America has long outdone others in its level of inequality, but in the past 40 years it has reached new heights. Whereas the income share of the top 0.1 percent has more than quadrupled and that of the top 1 percent has almost doubled, that of the bottom 90 percent has declined. Wages at the bottom, adjusted for inflation, are about the same as they were some 60 years ago! In fact, for those with a high school education or less, incomes have fallen over recent decades. Males have been particularly hard hit, as the U.S. has moved away from manufacturing industries into an economy based on services.
Hey! It's election day in Ontario and across Canada.
This time it is municipal. My city is very ho-hum though. There really wasn't any serious candidates for mayor. Even Clive Doucet who pulled a Sanders and joined the race at the last minute after realizing there was no other serious candidates isn't a serious threat to Teflon Watson. The other candidates are mostly people who ran for a councillor seat and lost which doesn't bode well for their mayoral hopes, an University Student among others.
Councillor races are just as ho-hum., except in my old riding of Orleans where there are 13(!) candidates looking to replace the retired Monette.
All eyes will be on Toronto however due to Ford's restructuring of the councillor seats there and maybe London where for the first time in Canada's history, there will be a ranked ballot instead of first past the post.
Are you ready? Here is what happened to Jamal Kashoggi.
Turkey provides details of the murder of Jamal Khashoggi, and they are truly horrific
A team of 15 Saudi agents, some with ties to Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, was waiting for Mr. Khashoggi inside the Saudi consulate the moment he arrived, at about 1:15 p.m. on Oct. 2.
After he was shown into the office of the Saudi consul, Mohammad al-Otaibi, the agents seized Mr. Khashoggi almost immediately and began to beat and torture him, eventually cutting off his fingers, the senior Turkish official said.
Kentucky Republican Sen. Rand Paul on Monday responded to the Saudi foreign minister who criticized him for suggesting Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman was responsible for Jamal Khashoggi's death.
Paul said on a conference call with reporters: "My response to him is that it takes a lot of damn gall for Saudi Arabia, with a dictatorship with 3,000 political prisoners held without trial, to lecture the US..."
This came just days after President Trump applauded violence on journalists. Maybe it doesn't take a lot of gall when you have a president without morals backed by the Republican party.
My family and I just voted early today. It took much longer than normal, about 90 minutes. Luckily I brought a book.
I don't know what Beto's odds are against Ted Cruz, but in the end, one of those votes in the final tally is going to be mine.
I've never really voted early. How does it work when you do it in person? (I kind of thought early voting was mail in ballot, a la @ThacoBell ).
I'm always a bit skeptical about the significance of anecdotal evidence about the number of people at a polling location, but I guess I'm curious about it too since I have such strong emotions about voting in *this* election.
My family and I just voted early today. It took much longer than normal, about 90 minutes. Luckily I brought a book.
I don't know what Beto's odds are against Ted Cruz, but in the end, one of those votes in the final tally is going to be mine.
As I've mentioned before, his odds aren't very good, but I can't imagine any candidate who would have run a better campaign against Cruz. Even in a close loss, Beto becomes a national figure. If he loses by Wendy Davis numbers?? Not so much. If he wins?? Well, a Cruz lost would signal a total disaster for the rest of the night for Republicans in November. But I wouldn't count on it.
Honestly, I think it is ridicolous to claim that USA is a democracy. It is a half democracy. Let's not forget that Al Gore actually won Florida and should have been president. Why pretend as if ballots do not disappear... or 30 000 ballots mysteriously appear. Or that every time an election is to close to call, a judge rules it defaults to a republican. Or that the voter machines cannot be hacked by 11 yo. Do you know, by the way, why it was hacked by an 11 yo? Because the hackers of the hacker convention thought it was to easy for adults, so they made it a "junior league" challenge, I kid you not! Exit polls where machines are used NEVER coincide with the official count. NEVER! However, you can only steal a few points every now and then or it is to obvious... which is why a machine "crashed" during a count where the incumbant was losing, and the "recovered" data then showed the incumbant winning. Then, shameless gerrymandering, closing of polling stations and voter purges. The truth is that the republicans have stolen countless elections ALREADY (and corporate dems have stolen elections from dems representing the people). On top of that, the Dems are also corrupt, albeit at a lower rate than republicans, and their shenigans stealing the nomination from Bernie Sanders have not yet been forgotten.
It is interesting, therefore, that despite cheating and people being disillusioned by the corruption of the democrats, republicans might still lose. They are truly despised - as they should be! Murka is a third world country in denial, a banana republic, and while both parties are guilty, republicans are moreso.
Besides gerrymandering and voter suppression there's another Republican dirty trick to undermine Democracy. If Ted Cruz, or any other Republican loses by a few hundred votes (if it's at all somewhat close) expect them to file a lawsuit claiming illegal use of democracy or activist voters or something.
Back in the day a lawsuit won Republicans the Presidency with George W. Bush. In 2016 Trump said he wouldn't accept an election loss as legitimate. Roy Moore didn't concede his election ever(?) he wanted to sue because uh something.
Now that Republican partisans have hijacked the Supreme Court they intend to get away with breaking Democracy and the law whenever it suits their party.
I'm frankly shocked any Democrats are even bothering to vote this election. Clearly the Republicans will win every single election according to all of this dire news. Stay at home, munch on some popcorn and watch the red wave is my advice...
Edit: Rats, I blew it. Should have called it the 'Red Tide'!
Honestly, I think it is ridicolous to claim that USA is a democracy. It is a half democracy. Let's not forget that Al Gore actually won Florida and should have been president. Why pretend as if ballots do not disappear... or 30 000 ballots mysteriously appear. Or that every time an election is to close to call, a judge rules it defaults to a republican. Or that the voter machines cannot be hacked by 11 yo. Do you know, by the way, why it was hacked by an 11 yo? Because the hackers of the hacker convention thought it was to easy for adults, so they made it a "junior league" challenge, I kid you not! Exit polls where machines are used NEVER coincide with the official count. NEVER! However, you can only steal a few points every now and then or it is to obvious... which is why a machine "crashed" during a count where the incumbant was losing, and the "recovered" data then showed the incumbant winning. Then, shameless gerrymandering, closing of polling stations and voter purges. The truth is that the republicans have stolen countless elections ALREADY (and corporate dems have stolen elections from dems representing the people). On top of that, the Dems are also corrupt, albeit at a lower rate than republicans, and their shenigans stealing the nomination from Bernie Sanders have not yet been forgotten.
It is interesting, therefore, that despite cheating and people being disillusioned by the corruption of the democrats, republicans might still lose. They are truly despised - as they should be! Murka is a third world country in denial, a banana republic, and while both parties are guilty, republicans are moreso.
The junior challenge was to hack the website results page, not actual voting machines.
I'm frankly shocked any Democrats are even bothering to vote this election. Clearly the Republicans will win every single election according to all of this dire news. Stay at home, munch on some popcorn and watch the red wave is my advice...
Edit: Rats, I blew it. Should have called it the 'Red Tide'!
If Obama Presidency was suffering what the hell is this lol
Daily embarrassment and unprecedented corruption and lies lies lies.
The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday blocked Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross from having to sit for a deposition in a lawsuit challenging the Trump administration’s decision to add a question about citizenship to the 2020 census.
The Supreme Court is totally illegitimate. Now it's completely a tool of the Republican party.
Ross had emailed the Justice Department and told them to request that he add the citizen question to the Census. A short time later they did and was like 'oh really? Ok well good enough for me.'. He testified that he had no idea and was merely responding to the Justice Departments humble request.
This gives some analysis at what is going on with the situation and why Edrogan is behaving like he is. It doesn't excuse the Saudis, but the idea of Edrogan "white knighting" over the death of a journalist is sickening. He's playing the world media like a fiddle.
4. Try to start removing binary language from your everyday conversations. If we all make conscious efforts to steer away from gendering everything, this will have a knock-on effect that stops our learnt obsession of having to divide everything into binaries.
The author cannot tell me how I will speak. If the author does not like the way in which I speak then they are free to quit listening to me.
15. When you are in queer spaces, repeat: “This is not my space, I will not fill it” and actually do what you say.
There is no such thing as a "queer space". There is "personal space" and "private property", but not a "queer space".
17. If you are called out for being offensive, do not argue. This is not a debate. Apologise. Take a moment to reflect. If necessary, leave or give the space over to those you have offended or upset.
Not that I go around offending people, but if I happen to say something to which someone else takes offense then perhaps that person needs to think about why they got offended. The author does not automatically have the moral high ground at all times. The author also cannot tell me when I will or will not argue--they are not in control of me.
31. Don’t buy gendered things for kids around you. This just pushes the ideas that boys must like blue and girls must like pink and only one of them can play football in their spare time. I don’t even particularly like either colours!
If I am buying something for a child, I will buy what I damn well please, thank you very much. The author cannot tell me what I will or will not buy.
I agree with the rest of the article, which basically boils down to "mind your own business" and "quit telling other people how to live their own lives".
There have been many comments in this thread highlighting how the United States is such a pathetic country, full of various problems of one sort or another. If, as those comments claim, the United States is in such poor shape then why are people risking their very lives to come here?
Trump cannot deploy the military to the border with Mexico because Posse Comitatus prevents that. Technically, that Federal Act mentions only the Army and was amended to mention the Air Force in the late 1950s, but both the Navy and the Marine Corps have provisions in their own codes preventing their deployment on domestic soil for the purposes of enforcing the law (except in extreme cases such as widespread civil disobedience/insurrection/rebellion or nuclear material incidents). That being said, there is a little room for interpretation in the Act so the possibility does exist that he will try to mobilize the military to enforce Federal immigration law but I doubt it will come to that.
There have been many comments in this thread highlighting how the United States is such a pathetic country, full of various problems of one sort or another. If, as those comments claim, the United States is in such poor shape then why are people risking their very lives to come here?
Probably because they still believe they have a better chance at good life there. Seems pretty obvious to me. If you think that because the US is better than Mexico there is nothing to improve, I guess that's your prerogative. I would think about how many Canadians are dreaming about living in the US, and why.
No country is perfect, obviously; however, the situation here is not as bad as some would like to suggest that it is.
There are definitely problems with people seeking asylum which need to be addressed: how to house them while their situation and medical condition are checked out--diseases which have not been problems here in a long time have been making a resurgence because of the lack of health care many of these people experienced in their country of origin
if they are granted provisional entry where will they go? will they be able to obtain any form of employment, even if migrant or temporary?
Every system can be taxed beyond its ability to perform its normal function. How many immigrants would it take before we simply cannot handle the influx? Will even the people who support unlimited immigration acknowledge the fact that we cannot take in *everyone* all the time?
It is logistically impossible to find and deport all illegal immigrants. At some point, the only logical decision is to try and get a clean slate, but many of the people on my side of the aisle cringe even at the hint of the word "amnesty".
No country is perfect, obviously; however, the situation here is not as bad as some would like to suggest that it is.
There are definitely problems with people seeking asylum which need to be addressed: how to house them while their situation and medical condition are checked out--diseases which have not been problems here in a long time have been making a resurgence because of the lack of health care many of these people experienced in their country of origin
Actually, this is not so. Some of those countries have higher rates of vaccination than we do in the US. The problem is that people in the US haven't gotten their kids vaccinated and herd immunity no longer protects everyone. Don't blame them, blame the people who think getting their kids vaccinated will kill or hurt their kids. Maybe so, maybe not, but getting those diseases will also kill or hurt your kids.
The U.S. is in much better shape than most countries on the planet in almost every respect, and even among our biggest problems, they're usually even more severe in other countries. But I see no reason to temper my complaints on those grounds. I have very high expectations for my country and very high hopes for its future. It's not good enough for our corruption level, for example, to merely be lower than China's; that's not a very high bar.
Wages at the bottom, adjusted for inflation, are about the same as they were some 60 years ago! In fact, for those with a high school education or less, incomes have fallen over recent decades. Males have been particularly hard hit, as the U.S. has moved away from manufacturing industries into an economy based on services.
Restoring manufacturing jobs and increasing wages was one of the central tenets of Donald Trump's platform, and he's done well at it. Average hourly earnings are going up under Trump. His tax policy was the reason the largest private employer in the country gave company wide raises to their employees and they weren't the only one. Manufacturing sector has been up almost everywhere and is one of the best paying working class job sectors. In the part of PA where I live, manufacturing is still a big employer and it matters to folks what happens there.
Democrats want the American worker to compete with every person in the world, inviting them all into the working class job market and diluting the bargaining power and worth of each worker already there, ensuring low wages and earning power going straight to the top. Then the American worker has to compete with the world's companies, with China flooding the US with cheaply made goods while strict barriers to trade prevent entry into their markets by American companies.
Republicans, with the exception of Trump, want much the same thing, only disguise it with the rhetoric of free market capitalism and if your baby can't get a job then it shouldn't be getting healthcare on someone else's dime and blah blah blah.
The only one besides Trump who seems to understand this in public life is Bernie Sanders, even if he gets heat for saying it, but the Democrats already manipulated his election run to be a loss by design so there isn't any hope there.
Great, now let's see the same chart indicating where all those metrics were when Obama took over for Bush's disaster and what he handed Trump in comparison. Because I'm fairly sure unemployment was pushing 9% in January of 2009.
It has the world's greatest per capita health expenditures yet the lowest life expectancy among comparable countries.
It is also one of a few developed countries jostling for the dubious distinction of having the lowest measures of equality of opportunity.
3 Americans have as much money as the bottom 50% of Americans.
The economy is rigged for guys like Trump who inherit their wealth.
America has long outdone others in its level of inequality, but in the past 40 years it has reached new heights. Whereas the income share of the top 0.1 percent has more than quadrupled and that of the top 1 percent has almost doubled, that of the bottom 90 percent has declined. Wages at the bottom, adjusted for inflation, are about the same as they were some 60 years ago! In fact, for those with a high school education or less, incomes have fallen over recent decades. Males have been particularly hard hit, as the U.S. has moved away from manufacturing industries into an economy based on services.
This time it is municipal. My city is very ho-hum though. There really wasn't any serious candidates for mayor. Even Clive Doucet who pulled a Sanders and joined the race at the last minute after realizing there was no other serious candidates isn't a serious threat to Teflon Watson. The other candidates are mostly people who ran for a councillor seat and lost which doesn't bode well for their mayoral hopes, an University Student among others.
Councillor races are just as ho-hum., except in my old riding of Orleans where there are 13(!) candidates looking to replace the retired Monette.
All eyes will be on Toronto however due to Ford's restructuring of the councillor seats there and maybe London where for the first time in Canada's history, there will be a ranked ballot instead of first past the post.
Turkey provides details of the murder of Jamal Khashoggi, and they are truly horrific
A team of 15 Saudi agents, some with ties to Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, was waiting for Mr. Khashoggi inside the Saudi consulate the moment he arrived, at about 1:15 p.m. on Oct. 2.After he was shown into the office of the Saudi consul, Mohammad al-Otaibi, the agents seized Mr. Khashoggi almost immediately and began to beat and torture him, eventually cutting off his fingers, the senior Turkish official said.
They cut off his fingers. Then beheaded him and dismembered his body. And “it was all over in a few minutes.” The details of what happened to Khashoggi were released by Turkish officials as Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is visiting Turkey.
Vigilante group 'Oath Keepers' arrested in Mexico Beach following Hurricane Michael county tosses out hundreds of minority absentee ballots Tactics in the Age of Trump McConnell Confronted At Restaurant By Angry Constituents Over His Plan To Cut Social Security, Medicare 1934, A NYT Editorial Asked Jews To Show More Civility Towards Nazis’s next ambassador to South Africa happens to be a Mar-a-Lago member<?h2>
Rep. Steve King Goes Full White Nationalist In Interview With Austrian Site
McConnell: I Don’t Think There’s Much Congress Can Do To Stop The Next School Shooting New Report Offers Insights Into Tribalism in the Age of Trump, some good news:
Attorney offers free name change services to transgender people for those (like me) who love Tamora Pierce and her YA fantasy lit...
Why Tamora Pierce Doesn't Shy Away From Sex In YA Lit said on a conference call with reporters: "My response to him is that it takes a lot of damn gall for Saudi Arabia, with a dictatorship with 3,000 political prisoners held without trial, to lecture the US..."
This came just days after President Trump applauded violence on journalists. Maybe it doesn't take a lot of gall when you have a president without morals backed by the Republican party.
I don't know what Beto's odds are against Ted Cruz, but in the end, one of those votes in the final tally is going to be mine.
I'm always a bit skeptical about the significance of anecdotal evidence about the number of people at a polling location, but I guess I'm curious about it too since I have such strong emotions about voting in *this* election.
It is interesting, therefore, that despite cheating and people being disillusioned by the corruption of the democrats, republicans might still lose. They are truly despised - as they should be! Murka is a third world country in denial, a banana republic, and while both parties are guilty, republicans are moreso.
Back in the day a lawsuit won Republicans the Presidency with George W. Bush. In 2016 Trump said he wouldn't accept an election loss as legitimate. Roy Moore didn't concede his election ever(?) he wanted to sue because uh something.
Now that Republican partisans have hijacked the Supreme Court they intend to get away with breaking Democracy and the law whenever it suits their party.
Rats, I blew it. Should have called it the 'Red Tide'!
Moses, Christian Nationalism, and the Texas Board of Education Texas State Board of Education is rewriting history. The Board’s proposals to cut out Helen Keller and Hillary Clinton have stoked the culture war, but they’ve also overshadowed a more alarming historical revision: the Board’s claim that Moses and the Ten Commandments were a crucial influence on the Founders.
8 years of suffering under Barack Obama sentence I hear most from well-meaning, conservative friends since President Trump’s election is this: “We suffered 8 years under Barack Obama.”
Fair enough. Let’s take a look.
The day Obama took office, the Dow closed at 7,949 points. Eight years later, the Dow had almost tripled....
Daily embarrassment and unprecedented corruption and lies lies lies.
The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday blocked Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross from having to sit for a deposition in a lawsuit challenging the Trump administration’s decision to add a question about citizenship to the 2020 census.
The Supreme Court is totally illegitimate. Now it's completely a tool of the Republican party.
Ross had emailed the Justice Department and told them to request that he add the citizen question to the Census. A short time later they did and was like 'oh really? Ok well good enough for me.'. He testified that he had no idea and was merely responding to the Justice Departments humble request.
Florida Man arrested for groping woman on flight says 'President says it's OK to grab women's private parts'.
The man is being charged with one federal count of abusive sexual contact.
No word yet on when the President will decide to issue the assaulter a pardon.
Yay go Finland
Jamal Khashoggi’s Body Parts Discovered in Saudi Consul General’s Garden parts belonging to Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi have been found in the garden of the Saudi consul general. Sources told Sky News that the body of the Washington Post journalist had been “cut up” and his facial features “disfigured”.
This gives some analysis at what is going on with the situation and why Edrogan is behaving like he is.
It doesn't excuse the Saudis, but the idea of Edrogan "white knighting" over the death of a journalist is sickening.
He's playing the world media like a fiddle.
Major Christian group tells members to pray for the right to harm LGBT children Kushner's real estate startup is seeking a $100 million investment from a Saudi-backed fund 'You know what I am? I'm a nationalist' Big Lie
Billionaire George Soros Earmarks $500 Million For Migrants And Refugees Rule of the Uber-Rich Means Tyranny or Revolution Easy Ways to Make the World Better for Trans People women are women. This is not up for debate—so don’t try to.
Hijabi Women Dressed Like the "Avengers" at Comic Con FOR CHE US policy in Honduras set the stage for today’s mass migration Democrats win the house, Trump plans to sue in Federal Court.
Has it never occured to you to wonder why Edrogan is taking such a hard line with the murder of this journalist?
The author cannot tell me how I will speak. If the author does not like the way in which I speak then they are free to quit listening to me.
There is no such thing as a "queer space". There is "personal space" and "private property", but not a "queer space".
Not that I go around offending people, but if I happen to say something to which someone else takes offense then perhaps that person needs to think about why they got offended. The author does not automatically have the moral high ground at all times. The author also cannot tell me when I will or will not argue--they are not in control of me.
If I am buying something for a child, I will buy what I damn well please, thank you very much. The author cannot tell me what I will or will not buy.
I agree with the rest of the article, which basically boils down to "mind your own business" and "quit telling other people how to live their own lives".
There have been many comments in this thread highlighting how the United States is such a pathetic country, full of various problems of one sort or another. If, as those comments claim, the United States is in such poor shape then why are people risking their very lives to come here?
Trump cannot deploy the military to the border with Mexico because Posse Comitatus prevents that. Technically, that Federal Act mentions only the Army and was amended to mention the Air Force in the late 1950s, but both the Navy and the Marine Corps have provisions in their own codes preventing their deployment on domestic soil for the purposes of enforcing the law (except in extreme cases such as widespread civil disobedience/insurrection/rebellion or nuclear material incidents). That being said, there is a little room for interpretation in the Act so the possibility does exist that he will try to mobilize the military to enforce Federal immigration law but I doubt it will come to that.
There are definitely problems with people seeking asylum which need to be addressed:
how to house them while their situation and medical condition are checked out--diseases which have not been problems here in a long time have been making a resurgence because of the lack of health care many of these people experienced in their country of origin
if they are granted provisional entry where will they go? will they be able to obtain any form of employment, even if migrant or temporary?
Every system can be taxed beyond its ability to perform its normal function. How many immigrants would it take before we simply cannot handle the influx? Will even the people who support unlimited immigration acknowledge the fact that we cannot take in *everyone* all the time?
It is logistically impossible to find and deport all illegal immigrants. At some point, the only logical decision is to try and get a clean slate, but many of the people on my side of the aisle cringe even at the hint of the word "amnesty".
Democrats want the American worker to compete with every person in the world, inviting them all into the working class job market and diluting the bargaining power and worth of each worker already there, ensuring low wages and earning power going straight to the top. Then the American worker has to compete with the world's companies, with China flooding the US with cheaply made goods while strict barriers to trade prevent entry into their markets by American companies.
Republicans, with the exception of Trump, want much the same thing, only disguise it with the rhetoric of free market capitalism and if your baby can't get a job then it shouldn't be getting healthcare on someone else's dime and blah blah blah.
The only one besides Trump who seems to understand this in public life is Bernie Sanders, even if he gets heat for saying it, but the Democrats already manipulated his election run to be a loss by design so there isn't any hope there.