Poe's epic is fine, i.e. "Heroes bold betrayed behind / from friend mad foe with gold in mind to take and plunder riches won. / 'Twas evil new, though old undone."
Poe's epic is fine, i.e. "Heroes bold betrayed behind / from friend mad foe with gold in mind to take and plunder riches won. / 'Twas evil new, though old undone."
I recently explored that map for the first time. I felt pity for Poe so I gave him ten gold.
Guard: You wouldn't kill a man with a wife and ten children, right? Protaganist: No way, YOU have a fate worst than death!
"Ahh... More intrepid adventurers at our door." I know you said that you wouldn't tolerate excuses, but we have a real good one. "So, your parents were very fond of trees ''A-a-a-ah!!! Unholy magics are afoot! This chicken is possessed! This bird is FOUL!!!?"
Lilarcor is not the best two-handed sword in the game, but I'm willing to give up damage of one character just because I love this "unedumicated" sword. "...and this one's for grandma, who said I'd never amount to anything more than a butterknife!" "Got yer nose!"
That whole soliloquy that David Warner gives at the beginning of BG2 really gets me as well.
I think I can get the whole thing by myself... Let's see: - Ah... The child of Bhaal has awoken. It is time for more... experiments. The pain will be passing, you should survive the process. - More intruders have entered the complex master. - They act sooner than we anticipated. No matter they will only prove a slight delay.
"OK, I've just about had my FILL of riddle-asking, quest-assigning, insult-throwing, pun-hurling, hostage-taking, iron-mongering, smart-arsed fools, freaks, and felons that continually test my will, mettle, strength, intelligence, and most of all, patience! If you've got a straight answer ANYWHERE in that bent little head of yours, I want to hear it pretty damn quick or I'm going to take a large blunt object roughly the size of Elminster AND his hat, and stuff it lengthwise into a crevice of your being so seldom seen that even the denizens of the nine hells themselves wouldn't touch it with a twenty-foot rusty halberd! Have I MADE myself perfectly CLEAR?!" - CHARNAME
@Senash It's a possible response you can make while speaking to Portalbenderwinden. If I recall correctly, he's some hermit that you run into in one of the wilderness areas (I want to say one of maps that is right along the coast?). I think he makes some sort of cryptic remark, and that's one of CHARNAME's dialogue options.
"You should have given a sword, give a man a fish and he feeds himself for a day, give a man a sword and he can chow down on the ,eaty marrow of evil!" (guess who!)
Aerie (to Viconia): Nobody deserves you, just like nobody deserves some horrid disease! You're like some affliction that should be cut off from the rest of the body! Viconia (to Aerie): Like your wings? Oh, don't glare little girl. You have nothing to offer Charname, no matter how desperate you play. You cannot compete.
Aerie (to Viconia): I can't imagine what you think to accomplish. You think Charname doesn't see the saliva dripping from your fangs? You're not worthy of him, Viconia. Viconia (to Aerie): And I suppose a mewling kitten like yourself is? Do not make me laugh, wingless one. You are not even worthy of licking Charname's bootheel. Aerie (to Viconia): M-maybe Charname doesn't care for your lusts, drow. Evil like yours isn't seductive, it's just sick, and... and seeing you crawl all over Charname makes me retch. Viconia (to Aerie): It takes strength in a man to gain my attention, little fool. I am sure he has no interest in one who can barely pull herself together to utter a sentence.
And of course: Viconia: Come to me, then, my mrann d'ssinss. You have defeated me...now taste your victory...
Another thing I will say is that this thread is making the perfectionist part of me go INSANE!!!! Half of you are making errors in the quotes you post. Don't mind me though.
Still it would be nice if you double checked before posting here.
Guard: You wouldn't kill a man with a wife and ten children, right?
Protaganist: No way, YOU have a fate worst than death!
I know you said that you wouldn't tolerate excuses, but we have a real good one.
"So, your parents were very fond of trees
''A-a-a-ah!!! Unholy magics are afoot! This chicken is possessed! This bird is FOUL!!!?"
"I turned to shield Boo and I lost my spell. I am NOT sorry."
"...and this one's for grandma, who said I'd never amount to anything more than a butterknife!"
"Got yer nose!"
I know it's not that funny, but we keep saying it everytime when it's appropriate with my brother. And no one understands why are we laughing so much
- Ah... The child of Bhaal has awoken. It is time for more... experiments. The pain will be passing, you should survive the process.
- More intruders have entered the complex master.
- They act sooner than we anticipated. No matter they will only prove a slight delay.
Is that it?
It's a possible response you can make while speaking to Portalbenderwinden. If I recall correctly, he's some hermit that you run into in one of the wilderness areas (I want to say one of maps that is right along the coast?). I think he makes some sort of cryptic remark, and that's one of CHARNAME's dialogue options.
'Mmmm.... now?'
'How about now? No?'
'Now? Please? Pretty please?'
I also like the golden pantaloons dialogue loop:
"You have no idea what I'm talking about, do you?"
"I've sparred with demons from the Nine Hells themselves! I shall barely break a sweat here today!"
Uhhh, Mr. Do'Urden? Demons come from the Abyss not the hells...
a day, give a man a sword and he can chow down on the ,eaty marrow of evil!" (guess who!)
I also liked when Kivan lost it on Auroa.
That laugh at the end always cracks me up. Always.
"Don't... forget... to raise me!"
Aerie (to Viconia): Nobody deserves you, just like nobody deserves some horrid disease! You're like some affliction that should be cut off from the rest of the body!
Viconia (to Aerie): Like your wings? Oh, don't glare little girl. You have nothing to offer Charname, no matter how desperate you play. You cannot compete.
Aerie (to Viconia): I can't imagine what you think to accomplish. You think Charname doesn't see the saliva dripping from your fangs? You're not worthy of him, Viconia.
Viconia (to Aerie): And I suppose a mewling kitten like yourself is? Do not make me laugh, wingless one. You are not even worthy of licking Charname's bootheel.
Aerie (to Viconia): M-maybe Charname doesn't care for your lusts, drow. Evil like yours isn't seductive, it's just sick, and... and seeing you crawl all over Charname makes me retch.
Viconia (to Aerie): It takes strength in a man to gain my attention, little fool. I am sure he has no interest in one who can barely pull herself together to utter a sentence.
And of course:
Viconia: Come to me, then, my mrann d'ssinss. You have defeated me...now taste your victory...
Still it would be nice if you double checked before posting here.
Sorry, it got out again.
"I... must not fail... lest my hamster... become an orphan"
"Korax good dog, yes good dog!"
"'Edwin do this,' 'Edwin do that,' somebody get this jerk a banana!"