Your Most Epic Moments

Recently I've been inspired by a board I saw called "Your Greatest Facepalm Moments" so I decided to start 2018 off with a bang by creating the opposite of that.
What are some of your most epic moments? Thoroughly crushing your enemies? Fighting for ages and barely escaping with your life? Performing the most amazing and hard fought near victory you ever had in your life that would rival an anime battle? Pulling off an incredible feat that you swear you couldn't do again if you tried? Taking very little damage from something that is supposed to annihilate you? A combination of these?
Post your most amazing and epic moments ever right here in my very first board of 2018.
What are some of your most epic moments? Thoroughly crushing your enemies? Fighting for ages and barely escaping with your life? Performing the most amazing and hard fought near victory you ever had in your life that would rival an anime battle? Pulling off an incredible feat that you swear you couldn't do again if you tried? Taking very little damage from something that is supposed to annihilate you? A combination of these?
Post your most amazing and epic moments ever right here in my very first board of 2018.
Wiping out crowds of enemies in IWD with the scorcher loop.
Dissolving Belhifet with Acid Arrows in the poverty run.
Slaying basilisks in a blind no-reload of the IWD Mega Mod.
Taking down the Coldhearth Lich in a blind SoD run without using the Secret Revealed.
Winning the SCS Siege of Ust Natha in LoB mode.
Roasting Breudayael with a WoL War Engine from across the map.
Beating IWD2 no-reload with three party members and Tactics4IWD2 installed.
Seriously, I barely understood most of those words.
Insta-killing trolls with the Death Spell. That animation of the soul vaporising out of the body is so satisfying.
Taking out the heretic monks at the abandoned amphitheatre with a level 10 (or 11) sorcerer alone (There were others in my party, but they stood at a distance watching). I cast stoneskin, mirror image, blur and haste, was wearing the Robe of Vecna and the Amulet of Power, so I could basically cast Sunfires instantly. The horde of heretics crowded around me but couldn't touch me at all, and I finished them all quite easily.
Finishing the members of the Twisted Rune with a low level (10-12) party, without any member lost.
There's more.... I'll write later.
So, I gave Jan potions of master thievery, and stole all the goods of the three merchants
And eventually beating Melissan.
I've never had much issue with the Gnoll Stronghold even at Level 2 or 3 (I've evem gone there with half my party still being Level 1 including Minsc and the protagonist). If a Gnoll hit someone they were pretty much dead but in my experience those Gnolls basically never hit anyone.
That last ambush before getting to Dynaheir though can be a bit tricky but again, the Gnolls are more likely to die than hit you, except for that pesky Chieftain.
Epic Moment #1 is in my above statements, that was really fun to do.
"You think your divine blood enough to match?, I highly doubt it"
Epic Moment #2:
Succesfully Disintegrating the Suldanesselar Dragon
Epic Moment #3:
Epic Moment #4:
I was soloing with a tanky character with full plate and shield, and taking on the Gnolls and their Chieftain. Everything was going great, besides slow progression due to low par.
So I decided to take a short break and left the screen - AI (standard attack) was left in charge...
When I picked up again, I was on low health and a few Gnolls and the Chieftain was left. I managed to take out all the Gnolls when the chieftain hit me - I was down to 5 hp, and he at near death.
I thought that I would take him out in the next round, but he landed a critical hit. I was expecting the game over screen when I saw that my character was just lying there... I went through the combat log, and saw that iron crisis effects the Gnolls as well..
The chieftain had 20+ weapons lying on the ground, but he waited (perhaps deciding which one to pick up?) and charname got up. I quickly attacked the Chieftain: only to miss him twice and getting hit again, and biting the dust.
After a while I got up again, and lesson learned, I chugged 5 healing potions and a potion of frost giant str - and chunked the chieftain with a critical.
I have never gone into the Gnoll stronghold again - I just pick up the brawling hands and a tome, and exit north..
"The Chieftain had +20 weapons lying on the ground"
I think you mean 20+ weapons lying on the ground. If +20 weapons were involved, whoever held them would be able to beat pretty much anything in the game, barring monsters that require certain weapons and mages that cast Protection from Magical Weapons of course.
Oh the fireballs I threw, it was fantastic.