I really like "Why do I live in such a pissant town?" lately. Actually, I really like Thalantyr lately... Since I added the wizard staff to High Hedge, and to thank Thalantyr for having it, I'm delivering him tons of magical items to make the place less pissant. It's a two-edged sword - I like the line, but it also reminds me that I will never win his approval with my offerings.
There are so many to choose from! They are all so awesome! I can't pick just one! Someone already took the rant at Portalbenderwinden That was my favorite.
You can pick as many as you like
Silence (Bhaal)dog you have no purpose but to die by my hand! xD
I find myself lost in your words, but Boo thinks you are just ducky!
Quote: Well... a Rashemani witch accompanies a ranger on his dajemma and teaches him the lore of herbs, among other things. Well... Minsc and Boo have discovered a need for some of this lore, maybe.
Quote: After frolicking in a bush that we now consider to be of suspicious nature, both Boo and I have contracted the Calimshite Itch in rather... private places. A salve would be most joyously anticipated!
Quote: Many thanks, Aerie! Soon, maybe, Boo can return his little-mind to thoughts of butt-kicking instead of butt-itching, and I for one shall be very relieved!
There are so many to choose from! They are all so awesome! I can't pick just one! Someone already took the rant at Portalbenderwinden That was my favorite.
You can pick as many as you like
Silence (Bhaal)dog you have no purpose but to die by my hand! xD
@SpaceInvader Aww. I was planning on using that on @Bhaaldog for the longest time. The opportunity just didn't present itself.
You are to be given a gift. It is a valuable prize, one that you better appreciate. - Dream Imoen/Essence of Bhaal? But the voice in that one line really gets me going.
"If only I could do as much for those in need of me. I try so hard..." -Nalia de'Arnise; every time I hear that, I go "D'awww! " "Face me! Face the new Lord of Murder!" -Who, bro, cool down. Bro, put down the sword. Bro? Bro? ? Pretty much anything Quayle says. "Ye natty clap-dragon. We're making a challenge, so draw steel and we'll see who's the best swordsman on the Sword Coast." -I love shutting Meilum down, period, but this is the best option, by far, in my opinion.
And this is where I slap my hands so I don't go putting quotes from Finch, Indira, or Keto, here.
"Aaaah!!! Unholy magics are afoot! This chicken is possessed! This bird is FOUL!!!" every time i get to this part i laugh so hard my sides hurt (probably b/c of the way i hear it going on in my head)
I maybe no angel... But I've spread my wings a bit - Lady of the night outside Fieldposts
What an unhappy day, I've caught the horizontal dancing disease off Mistress Mallory - Commoner Ulgoth Beard
Aaagh, my lung! It's flopping all over the floor! - Miner
Due to recent experiences, being inside a barrel full of monkeys is not as pleasant as one first thought! - Paladin fearing peasant 2nd floor of Jovial Juggler, Beregost
Yes, omnipresent authority figure - Jaheria
You have a beautiful pair of... ...eyes - Coran
Also the banter between Minsc, Jaheria and Khalid crossing the bridge to save Dynahier is awesome, as well as Edwin chatting to the half-ogres on the other side of bridge.
Kruin: Aha! It is the wielder, the thief, and the defiler! All in one being... strange. I thought there would be three. You there! Have you no twin sisters? Charname: Are you talking to me? Kruin: A question with a question! I see her mind is far deeper than I expected. Layers and layers of duplicity and deceit. I must be subtle with this one. Perhaps I should start again before she gets suspicious. Hm. Yes, I think this would be best. (ahem!) You there, human woman! My freedom from limbo has a price: I must track down the thief of one of our most holy of holies. Charname: You know, I heard you the first time. Kruin: You did? Really? You know, being a wild mage isn't all it's cracked up to be. My mentor always said: "See the spoon, see the spoon." But I only saw frogs. So now. I've been very patient because you ARE a lesser being. I'm tryinmg not to overwhelm you with my psionics just be accident. See how nice I am? So hand over the Silver Sword Blade and we'll all be happy. Well, maybe you won't be happy, but you won't be DEAD and that's got to be better, right? So are you going to hand over the sacred blade or not? Charname: No, I will not. It is mine, now. Kruin: I did say I was a wild mage, right? If I end up having to cast a spell here, I won't be held responsible for it. So hand over the blade, or do I start casting? Charname: Do your worst. Kruin: Yeeesh... I wouldn't say that. My worst can be pretty bad...
Long, but my favourite conversation in gaming practically. Its like Xzar, Neera and Edwin! All in one being... strange. I thought there would be three.
Made me chuckle.
Quote: Well... a Rashemani witch accompanies a ranger on his dajemma and teaches him the lore of herbs, among other things. Well... Minsc and Boo have discovered a need for some of this lore, maybe.
Quote: After frolicking in a bush that we now consider to be of suspicious nature, both Boo and I have contracted the Calimshite Itch in rather... private places. A salve would be most joyously anticipated!
Quote: Many thanks, Aerie! Soon, maybe, Boo can return his little-mind to thoughts of butt-kicking instead of butt-itching, and I for one shall be very relieved!
:O Tell me sweet innocent Aerie didnt... help!
Had me in stitches first time I saw it. And every time since.
But the voice in that one line really gets me going.
"Face me! Face the new Lord of Murder!" -Who, bro, cool down. Bro, put down the sword. Bro? Bro?
Pretty much anything Quayle says.
"Ye natty clap-dragon. We're making a challenge, so draw steel and we'll see who's the best swordsman on the Sword Coast." -I love shutting Meilum down, period, but this is the best option, by far, in my opinion.
And this is where I slap my hands so I don't go putting quotes from Finch, Indira, or Keto, here.
every time i get to this part i laugh so hard my sides hurt (probably b/c of the way i hear it going on in my head)
"I wanted infravision like the elves, but 'tis more than just taking their eyes."
If I got to pick more ... they'd still probably be Xzar's =P
"Bravery, stupidity, whatever gets the job done." This is one of my favourite.
- Baldur's Gate: EE community.
"Tiax rules ALL!" - Tiax
"Men are scum!" - Shar-Teel
"Butt Kicking for Goodness!!!" - Minsc
"Go for the eyes Boo. Go for the Eyes!" - Minsc
"Yes abil?" - Viconia
"Stop Touching MEEEEE!" - Xzar
"I am become DEATH! Destroyer of Worlds!!!!" = Xzar
"Jump on my Sword, Evil. I won't be so Gentle" - Minsc
That whole soliloquy that David Warner gives at the beginning of BG2 really gets me as well.
But there are far more than I could rightly record here.
- Irenicus
- Xzar
-The oh so humble priest of Lathander
What an unhappy day, I've caught the horizontal dancing disease off Mistress Mallory - Commoner Ulgoth Beard
Aaagh, my lung! It's flopping all over the floor! - Miner
Due to recent experiences, being inside a barrel full of monkeys is not as pleasant as one first thought! - Paladin fearing peasant 2nd floor of Jovial Juggler, Beregost
Yes, omnipresent authority figure - Jaheria
You have a beautiful pair of... ...eyes - Coran
Also the banter between Minsc, Jaheria and Khalid crossing the bridge to save Dynahier is awesome, as well as Edwin chatting to the half-ogres on the other side of bridge.
Charname: Are you talking to me?
Kruin: A question with a question! I see her mind is far deeper than I expected. Layers and layers of duplicity and deceit. I must be subtle with this one. Perhaps I should start again before she gets suspicious. Hm. Yes, I think this would be best. (ahem!) You there, human woman! My freedom from limbo has a price: I must track down the thief of one of our most holy of holies.
Charname: You know, I heard you the first time.
Kruin: You did? Really? You know, being a wild mage isn't all it's cracked up to be. My mentor always said: "See the spoon, see the spoon." But I only saw frogs. So now. I've been very patient because you ARE a lesser being. I'm tryinmg not to overwhelm you with my psionics just be accident. See how nice I am? So hand over the Silver Sword Blade and we'll all be happy. Well, maybe you won't be happy, but you won't be DEAD and that's got to be better, right? So are you going to hand over the sacred blade or not?
Charname: No, I will not. It is mine, now.
Kruin: I did say I was a wild mage, right? If I end up having to cast a spell here, I won't be held responsible for it. So hand over the blade, or do I start casting?
Charname: Do your worst.
Kruin: Yeeesh... I wouldn't say that. My worst can be pretty bad...
Long, but my favourite conversation in gaming practically. Its like Xzar, Neera and Edwin! All in one being... strange. I thought there would be three.