Thanks a lot for this adventure @Nimran! It was great and I learnt a lot of interesting storytelling and DMing tactics, so thank you for that as well. And thanks to everyone who participated in this! You folks are awesome and adventuring with you all was a wonderful experience!
@mashedtaters I'm really interested for another adventure, but unfortunately, I don't think I'll have enough time to make it. I don't want my character interactions to be limited to single line actions or devoid of human touch (you know what I mean), because that really spoils the roleplaying experience, so I think I'll not be participating. Nevertheless, I'll still be popping in time and again, and be reading what new adventure you folks would be having. Have fun!
@mashedtaters I'm really interested for another adventure, but unfortunately, I don't think I'll have enough time to make it.
Minion, roll 1d10+3 for Nimran
(lol, you rolled a 1)
That's a good question, actually. Most of the people I've seen take part before aren't active here anymore.
(You folks will probably find me very different from how I used to be back in the days here. How long has it been, like three years?)