@shylaman@Greener An ARM64-compatible macOS installer is now available for the latest NI release, provided by critto on G3 Forums. It may solve your issues with running Near Infinity on the latest macOS version.
@shylaman@Greener An ARM64-compatible macOS installer is now available for the latest NI release, provided by critto on G3 Forums. It may solve your issues with running Near Infinity on the latest macOS version.
Most excellent. That worked.
I tried the latest installer, but got the same 'bounce' that @shylaman got - then went in and tried to launch the .jar directly, saw a message about java - went to download java from java.com, and so far so good.
EDIT - should add, it still bounces if I try to run the app from app menu, I need to 'show package contents' of the app, and go lanch the .jar directly. It launces, showing an .lua error, which I hope isn't important!
I still can't see my save game folder on the left menu. Anyone on mac have that issue and know how to solve?
I got this installed finally on my laptop, how do I get it to work with IWD2EE?
Explicit IWD2:EE support is not yet available. However, it should work well enough with the present classic IWD2 support.
If you downloaded the NearInfinity.jar directly then place it into the game folder and start it. The game should be automatically opened. A local Java installation is required to run Near Infinity that way, however.
If you installed the executable version of Near Infinity then run NI, select menu Game > Open Game..., navigate to the CHITIN.KEY file of your IWD2:EE installation and open it.
I got this installed finally on my laptop, how do I get it to work with IWD2EE?
There is a forked Near Infinity version that supports IWD2EE.
It's a modified version by OlvynChuru (one of the IWD2EE mod developers, I believe).
I asked him about it. He replied that his version is more than 400 changes behind the latest NI version, so merging it with the original NI version is problematic.
I'm assuming you're on his official IWD2EE Discord server too? If so, you can find the link to the repository under the channel “Download-Links”. If I'm not mistaken, it provides IWD2EE specific features.
I got this installed finally on my laptop, how do I get it to work with IWD2EE?
There is a forked Near Infinity version that supports IWD2EE.
It's a modified version by OlvynChuru (one of the IWD2EE mod developers, I believe).
I asked him about it. He replied that his version is more than 400 changes behind the latest NI version, so merging it with the original NI version is problematic.
I'm assuming you're on his official IWD2EE Discord server too? If so, you can find the link to the repository under the channel “Download-Links”. If I'm not mistaken, it provides IWD2EE specific features.
I got this installed finally on my laptop, how do I get it to work with IWD2EE?
Explicit IWD2:EE support is not yet available. However, it should work well enough with the present classic IWD2 support.
If you downloaded the NearInfinity.jar directly then place it into the game folder and start it. The game should be automatically opened. A local Java installation is required to run Near Infinity that way, however.
If you installed the executable version of Near Infinity then run NI, select menu Game > Open Game..., navigate to the CHITIN.KEY file of your IWD2:EE installation and open it.
Ok I guess what I am trying to figure out is how to use this? I am used to the EEKeepers and since IWD2 isn't working with the EEKeepers like in the old days shall we say, how do I use NI to change a character's stats like STR or INT?
Greatly improved TIS conversion between palette-based and PVRZ-based variants:
Added options dialog for setting or tweaking various conversion options to TIS viewer (via Export... > as palette/pvrz-based TIS)
Added multithreading support to speed up PVRZ texture encoding
Provides option to convert (water) overlays between BG2 <-> BG2EE
Provides options to eliminate visual artifacts around borders of door tiles, animated tiles and overlay tiles in PVRZ-based tilesets
Added the same TIS conversion functionality to the Mass Exporter when option "Convert TIS to ..." is enabled
Added a separate syntax highlighting option for trigger and action blocks in in the DLG tree viewer
Added syntax highlighting for MENU resources
Added context menu to NPC list panels in GAM resources for quick CRE structure access
Added option to the File menu and context menu in the resource tree to explicitly open biffed versions of overridden resources if available
Added quick jump feature to the table view of structured resources: Selecting a cell in the "Attribute" or "Offset" column allows you to quickly jump to the next matching entry when entering characters on the keyboard
Added PSTEE-specific ARE animation flags
New Effect structures are always preinitialized with Probability1=100
Updated ARE rest spawn field for oIWD and oIWD2
Area Viewer:
Added option "Show cell grid" for visualizing search map cells
Fixed PNG export of zoomed maps not considering the zoom level when option "Include layer items" was disabled
Fixed PNG export of zoomed maps not properly scaling actor and animation bitmaps when option "Include layer items" was enabled
Improved MUS file parser (fixes BG1 demo music parsing)
Improved loading times of PVRZ-based TIS resources
Improved script decompiler: Reduced the probability of triggers with multiple definitions to choose the wrong one
Improved list of available ARE container types by looking up entries in associated CONTAINR.2DA file in EE games
Play button in resource lists should be hidden for resource types that don't support playback
Clarified labels in the context menu for entries in structured resources
Fixed crashes on Linux caused by "inotify watches limit reached" events
Fixed some important controls being invisible in the "Open external file" dialog
Fixed compiling issues with Java 21
Fixed File Dialogs issues with certain Look&Feel themes (mostly FlatLaf themes)
Fixed issues with compiling/decompile script actions AddexperiencePartyGlobal() and GivePartyGoldGlobal()
Fixed NI freezing/crashing when trying to open malformed TOH/TOT files (may happen in IWD2 under certain circumstances)
Fixed sorting results by 'Attribute/Line' of reference searches if they contained entries with incompatible values
Fixed showing the wrong path in Open/Save dialogs of BMP/MOS/PVRZ/TIS converters under certain conditions
@argent77 - Just wanted to take a moment to thank you for all your efforts in keeping this tool updated over the years. It has been absolutely invaluable to me as a modder.
@argent77 - Just wanted to take a moment to thank you for all your efforts in keeping this tool updated over the years. It has been absolutely invaluable to me as a modder.
I agree and add the fact that it has been my experience that argent77 takes requests with serious intent.
I have a question/request. I want to make an item cast a spell (opcode 146 or 148) at the level of the user using the "cast normally" mode, but that doesn't seem to be possible. The only way to specify caster level is if you choose to cast the spell instantly, but I don't want that, I want the casting animation to play out. I'm actually surprised this isn't supported.
Is this something you could add in a future version? Or maybe NearInfinity already supports this and I'm just overlooking something?
I have a question/request. I want to make an item cast a spell (opcode 146 or 148) at the level of the user using the "cast normally" mode, but that doesn't seem to be possible. The only way to specify caster level is if you choose to cast the spell instantly, but I don't want that, I want the casting animation to play out. I'm actually surprised this isn't supported.
Is this something you could add in a future version? Or maybe NearInfinity already supports this and I'm just overlooking something?
NI can only provide options that are supported by the game engine. In the case of casting spells via opcode there are only the three listed options available (see opcode description on IESDP).
I have a question/request. I want to make an item cast a spell (opcode 146 or 148) at the level of the user using the "cast normally" mode, but that doesn't seem to be possible. The only way to specify caster level is if you choose to cast the spell instantly, but I don't want that, I want the casting animation to play out. I'm actually surprised this isn't supported.
Is this something you could add in a future version? Or maybe NearInfinity already supports this and I'm just overlooking something?
NI can only provide options that are supported by the game engine. In the case of casting spells via opcode there are only the three listed options available (see opcode description on IESDP).
Thanks. It says there that leaving the casting level at 0 makes the item cast it at the level of the user. That's what I had assumed, but in my tests it doesn't work like that and casting level makes no difference. Maybe I'm doing something wrong, or maybe that information is incorrect and the engine doesn't support it. It would explain why spell scrolls and such are cast at a fixed level instead of using the level of the user.
NI can only provide options that are supported by the game engine. In the case of casting spells via opcode there are only the three listed options available (see opcode description on IESDP).
Thanks. It says there that leaving the casting level at 0 makes the item cast it at the level of the user. That's what I had assumed, but in my tests it doesn't work like that and casting level makes no difference. Maybe I'm doing something wrong, or maybe that information is incorrect and the engine doesn't support it. It would explain why spell scrolls and such are cast at a fixed level instead of using the level of the user.
It probably depends on the class of the user. If the user is not a spell caster (mage, sorcerer, or bard) then the game assumes caster level 1.
String Editor (for dialog.tlk) automatically sets default flags when adding new entries
Improved 2DA table parser (fixes issues with malformed tables, e.g. RT_FURY.2DA or RT_NORM.2DA in IWD2)
Improved initial output path selection in open/save dialogs in MOS and TIS converters
Added "Height" attribute to WED > Polygon substructures
Added tooltip description to CRE flags bit 31 (Uninterruptible)
Added option "Application Log Level" to the Preferences which controls the amount of log messages shown in the console
Added option to edit numeric data specifically as unsigned or signed numbers (accessible via context menu in Edit view)
Added a visualization of current memory usage in NI's status bar (can be turned on/off in the Preferences)
Worldmap viewer shows random encounter probabilities alongside travel times when travel distances are enabled
BAM Converter:
Prevent Trim filter from creating empty frames (e.g. with fully transparent images)
Added new output filter "Overlay BAM Filter": combines multiple (split) BAM files into a single animation (e.g. huge creature animations)
Area Viewer: Added support for predefined automap notes in original PST
Allow adding a single Song or Rest Encounter structure in ARE resources if missing
Item category names are dynamically generated or adjusted with ITEMTYPE.2DA information in EE games
View tab of ITM resources should always display the biggest item icon if available
Adjusted transparency detection in BAM animations to fix transparency issues with some game resources
Reimplemented core functionality of file handling which fixes several bugs and improves performance on case-sensitive filesystems (Linux) or when accessing resources inside DLC archives (all platforms)
Removed code for auto-migrating preferences from ancient NI releases (2016 or earlier) when running a more recent version for the first time
Improved display of log messages in the debug console
Improved check for unused files:
Added option to check multiple file types
Fixed listing duplicate entries that differ only in case
Included string table when checking for unused WAV resources
Improved search performance
Fixed a bug in CRE item slot editing when item resref fields in Item substructures were edited as literal string (via context menu)
Fixed "No such index" display of CRE names in the resource selection tree
Fixed progress info updates during check and search operations
Included IntelliJ IDEA project file in sources
A great number of internal optimizations and bugfixes
Sorry if this is a dumb question or was already discussed.
Would it be possbible to let NI delete all wrongly formatted symbols out of the strings in the dialog(f).tlk? After identifying them via Tools.
I'm not sure how much effort this would be (if at all possible) and whether there is actually a great demand. It was an idea I had; it would enable players to continue their game (sort of) even if a mod was installed with wrong string encodings which can lead to crashes in the EE.
Sorry if this is a dumb question or was already discussed.
Would it be possbible to let NI delete all wrongly formatted symbols out of the strings in the dialog(f).tlk? After identifying them via Tools.
I'm not sure how much effort this would be (if at all possible) and whether there is actually a great demand. It was an idea I had; it would enable players to continue their game (sort of) even if a mod was installed with wrong string encodings which can lead to crashes in the EE.
That sounds like a highly specific use case. Removing invalid characters may cripple game strings quite a bit. I'll have to see how much work that would involve before I can give an answer.
Alternatively you could try to fix the strings manually with the weidu tool and some help of an advanced text editor or charset conversion tool.
1. Export the dialog.tlk into a tra file:
weidu.exe --traify-tlk --out exported_tlk.tra
2. Find the offending lines. Copy them into a text editor or separate text file and try to fix or reconvert the lines. If they are all from a single mod then there is probably a whole block of strings that you can find and fix. Finally, overwrite the corrupted lines with the fixed lines.
"--ftlkout" is only needed for languages that require a female string table.
4. Copy the generated TLK files into the "lang/xx_YY" folder (where xx_YY specifies the game language) and overwrite the original files. Make a backup first, just in case.
Added a little gimmick that progressively populates the (empty) main panel of NI with creatures from the game which perform various random actions. The feature can be enabled or disabled in the preferences (menu Game > Preferences > General > Show creatures on main panel).
Added options to the context menu of resources in the Edit view to assign a selected field value to all other substructures of the same type ("Apply value to all/non-empty/empty removable structures"). This feature allows you to quickly synchronize field values, e.g. across spell or item effects.
Added option to sort items for sale in STO resources. Available sort orders: ascending, descending, suggested order (as used by many vanilla stores), user-defined.
New implementation of the MUS player "InfinityAmp" (menu Tools > InfinityAmp) with many more options:
Improved window layout
Option to load and play MUS files from all available games
Playlist doesn't reset when the game is refreshed or a new game is loaded
More playback controls and options (e.g. shuffle, play/pause, prev/next playback)
Import/export of playlist as *.m3u or *.m3u8 file
Mass Exporter: Added option to decompile .dlg to .d format
ARE resource View tab:
Fall back to a default area script if script field is empty (supported by IWD1 and IWD2)
Display link to associated INI resource if available
BAM Converter:
Improved usability for entering frame center values: pressing enter registers a new value moves focus to the next logical UI control
Added option to prevent overwriting PVRZ files but using the next free pvrz slot instead
Improved check for String Encoding Errors:
Greatly improved detection of ANSI encoding errors in original games
Added option to repair listed issues
Improved the "Open File" dialog (menu Game > Open File):
Added a new checkbox "Keep dialog always on top"
Improved file drop area and general dialog layout
Improved character animation sprite decoding:
Fixed incorrect transparent color detection for some sprites and overlays
Improved handling of sprites with extended directions (SSW, WNW, NNE,...) which disable the "path_smooth" option: Fixes animations with missing frames
More internal optimizations and improvements
Improved confirm prompts opening when handling unsaved changes: Added option to discard and cancel to all situation where possible and improved button names.
Overhauled audio playback of sound resources in the WAV resource view and the resource list field type for WAV files:
Improved UI controls (play/pause, loop option, slider for jumping to specific sound positions)
Smoother and more responsive sound playback (no delays and minimized probability to produce audible clicks or gaps)
Improved MUS soundtrack playback:
Smoother and more responsive sound playback
Minimized probability to produce audible clicks or gaps between sound segments
Improved MUS resource parser
Improved handling and display of strings in game resources that contain non-ASCII characters.
Added DLG resrefs to STO View tabs
Changed AC type from bitfield to list in opcode 0
Added a keyboard shortcut (Ctrl-/) to the quick resource search feature (magnifier icon above the resource tree).
Allow missing string table: Fixes issues with the non-interactive BG1 demo which doesn't include a dialog.tlk
Fixed available entries in the color range selection field type (used in CRE resources or opcode 7 effects)
Fixed game launcher not updating to the correct executable when manually opening a game via menu Game > Open Game...
Fixed window title of resource windows not updating to the current resource name
Fixed representation of the CRE V2.2 kit field (IWD2)
The Creature Animation Browser (v2.4-20241204) is not displaying the weapon overlay for some creatures (e.g., rakshasa, sahuagin, solar). I think the problem is limited to 0x7000 creatures.
The Creature Animation Browser (v2.4-20241204) is not displaying the weapon overlay for some creatures (e.g., rakshasa, sahuagin, solar). I think the problem is limited to 0x7000 creatures.
It looks like there is a regression in the newer version of Near Infinity where it no longer shows new/alternative proficiencies when looking at opcode 233. For example, I could add 100 LARGE_SWORD to stats.ids and it would show up as an option under opcode 233. With the current version, I can only see proficiencyflailmorningstar. The desired endstate is to be able to see all items listed in stats.ids when looking at options in opcode 233.
It looks like there is a regression in the newer version of Near Infinity where it no longer shows new/alternative proficiencies when looking at opcode 233. For example, I could add 100 LARGE_SWORD to stats.ids and it would show up as an option under opcode 233. With the current version, I can only see proficiencyflailmorningstar. The desired endstate is to be able to see all items listed in stats.ids when looking at options in opcode 233.
The list control can only display a single definition of an IDS entry, even if there are multiple symbolic names defined for the same numeric value. It has always been that way.
The actual name being displayed depends on the algorithm that is used to cache the IDS entries internally which might have changed in one of the more recent NI versions. To see the new symbolic name in NI you could change the sort order of the new entry, e.g. by placing it before or after the original definition in STATS.IDS. It shouldn't matter for the game though which only cares about the numeric value.
Any chance for a future update to either change this back to how it used to be done or allow the user to select how they want it sorted vs. manually having to manipulate multiple ids entries?
Any chance for a future update to either change this back to how it used to be done or allow the user to select how they want it sorted vs. manually having to manipulate multiple ids entries?
I could probably add an option to control display of IDS symbols if multiple definitions exist.
Hello, I have a request/possible bug report. Right now it is not possible to view or edit BAMs (v2) of size 1024x1024 in Near Infinity. Can this be fixed? Thanks.
Hello, I have a request/possible bug report. Right now it is not possible to view or edit BAMs (v2) of size 1024x1024 in Near Infinity. Can this be fixed? Thanks.
That appears to be a bug in the BAM V2 encoder of the BAM Converter which calculates incorrect source texture coordinates in the BAM's data block definitions. It affects all BAM V2 files that contain frames of 1024 pixels or more (width or height). This issue seems to exist since the initial implementation of BAM V2 support in the BAM Converter feature. It'll probably take a while to sort it out.
Fixing corrupted BAM files manually is only partially possible. They can be made readable again by opening them in a hex editor and updating the source x/y coordinates in the frame's data block definitions (adjust 1 -> 0).
The associated PVRZ textures cannot be fixed as easily. They are encoded with the texture data shifted by one pixel in horizontal and vertical direction, which means that the last row and/or column of pixels may be discarded by the encoding process.
For now you should avoid creating BAM V2 files with NI that contain frames of 1024 pixels or more in either dimension.
Most excellent. That worked.
I tried the latest installer, but got the same 'bounce' that @shylaman got - then went in and tried to launch the .jar directly, saw a message about java - went to download java from java.com, and so far so good.
EDIT - should add, it still bounces if I try to run the app from app menu, I need to 'show package contents' of the app, and go lanch the .jar directly. It launces, showing an .lua error, which I hope isn't important!
I still can't see my save game folder on the left menu. Anyone on mac have that issue and know how to solve?
Explicit IWD2:EE support is not yet available. However, it should work well enough with the present classic IWD2 support.
If you downloaded the NearInfinity.jar directly then place it into the game folder and start it. The game should be automatically opened. A local Java installation is required to run Near Infinity that way, however.
If you installed the executable version of Near Infinity then run NI, select menu Game > Open Game..., navigate to the CHITIN.KEY file of your IWD2:EE installation and open it.
There is a forked Near Infinity version that supports IWD2EE.
It's a modified version by OlvynChuru (one of the IWD2EE mod developers, I believe).
I asked him about it. He replied that his version is more than 400 changes behind the latest NI version, so merging it with the original NI version is problematic.
I'm assuming you're on his official IWD2EE Discord server too? If so, you can find the link to the repository under the channel “Download-Links”. If I'm not mistaken, it provides IWD2EE specific features.
No I'm not
Ok I guess what I am trying to figure out is how to use this? I am used to the EEKeepers and since IWD2 isn't working with the EEKeepers like in the old days shall we say, how do I use NI to change a character's stats like STR or INT?
I agree and add the fact that it has been my experience that argent77 takes requests with serious intent.
I have a question/request. I want to make an item cast a spell (opcode 146 or 148) at the level of the user using the "cast normally" mode, but that doesn't seem to be possible. The only way to specify caster level is if you choose to cast the spell instantly, but I don't want that, I want the casting animation to play out. I'm actually surprised this isn't supported.
Is this something you could add in a future version? Or maybe NearInfinity already supports this and I'm just overlooking something?
NI can only provide options that are supported by the game engine. In the case of casting spells via opcode there are only the three listed options available (see opcode description on IESDP).
Thanks. It says there that leaving the casting level at 0 makes the item cast it at the level of the user. That's what I had assumed, but in my tests it doesn't work like that and casting level makes no difference. Maybe I'm doing something wrong, or maybe that information is incorrect and the engine doesn't support it. It would explain why spell scrolls and such are cast at a fixed level instead of using the level of the user.
It probably depends on the class of the user. If the user is not a spell caster (mage, sorcerer, or bard) then the game assumes caster level 1.
Would it be possbible to let NI delete all wrongly formatted symbols out of the strings in the dialog(f).tlk? After identifying them via Tools.
I'm not sure how much effort this would be (if at all possible) and whether there is actually a great demand. It was an idea I had; it would enable players to continue their game (sort of) even if a mod was installed with wrong string encodings which can lead to crashes in the EE.
That sounds like a highly specific use case. Removing invalid characters may cripple game strings quite a bit. I'll have to see how much work that would involve before I can give an answer.
Alternatively you could try to fix the strings manually with the weidu tool and some help of an advanced text editor or charset conversion tool.
1. Export the dialog.tlk into a tra file:
2. Find the offending lines. Copy them into a text editor or separate text file and try to fix or reconvert the lines. If they are all from a single mod then there is probably a whole block of strings that you can find and fix. Finally, overwrite the corrupted lines with the fixed lines.
3. Create a new set of tlk files: "--ftlkout" is only needed for languages that require a female string table.
4. Copy the generated TLK files into the "lang/xx_YY" folder (where xx_YY specifies the game language) and overwrite the original files. Make a backup first, just in case.
Afraid of spiders?
Thanks. I'll look into it.
The list control can only display a single definition of an IDS entry, even if there are multiple symbolic names defined for the same numeric value. It has always been that way.
The actual name being displayed depends on the algorithm that is used to cache the IDS entries internally which might have changed in one of the more recent NI versions. To see the new symbolic name in NI you could change the sort order of the new entry, e.g. by placing it before or after the original definition in STATS.IDS. It shouldn't matter for the game though which only cares about the numeric value.
I could probably add an option to control display of IDS symbols if multiple definitions exist.
That appears to be a bug in the BAM V2 encoder of the BAM Converter which calculates incorrect source texture coordinates in the BAM's data block definitions. It affects all BAM V2 files that contain frames of 1024 pixels or more (width or height). This issue seems to exist since the initial implementation of BAM V2 support in the BAM Converter feature. It'll probably take a while to sort it out.
Fixing corrupted BAM files manually is only partially possible. They can be made readable again by opening them in a hex editor and updating the source x/y coordinates in the frame's data block definitions (adjust 1 -> 0).
The associated PVRZ textures cannot be fixed as easily. They are encoded with the texture data shifted by one pixel in horizontal and vertical direction, which means that the last row and/or column of pixels may be discarded by the encoding process.
For now you should avoid creating BAM V2 files with NI that contain frames of 1024 pixels or more in either dimension.