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The Politics Thread



  • DinoDinDinoDin Member Posts: 1,596
    edited October 2020
    Report from the WSJ that Trump didn't disclose his first positive test immediately and asked a staffer with a positive result to not reveal their diagnosis as well.

    As others have said, this is not akin to Reagan and dementia or FDR and polio. This is an infectious disease -- spreading surreptitiously among elected and appointed leaders in the legislative and executive branch. Gross negligence.
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    DinoDin wrote: »
    Æmrys wrote: »
    DinoDin wrote: »
    Æmrys wrote: »
    DinoDin wrote: »
    Æmrys wrote: »
    That vehicle he is in and the others that follow can be vented in milliseconds. Clean oxygen with their own air intake supply. Pretty sure the Secret Service is smarter than a blue check mark.

    It's amazing that people are still making excuses for a comically reckless government. "I'm sure they know what they're doing".

    No. They don't know what they're doing. That's why they all infected each other.

    The secret service is not the trump government. I did not make an excuses for trump or his horrendous presidency I stated that the secret service is much smarter than someone who has secret sources that knows what the secret service decisions are. Trump not saying he was sick and infecting others should, in my opinion, be looked at from a legal stance as to who can sue him through his negligence and not being transparent about his illness.

    If your comment was a blanket general statement then I agree with you one 100%, it is amazing that people are still making excuses for a comically reckless government. If it was directed towards me alone then I hope you see I was not making excuses for trump and that a proper read of my statement should of made that clear.

    The secret service has no decision making power here. They have to do what the president tells them. Do you seriously think they could have vetoed his car ride?

    Yes they could of if it endangered the President or anyone on detail around him, this isn't a Tom Clancy novel this is real life.

    Huh? They already hosted an event at the white house without masks and without basic precautions where Trump, the First Lady, several Senators and several other members of White House almost certainly got infected. They already did unsafe stuff! So even if you think, without reason, that the secret service could veto things, they have demonstrated that they won't veto unsafe activities.

    If the Amy Coney Barret announcement had pictures that indicated 90% of the people were wearing masks and social distancing, then this wouldn't be an issue. Instead, they are seated nuts to butts, and 90% of people AREN'T wearing mask, including NO ONE in the highest positions of power. And it's because Trump doesn't want them to because he thinks it shows weakness. Been that way from jump street.
  • DinoDinDinoDin Member Posts: 1,596
    In my opinion, the 2016 debates were the best Trump has ever been. If he didn't win there, he has never won in politics at all, and I think that's hard to argue. He did not do nearly so well against Biden, and I would argue this is because he didn't even try to court centrists or democrats. He had legitimate things to say about the nature of the race, the trade deals that were currently being debated at the time, he could very reasonably have been seen as the anti-war candidate, he implies the tax structure was corrupt and favored the rich! Not a single one of these things applies to Trump today, and I think he suffered for it.

    But this is all irrelevant and I have no desire to argue it, it is simply my opinion about a subject of no import.

    This is correct. One thing surprisingly telling from the recent debate is how little I could recall Trump laying out any kind of policy proposal. I think he made a lot of empty promises in his debates with Clinton, but you could at least see the outline of a policy agenda from then. Despite how much he spoke in the Biden debate, there was no such agenda set forward.
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    edited October 2020
    DinoDin wrote: »
    In my opinion, the 2016 debates were the best Trump has ever been. If he didn't win there, he has never won in politics at all, and I think that's hard to argue. He did not do nearly so well against Biden, and I would argue this is because he didn't even try to court centrists or democrats. He had legitimate things to say about the nature of the race, the trade deals that were currently being debated at the time, he could very reasonably have been seen as the anti-war candidate, he implies the tax structure was corrupt and favored the rich! Not a single one of these things applies to Trump today, and I think he suffered for it.

    But this is all irrelevant and I have no desire to argue it, it is simply my opinion about a subject of no import.

    This is correct. One thing surprisingly telling from the recent debate is how little I could recall Trump laying out any kind of policy proposal. I think he made a lot of empty promises in his debates with Clinton, but you could at least see the outline of a policy agenda from then. Despite how much he spoke in the Biden debate, there was no such agenda set forward.

    No one remembers a single thing of substance from that night from anyone. The only phrase most people remember was one they were saying to themselves, which was "Christ, what an asshole."
  • ÆmrysÆmrys Member Posts: 125
    @BallpointMan I'm a very easy woman to please, just one at a time please I can't take you and your friend at once. I do have self imposed standards to maintain.
  • WarChiefZekeWarChiefZeke Member Posts: 2,655
    edited October 2020
    The quality of treatment is significant to the case fatality rate, but much less important than the way cases are measured and recorded.

    I feel like that depends on context. If there is a significant lack of testing, than the cases measured will likely not be a good representation of the whole and the infection rate is likely higher than is being measured. If the testing is generally good, then there should not be much reason to believe the case fatality rate is far off the mark. There may be some deviation, but not significantly. Per capita testing is one of the highest here in the U.S from what i've seen, so the numbers on case fatality should be generally reliable.
  • MichelleMichelle Member Posts: 550
    It is kinda of weird that we still go over this again and again. The Trump supporters are not going to change their minds, and very few others have any emptathy at all with what has been going on. There is only a small margin of people that have not yet made up their minds, at this point I believe they are negligible, the country has made up it’s mind. I think it is sad that we have degenerated into this.

    There are those that use their minds to make a decision, and the rest. You all know who you are and I don’t need to call anyone out. To me it is scary how the country has turned out. My aunt, that I have bought breakfast for every year for 25 years on her birthday actually said to me that he is prophecied to happen, freaked me out a bit to be honest. She is kind, smart, fun and totally set in what she believes. I can’t change her and will no longer try. Is she a bad person? Hardly. My one friend’s husband is on the opposite end of the spectrum and equally not a demon from hell and equally as annoying. This is our world and if we let others make up our minds for us, don’t really care which side you are rooting for, might as well just line up for shearing like all the rest of the sheep.

    Know what masks are? They are like driving, you stay on your side and I stay on mine, we all do the right thing and we will all make it home safely. This is the fucked up portion of my rant, someone made it not the right thing to stay on our side of the road, then the others that thought that it would be political suicide to go against this man, went along with him. I don’t agree with most liberal points of view, but insanity from either side really pops out as being... well insane. This one man is wrong, I have no other response to anyone, my fellow conservatives or otherwise, that says different. Sad part is he will pull down all of the good hearted people who are too stupid to see through him... or he will end the country as we know it. Maybe both. And he he cares so much for us, sure it is breaking his heart.
  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,447
    The quality of treatment is significant to the case fatality rate, but much less important than the way cases are measured and recorded.

    I feel like that depends on context. If there is a significant lack of testing, than the cases measured will likely not be a good representation of the whole and the infection rate is likely higher than is being measured. If the testing is generally good, then there should not be much reason to believe the case fatality rate is far off the mark. There may be some deviation, but not significantly. Per capita testing is one of the highest here in the U.S from what i've seen, so the numbers on case fatality should be generally reliable.

    If the real case fatality rate is around 0.5% and the US reported figure is 2.8% that shows you just how much unreported infection there has been even there (let alone the 8.3% in the US). Those gaps will be lower in the last couple of months, but no country is picking up anywhere near all infections even now. As I said earlier it's also about the timing of testing. The UK has done 10% more testing pro-rata than the US overall, but did relatively little testing during the peak infection period months ago and hence has identified a much lower proportion of the real level of cases to date.

    Looking at the same figures another way may help illustrate the point. The positivity rate of tests overall in the US is about 7% (7.6m cases identified from 111m tests), while in the UK it's 2% (500k cases from 25m tests) - that's because most of the tests in the UK have been conducted when infection rates were low.
  • DinoDinDinoDin Member Posts: 1,596
    edited October 2020
    Considering the positivity rate of testing, it's very, very hard to imagine that the "real" case mortality rate is 0.5%. That would require undiagnosed infections to be about five times greater than diagnosed infections. That seems improbable.

    It's not impossible. It would have to mean that there's a huge asymptomatic population -- again ~80% of infections are asymptomatic. Because at this stage just about everyone with symptoms and even many without are getting tested. And the majority of those tests are coming back negative.
  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,447
    edited October 2020
    DinoDin wrote: »
    Considering the positivity rate of testing, it's very, very hard to imagine that the "real" case mortality rate is 0.5%. That would require undiagnosed infections to be about five times greater than diagnosed infections. That seems improbable.

    It's not impossible. It would have to mean that there's a huge asymptomatic population -- again ~80% of infections are asymptomatic. Because at this stage just about everyone with symptoms and even many without are getting tested. And the majority of those tests are coming back negative.

    I don't see anything improbable about most infections to date not being diagnosed. To give context to this, the peak level of infection for the UK occurred just prior to lockdown starting on 23 March. The estimated level of infections at that point was 100k a day, but diagnosed cases then were less than 1k a day.

    While some of the reason for that gap will be due to totally asymptomatic infections, those are only the minority. However, around 80% of total cases will have at worst mild symptoms - the sort which the vast majority of people would have pretty much ignored before this year. While many people with such symptoms may now be seeking tests, I think quite a few still will not even now.

    It's also important to remember how the situation has changed over time. Testing levels and awareness of the disease were much lower in the spring and early summer - so the comparative levels of undiagnosed vs diagnosed infections in the US currently will be significantly different from the levels over the whole pandemic period to date (which is what the 2.8% figure represents).
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    While the court as a whole rejected the appeal of Kim Davis, Alito and Thomas make it CRYSTAL clear they want Obergerfell overturned, and that the only true default position for America is Christian supremacy with designated second-class citizens. And they know reinforcements are on the way.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    @jjstraka34 " Christian supremacy"

    This is an oxymoron, and a huge sign of how far Christians have fallen.
  • BallpointManBallpointMan Member Posts: 1,659
    edited October 2020
    Kayleigh McEnany, the White House Press Secretary has a confirmed positive test. She was speaking with reporters as recently as yesterday without a mask. She is known to have had close contact with Hope Hicks, and did not quarantine. She had taken tests before today that were negative. It's commonly understood that you might not have a positive test immediately, and that it can take several days for the incubation to progress sufficiently so that you do test positive. This is why it is common protocol to quarantine even if you have negative tests.


    Literally everyone who works in the WH or who has had close contact with anyone who has tested positive should quarantine. So much so that I think even Joe Biden should quarantine just for being on a debate stage with Trump for 1.5 hours.
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    edited October 2020
    Kayleigh McEnany, the White House Press Secretary has a confirmed positive test. She was speaking with reporters as recently as yesterday without a mask. She is known to have had close contact with Hope Hicks, and did not quarantine. She had taken tests before today that were negative. It's commonly understood that you might not have a positive test immediately, and that it can take several days for the incubation to progress sufficiently so that you do test positive. This is why it is common protocol to quarantine even if you have negative tests.


    Literally everyone who works in the WH or who has had close contact with anyone who has tested positive should quarantine. So much so that I think even Joe Biden should quarantine just for being on a debate stage with Trump for 1.5 hours.

    Biden has taken a test each of the last three days, tested negative, and released the results as soon as they come back. Even given this, the New York Times had an absurd headline that tried to "both sides" the issue. I would anticipate Biden will continue to be tested frequently going forward. And the Trump team is still sticking to the "basement Joe" narrative, even though it's now abundantly clear why he wasn't making public appearances:

  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    edited October 2020
    Trump's reality vs. everyone else's. This was so predictable. That he would survive his bout with the disease and then act like he was Jesus descending into Hell for three days, only to return and claim everything is fine because he personally isn't dead, which is all that matters to him:

    This disease is going to haunt us for YEARS, and 90% of the blame is on this man. He's only going to make that resistance to taking it seriously worse in the next 28 days. We can never really recover from his rhetoric, but he's going to have people licking fucking doorknobs going forward.

    I'm seriously considering the idea that he may have gone to the debate knowingly infected so he could possibly expose Biden to the virus. Since they won't tell us, I will assume the worst, because that is the only safe bet with these people.

    Even though I am 100% sure she will clean his clock, I wouldn't put Kamala Harris in a debate hall with Mike Pence at this point. These people are walking smallpox blankets, I put nothing past them, and believe nothing they say.

    As far as I'm concerned, he had his last negative test BEFORE Tuesday until they say otherwise. He may have been trying to KILL Biden. If he wasn't positive, they can prove me wrong very easily. But they won't:

    Post edited by jjstraka34 on
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,963
    edited October 2020

    This appears to be a real thing:


    They intend to stage a photo at done point . Maybe they'll use the covid driving around photo.

    Obviously, this whole idea is dumb as dirt.

    who is dumb enough to buy this? Even if this one guy, with the best medical care in America, overcomes a deadly disease that has claimed more than 200k lives directly hrough his negligence. What's there to celebrate? How many more need to die because of this man's lying?
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    edited October 2020

    This appears to be a real thing:


    They intend to stage a photo at done point . Maybe they'll use the covid driving around photo.

    Obviously, this whole idea is dumb as dirt.

    who is dumb enough to buy this? Even if this one guy, with the best medical care in America, overcomes a deadly disease that has claimed more than 200k lives directly hrough his negligence. What's there to celebrate? How many more need to die because of this man's lying?

    It's literally ONLY the cult that is still with him on this issue. A new CNN poll was just released, the "distrust Trump on COVID-19" number is now at 63%-33%. 30% of the country trusts NOTHING coming out of the White House, another 40% trust only "some". If those are reelection numbers, then there is no real way to actually analyze politics anymore.
  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811
    I just have to say thank god he survived.

    If Trump succumbed to the virus, I didn't see Biden beating Pence for the presidency.
  • BallpointManBallpointMan Member Posts: 1,659
    edited October 2020
    jjstraka34 wrote: »

    This appears to be a real thing:


    They intend to stage a photo at done point . Maybe they'll use the covid driving around photo.

    Obviously, this whole idea is dumb as dirt.

    who is dumb enough to buy this? Even if this one guy, with the best medical care in America, overcomes a deadly disease that has claimed more than 200k lives directly hrough his negligence. What's there to celebrate? How many more need to die because of this man's lying?

    It's literally ONLY the cult that is still with him on this issue. A new CNN poll was just released, the "distrust Trump on COVID-19" number is now at 63%-33%. 30% of the country trusts NOTHING coming out of the White House, another 40% trust only "some". If those are reelection numbers, then there is no real way to actually analyze politics anymore.

    His approval rating is at -17% in that same poll, I've read. The topline numbers are going to be horrible for him. NYT/Siena poll released today had Biden up 8 in Arizona. That's a huge lead. They recently had him up big in PA.

    Trump's polling is falling apart basically everywhere. The election isnt tomorrow - but he would have to have an all-time great come from behind + one of the largest polling misses in modern American history.

    While no one wants to admit it - the focus now should be on if the GOP loses the senate and by how many seats. Dems would have been thrilled with a net of 4 in January. Something like 8 or 9 isnt out of the question anymore.

    deltago wrote: »
    I just have to say thank god he survived.

    If Trump succumbed to the virus, I didn't see Biden beating Pence for the presidency.

    A few hypothetical polls came out, showing Biden beating Pence by like 5 or so points. Pence isnt much better liked than Trump. The race would have been closer, but Biden still probably wins 3 out of 4 times.
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    It's worth mentioning that Trump likely feels better than he has in "20 years" because he is basically high and pumped up on steroids. Him coming down from them is going to be something to behold.
  • DinoDinDinoDin Member Posts: 1,596
    Worth mentioning as well that Herman Cain died about 25 days after his initial diagnosis. And had several reports of improving health or recovery during that stretch. It's been, what, four days? And these guys can't help but spike the football already. This country is run by deeply unserious people at the moment.
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,963
    Trump had multiple incidents of plunging blood oxygen, requiring a visit to a hospital, where he received experimental emergency procedures

    "Don't be afaid of covid"?

    What kind of thing to say is that? Well over 200,000 Americans have died, and nearly 1,000 more die every day.

    That is such an insane statement, and will get more people killed.
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    edited October 2020
    Trump had multiple incidents of plunging blood oxygen, requiring a visit to a hospital, where he received experimental emergency procedures

    "Don't be afaid of covid"?

    What kind of thing to say is that? Well over 200,000 Americans have died, and nearly 1,000 more die every day.

    That is such an insane statement, and will get more people killed.

    There is video of him on that balcony visibly gasping for air. I have zero fucks left to give. If this comes back hard in a few days, it's his own fault.

    Moreover, he has now graduated from downplaying the virus to outright ENCOURAGING high-risk behavior. Because the only human being in the world that matters to him, himself, he believes will be ok. There is no way to possibly measure how many people he just sentenced to death with that statement. I've been saying the GOP is a death cult since March. Others in the media have been called out for saying Republicans are basically "pro-virus". I defy anyone to explain how they aren't exactly that at this juncture. This is maniacal and insane.

    The authoritarian warning signs are as clear as a mountain stream. Trump is the state. The state is Trump. Since Trump has (supposedly) beaten the virus, America has beaten the virus. As if he was fucking Neo agreeing to fight Agent Smith for the machines.
  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,447

    This appears to be a real thing:


    They intend to stage a photo at done point . Maybe they'll use the covid driving around photo.

    Obviously, this whole idea is dumb as dirt.

    who is dumb enough to buy this? Even if this one guy, with the best medical care in America, overcomes a deadly disease that has claimed more than 200k lives directly hrough his negligence. What's there to celebrate? How many more need to die because of this man's lying?

    It's real - but the White House Gift Shop now has nothing to do with the White House. It was set up by Truman in the basement of the White House and run for the benefit of the Secret Service, but transferred to a private corporation in 2012 after going bankrupt - details from Politifact.

    As has been noted many times, a lot of people like Trump. While I'm not one of them, there's clearly a big market for merchandise related to him so it's not surprising that some people try to take advantage of that.
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    edited October 2020
    Grond0 wrote: »

    This appears to be a real thing:


    They intend to stage a photo at done point . Maybe they'll use the covid driving around photo.

    Obviously, this whole idea is dumb as dirt.

    who is dumb enough to buy this? Even if this one guy, with the best medical care in America, overcomes a deadly disease that has claimed more than 200k lives directly hrough his negligence. What's there to celebrate? How many more need to die because of this man's lying?

    It's real - but the White House Gift Shop now has nothing to do with the White House. It was set up by Truman in the basement of the White House and run for the benefit of the Secret Service, but transferred to a private corporation in 2012 after going bankrupt - details from Politifact.

    As has been noted many times, a lot of people like Trump. While I'm not one of them, there's clearly a big market for merchandise related to him so it's not surprising that some people try to take advantage of that.

    This is literally the least of our problems at the moment. Frankly (and I'm not the first one to say this), if Trump had decided to do what you would imagine would be the most Trumpian thing possible at the start of this in March and started encouraging mask-wearing while selling MAGA masks to his supporters, it would have been insanely unethical, but we'd still be better off than the outright insanity we are wading through now. But the ONE time he doesn't decide to do a financial grift, it's on this subject.

    To be honest, Kellyanne Conway's daughter's Tik-Tok feed is a more reliable source of information than the Administration, and she is saying that her mother is in pretty frequent contact with the President, and that he is not doing well, and it took a hell of an effort to be able to stabilize him so he could have his show this afternoon. I have no idea, but I trust her 1000x more than I trust anything coming out of the White House.
  • BallpointManBallpointMan Member Posts: 1,659
    The White House has rejected the guidelines put forward by the CDC for a vaccine, ostensibly because the guidelines wouldnt allow for a vaccine before the election.

    That election is in less than a month. Trump still thinks he can rush a vaccine out and have it swing the election. I'm pretty sure he's banking on that as his only realistic shot of winning the election... which means it's probably a near certainty that he will make it happen (if he has any capacity to do so).

    Which is sad, because vaccines are generally very reliable, and the idea that this one will be (rightfully) under suspicion will only embolden anti-vaxers.

  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    edited October 2020
    The White House has rejected the guidelines put forward by the CDC for a vaccine, ostensibly because the guidelines wouldnt allow for a vaccine before the election.

    That election is in less than a month. Trump still thinks he can rush a vaccine out and have it swing the election. I'm pretty sure he's banking on that as his only realistic shot of winning the election... which means it's probably a near certainty that he will make it happen (if he has any capacity to do so).

    Which is sad, because vaccines are generally very reliable, and the idea that this one will be (rightfully) under suspicion will only embolden anti-vaxers.

    It will not matter in regards to the election. 2/3 of the public doesn't believe a single word he says about the virus. But it will DESTROY any hope of an effective public vaccine campaign. And, like you and I have no mentioned, the new anti-vaxxers will be entirely justified in their skepticism because we are dealing with amoral lunatics. Donald Trump isn't just a catastrophe in the moment. What he has done has made it virtually impossible for any possible successor to effectively get a hold on this situation. He's likely doomed this country to a million deaths by 2022.
  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811
    jjstraka34 wrote: »
    Grond0 wrote: »

    This appears to be a real thing:


    They intend to stage a photo at done point . Maybe they'll use the covid driving around photo.

    Obviously, this whole idea is dumb as dirt.

    who is dumb enough to buy this? Even if this one guy, with the best medical care in America, overcomes a deadly disease that has claimed more than 200k lives directly hrough his negligence. What's there to celebrate? How many more need to die because of this man's lying?

    It's real - but the White House Gift Shop now has nothing to do with the White House. It was set up by Truman in the basement of the White House and run for the benefit of the Secret Service, but transferred to a private corporation in 2012 after going bankrupt - details from Politifact.

    As has been noted many times, a lot of people like Trump. While I'm not one of them, there's clearly a big market for merchandise related to him so it's not surprising that some people try to take advantage of that.

    This is literally the least of our problems at the moment. Frankly (and I'm not the first one to say this), if Trump had decided to do what you would imagine would be the most Trumpian thing possible at the start of this in March and started encouraging mask-wearing while selling MAGA masks to his supporters, it would have been insanely unethical, but we'd still be better off than the outright insanity we are wading through now. But the ONE time he doesn't decide to do a financial grift, it's on this subject.

    Actually, I wouldn't call it a financial grift. That would have been an amazing way to to raise money and awareness of mask use and get everyone one the same page in defeating this thing.
    It would have been even more amazing if all proceeds from the mask sales went to front line workers but that would have been high fantasy land but would have score some much needed political points.

    Like lets say Biden or Sanders released branded masks during the primaries, I highly doubt anyone would have said they're grifting their supporters. I think it would have been praised.
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