I'd give the same advice as Julius. I'm running it with a GTX 970 and I've had slowdowns and performance issues. I am running the game on high. But even on the lowest setting I think it might not work out.
So wait and see how much the minimum requirements drop as the game gets closer to release. We're still probably a year out or more.
In the "Panel from hell" Sven said that the optimization IT guys "usually they are panicking but not this time" so he´s optimistic about the improvements in performance until the final game release.
Anyone here played with a low end GPU? Is the game playable on very low with a GTS 450? Everything else in my PC is good and meet the requirement, except the GPU, a n GTS 450. I had an more modern GPU but got problems with her. I can play BF1 and other games with that GPU.
I'd hold off playing with a low-end GPU until they optimize the game. I have 2 devices: GeForce 1060 runs smoothly, GeForce 960 has FPS drops in areas like Avernus and during dialogues.
So does it mean the whole game content is already there, just everything after Act1 is locked? Are you guys sure there will be no more files? I was just hoping for more companions, not necessarily all good-aligned, just more.
So does it mean the whole game content is already there, just everything after Act1 is locked? Are you guys sure there will be no more files? I was just hoping for more companions, not necessarily all good-aligned, just more.
Oh, they may be more and this might be subjected to change (It´s the EA files). What we know is that there are files for those creatures with dialogues as companions. It means at some point the devs thought about them. What is going to be in the end is still unknown.
The one that you already met in the EA has high chances of being in the game, provided you have voiced dialogues with her and stuff.
I just passed my Wisdom savings throw to not look at the spoilers.
Had to save scum.
I dont think I realized that, @PsicoVic - I assume that only applies to combined caster multiclass levels, right? If I rolled a level 1 Cleric, lvl 19 fighter... I'd be stuck with the casting power of a level 1 Cleric, I assume.
How does it work when you multiclass non-full casters? Such as a level 1 Cleric, level 19 Paladin?
I'd give the same advice as Julius. I'm running it with a GTX 970 and I've had slowdowns and performance issues. I am running the game on high. But even on the lowest setting I think it might not work out.
So wait and see how much the minimum requirements drop as the game gets closer to release. We're still probably a year out or more.
I guess that means I can stop asking myself if I'll eventually buy the game, at least for the next year or five. My GPU doesn't even seem to meet the minimum requirement.
Anyway, are there such things as demo versions for performance issues, or does it just work with refunds if someone finds out after half an hour that it's unplayable?
The game will be substantially optimized for the full release, so we can't even speculate how it will run on lower-end devices at that time. Optimization usually is being done after all other systems are in place.
The game will be substantially optimized for the full release, so we can't even speculate how it will run on lower-end devices at that time. Optimization usually is being done after all other systems are in place.
Thank you for that information. I had no idea that optimization is done after everything else. Also didn't know about refund policies, because I never needed it.
I'd give the same advice as Julius. I'm running it with a GTX 970 and I've had slowdowns and performance issues. I am running the game on high. But even on the lowest setting I think it might not work out.
So wait and see how much the minimum requirements drop as the game gets closer to release. We're still probably a year out or more.
I guess that means I can stop asking myself if I'll eventually buy the game, at least for the next year or five. My GPU doesn't even seem to meet the minimum requirement.
Anyway, are there such things as demo versions for performance issues, or does it just work with refunds if someone finds out after half an hour that it's unplayable?
Sadly, demos are the exception, rather than the rules these days. The industry saw a statistic that games with demos sold less well than games that don't have demos and its basically gone the way of the dinosaur.
Level 5 opens up a whole other can of worms though. Like cantrips needing to scale up, extra attacks for martial characters, 3rd level spells, the rogue's uncanny dodge, etc.
I dont think I realized that, @PsicoVic - I assume that only applies to combined caster multiclass levels, right? If I rolled a level 1 Cleric, lvl 19 fighter... I'd be stuck with the casting power of a level 1 Cleric, I assume.
How does it work when you multiclass non-full casters? Such as a level 1 Cleric, level 19 Paladin?
Short answer: With a full caster and a half caster with the same Spellcasting modifier (Same Wis, cha, INT)
your probability to hit a target and the target "Save vs your spell" will be the same, but the pure caster potentially could do more damage or heal more with the same spell if they use his/her higher spell slots to cast the same spell (And also knows more and better spells, usually)
In previous versions and similar games like PF or SF, your spell DC relies on the level of your spells and you have casting feats to further improve that, in 5e depends on your character level and stat. Period. So does not matter what spell do you use, what´s your class, what´s your class level: you have the same chance to hit/spell save DC with the same stats.
If you want to know more, get ready because that requires a long answer (Gosh, you´re really brave)
Depends on what do you mean by casting power, but
Spell save DC is 8 + spellcasting modifier + proficiency bonus
Spell attack bonus is your spellcasting modifier + proficiency bonus
Spellcasting modifier: Depends on the ability you use to cast (INT, CHA, WIS) so does not matter how many levels you have in cleric.
Proficiency depends on your character total level, not your class level, so does not matter how many levels you have in cleric.
These also apply to hit chances in melee or ranged combat. It depends on your stats and character level so a fighter 10 (without using special modifiers) and 18STR would have the same hit chance and damage in melee than a Sorcerer 10 with 18 strength using the same weapon if both know how to use it.
Of course, pure casters know better spells and have more and higher spell slots (As I said before, that´s the main parameter to determine damage and stuff because the higher the spell slot, more powerful is your spell). Let me show you:
So, a cleric 1, Pally 19 with 20 Wis and a Cleric 20 with 20Wis(without special modifiers), both could cast cure wounds heightened as a 5th level spell and both would cure the same: 5d8+5 hp
The difference is that the cleric knows better spells and has spell slots of 9th level, so he can cast cure wounds as a 9th level spell (If you want to ¿? ) to cure 9d8+5 hp.
You asked for a Cleric-Paladin. I have to point out that you will cast your paladin spells using charisma and your cleric spells using Wisdom. You share the spell slots for both, you do not have 3 level 1 spells for cleric and 1 level spell slot for Paladin. You have 4 spell slots for both.
"Spell Slots. You determine your available spell slots
by adding together ALL your levels in the bard, cleric,
druid, sorcerer, and wizard classes, HALF your levels
(rounded down) in the paladin and ranger classes, and
a THIRD of your fighter or rogue levels (rounded down)"
sc. PHB p162
Multiclass warlocks share spell slots with the other class.
Sounds complicated but there´s a multiclass table for that and some apps. You do not have to do the math, you just go and look at the multiclassing table in the book.
So, a Clr 1, Pal 19 would have 5th level spell slots tops. He could only prepare WISmod+1 cleric spells (and of course you only know 1st level spells) CHAmod+9 paladin spells.
Clr 1 Dru 19 will reach 9th level spell slots and has the same spell slots as a druid 20 or a cleric 20. They prepare fewer spells of the same class per day than a pure caster.
I've played a lot of 5e, but never multiclassed a spell caster before, so I havent looked into those rules too quickly. A few follow up questions.
A level 19 cleric/1 Paladin. According to the above, you're saying that they share spell slots. So they would have access to level 9 spell slots (1). That means I could technically cast a Paladin level 1 spell (Hellish Rebuke, which a Cleric doesnt get) at level 9 -- even though a Paladin without multiclassing would only have level 5 spells? Not that it would be better than a Cleric's level 9 spells, I understand. Just curious about flexing spells between classes.
About warlocks. They share slots too? Warlocks work a bit differently than all the other casters, in that they only get a total of 4 slots by level 20, and those slots are always cast at the highest available level for the class. So if I had a level 10 Warlock and a level 10 Sorcerer, the Warlock's 2 spell slots at level 5 would be added to the level 10 sorcerer's spell slots, and that's it? Since Warlocks get spells back on short rest, would they get their 2 back each short rest, but the others would be used according to Sorcerer casting rules? Can I meta-magic my Warlock spells? (Feel free to not answer all of these, I dont know how much effort they take to find in the PHB)
The bit I didnt know at all about was the 1/3rd of fighter/rogue levels adding to spellslot lists. So you'd technically have 7 caster levels of spell slots for a level 1 cleric, level 19 fighter (but only with access to level 1 cleric spells).
I've played a lot of 5e, but never multiclassed a spell caster before, so I havent looked into those rules too quickly. A few follow up questions.
A level 19 cleric/1 Paladin. According to the above, you're saying that they share spell slots. So they would have access to level 9 spell slots (1). That means I could technically cast a Paladin level 1 spell (Hellish Rebuke, which a Cleric doesnt get) at level 9 -- even though a Paladin without multiclassing would only have level 5 spells? Not that it would be better than a Cleric's level 9 spells, I understand. Just curious about flexing spells between classes.
RAW, Sure you can:
"If you have more than one spellcasting class, this table might give you spell slots of a level that is higher than the spells you know or can prepare. You can use those slots, but only to cast your lower-level spells. If a lower-level spell that you cast, like burning hands, has an enhanced effect when cast using a higher-level slot, you can use the enhanced effect, even though you don't have any spells of that higher level"
About warlocks. They share slots too? Warlocks work a bit differently than all the other casters, in that they only get a total of 4 slots by level 20, and those slots are always cast at the highest available level for the class. So if I had a level 10 Warlock and a level 10 Sorcerer, the Warlock's 2 spell slots at level 5 would be added to the level 10 sorcerer's spell slots, and that's it? Since Warlocks get spells back on short rest, would they get their 2 back each short rest, but the others would be used according to Sorcerer casting rules? Can I meta-magic my Warlock spells? (Feel free to not answer all of these, I dont know how much effort they take to find in the PHB)
Warlocks can cast their own casting rules and could cast their spells on their own, but also can use the spell slots of the other class to cast warlock spells. But not vice-versa (Because warlocks regain spells in short rests, that would be an exploit).
Ed: Oh, I forgot. Yeah, you can use sorcery metamagic with warlock spells. Just quicken all those eldritch blasts at your pleasure.
The bit I didnt know at all about was the 1/3rd of fighter/rogue levels adding to spellslot lists. So you'd technically have 7 caster levels of spell slots for a level 1 cleric, level 19 fighter (but only with access to level 1 cleric spells).
If you are a fighter with spellcasting like the eldritch knight or the rogue arcane trickster, sure. If you are a champion, battlemaster, etc with no access to spells you are simply a level 1 cleric.
If you have the same WIS stat, like 20Wis, your sanctuary or bane would have the same spell save DC (19) of a bane or sanctuary of a level 20 cleric, tho.
BTW, According to SteamSpy, Baldur's Gate 3 has already sold over one million copies on Steam alone. It seems full price and EA does not seem to hurt much the sales figures. I do not know if that would be good or less-than-good for data retrieval for the EA.
If you are a fighter with spellcasting like the eldritch knight or the rogue arcane trickster, sure. If you are a champion, battlemaster, etc with no access to spells you are simply a level 1 cleric.
If you have the same WIS stat, like 20Wis, your sanctuary or bane would have the same spell save DC (19) of a bane or sanctuary of a level 20 cleric, tho.
Ohhh. I misread that then. So the fighter/rogue levels only matter if you're Eldritch Knight or Arcane Trickster. I thought you just meant any fighter level. That makes more sense, since it would feel exploity to be able to dip for 1 spell caster level and get 7 or 8 casts for free.
Okay. This all lines up with how I was thinking about it. The biggest takeaway for me is that you dont have to keep two separate pools of casts per spell level, but get to swap those around as you wish.
BTW, According to SteamSpy, Baldur's Gate 3 has already sold over one million copies on Steam alone. It seems full price and EA does not seem to hurt much the sales figures. I do not know if that would be good or less-than-good for data retrieval for the EA.
I just hope then that at least, they come out of Early Access with a game that those people don't feel cheated by. Based on prior releases, they'll likely manage it but this has probably lead to a lot of pressure they didn't necessarily expect to have.
I'd be more careful with the optimization statements. Some games are optimized late, but there as just as many (if not more) examples where the demo/early versions are a pretty good approximation of release performance.
So wait and see how much the minimum requirements drop as the game gets closer to release. We're still probably a year out or more.
Would you say it goes to hell?
So now we know there are files for this companions:
Minsc Ranger: the only returning companion from the Baalspawn Saga and the one everybody expected to appear.
Karlach: You met her already in the EA but I´m not sure about her class. She´s got a crossbow.
Helia: The Werewolf
Others like Volo and Halsen show as Camp followers.
However, I like the tiefling and am hyped to get her on the team.
Anyone who didn't expect that guy doesn't have their head on straight
Oh, they may be more and this might be subjected to change (It´s the EA files). What we know is that there are files for those creatures with dialogues as companions. It means at some point the devs thought about them. What is going to be in the end is still unknown.
The one that you already met in the EA has high chances of being in the game, provided you have voiced dialogues with her and stuff.
Keep in mind this doesn't mean that they won't add any more. That's still possible.
Had to save scum.
I dont think I realized that, @PsicoVic - I assume that only applies to combined caster multiclass levels, right? If I rolled a level 1 Cleric, lvl 19 fighter... I'd be stuck with the casting power of a level 1 Cleric, I assume.
How does it work when you multiclass non-full casters? Such as a level 1 Cleric, level 19 Paladin?
I guess that means I can stop asking myself if I'll eventually buy the game, at least for the next year or five. My GPU doesn't even seem to meet the minimum requirement.
Anyway, are there such things as demo versions for performance issues, or does it just work with refunds if someone finds out after half an hour that it's unplayable?
Steam gives a 2-hour period for refunds, GOG gives even a bigger period (30! days). https://www.theverge.com/2020/2/26/21154402/good-old-games-refund-policy-30-days-download-played-blanket-policy
Thank you for that information. I had no idea that optimization is done after everything else. Also didn't know about refund policies, because I never needed it.
Yes, you always keep the game you buy in Early Access once the Early Access period is over.
Sadly, demos are the exception, rather than the rules these days. The industry saw a statistic that games with demos sold less well than games that don't have demos and its basically gone the way of the dinosaur.
Short answer: With a full caster and a half caster with the same Spellcasting modifier (Same Wis, cha, INT)
your probability to hit a target and the target "Save vs your spell" will be the same, but the pure caster potentially could do more damage or heal more with the same spell if they use his/her higher spell slots to cast the same spell (And also knows more and better spells, usually)
In previous versions and similar games like PF or SF, your spell DC relies on the level of your spells and you have casting feats to further improve that, in 5e depends on your character level and stat. Period. So does not matter what spell do you use, what´s your class, what´s your class level: you have the same chance to hit/spell save DC with the same stats.
If you want to know more, get ready because that requires a long answer
Depends on what do you mean by casting power, but
Spell save DC is 8 + spellcasting modifier + proficiency bonus
Spell attack bonus is your spellcasting modifier + proficiency bonus
Spellcasting modifier: Depends on the ability you use to cast (INT, CHA, WIS) so does not matter how many levels you have in cleric.
Proficiency depends on your character total level, not your class level, so does not matter how many levels you have in cleric.
These also apply to hit chances in melee or ranged combat. It depends on your stats and character level so a fighter 10 (without using special modifiers) and 18STR would have the same hit chance and damage in melee than a Sorcerer 10 with 18 strength using the same weapon if both know how to use it.
Of course, pure casters know better spells and have more and higher spell slots (As I said before, that´s the main parameter to determine damage and stuff because the higher the spell slot, more powerful is your spell). Let me show you:
So, a cleric 1, Pally 19 with 20 Wis and a Cleric 20 with 20Wis(without special modifiers), both could cast cure wounds heightened as a 5th level spell and both would cure the same: 5d8+5 hp
The difference is that the cleric knows better spells and has spell slots of 9th level, so he can cast cure wounds as a 9th level spell (If you want to ¿? ) to cure 9d8+5 hp.
You asked for a Cleric-Paladin. I have to point out that you will cast your paladin spells using charisma and your cleric spells using Wisdom. You share the spell slots for both, you do not have 3 level 1 spells for cleric and 1 level spell slot for Paladin. You have 4 spell slots for both.
"Spell Slots. You determine your available spell slots
by adding together ALL your levels in the bard, cleric,
druid, sorcerer, and wizard classes, HALF your levels
(rounded down) in the paladin and ranger classes, and
a THIRD of your fighter or rogue levels (rounded down)"
sc. PHB p162
Multiclass warlocks share spell slots with the other class.
Sounds complicated but there´s a multiclass table for that and some apps. You do not have to do the math, you just go and look at the multiclassing table in the book.
So, a Clr 1, Pal 19 would have 5th level spell slots tops. He could only prepare WISmod+1 cleric spells (and of course you only know 1st level spells) CHAmod+9 paladin spells.
Clr 1 Dru 19 will reach 9th level spell slots and has the same spell slots as a druid 20 or a cleric 20. They prepare fewer spells of the same class per day than a pure caster.
Thanks for the info @PsicoVic
I've played a lot of 5e, but never multiclassed a spell caster before, so I havent looked into those rules too quickly. A few follow up questions.
A level 19 cleric/1 Paladin. According to the above, you're saying that they share spell slots. So they would have access to level 9 spell slots (1). That means I could technically cast a Paladin level 1 spell (Hellish Rebuke, which a Cleric doesnt get) at level 9 -- even though a Paladin without multiclassing would only have level 5 spells? Not that it would be better than a Cleric's level 9 spells, I understand. Just curious about flexing spells between classes.
About warlocks. They share slots too? Warlocks work a bit differently than all the other casters, in that they only get a total of 4 slots by level 20, and those slots are always cast at the highest available level for the class. So if I had a level 10 Warlock and a level 10 Sorcerer, the Warlock's 2 spell slots at level 5 would be added to the level 10 sorcerer's spell slots, and that's it? Since Warlocks get spells back on short rest, would they get their 2 back each short rest, but the others would be used according to Sorcerer casting rules? Can I meta-magic my Warlock spells? (Feel free to not answer all of these, I dont know how much effort they take to find in the PHB)
The bit I didnt know at all about was the 1/3rd of fighter/rogue levels adding to spellslot lists. So you'd technically have 7 caster levels of spell slots for a level 1 cleric, level 19 fighter (but only with access to level 1 cleric spells).
"If you have more than one spellcasting class, this table might give you spell slots of a level that is higher than the spells you know or can prepare. You can use those slots, but only to cast your lower-level spells. If a lower-level spell that you cast, like burning hands, has an enhanced effect when cast using a higher-level slot, you can use the enhanced effect, even though you don't have any spells of that higher level"
Warlocks can cast their own casting rules and could cast their spells on their own, but also can use the spell slots of the other class to cast warlock spells. But not vice-versa (Because warlocks regain spells in short rests, that would be an exploit).
Ed: Oh, I forgot. Yeah, you can use sorcery metamagic with warlock spells. Just quicken all those eldritch blasts at your pleasure.
If you are a fighter with spellcasting like the eldritch knight or the rogue arcane trickster, sure. If you are a champion, battlemaster, etc with no access to spells you are simply a level 1 cleric.
If you have the same WIS stat, like 20Wis, your sanctuary or bane would have the same spell save DC (19) of a bane or sanctuary of a level 20 cleric, tho.
Ohhh. I misread that then. So the fighter/rogue levels only matter if you're Eldritch Knight or Arcane Trickster. I thought you just meant any fighter level. That makes more sense, since it would feel exploity to be able to dip for 1 spell caster level and get 7 or 8 casts for free.
Okay. This all lines up with how I was thinking about it. The biggest takeaway for me is that you dont have to keep two separate pools of casts per spell level, but get to swap those around as you wish.
Thanks for all the info!
I just hope then that at least, they come out of Early Access with a game that those people don't feel cheated by. Based on prior releases, they'll likely manage it but this has probably lead to a lot of pressure they didn't necessarily expect to have.