Technically by the time you're a paladin the stick is already there. That's how you graduate from squire to paladin--your mentor performs the procedure.
So, the answer is "bigger paladins with seniority."
Wrong. It's a class feature. It appears level-wise just as automatically as immunity to diseases, spellcasting or whatever.
My mentor told me it was standard procedure for him to administer the stick personally. I remember it very clearly because he said it had to be on his birthday.
Why would my mentor lie to me about something like that?
Guys, I am afraid the stick-up-the-ass theory doesn't provide an answer. All paladins have a stick up their ass but only cavaliers get resistance to acid. So I'm still in the dark here.
here is my hypothesis;
the dev that made this kit, did not communicate well with the dev that made the dragons in SoA
since this kit was introduced in SoA way back in 2000, there were only up to 4 evil dragons in SoA
and the only 2 variety were black and red
so when buddy came up with this kit idea, he probably asked dragon dev buddy, what type of dragons will the heroes be fightin' and dragon dev said; for evil ones its just red and black
so without further questioning or asking about breath weapons, cavalier dev just thought; hmm, red dragons breathe fire, black dragons breath acid, so i will make it that the cavalier gets fire and acid resistance, despite the fact that this dev didnt know that none of the black dragons actually even breathed acid in SoA ( just insect swarms and level drain effects )
so i think this could have been oblivious hind sight, where assumptions were made and no one double checked the work or cared to correct it
My mentor told me it was standard procedure for him to administer the stick personally. I remember it very clearly because he said it had to be on his birthday.
Why would my mentor lie to me about something like that?
No idea. I do know that even Minsc, dense as he is, asks Anomen why the members of the Radiant Heart have to ride the pole of righteousness. Even he knows about the stick.
Paladin to stick ratio seems to be 2-1. Anomen, definitalel got a stick up there. Keldorn? Not so much. Guy enjoys a rude limerick way too much. Mazzy (yes she counts) nope. SHe just likes to help people.
Paladin to stick ratio seems to be 2-1. Anomen, definitalel got a stick up there. Keldorn? Not so much. Guy enjoys a rude limerick way too much. Mazzy (yes she counts) nope. SHe just likes to help people.
Anomen is a Paladin wanna-be. Those raving fanatics are worse than any "holier-than-thou"-crusader lit with the flame of righteousness. The size of the stick up their bum-bum is anywhere from a 4x4 and upwards.
In Anomen's case he's so impaired by that thing that his Dexterity is a flat 10.
I don’t get why Jaheira is not NG (Harper and overt do gooder), why evil characters don’t like travelling in a popular groups (which would help mask evil doing) and why no evil npcs sell you out (e.g. to the iron throne for money or abandoning you when the **** hits the fan) - ToEE dealt with this well
I don't get why anyone in the IE's is using a carriage, ride on a mount, or any other kind of land-based vehicle of movement. Every single person is apparantly channeling their inner Forrest Gump.
I don‘t get why Sarevok has glowing eyes. This makes him much more special than poor Charname...kinda unfair.
Plus he gets his own sprite. And he's bigger than me - even when I'm a half-orc barbarian he's still bigger than me. It's the same with Irenicus. He gets his own sprite and he's all muscly and gets to strike cool poses and talk in a cool voice, and say cool stuff. And all I get to say is "I'm ready" and "Okay" and "Aaaaagh" and "Noooo!!!!"
I don't get why anyone in the IE's is using a carriage, ride on a mount, or any other kind of land-based vehicle of movement. Every single person is apparantly channeling their inner Forrest Gump.
Not like walking through bandit infested world maps would bode any better for common folks. At least horses have the potential of outrunning highway robbers.
Not like walking through bandit infested world maps would bode any better for common folks. At least horses have the potential of outrunning highway robbers.
The xvarts are well known for killing everything that has 4 legs.
They are behind the real menace: “the four legged decimation”.
Killing Sarevok is just a sidequest from the real deal - eradicating xvart village and ursa the evil bear.
Actually, I don't really get why bards don't have the same weapon restrictions as thieves. I mean how do you pick someone's pocket when you are holding a halberd?
Bards can use almost any weapon because they are jacks of all trades. And big two-handed weapons are fitting for some bards like skalds.
I don't mind skalds using them (they are after all rubbish at picking pockets) but your common-or-garden bard of the traveling minstrel variety doesn't seem likely to be wandering around with a great big axe over his shoulder.
It doubles as a lute.
How does a big axe function as a lute? By playing air lute?
Fission slimes: Attempt to attack summoned Balor, die to its innate fireshield and the firestorm it casts. No, that infestation wouldn't beat the tanar'ri, since enough of them use fire.
For something that might even be possible in-game...
Fission Slime (from the Cave of the Dead) versus Balthazar's endlessly respawning mercenary army.
Fission slimes: Attempt to attack summoned Balor, die to its innate fireshield and the firestorm it casts. No, that infestation wouldn't beat the tanar'ri, since enough of them use fire.
What balors? Demogorgon doesn’t summon balors, does he? (Admittedly, it’s been a while since I bothered with that fight.)
Fission slimes: Attempt to attack summoned Balor, die to its innate fireshield and the firestorm it casts. No, that infestation wouldn't beat the tanar'ri, since enough of them use fire.
What balors? Demogorgon doesn’t summon balors, does he? (Admittedly, it’s been a while since I bothered with that fight.)
I think Ascension or SCS Demmy does.
also tactics mod demy does.
fun fact i fought only once the unmodded demon king, in recent times, but he went down so fast that i did not even noticed that the balors did not spawn in vanilla.
to kill the ever spawning baloors is one of my preferred ways to get extra xp, that in my book is completely legittimate one as i have to fight hard to get it (and to perform something is the way people get experienced also in RL).
but i just discovered a new xp source:
even if is quite late in the game, while with the baloors i had reached the xp cap in SoA with a party of 6, it can be helpful for the few last tough battles of the game.
Weren't druids allowed sickles and/or scythes? Maybe the curve in the blade makes it all 'naturey' somehow...
I remember something about druid weapons being associated with the hunt, with farmwork, with the moon. Maybe scimitar was a replacement for sickle. But why no bows, those are very much earthy and indigenous, that baffles me.
here is my hypothesis;
the dev that made this kit, did not communicate well with the dev that made the dragons in SoA
since this kit was introduced in SoA way back in 2000, there were only up to 4 evil dragons in SoA
and the only 2 variety were black and red
so when buddy came up with this kit idea, he probably asked dragon dev buddy, what type of dragons will the heroes be fightin' and dragon dev said; for evil ones its just red and black
so without further questioning or asking about breath weapons, cavalier dev just thought; hmm, red dragons breathe fire, black dragons breath acid, so i will make it that the cavalier gets fire and acid resistance, despite the fact that this dev didnt know that none of the black dragons actually even breathed acid in SoA ( just insect swarms and level drain effects )
so i think this could have been oblivious hind sight, where assumptions were made and no one double checked the work or cared to correct it
And a damn fine hypothesis it is. Thank you. That sounds totally plausible to me. I can now stop worrying about it.
No idea. I do know that even Minsc, dense as he is, asks Anomen why the members of the Radiant Heart have to ride the pole of righteousness. Even he knows about the stick.
Anomen is a Paladin wanna-be. Those raving fanatics are worse than any "holier-than-thou"-crusader lit with the flame of righteousness. The size of the stick up their bum-bum is anywhere from a 4x4 and upwards.
In Anomen's case he's so impaired by that thing that his Dexterity is a flat 10.
More essence? Better budget for special effects?
What do you mean, my eyes glow too!
same here:
Plus he gets his own sprite. And he's bigger than me - even when I'm a half-orc barbarian he's still bigger than me. It's the same with Irenicus. He gets his own sprite and he's all muscly and gets to strike cool poses and talk in a cool voice, and say cool stuff. And all I get to say is "I'm ready" and "Okay" and "Aaaaagh" and "Noooo!!!!"
It's not fair.
Because all caravans get raided and destroyed:
The xvarts are well known for killing everything that has 4 legs.
They are behind the real menace: “the four legged decimation”.
Killing Sarevok is just a sidequest from the real deal - eradicating xvart village and ursa the evil bear.
Pretty sure an axe would function as a guitar.
For something that might even be possible in-game...
Fission Slime (from the Cave of the Dead) versus Balthazar's endlessly respawning mercenary army.
I think Ascension or SCS Demmy does.
also tactics mod demy does.
fun fact i fought only once the unmodded demon king, in recent times, but he went down so fast that i did not even noticed that the balors did not spawn in vanilla.
to kill the ever spawning baloors is one of my preferred ways to get extra xp, that in my book is completely legittimate one as i have to fight hard to get it (and to perform something is the way people get experienced also in RL).
but i just discovered a new xp source: ,
even if is quite late in the game, while with the baloors i had reached the xp cap in SoA with a party of 6, it can be helpful for the few last tough battles of the game.
Weren't druids allowed sickles and/or scythes? Maybe the curve in the blade makes it all 'naturey' somehow...
I remember something about druid weapons being associated with the hunt, with farmwork, with the moon. Maybe scimitar was a replacement for sickle. But why no bows, those are very much earthy and indigenous, that baffles me.