SotSC adds new wmp icons, yes. I could send them to anyone who is responsible for Worldmap or they can be extracted from SotSC itself (path: SotSC=> worldmap => icons).
Then I guess this could also be a problem if the Worldmap mod was installed after your mod, but I'd need to look at it more closely to see whether the icons can be patched to the Worldmap mod in all instances in the EE - I have a faint recall that adding it to teh BAM was only needed for the classic engine.
I can put up an update of the Worldmap mod but I have no idea how to add icons to the BAM and what needs to be considered when doing so. Weigo did this for BST.
So far an excellant mod, as you always do. how ever i am having trouble finding the ghost ship quest. walked all around bg docks cant see any possible triggers.
I love your mods, Lava - they're are awesome) But I have a problem with two new locations on worldmap - they're are not showing. What can be a problem? Sorry for my English - its not my native language.
You need to use new travel region to see them - in the lower left corner of the Gnoll Stronghold. First time you use this region, it will move you onto the new region. That very moment the area should be added to your worldmap and the area should be available via the WMP.
Not that this mod works with with BGEE, BGEE+SoD, EET, but not with Worldmap mod. It should be added at some point.
You need to use new travel region to see them - in the lower left corner of the Gnoll Stronghold. First time you use this region, it will move you onto the new region. That very moment the area should be added to your worldmap and the area should be available via the WMP.
Not that this mod works with with BGEE, BGEE+SoD, EET, but not with Worldmap mod. It should be added at some point.
I play this mod since beta and used Gnoll SH to get to new locations, and locations were available on worldmap. Bou not anymore. I traveled through Gnoll SH to first location, but I cannot get to mountain cemetary from there.
Alright, I get it ??? Just uninstalled the worldmap mod and new locations now available on good old worldmap.
I cannot get there because I have worldmap mod installed. Sorry for bothering you, Lava. And thank you for your mods again
Melting man - it cannot be complete. I did everything right - talked to kid in Nashkel, found Madame in tent on Canrival, gave potion to Menting man, I got a experience points and shirt but quest still in my journal
Will check, however it is complete, if you did everything what you said, the variables are set, it's just the EraseJournalEntry that failed for some reason.
Will check, however it is complete, if you did everything what you said, the variables are set, it's just the EraseJournalEntry that failed for some reason.
Thank you for answering. But why EraseJournalEntry failed? Is there any solution?
I'm sorry if this is a dumb question, but I've scanned this thread and I can't for the life of me understand if it's possible to play this on EET when the Worldmap mod is installed?
You can play it but there are two new areas linked from the Gnoll Stronghold which won't appear on the worldmap atm to travel to them directly. That's on me currently to set them up.
You can play it but there are two new areas linked from the Gnoll Stronghold which won't appear on the worldmap atm to travel to them directly. That's on me currently to set them up.
Okay thanks for the info! Glad it's such a minor thing since both mods are must haves out of curiosity, when do you expect to get your hands dirty on this?
It's in progress, I have the notes from @GraionDilach but you need to give me a moment to test and maybe to check some other things I wanted to check before the update.
It's in progress, I have the notes from @GraionDilach but you need to give me a moment to test and maybe to check some other things I wanted to check before the update.
I was just curious thanks for this mod - can't wait to try it for the first time!
Actually, SotSC made me realize how much this isn't true, despite how much a certain-tool-and-it's-maintainer implies this. I had a hard time with BP-BGT Worldmap because it's design isn't friendly to what's presented here. BP-BGT will function from the next version onwards but it won't look nice due to the way that map is set up and I very much recommend you to avoid having BP-BGT installed on your EET install unless your setup features a mod which doesn't fit into the built-in-EET worldmap (many of them do).
BP-BGT Worldmap was designed to cover as much of Faerun as possible but it also condenses the BG1 area very tightly. This can be justified with the almost-seamless way BG1's maps are designed (which is most obvious in Baldur's Gate but it can be seen in other maps too) but there's little space left to insert any additional BG1 area into the game to the western side (DSotSC areas end up at east beyond BG1 and NToTSC areas are norther, mixed up with SoD on EET). South also has little margin because Athkatla's zoom-in literally starts immediately under the Stronghold and from that line onwards you're into BG2 (although BG2's map points are much more loosely placed). Note that this tighter positioning also worked better back when it was launched in 2007 because back then monitor resolutions were lower and this allowed more areas into the screen (I can't talk about everyone else, but I got my first past-1024x768 monitor in 2009, which was an 1680x1050" TFT).
EET's included worldmap has a higher map resolution and even with it's somewhat bigger icons the result is still more loosely placed offering more free space to content-expander mods like SotSC. The difference between map resolution and icon size scaling are so significant that it allows Cloudpeak Mountains to be used as a buffer between BG1 and BG2, allowing other mods to position maps between the two games (although this comes with the cost of a fairly tight margin towards east beyond Durlag's Tower). A notable example is Dark Horizons which has some areas between BG1 and BG2 in EET but explicitly extends BG1's southeast corner towards east in BP-BGT. Sure, it isn't compatible with all mods though - Secret of Bone Hill and a certain-mod-I-shall-not-name-here are the two which comes into my mind as explicitly requiring BP-BGT -, but most of the not-megacampaign mods do fit and are placed onto this map nicely.
Our issue was basically that the tight packing of BG1 areas didn't really give us opportunities to position the SotSC areas into BG1 space and they do lean into BG2's own territory on BP-BGT unfortunately, because of this lack of free space between the two games. I suggest that if you intend to play this on EET, go through your other content mods, check if their areas would be covered by EET's own worldmap and if so, try playing with that one instead of BP-BGT.
Also, @jastey just FYI, I presented a solution which reused two BG1 area icons for the SotSC areas to make everyone's life simpler, so the worldmap doesn't need an update.
Thanks for the in depth explanation! I had no idea about those things tbh.
The reason I'm using the Worldmap mod is mostly for The Darkest Day. I'm on the fence about that mod anyway, maybe I'll skip it after this. We'll see what I decide. Thanks in any case for informing me of this.
Then I guess this could also be a problem if the Worldmap mod was installed after your mod, but I'd need to look at it more closely to see whether the icons can be patched to the Worldmap mod in all instances in the EE - I have a faint recall that adding it to teh BAM was only needed for the classic engine.
I can put up an update of the Worldmap mod but I have no idea how to add icons to the BAM and what needs to be considered when doing so. Weigo did this for BST.
Nvm Did not realise there was an extra map south of there lol
I will note that I had a PC who was off to Mutamin's Garden to grind some xp and discovered more than planned- that was also a big surprise!
Not that this mod works with with BGEE, BGEE+SoD, EET, but not with Worldmap mod. It should be added at some point.
I play this mod since beta and used Gnoll SH to get to new locations, and locations were available on worldmap. Bou not anymore. I traveled through Gnoll SH to first location, but I cannot get to mountain cemetary from there.
Just ormyrrs's peak, but not cemetary
I cannot get there because I have worldmap mod installed. Sorry for bothering you, Lava. And thank you for your mods again
Thank you again
I played a full game of BGEE with SotSC.
Great work!!
So I improved the translation.
I attach the files for a future update.
I'm sorry if this is a dumb question, but I've scanned this thread and I can't for the life of me understand if it's possible to play this on EET when the Worldmap mod is installed?
Okay thanks for the info! Glad it's such a minor thing since both mods are must haves
I was just curious
Actually, SotSC made me realize how much this isn't true, despite how much a certain-tool-and-it's-maintainer implies this. I had a hard time with BP-BGT Worldmap because it's design isn't friendly to what's presented here. BP-BGT will function from the next version onwards but it won't look nice due to the way that map is set up and I very much recommend you to avoid having BP-BGT installed on your EET install unless your setup features a mod which doesn't fit into the built-in-EET worldmap (many of them do).
BP-BGT Worldmap was designed to cover as much of Faerun as possible but it also condenses the BG1 area very tightly. This can be justified with the almost-seamless way BG1's maps are designed (which is most obvious in Baldur's Gate but it can be seen in other maps too) but there's little space left to insert any additional BG1 area into the game to the western side (DSotSC areas end up at east beyond BG1 and NToTSC areas are norther, mixed up with SoD on EET). South also has little margin because Athkatla's zoom-in literally starts immediately under the Stronghold and from that line onwards you're into BG2 (although BG2's map points are much more loosely placed). Note that this tighter positioning also worked better back when it was launched in 2007 because back then monitor resolutions were lower and this allowed more areas into the screen (I can't talk about everyone else, but I got my first past-1024x768 monitor in 2009, which was an 1680x1050" TFT).
EET's included worldmap has a higher map resolution and even with it's somewhat bigger icons the result is still more loosely placed offering more free space to content-expander mods like SotSC. The difference between map resolution and icon size scaling are so significant that it allows Cloudpeak Mountains to be used as a buffer between BG1 and BG2, allowing other mods to position maps between the two games (although this comes with the cost of a fairly tight margin towards east beyond Durlag's Tower). A notable example is Dark Horizons which has some areas between BG1 and BG2 in EET but explicitly extends BG1's southeast corner towards east in BP-BGT. Sure, it isn't compatible with all mods though - Secret of Bone Hill and a certain-mod-I-shall-not-name-here are the two which comes into my mind as explicitly requiring BP-BGT -, but most of the not-megacampaign mods do fit and are placed onto this map nicely.
Our issue was basically that the tight packing of BG1 areas didn't really give us opportunities to position the SotSC areas into BG1 space and they do lean into BG2's own territory on BP-BGT unfortunately, because of this lack of free space between the two games. I suggest that if you intend to play this on EET, go through your other content mods, check if their areas would be covered by EET's own worldmap and if so, try playing with that one instead of BP-BGT.
Also, @jastey just FYI, I presented a solution which reused two BG1 area icons for the SotSC areas to make everyone's life simpler, so the worldmap doesn't need an update.
Thanks for the in depth explanation! I had no idea about those things tbh.
The reason I'm using the Worldmap mod is mostly for The Darkest Day. I'm on the fence about that mod anyway, maybe I'll skip it after this. We'll see what I decide. Thanks in any case for informing me of this.