and would hit the high teens and then start off with new characters again
so now Dracke forever sits in limbo in his keep, never to adventure again sadly, every once in awhile i like to remake him from scratch and then level him up to level 25 just for the nostalgic lulz, ah good stuff
It took a couple of years until my next try, once I had finally given up on being cool and spend all of my petty cash on cigarettes and beer and just bought that comp I had dreamed about for such a long time. Once you go nerd, you never go back.
So my first actual playthrough was in BG2 since my best friend back then loved that game much more than BG1. So we actually played together. I had one playthrough myself and one with him, both roughly equal in pace. My guy was a dwarf berserker, pretty much a replica of Korgan but unintentionally so, and my friend played an elf sorcerer.. or was it mage? I don't remember. This was actually after NVN had been released, so these were the same characters we've had MP'd with through all of NVN, SoU and HotU. In 3E my guy was a plain dwarf fighter though. So this must have been in.. early 2004 perhaps?
So as you can see, I have both early but mostly quite late experience with the game. I know of it for a looooong time and played it some before I actually become obsessed myself. I thank Beamdog for that since I could just never get fully into the old games, mostly because by the time I wanted to play them (around 2002 when I bought my own comp) there were so many other cool games to play that made them look old. Gawd, how could I've been so stupid?
Had to use shields back then in the realm of 640x420 though, but he's dual wielder now.
still use him to this day.
hmm, this thread makes me wanna do a montage.
I'll do SoD once 2.5 comes out, promise!
really wanna do IWD2 too but i'm allergic to non-EE now...
When BG2 came out the new kits were all the rage. So a plain fighter just wasn't enough for me. So Migido had to make way for an elven archer.
In BG2, I played a female sorceress named Leona, after my astrological sign. I chose female because I had heard there were romances, and I wanted to romance a male. I remember screwing up with Anomen's quest several times and having to reload. For example, we attacked Saerk's estate, and he wound up leaving me when I gave him some wrong answers. I fixed that through reloading, and then, after the whole Bodhi scenario, I couldn't get him raised at the Umar Hills altar. I think I had forgotten to pick up the black heart or something. I'm not sure why I couldn't get it to work at the time, but I was pretty angry and disappointed, since I was really into Anomen.
For Leona's portrait, I made a custom portrait of young Kirsty Alley, before she gained all the weight, in a sheer orange dress. I thought it was a perfect sorceress picture.
Despite not being able to complete the Anomen romance, I fought on to the end of SoA with Leona, and was very surprised how easily she was able to beat vanilla Irenicus.
When ToB came out, I don't remember what I played. By then, restartitis had set in, and I tried a whole bunch of characters and never finished it before I wanted to play something else.
When IWD came out, I had gotten into the first season of Big Brother, and I made a whole team using portraits of those people. I especially liked Josh and Eddie.
I got obsessed with starting IWD over and over with different theme teams. I tried a Star Wars team, a team made up of versions of real life friends, and several superhero teams. I don't think I ever finished that, either, when it first came out. I've only ever gone all the way to the end of IWD one time in all the years, and I don't remember when that was. It's always been about the journey, not the destination, for me.
I also got obsessed with creating various theme teams in the Might and Magic games around the same time.
This thread is making me nostalgic, because I also associate these games with various things that were going on in my real life at those times, and people I used to know.
First real breakthrough moment came by accident. I was playing a rebellious character (can’t remember class, just remember it was an elf). So instead of following Gorion’s instructions to go to FAI, I went to Beregost instead. Ran into Kagain...suddenly the game became a lot easier. Picked up Kivan as well and made more progress in that game than all previous efforts combined. Even got past Nashkel mines for first time (before that, Nashkel was like an impossible nirvana target). The learnings from that game were hugely important.
First BG2 game was a human fighter, the first character I had succesfully got through BG1 without reloading. For context, this was 3-4 years after I started playing BG1! I remember this run clearly. The BG1 party I had used became my headcanon - PC, Kagain, Kivan, Imoen, Viconia and Shar-Teel. After so many years playing BG1 (with Tutu mod), BG2 wasn’t so difficult. I remember silly things, like being mega-annoyed I no longer had Varscona and wondering if I would find a better weapon (lol). My BG2 party in that run after Imoen was taken was PC, Nalia, Jaheira, Minsc, Korgan and Viconia. I was flying through the game even though it was my first time playing. I remember clearing Umar Hills and then going to Windspear.
So, a dragon! I had skipped fighting the Shadow Dragon so did I want to skip this too? I mean how difficult could it be? My fighters had over 100HPs, I had lots of spells, I had just got the Dragonslayer sword for my PC and this game really wasn’t that difficult, even though it was my first run. It’ll be fine.
Firkraag didn’t kill my PC. But after Korgan and Viconia were incinerated + chunked in the first few seconds, followed shortly by Jaheira and Nalia dying (but not chunked), I realised I was in over my head and game would be over shortly. I quit and ended the run. But it was the start of years playing BG2
This maybe something that happened in another game that I have falsely attributed to BG.
I made a female fighter, did all the attributes ect. then got to appearance.
The little "paper doll" looked like a weight lifter, bulging muscles and a bit squat if you ask me. The colloquial term would be, "looked like a brick sh*t house".
No way I could run with that, changed to ranger half elf and knocked down strength (how was I meant to know that would preclude longbows?).
So am I remembering something wrong?
I do know the first character was half elven rather than human and a ranger rather than fighter, both quite rare for me for a first time on any game.
"Big boned" maybe the polite phrase for somebody in their early twenties built as such.
So yeah, that's pretty overweight IMO.
Not so much about being healthy, but put it this way. If your joints/spine have to always carry around an extra stone or so, how well are they going to hold up long term?
It's worrying seeing so many young women, in particular, carrying so much weight around nowadays.