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Icewind Dale 2: Enhanced Edition is released!



  • teodar1teodar1 Member Posts: 17
    uknown effect id 18734 to be exact
  • teodar1teodar1 Member Posts: 17
    Culprit was Light of Selune.
  • Acrux2Acrux2 Member Posts: 78
    I haven't tried Light of Selune with EE recently, but did you run the compatibility patch?
  • Nibor_ScotNibor_Scot Member Posts: 41
    edited December 2024
    Hello, I played through the Enhanced Edition version even with the latest patch, great job, huge compliments from me to everyone who put this together until I found out why the battlefield, levels 3 and 4 of the Dragon's Eye should have been simplified You really have to read through the entire patch notes, but it's also good that I can decide for myself during the installation whether I want that or not :D

    I still have a question, I have the German version of IWD 2, I installed the German patch 201 and last year I installed the first patch of the Enhanced Edition over it, uninstalled the old one with every new patch and everything worked with my save games... But my question is, when I last played through the health status of the characters was in German, now when I start a new game they are now in English, does this have to do with a patch component? Sorry for my English, thanks for your help :D

    Because I thought only new things like scrolls and objects like I noticed while playing would be introduced in English

    Post edited by Nibor_Scot on
  • Nibor_ScotNibor_Scot Member Posts: 41
    edited December 2024
    Post edited by Nibor_Scot on
  • Nibor_ScotNibor_Scot Member Posts: 41
    edited December 2024
    Post edited by Nibor_Scot on
  • HMFHMF Member Posts: 8
    edited December 2024
    Hello folks,

    after I have tested this mod, the so-called "Enhanced Edition", I wrote my impression.

    If you enjoy IWD2, you should stay away from this mod or at most maybe only install a few elements of it, otherwise you will get a completely wrong impression of such a wonderful game. Actually, this mod is for those who want to try something crazy because good and normal gameplay has become boring for them.

    I understand that all of this took a lot of time, but the question is why do you invest so much time in things that are not necessarily important. Why tons of new spells and skills when the game had more than enough? This just makes the game confusing and most of the new spells aren't even good. Pickpocketing is a disaster. The mod is extremely unbalanced. Every monster is a mini-boss and every mini-boss is a boss.

    The mod has 40 elements but only very few of them are really useful, everything else just drags the game down. The fact that the game plays more smoothly and the loot system are positive elements. Some other elements were included in other mods (tweaks anthology,...)
    They have implemented a new mechanic from the Witcher games? The one with the silver weapon... You can only shake your head.

    The term "Enhanced Edition" has clearly been misused here.
    I stick with: IWD2-Vanilla+Widescreen-Mod, tweaks anthology+iwd2fixpack+iwd2-ease-guifix and have a better gaming experience as a result.
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    edited December 2024
    HMF wrote: »
    They have implemented a new mechanic from the Witcher games? The one with the silver weapon... You can only shake your head.

    Lycanthropes being resistant to non-silver weapons is a normal PnP feature in 3.5E. I wasn't basing it on the Witcher.
  • HMFHMF Member Posts: 8
    OlvynChuru wrote: »
    HMF wrote: »
    They have implemented a new mechanic from the Witcher games? The one with the silver weapon... You can only shake your head.

    Lycanthropes being resistant to non-silver weapons is a normal PnP feature in 3.5E. I wasn't basing it on the Witcher.

    Maybe in 3.5E but not in the original game. It just doesn't fit and only causes problems. That's why a lot of things have been left out of the game.
  • teodar1teodar1 Member Posts: 17
    edited December 2024
    Acrux2, yes with the compatibility patch. Without it everything was butter smooth - no game breaking bugs or slowdowns. There are 2 things that irked me - 1 the new spells dont appear in the combat log and 2 the advanced spell slots are a bit finicky.


    I have a lot to say about the balance or lack thereof in how with creature "improvements" installed, but I am honestly way too angry right now, seconds after I suffered through the final battle. That mandatory dispel of each and every buff after beint forced to start surrounded in a game where the mobs are faster than the boots of speed and get attacks of opportunity is not something I believe that was done in good faith. !! Edit. The rewind time spell is caster only and brings back only buffs the caster has cast on themselves. The party teleport spell CAN get you out of the surround...for 5 seconds or less.!!

    The normal game on insane (sans double damage via config file) however feels fine to me. I loved the new spells though I am annoyed that only the enemies seemed to be able to get epic versions - epic armor, epic warding. The spells work mechanically and make the game more interesting.

    Some thoughts - there are serious problems with cast times vs duration of some protection spells, the damage protection spells the player gets are way too weak for insane and how. There need to be other spell removing spells than just remove magic and mordenkaiens disjunction. !! Edit: The steal effects spell may work, hell maybe it will steal those epic buffs too... !! There were brutal nerfs to banshee wail which make necromancer kinds pointless. -4 spell dc is just trolling for a spell with 9 cast time. !! Edit: Power Word Kill is where its at.!!

    The xp system is not fixed at all and left me feeling bitter - lvl 30 antipaladin/14cleric slayer knight of xvim is not an enemy worth less than 900xp, sry.

    The enemies' abilities are way too overtuned, on how at least, and the ai of a couple of mobs is incredibly obnoxious - greater shadows and greater freyrs.

    How is unfortunately not an optional difficulty if one wants to find exciting loot, so it must be balanced with sanity in mind.

    For a free product though, I am not expecting anything further. Thanks for making this project and all the best from me!
    Post edited by teodar1 on
  • Crispy81Crispy81 Member Posts: 8
    HMF wrote: »
    Hello folks,

    after I have tested this mod, the so-called "Enhanced Edition", I wrote my impression.

    If you enjoy IWD2, you should stay away from this mod or at most maybe only install a few elements of it, otherwise you will get a completely wrong impression of such a wonderful game. Actually, this mod is for those who want to try something crazy because good and normal gameplay has become boring for them.

    I understand that all of this took a lot of time, but the question is why do you invest so much time in things that are not necessarily important. Why tons of new spells and skills when the game had more than enough? This just makes the game confusing and most of the new spells aren't even good. Pickpocketing is a disaster. The mod is extremely unbalanced. Every monster is a mini-boss and every mini-boss is a boss.

    The mod has 40 elements but only very few of them are really useful, everything else just drags the game down. The fact that the game plays more smoothly and the loot system are positive elements. Some other elements were included in other mods (tweaks anthology,...)
    They have implemented a new mechanic from the Witcher games? The one with the silver weapon... You can only shake your head.

    The term "Enhanced Edition" has clearly been misused here.
    I stick with: IWD2-Vanilla+Widescreen-Mod, tweaks anthology+iwd2fixpack+iwd2-ease-guifix and have a better gaming experience as a result.

    Who in the hell is this post actually addressing? You do realize that you posted this on the mod's actual discussion forum, right?

    Would it have killed you to add some constructive criticism instead of just trying to tell people to stay away from it?

  • HMFHMF Member Posts: 8
    Crispy81 wrote: »
    HMF wrote: »
    Hello folks,

    after I have tested this mod, the so-called "Enhanced Edition", I wrote my impression.

    If you enjoy IWD2, you should stay away from this mod or at most maybe only install a few elements of it, otherwise you will get a completely wrong impression of such a wonderful game. Actually, this mod is for those who want to try something crazy because good and normal gameplay has become boring for them.

    I understand that all of this took a lot of time, but the question is why do you invest so much time in things that are not necessarily important. Why tons of new spells and skills when the game had more than enough? This just makes the game confusing and most of the new spells aren't even good. Pickpocketing is a disaster. The mod is extremely unbalanced. Every monster is a mini-boss and every mini-boss is a boss.

    The mod has 40 elements but only very few of them are really useful, everything else just drags the game down. The fact that the game plays more smoothly and the loot system are positive elements. Some other elements were included in other mods (tweaks anthology,...)
    They have implemented a new mechanic from the Witcher games? The one with the silver weapon... You can only shake your head.

    The term "Enhanced Edition" has clearly been misused here.
    I stick with: IWD2-Vanilla+Widescreen-Mod, tweaks anthology+iwd2fixpack+iwd2-ease-guifix and have a better gaming experience as a result.

    Who in the hell is this post actually addressing? You do realize that you posted this on the mod's actual discussion forum, right?

    Would it have killed you to add some constructive criticism instead of just trying to tell people to stay away from it?


    You have to learn to read more carefully. Everything you want to know is there, including criticism.
  • BarazBaraz Member Posts: 52
    Please do not argue with criticism as such. Let it be.
    Prospective players will check the features (EE core components and optional components) and decide for themselves if they want to play with these mods or not. I did not play with the armor damage reduction for example.
  • ElkasElkas Member Posts: 4
    edited January 1
    Considering he criticized Lycanthrope's resistance to non-silver to be coming from 'The Witcher'... I'd also suggest to ignore his ramblings.
  • HMFHMF Member Posts: 8
    I don't know who all lives in which countries and whether criticism is even allowed there, but I live in a country where criticism is allowed! Criticism has two functions, firstly, you can give others a hint about what to expect, and secondly, the developers of a project can possibly rethink and change one thing or another.
    And the experts here, who know that silver weapons are not only used in the Witcher world, but are also included in the D&D rules, have never asked themselves why this mechanic is not used in BG1, BG2, IWD1 and IWD2? There must be a reason for that, right? (There is only one exception for a quest in BG1).
  • Acrux2Acrux2 Member Posts: 78
    HMF wrote: »
    I don't know who all lives in which countries and whether criticism is even allowed there, but I live in a country where criticism is allowed! Criticism has two functions, firstly, you can give others a hint about what to expect, and secondly, the developers of a project can possibly rethink and change one thing or another.
    And the experts here, who know that silver weapons are not only used in the Witcher world, but are also included in the D&D rules, have never asked themselves why this mechanic is not used in BG1, BG2, IWD1 and IWD2? There must be a reason for that, right? (There is only one exception for a quest in BG1).

    It's okay not to like this mod, or parts of this mod. And if you don't like the silver weapons - don't install creature revisions! But asking why it wasn't used in the base game is rather moot for a mod! The whole point of a mod is for the creators to make it into something they'd like.

    I'd also point out that IWD2 had a notoriously rushed development. There are many things that Sawyer wanted to include in the game that didn't happen because of that. So it's kind of silly to defend the game not including something on those grounds - and I say that as someone who would put IWD2 as my favorite Infinity Engine game and possibly my favorite video game in general.

    The Red Chimera devs have been taking feedback for several years now, and are actually quite receptive to listening to what people say. They've made changes along the way. But just saying "this is bad" or "this isn't what the base game does" doesn't cut it. Not to mention the just mentioned componentized nature of the mod. There are a few I don't care for and so I don't include them. Your arguments so far basically sum up as "I don't like this part and the base game did it better". That's a valid point of view, but it's not effective feedback for a mod.
  • RahonaOstrimoRahonaOstrimo Member Posts: 47
    edited January 3
    It is simply a question of being polite. In particular when given a gift for free. You will be wise to consider that this is page 17 of feedback and comment more qualified tag your first impression. Even after the whole beat period of open source development :) Please ignore him, we are divers and HMF simply needs more social support.

    Back to the game we enjoy, have anyone a script for ranger to use the whirlwind skill more easily? I am using one solo (deep gnome) and works out awesomely. But I can not keep up the micro once I add more team members. Thanks
  • MothorMothor Member Posts: 285
    Is this mod compatible with The IWD2 NPC Project and Almateria's IWD2 Fixpack? And if so then what would be the optimal installation order with these mods?
  • toolargtoolarg Member Posts: 182
    Can't run it, I installed the GOG version and then only the EE mod. After I select the resolution and run the game the screen blinks and I'm immediately back to the desktop. The game starts if I run it from the standard exe.
  • Acrux2Acrux2 Member Posts: 78
    Mothor wrote: »
    Is this mod compatible with The IWD2 NPC Project and Almateria's IWD2 Fixpack? And if so then what would be the optimal installation order with these mods?

    Yes, but be sure you are using the most recent version of IWD2 NPC Project that CamDawg updated:

    Almateria's is also theoretically compatible, although when I tried it I didn't see things from it show up as far as I could tell.

    You'll need to run the compatibility patch that comes with the mod as well. There's a section on mod compatibility in the readme, by the way. You should read it as it has instructions on load order.
  • MothorMothor Member Posts: 285
    Acrux2 wrote: »
    Mothor wrote: »
    Is this mod compatible with The IWD2 NPC Project and Almateria's IWD2 Fixpack? And if so then what would be the optimal installation order with these mods?

    Yes, but be sure you are using the most recent version of IWD2 NPC Project that CamDawg updated:

    Almateria's is also theoretically compatible, although when I tried it I didn't see things from it show up as far as I could tell.

    You'll need to run the compatibility patch that comes with the mod as well. There's a section on mod compatibility in the readme, by the way. You should read it as it has instructions on load order.

    Thanks! :)
  • BarazBaraz Member Posts: 52
    toolarg wrote: »
    Can't run it, I installed the GOG version and then only the EE mod. After I select the resolution and run the game the screen blinks and I'm immediately back to the desktop. The game starts if I run it from the standard exe.

    Was your EE download recent (like version 3.3.3), as there was a bug in a recent version with Windows 11 (black screen on launch) ? V.3.3.3 should not have that bug to be clear.
  • RahonaOstrimoRahonaOstrimo Member Posts: 47
    Can I get an invite to the discored channel, to follow the dialog etc. Thanks
  • Acrux2Acrux2 Member Posts: 78
    There is a link in the first post:

    Also, we welcome you to our IWD2EE Discord. Please put feedback and bug reports there
  • RahonaOstrimoRahonaOstrimo Member Posts: 47
    Fantastic thanks.
  • hoyer555hoyer555 Member Posts: 1
    edited January 17
    Hi, first of all thanks for your job!!!!!

    I have installed your upgrade using "Setup-iwd2ee.exe" and everything whent well, but when I try to run "IWD2EE.exe, after choosing the resolution, it crashes, here but the stacktrace is empty.
    I don't have any mod installed.
    Here the content of the file "IEex.log"
    IEex Log opened - 17/01/2025 22:14:24
    [*] Game Information:
    Filename: C:\Program Files (x86)\Black Isle\Icewind Dale II\IWD2.exe
    Filesize: 5029888
    ProductName: Icewind Dale II
    ProductVersion: 2, 0, 1, 0
    [*] Options:
    Log: 3
    Lua: 0
    Hex: 1
    Msg: 1
    [*] Debug Information:
    hProcess: 0xFFFFFFFF
    hModule: 0x10000000
    OEP: 0x007E9A68
    BaseAddress: 0x00400000
    ImageSize: 0x00621000
    AddressStart: 0x00400000
    AddressFinish: 0x00A21000
    PE Sections: 4
    .text address: 0x00401000
    .text size: 0x00446000
    [*] IEexLuaInit:
    	g_lua: 0x00C601C0
    	Loading IEex lua file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Black Isle\Icewind Dale II\override\M__IEex.lua
    	Successfully loaded IEex lua file
    	Executing IEex lua file
    INFO: _luaL_loadstring: 0x100039C2
    INFO: _lua_rawgeti: 0x10003A16
    INFO: _l_log_print: 0x10001BB0
    INFO: _lua_gettop: 0x100039E0
    INFO: _lua_objlen: 0x10003A1C
    INFO: _lua_pushlightuserdata: 0x100039F8
    INFO: _lua_pushvalue: 0x10003A10
    INFO: _lua_touserdata: 0x10003A46
    INFO: _lua_getfield: 0x100039DA
    INFO: _malloc: 0x757774F0
    INFO: _SDL_LogV: 0x10001C70
    INFO: _lua_pushcclosure: 0x100039F2
    INFO: __imp__GetProcAddress: 0x7677F7F0
    INFO: _lua_toboolean: 0x10003A34
    INFO: _lua_typename: 0x10003A52
    INFO: _free: 0x75777310
    INFO: _lua_settable: 0x10003A28
    INFO: _lua_settop: 0x10003A2E
    INFO: _lua_setfield: 0x10003A22
    INFO: _lua_pushstring: 0x10003A0A
    INFO: _lua_pcall: 0x100039EC
    INFO: _luaL_loadfilex: 0x100039BC
    INFO: _lua_pushlstring: 0x100039FE
    INFO: _lua_createtable: 0x100039D4
    INFO: __ftol2_sse: 0x757CAC50
    INFO: _SDL_Log: 0x10001C20
    INFO: _luaL_openlibs: 0x100039CE
    INFO: _g_lua: 0xC601C0
    INFO: _lua_type: 0x10003A4C
    INFO: _lua_tonumber: 0x10003A40
    INFO: _lua_tolstring: 0x10003A3A
    INFO: _lua_pushnumber: 0x10003A04
    INFO: _luaL_newstate: 0x100039C8
    INFO: __imp__LoadLibraryA: 0x76780E70
    INFO: IEex startup completed successfully!
    INFO: [!] [187718171] IEex detected crash; debug info:
    INFO: [!]     stack traceback:

  • BubbBubb Member Posts: 1,008
    edited January 17
    @hoyer555 Please update your Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable ( and try again.
  • GetstheKickGetstheKick Member Posts: 1
    +1 for the C++ update. Worked for me if anyone else has this issue.

    Apologies if this is already mentioned elsewhere- please redirect me if so. Is there a way to skip/not install the change to the proficiency system that yields 5 feats/pips per weapon instead of just 3?

    Mod is fantastic, thanks to the team for their Herculean effort! IMO as an old salt of the BG games, the jump in BG2 to 5 pips+excruciatingly stratified weapon types was the worst evolution of game mechanics in the entire engine, and is why subsequent Weidu mods enabled a “restoration” to IWDs/BGs simplified system. IWD2 “fixed” this with only 3 steps per weapon so you could actually enjoy your new loot. There is zero fun in only being able to use 1 or 2 weapons effectively after 50-60 hours of gameplay.

    It would be great if this was a selectable install option like in other Weidu mods.

  • TripleBTripleB Member Posts: 2
    I have a starting Issue with IWD2EE.exe.

    I have installed as directed. the cncdraw is present. However, whatever Resolution I choose, the game attempts to start, the screen goes black for a second and I dumped back to Desktop.

    What should I do? I haven't installed any other mods.

  • TripleBTripleB Member Posts: 2
    TripleB wrote: »
    I have a starting Issue with IWD2EE.exe.

    I have installed as directed. the cncdraw is present. However, whatever Resolution I choose, the game attempts to start, the screen goes black for a second and I dumped back to Desktop.

    What should I do? I haven't installed any other mods.


    EDIT: Microsoft Visual C++ Update fixed it, Thanks
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