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Your Most Epic Moments



  • FandraxxFandraxx Member Posts: 194
    Once managed to successfully disintegrate the Dragon in Suldanessellar. Just randomly decided to see if it would work one day. It did (no idea what the odds are) and I spend the better part of a minute laughing afterward.
  • monicomonico Member Posts: 571
    Step 1: Cast Protection from fear, Haste, Iron Skin, Stone Skin, and a host of other buffs.
    Step 2: Walk up to Nizidramanii'yt and challenge him for the cup.
    Step 3: Minsc swings the Silver Sword +3 and beheads the dragon.

    ...Fight over in five seconds, about 1/60th of what I used on preparations.

    Step 4: Laugh for five minutes straight.

    Yeah, that's exactly the feeling ^^.
  • gorgonzolagorgonzola Member Posts: 3,864
    Step 1: Cast Protection from fear, Haste, Iron Skin, Stone Skin, and a host of other buffs.
    Step 2: Walk up to Nizidramanii'yt and challenge him for the cup.
    Step 3: Minsc swings the Silver Sword +3 and beheads the dragon.

    ...Fight over in five seconds, about 1/60th of what I used on preparations.

    Step 4: Laugh for five minutes straight.

    it remainds me the time when in WK my FMT approached not buffed at all the WK red dragon, then after the banter when she chosed the less respectful approach activated a GWW welding carsomyr as the lizard's circle matched the color of his scales.
    as the dragon's life expired before the GWW i suppose that the fight lasted roughly the same time as yours.
  • gorgonzolagorgonzola Member Posts: 3,864
    yep, to be a wild mage has big advantages, but sometimes the disadvantages are catastrophic... :D
  • ZaramMaldovarZaramMaldovar Member Posts: 2,309
    Bravo, I'm not the best at strategy so Szass Tam wiped the floor with me. Of course if he wanted to he could wipe the floor with pretty much anyone he wanted. The man is basically evil Elminster. And before you say that you can kill Elminster, the game is going easy on us in both cases :P
  • NiziNiziNiziNizi Member Posts: 70
    Meet Rocky the Rock squirrel in CloakWook fight with druids (it is available only in modded game) ! :D
    But I'm little joking.

    Very touching moment is, for me, before you go upstairs to Tree of Life fight, when you friends declare to stand with you. Although I now play heavily modded EET now, I still did not give much chance to all other NPCs, I still have habit to use "old" NPCs such as Minsc, Aerie, and such, simply, I developed love for them (but I will have to try others, of course).

    Also, to meet Caelar Argent. And later to fight alongside her, in SoD. She is impressive, she rips through Hell <3

    And one encounter I dream of (as I'm making now mod with improved Last Seal guardians, which is going to be hell harder than SCS version of them).. it will happen in near future. I will do one more EET play with mostly "old" NPCs, but in ToB, I want to have Irenicus and Caelar in party (available in modded game).

    Me (F/M/T), Sandrah, Irenicus, Caelar Argent, crazy Minsc (and Boo), and Aerie (yes, in modded game you can get her very powerful, at least with mods I use, she even rocks in melee).
    Nalsimrra, Y'Tossi, (no more Hive Mother, there is nice replacement character, unique, demonic Sorceress, still have to choose final name), Xei Win Toh, Ameralis Zauviir, Huntress.
    Thats going to be EPIC battle. NPCs I like, and NPCs I really respect, that combination, fight together shoulder to shoulder.

    Little offtopic. And guys, as some of you consider battles as epic moments, my advice - start using SCS with improved components.

  • ZaramMaldovarZaramMaldovar Member Posts: 2,309
    That's just amazing. I almost always die facing these guys in Ulgoth's Beard and I play on Core Rules
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,942
    Incidentally, a recent SCS update has made that fight easier. The Cult Wizard is no longer a level 15 monster likely to use Mantle against you; instead he's level 8. He still has that wand of paralyzation, but not the scary high-level spells.

    This was not the case when I played it as shown above. If that perfectly timed arrow hadn't taken down his Mantle, I would have had some serious trouble.
  • BlackbɨrdBlackbɨrd Member Posts: 293
    sarevok57 wrote: »
    although perhaps not truly epic, but i do get a kick out of it when player dialogue matches error messages and the such;

    I love these! They are perfectly timed.
    jmerry wrote: »
    Trying to escape the ceremony in Trademeet: game crashed.
    Reloading the autosave at the door to Logan's place: game crashed again.
    Dodging the crashes and getting my party of shapeshifters immortalized in stone: priceless.


    (From episode 8 of season 2 in that same playthrough)

    That's fantastic! I wonder what would happen if a dragon saved the town? How would the dragon statue fit? I might have to try that! Or even get the models of Bodhi and Irenicus to have statues... so much potential!
  • ZaramMaldovarZaramMaldovar Member Posts: 2,309

    Ok so I have another epic death story for you guys:

    I was fighting Mulahey on Hard Difficulty and I had the party positioned to attack along with Shar-Teel hiding in the shadows. Shar-Teel's backstab failed and Edwin accidentally cast Color Spray instead of Burning Hands which knocked out Dorn and nobody else. Mulahey proceeded to annihilate the rest of my party until it was only Tan (NE Gnome Skald Level 2) against Mulahey and his army of Kobolds and Skeletons.

    Tan managed to fell Mulahey and then proceeded to drink every potion he could find on every dead body and also swapped a Potion of Absorbtion that Jaheria failed to drink. I managed to kill all but 3 skeletons and I was out of healing potions with only 4 HP. I killed one skeleton to free myself and ran to Shar-Teel's corpse to grab the Girdle of Bluntness and then cast Armor making my total AC against blunt weapons -14 and managed to kill the 2nd to last skeleton. Unfortunately though the final Skeleton was Near Death, the final Skeleton must have managed a critical hit and Tan was defeated. Leaving the mines cleared of all but a single Skeleton and the entire party also wiped out (as well as Xan because I had Shar-Teel kill him for narrative purposes, this is for my Narrative Run). Nashkel is saved, but the Sword Coast as a whole certainly is not.
  • ZaramMaldovarZaramMaldovar Member Posts: 2,309
    Good on you, I always hated that half-dressed tart and her "dire" warnings.
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