Also I've got a complaint about a detail which I find jarring. When one triggers the Beetles, Dreams and an Old Man quest, the daughter just appears out of thin air after the old man runs away. I haven't finished the quest yet, if this gets explained yet (and I don't come for spoilers, thank you), but I think I'd prefer if she would come in out of the visible area.
It can be found only at a specific point: during the quest on the ice island where you're sent from Ulgoth's Beard. Just before you enter the cave / underground level, there is a new container next to the piece of rock you land on. It may be hard to notice, though, because containers are marked as light-blue frame and the ice is white, so... yeah, it's easy to miss that one.
Given you can't return to that area once you leave, would it make sense for such an item to also be obtainable in the temple of Tempus in the Cloud Peak mountains? I haven't played this yet, but that area is just as snowy and cold as the ice island.
Nope. Maybe if it was a crucial quest, but it's not. It's a mini-quest and it should reward those that carefully check even small areas. And if you forgot about this one... well, you'll complete it next time. That mini-quest was also created specifically to give additional importance to that area, which is so insignificant that it almost hurts.
Just to clarify: you mean she should spawn in a bit nicer way than she does now, right? Like actually approach PC rather than appear next to the PC?
@GraionDilach although I understand the idea of the request, from a technical point of view the "approaches from outside the vies range" is a tricky thing to accomplish. The EEs made it even more unreliable than it was in the classic game by somehow spawning the characters further off. Characters being stuck behind doors, not reaching the group before the Player changes areas, etcpp. I switched to messengers and other characters that do not wait but approach the party being spawned right next to the PC because I was fed up with bug reports about them not appearing (they did spawn, just didn't get to the party in time).
Does this mod conflict in some way with other popular quest mods, like UB, BG1NPC, jastey's BGQE or Ascalons Questpack? I would like to use several quest mods together to make BG1 feel less empty, but I'm worried these mods will "get in each other's way", even if there are no incompatibilities on a technical level
Just to clarify: you mean she should spawn in a bit nicer way than she does now, right? Like actually approach PC rather than appear next to the PC?
@GraionDilach although I understand the idea of the request, from a technical point of view the "approaches from outside the vies range" is a tricky thing to accomplish. The EEs made it even more unreliable than it was in the classic game by somehow spawning the characters further off. Characters being stuck behind doors, not reaching the group before the Player changes areas, etcpp. I switched to messengers and other characters that do not wait but approach the party being spawned right next to the PC because I was fed up with bug reports about them not appearing (they did spawn, just didn't get to the party in time).
While I like the idea of that mechanic, I don't think I have played a single game where Meck, Delon, or the Keep Runner didn't get stuck somewhere or fail to show up. In fact, in my current play, Meck is standing outside the ranger hut scratching his backside because he apparently forgot what he was supposed to say. Hilariously, I asked 2 years ago about this when it happened on my tablet, except Meck was standing around in front of De'Arnise Keep scratching his arse.
I would much rather have such runners be reliable than realistic in this case.
Does this mod conflict in some way with other popular quest mods, like UB, BG1NPC, jastey's BGQE or Ascalons Questpack? I would like to use several quest mods together to make BG1 feel less empty, but I'm worried these mods will "get in each other's way", even if there are no incompatibilities on a technical level
Please do not regard the absolute lies Roxanne is spewing in her echo chamber. The ‘incompatibilities’ stated in her message in that site of hers are either completely made up or a result of her meddling with unauthorized changes in mods she has STOLEN. She does not test half the mods she claims have conflicts and constantly uses outdated or misleading information to confuse users, whether out of ignorance or spite towards other modders.
It's not my place to get inbetween long standing disputes and/or animosities between different modders. All i can say is that a) the EE install tool has always worked flawlessly for me and is very convenient, b) download links in the tool for mods i've used are usually the official links to github etc., and c) she is very active and helpful on her forum.
The Install Tool works, yes, but she's using the versions Roxanne believes you should use. Some of them are versions that include changes the authors never approved or they don't even know about. She will also "warn you" about mods she does not approve herself and include bizarre notes about them. Now, compare warning you received (for example about SotSC not working properly with Ascalon's Quests Pack) with this post:
Abut her being "very active and helpful on her forum" - well... it would be strange if she wasn't active on her own forum. The problem is this reminds me of these "interviews" with people that did something nasty and neighbours saying "but she was always such a nice young lady - she shared her sugar when I run out of mine": being helpful during one situation doesn't erase person's other actions.
That said: you may need to chose how you want to play. It's up to you, really, and play the way you want to. If you'd rather follow her instructions and her Tool many people already reviewed a very specific way, it's up to you. If you skip SotSC, then sure, have fun. And if you decide you want to pick mods yourself or install follow some other mod composition written by someone else - still, have fun.
Also, when you use mods (and sometimes when you don't use them as well), bugs are always on the table. I am not going to say you won't have them if you install SotSC, because that may happen, but that's the thing with all mods. No matter who made them.
b) download links in the tool for mods i've used are usually the official links to github etc., and c) she is very active and helpful on her forum.
Sorry for also blurbing in but the B point is more evil than how it even is. Roxanne frequently pairs the official readme along with her unofficial versions (this happens atleast on Finch).
Also point C is amusing, when I think about how you got lied about Wheels being abandoned/merged into Ascension and when I posted a link to in response to prove how wrong she is (note that both mods got even further updates since), I got banned, the other topic within I reported a bugged mod in her tool deleted and apparently even got labelled as a con artist now.
Regardless, SotSC works fine with all the other questmods you listed there. The sole EET-related bug I noticed so far is that the new area next to the Gnoll Stronghold does not appear on the BP-BGT Worldmap's EET mode and it thinks you're on the Stronghold map.
The sole EET-related bug I noticed so far is that the new area next to the Gnoll Stronghold does not appear on the BP-BGT Worldmap's EET mode and it thinks you're on the Stronghold map.
Oh, that's new! BP-BGT Wordmap should use the corrected coordinates that are included in SotSC. Wondering if @swit is around to let me know what else may be needed or what may cause such problem. Maybe he'll know something.
@LavaDelVortel Ascalon's Breagar and Balduran's Seatower have worldmap patching code for both the plain games and with BGT Worldmap in case you want to have an example for comparison.
There was one issue with the BGT Worldmap if the mod was applied after the Worldmap mod with the icons being off because the needed offset doesn't get applied. I thought to have reported this but can't find it to my surprise. In case the player installed SotSC after BGT-Worldmap it's well possible the icon is there, just not anywhere near the Gnoll Stronghold. That's only if SotSC accounts for the mod being installed after the Worldmap mod, of course. (If not, then the reason why the icon doesn't appear is a no-brainer.)
Actually, now that I'm taking a better look, it seems Worldmap\map_mods_links.tbl wasn't expanded with the SotSC entries. I haven't looked at the Worldmap docs yet to know where should that get patched.
It seems that the comment in SotSC Worldmap entries were inspired by BST though because the comment refers BST.
Yeah, I might have been looking at BST already or someone else who was helping. I do not remember who was updating that last. Doesn't matter. If you manage to fix that @GraionDilach, then let me know You know how to reach me!
It's not my place to get inbetween long standing disputes and/or animosities between different modders. All i can say is that a) the EE install tool has always worked flawlessly for me and is very convenient, b) download links in the tool for mods i've used are usually the official links to github etc., and c) she is very active and helpful on her forum.
Still haven't finished debugging the Stronghold-worldmap conflict (tbh, wanted to dedicate this Sunday to my regular game progression instead of actual modding), sooo...
The barrel random encounter has an issue with the apostrophes when you catch up to it and all of them are rendered as a white box implying the character is missing from the font used (in the "I don't know where to go" line). Presume you ended up using the Oxford comma-apostrophe in UTF-8 instead of the regular one.
Hey, @GraionDilach - I am really happy you want to help, but if you don't feel like spending your Sunday, it's okay! I can wait! It's been like that for a while. Also, the mod order thing may be worth investigating (like Jastey mentioned). Anyway, I am happy you will find some time, but I do not insist on that bug-hunt happening right away, I bet you also have some other game-related and RL things that need your attention Just let me know when you have a moment.
As for the barrel - I resigned from ANSI=>UTF-8 conversion as this is an EE-only mod, but the barrel's dialogue was saved as ANSI. Let me know if you encounter other instances of that bug Thanks in advance!
No worries, I just didn't mean to sound careless on this issue and I will continue debugging it during the workdays (worldmap is installed way after quest/NPC mods here to that isn't it) but I still thought to mention what I notice during my regular playthrough (totally not-a-bug-just-mentioning-because-of-the-woah-potential: Angel's Made-in-Heaven encounter has a tweak buffs Wraith Spiders with Level Drain which made me realize after the first room that I shouldn't try to take your Ulcaster level 2 without Branwen reaching the level to stash Restorations ).
And I guess pointing out text errors is still better than asking for spoilers.
I may be wrong, but since SotSC isn't probably included in Worldmap Mod itself, then should SotSC be installed after it? I think that may be the thing, but I can't be sure.
@LavaDelVortel what do you mean by included? A mod provides the info the Worldmap mod needs to add the locations to the worldmap. The only thing that would need to be included into the Worldmap mod would be if new icons are added. And even then I think for the EE it might be possible to patch the Worldmp BAM.
SotSC adds new wmp icons, yes. I could send them to anyone who is responsible for Worldmap or they can be extracted from SotSC itself (path: SotSC=> worldmap => icons).
Please do not regard the absolute lies Roxanne is spewing in her echo chamber. The ‘incompatibilities’ stated in her message in that site of hers are either completely made up or a result of her meddling with unauthorized changes in mods she has STOLEN. She does not test half the mods she claims have conflicts and constantly uses outdated or misleading information to confuse users, whether out of ignorance or spite towards other modders.
The Install Tool works, yes, but she's using the versions Roxanne believes you should use. Some of them are versions that include changes the authors never approved or they don't even know about. She will also "warn you" about mods she does not approve herself and include bizarre notes about them. Now, compare warning you received (for example about SotSC not working properly with Ascalon's Quests Pack) with this post:
Abut her being "very active and helpful on her forum" - well... it would be strange if she wasn't active on her own forum. The problem is this reminds me of these "interviews" with people that did something nasty and neighbours saying "but she was always such a nice young lady - she shared her sugar when I run out of mine": being helpful during one situation doesn't erase person's other actions.
That said: you may need to chose how you want to play. It's up to you, really, and play the way you want to. If you'd rather follow her instructions and her Tool many people already reviewed a very specific way, it's up to you. If you skip SotSC, then sure, have fun. And if you decide you want to pick mods yourself or install follow some other mod composition written by someone else - still, have fun.
Also, when you use mods (and sometimes when you don't use them as well), bugs are always on the table. I am not going to say you won't have them if you install SotSC, because that may happen, but that's the thing with all mods. No matter who made them.
Sorry for also blurbing in but the B point is more evil than how it even is. Roxanne frequently pairs the official readme along with her unofficial versions (this happens atleast on Finch).
Also point C is amusing, when I think about how you got lied about Wheels being abandoned/merged into Ascension and when I posted a link to in response to prove how wrong she is (note that both mods got even further updates since), I got banned, the other topic within I reported a bugged mod in her tool deleted and apparently even got labelled as a con artist now.
Regardless, SotSC works fine with all the other questmods you listed there. The sole EET-related bug I noticed so far is that the new area next to the Gnoll Stronghold does not appear on the BP-BGT Worldmap's EET mode and it thinks you're on the Stronghold map.
I wish it was easier for you, but... yeah, switching to PI may be much healthier as you won't need to follow orders given by someone else considering how you should play BG or IWD games and listening to how one person's approach is the only reasonable path.
I hope your new run is going to full of nice surprises and fun
I've really enjoyed the mod so far (though I'll note that I got a surprise exploring Mutamin's Garden grinding xp early on on one PC). Just wanted to note that there are a couple of quests (beetles and melting man) where I *think* I've come to a quest resolution, but they're not showing up as finished in the journal. I could be wrong about resolving them, though.
Given you can't return to that area once you leave, would it make sense for such an item to also be obtainable in the temple of Tempus in the Cloud Peak mountains? I haven't played this yet, but that area is just as snowy and cold as the ice island.
@GraionDilach although I understand the idea of the request, from a technical point of view the "approaches from outside the vies range" is a tricky thing to accomplish. The EEs made it even more unreliable than it was in the classic game by somehow spawning the characters further off. Characters being stuck behind doors, not reaching the group before the Player changes areas, etcpp. I switched to messengers and other characters that do not wait but approach the party being spawned right next to the PC because I was fed up with bug reports about them not appearing (they did spawn, just didn't get to the party in time).
While I like the idea of that mechanic, I don't think I have played a single game where Meck, Delon, or the Keep Runner didn't get stuck somewhere or fail to show up. In fact, in my current play, Meck is standing outside the ranger hut scratching his backside because he apparently forgot what he was supposed to say. Hilariously, I asked 2 years ago about this when it happened on my tablet, except Meck was standing around in front of De'Arnise Keep scratching his arse.
I would much rather have such runners be reliable than realistic in this case.
Please do not regard the absolute lies Roxanne is spewing in her echo chamber. The ‘incompatibilities’ stated in her message in that site of hers are either completely made up or a result of her meddling with unauthorized changes in mods she has STOLEN. She does not test half the mods she claims have conflicts and constantly uses outdated or misleading information to confuse users, whether out of ignorance or spite towards other modders.
The Install Tool works, yes, but she's using the versions Roxanne believes you should use. Some of them are versions that include changes the authors never approved or they don't even know about. She will also "warn you" about mods she does not approve herself and include bizarre notes about them. Now, compare warning you received (for example about SotSC not working properly with Ascalon's Quests Pack) with this post:
Abut her being "very active and helpful on her forum" - well... it would be strange if she wasn't active on her own forum. The problem is this reminds me of these "interviews" with people that did something nasty and neighbours saying "but she was always such a nice young lady - she shared her sugar when I run out of mine": being helpful during one situation doesn't erase person's other actions.
That said: you may need to chose how you want to play. It's up to you, really, and play the way you want to. If you'd rather follow her instructions and her Tool many people already reviewed a very specific way, it's up to you. If you skip SotSC, then sure, have fun. And if you decide you want to pick mods yourself or install follow some other mod composition written by someone else - still, have fun.
Also, when you use mods (and sometimes when you don't use them as well), bugs are always on the table. I am not going to say you won't have them if you install SotSC, because that may happen, but that's the thing with all mods. No matter who made them.
The rest is up to you. Whatever you do, have fun!
Sorry for also blurbing in but the B point is more evil than how it even is. Roxanne frequently pairs the official readme along with her unofficial versions (this happens atleast on Finch).
Also point C is amusing, when I think about how you got lied about Wheels being abandoned/merged into Ascension and when I posted a link to in response to prove how wrong she is (note that both mods got even further updates since), I got banned, the other topic within I reported a bugged mod in her tool deleted and apparently even got labelled as a con artist now.
Regardless, SotSC works fine with all the other questmods you listed there. The sole EET-related bug I noticed so far is that the new area next to the Gnoll Stronghold does not appear on the BP-BGT Worldmap's EET mode and it thinks you're on the Stronghold map.
Oh, that's new! BP-BGT Wordmap should use the corrected coordinates that are included in SotSC. Wondering if @swit is around to let me know what else may be needed or what may cause such problem. Maybe he'll know something.
There was one issue with the BGT Worldmap if the mod was applied after the Worldmap mod with the icons being off because the needed offset doesn't get applied. I thought to have reported this but can't find it to my surprise. In case the player installed SotSC after BGT-Worldmap it's well possible the icon is there, just not anywhere near the Gnoll Stronghold. That's only if SotSC accounts for the mod being installed after the Worldmap mod, of course. (If not, then the reason why the icon doesn't appear is a no-brainer.)
It seems that the comment in SotSC Worldmap entries were inspired by BST though because the comment refers BST.
I used to use the EE setup tool, but then I dabbled in Sandrah. I decided I do not trust Roxannes opinions on mod quality and compatibility.
The barrel random encounter has an issue with the apostrophes when you catch up to it and all of them are rendered as a white box implying the character is missing from the font used (in the "I don't know where to go" line). Presume you ended up using the Oxford comma-apostrophe in UTF-8 instead of the regular one.
As for the barrel - I resigned from ANSI=>UTF-8 conversion as this is an EE-only mod, but the barrel's dialogue was saved as ANSI. Let me know if you encounter other instances of that bug
And I guess pointing out text errors is still better than asking for spoilers.
Thanks for the feedback, this gave me the kick in the butt to make the switch to PI
I hope your new run is going to full of nice surprises and fun