I'm starting to really get fed up with my parents and their stupid prejudices and unwillingness to put some trust in us, their children. I feel like I'm caged here at home. It's all so very subtle, a combination of doing the wrong thing at the worst moment and a good dose of bad luck. You see, my own laptop is broken, so I use a spare one from my dad. He made me promise I wouldn't install any 'crap' on it. I promised and made sure to not install anything. There's only one small folder on the desktop right now containing documents from school. Yet, one glimpse from a stupid internet game was enough to make him go bollocks again. I didn't install anything, made sure everything was safe, didn't even save any pictures, and yet... Gotta give back the PC this evening, leaving me with the old, slow PC in the kitchen (which is super cold, plus no privacy at all). Now, that ended well. Ironically this PC of my dad hasn't been updated in AGES, maybe because he's paranoid about updates too. Paranoia, that's another thing. One day my mom had to bring me to college, because our public traffic is, to be honest, a mess. I already said I refuse to pay for it, simply because it doesn't work at all. Busses come late, skip their service, and other things. Horrible. Anyway, so my mom was annoyed because she had to leave my 14-year old sister at home for a little while. She called home, but nobody picked up. Panicking ensued. Second time she did pick up and said she was afraid the first time because of thieves tracking the phone numbers by calling people randomly. So you see in what kind of a paranoid and dysfunctional family I live. We are all brought up to be distrustful of anyone, to be afraid of ghosts and illusions. It's one of the not-so-nice sides of my family, sadly.
Why I am against giving people the option to report other users to the moderators of a site: it's an option that undoubtedly, 100% certain, will get ABUSED like there's no tomorrow. On a site I tend to go to daily, there's a forum. Of course that forum is filled with little whiny disgusting trolls who have nothing better to do than report you for the slightest remark. Being reported causes you to be silenced, or worse, getting banned. And more than often, I have been silenced unfairly. It's really disgusting. Give the small man in the street some power and he'll abuse it for no good at all. That is why I think that a good site needs an good amount of moderators around to keep people in check. Really, some people's only fun in life exists out of making other people's life miserable. Truly, utterly pathetic.
Reporting can be a good tool, provided the mods are all decent people that actually look into the situation and don't ban you outright - or even better, ban other people for fake reports. If the mods are the type to auto-ban each report, thus turning every troll into a pseudo-moderator, you're better off not associating yourself with that kind of forums at all.
@Chow: I put money into my account, so I think it's best to avoid the forums there indeed. Would be a shame to see about 50 euros go to waste due to some stupid kids. Still, I remember how much better the atmosphere was a few years ago. Which made me wonder: is every forum on the internet doomed to eventually hit a low point and never recover from it? It's so hard to find a decent place on the internet to discuss things with other people in a mature manner nowadays.
Got ill (AGAIN) during the weekend. Turns out I gotta ride to the doctor's office myself, because my mom's too busy fixing her inferiority complex. Worst bike ride ever. Had the wind full blowing in my face. I'll probably also get my throat and ears infected this way aside from glandular fever. Of course all of this happens one week before the Easter Holidays start, so yet again Fate's decided to throw me the worst of luck and make my life into a hell again. Haven't been able to sleep properly for weeks either, no exaggeration. Now I'm sitting in the waiting room all sweaty and internally cursing every living and non-living being on this planet. Hell of a way to start the week.
More whining from my side, this time something that is really bothering me. I recently had my blood checked and it seems that I'm super allergic against cats, dogs, cattle animals and trees... The worst is the cats, because I ADORE cats and wanted to have two when living on my own later on in the future... A Holy Birman kitty and a Tabby... It really saddens me.
@Kitteh_On_A_Cloud How allergic is super allergic? You don't end up in the hospital from an allergic reaction do you? I'm super allergic (nasally) to everything under the sun but I still have lots of pets. I just have to be used to living with a stuffy/runny nose most of the time. If you ask me it's worth it. (Of course there is nothing that I love more than animals.) Being allergic to cats doesn't mean you can't have them. It just means that every once in a while your nose will bother you a lot. Besides, after having them for a while you can develop a slight resistance to that allergy. Plus there are plenty of allergy reducing medicines out there that can help too. I say don't let it bother you at all and get some cats anyway! You will probably enjoy their company so much that you will forget that you are allergic!
@Tresset: Well, they said 'super allergic'... But I don't experience it like that. Whenever I am near a cat, I'm generally fine. It's just that after a while, my nose my get a bit itchy inside or I have to sneeze and my eyes might get a bit wet, but nothing really dramatic. What does bother me more is the fact that when I have stroked a cat, and have washed my hands, my hands get very itchy for a short while. I don't know whether it is due to one particular cat, his fur, his saliva (on his fur, as @tilly pointed out), the fact that my hands are being very dry right now due to the dry, cold weather, or the soap I'm washing my hands with. Or a combination of one or more of these elements. But no, nothing hospital-worthy. I suffer more from itchy eyes during the beginning of summer, but that's from particular trees blooming then. I'd love to grow a small kitten into a playful and cozy pet. I find it very brave of you, @Tresset, to, well, brave the allergy in favor of having some nice pets. Very courageous indeed.
A friend of mine has a wife with breast cancer. She has had to undergo lots of surgery. She has coped amazingly well, however the loneliness of being at home waiting for her her husband to come home was soul crushing.
So she bought two cats from the local animal shelter.
My mate and cats... Not a good combo.
He comes out in blotches, becomes almost asthmatic in his breathing, his lips and fingers start to swell and to this day still blames the cats for the loss of his hair.
But his wife was definitely more happier with the company at home.
So he put up with it.
His allergy is now down to a few sneezes coming home and in the morning on waking.
His hair however has not returned... He occasionally wears a cat...
My sister has a cat, and she often brings it here for stay when she herself is busy, sometimes overnight. My father is allergic, but seems to be able to cope with it pretty well.
I guess it's kitten's cuteness that makes us allergic folks cope with cats anyway. I'm telling you, it's their secret trump card. They're brainwashing us with their cuteness and big sparkling kitten eyes. One day cats will rule the world.
Grrr. I'm a bit upset now. They took away my skeletons... I want to dance with the dead but some people think it is a good idea to nerf every repeatable encounter so other people can't train their characters. Seems a bit silly to me but I guess some people like to control how other people play their games even if it doesn't really affect them in any way shape or form. See, I would much rather it be your own personal choice as to how you play the game. You don't want to grind in places then don't grind, just don't ensure that everyone else can't grind too. I personally think many of the things that are discussed here are a bit silly but I don't petition the devs to make these things impossible to do or otherwise go away.
This is why I keep all my personal "cheese" top secret and classified and well away from this site. You never know what they will take away...
@Tresset: Agreed. This is why I don't share my 'secrets' on the forum either. Some self-righteous whimsical person would report it as a bug and let the game get adjusted. I hate this kind of player involvement in the game. If you let the audience have its way, everything gets randomly 'nerfed' or 'buffed'. Sorry, but Bioware taught me the hard way how player involvement can lead to ridiculous claims and whiiiiiining as if there's no tomorrow. Ugh.
I recently found out that i have social phobia. I have never had a girlfriend because i have always worried about the judgment that would come from asking a girl out. How they would say no and then there would be all kinds off things said about me so i could never bring myself to ask one. I couldnt even tell you if a girl has ever liked me or not.
So, I'm currently on vacation with my family. I thought it was fun and was excited. But of course my fucked up family has to ruin everything again. Last night my sister got ill (her own fault because she stuffs herself with all kinds of unhealthy foods), so my mom HAD to sleep here in our room. And when my mom says 'sleep', it means that as soon as she enters the room, EVERYONE has to go to sleep IMMEDIATELY. Of course I had to move to the bed in the darkest corner of the room too, because my mom HAD to sleep next to my sis. So yeah, it annoyed me I just got shoved aside like that, but my sis was ill, so yeah... Then, this morning. I wasn't aware the clock had gone to summertime, so when my mom poked me awake in a kind of rude way, I looked at my alarm and saw it was 7 am. I still had time, I thought, so I fell asleep again. Second time I got woken up was at 9 am. Parents came into our room and said we were about to miss breakfast. Of course my brother had to sneak into the shower before me, wasting all my time (he always pulls that shit on me in the morning). So he and my sister could go happily stuff themselves while I was still showering. Later on, everyone came back from breakfast and guess what? Nobody gave a shit I hadn't been able to eat anything. They blamed ME for everything, that I hadn't woken up properly. Well, first of all, I got a function in my phone that is SUPPOSED to automatically adjust the time. It didn't work, apparently. Secondly, when you get woken up and are still half asleep, you don't really think straight. Yet, I got all the crap again. Now I'm sitting here eating a bit of dry bread. Nobody even did something to help me. Nice family, eh? We suuuuure care for each other. Instead of thinking with me on how to fix this, my dad scolded me for not having unpacked my suitcase yet. And that while we arrived tired yesterday. My family's ridiculous and selfish. Can't wait for the day I'm living on my own. I really can't. Fuck all of this shit. Sorry for my language, but if you were me right now, you'd also be royally pissed.
In fairness, daylight savings time is pure bullshit to begin with. It's unhealthy and brings all sorts of problems to people, and has basically zero justification to be around. It just is because it's grown into a habit now.
Fun fact: Initially it was proposed sarcastically. I don't remember who it was anymore, but the same person also suggested they'd fire cannons each morning to make people wake up.
Anyway, besides this bit of wanting to sound clever, I guess I can't tell you much. Hang in there.
@Chow: it's utter bull, that I can agree with. But my family's the biggest problem. I should have realised a vacation with them wasn't a good idea. I should've realised it 10 years ago, in fact.
This might sound arrogant of me, but I hate how my little sister is becoming a little Miss Manners. I think I already talked about it. She can have such an attitude at times, yet she cries or throws a tantrum when she has to make homework. I remember me being a whole lot different. I just did what I had to do at that age: studying. No drama needed. I'm getting a bit fed up seeing how my mom has to cope with her little rage fits each time she rehearses her homework.
You're not your sister, nor is she you. My sister butted heads with my mother over the smallest things when she still lived at home. What was for dinner, her school, her clothes, her friends, any remark was taken as an attack by either one of them. Especially schoolwork was a problem, she hated it and refused, causing massive fights, failing grades, dropping out of school and moving out early. She did catch up soon after, finishing school, finishing Uni, getting a good job, a house and a daughter (whom my mother adores) and they get along fine.
I was much better with my homework. I simply lied my ass off when I said I'd done it, avoiding the entire argument to begin with. Much better. Different strokes for different people.
@Drugar: True, but I just have gotten to dislike that kind of attitude. To me it feels like she's wasting valuable opportunities. I would feel that way for every kid who doesn't take their homework seriously. Especially in the current economical climate in my country, were having a degree is a must to be able to find a job. Oh well...Nothing I can really do about it. It's her life. I just hope she realises the importance of school as she ages.
On another note, does anybody also suffer from extremely irritating siblings? Siblings who are always looking for an argument or a fight? Siblings who always want to be right and who will provoke you no matter what? Well, my brother is such a person and it often annoys me. He can be so kind, yet his moods often hide that nice side. When he's provoking me, I just *know* I'm falling into the trap, yet it always happens to me and he wins. It's really frustrating. I don't know how to deal with his pedantic-ness either. Such a shame.
Had a great vacation together with my boyfriend. Came home just today. I'm not even home for one hour or the mental abuse starts again. Threats against me for never seeing my boyfriend again just because I visit a totallly innocent website on the internet in the kitchen. My parents are crazy. I should sue them for abuse, seriously.
After 5 month of nonstop grey skies and really cold weather the sun comes out finally and the temperature is rising! Had my first day where i could chill on my balcony and thats awesome!
A friend of mine has a wife with breast cancer. She has had to undergo lots of surgery. She has coped amazingly well, however the loneliness of being at home waiting for her her husband to come home was soul crushing.
So she bought two cats from the local animal shelter.
My mate and cats... Not a good combo.
He comes out in blotches, becomes almost asthmatic in his breathing, his lips and fingers start to swell and to this day still blames the cats for the loss of his hair.
But his wife was definitely more happier with the company at home.
So he put up with it.
His allergy is now down to a few sneezes coming home and in the morning on waking.
His hair however has not returned... He occasionally wears a cat...
This is why I keep all my personal "cheese" top secret and classified and well away from this site. You never know what they will take away...
Just so you know I suspect this is why this changed:
Fun fact: Initially it was proposed sarcastically. I don't remember who it was anymore, but the same person also suggested they'd fire cannons each morning to make people wake up.
Anyway, besides this bit of wanting to sound clever, I guess I can't tell you much. Hang in there.
My sister butted heads with my mother over the smallest things when she still lived at home. What was for dinner, her school, her clothes, her friends, any remark was taken as an attack by either one of them.
Especially schoolwork was a problem, she hated it and refused, causing massive fights, failing grades, dropping out of school and moving out early. She did catch up soon after, finishing school, finishing Uni, getting a good job, a house and a daughter (whom my mother adores) and they get along fine.
I was much better with my homework. I simply lied my ass off when I said I'd done it, avoiding the entire argument to begin with. Much better. Different strokes for different people.
On another note, does anybody also suffer from extremely irritating siblings? Siblings who are always looking for an argument or a fight? Siblings who always want to be right and who will provoke you no matter what? Well, my brother is such a person and it often annoys me. He can be so kind, yet his moods often hide that nice side. When he's provoking me, I just *know* I'm falling into the trap, yet it always happens to me and he wins. It's really frustrating. I don't know how to deal with his pedantic-ness either. Such a shame.
I´m happy