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Add Drow (Dark Elf) Race



  • VallmyrVallmyr Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 2,459
    billbisco said:

    Mod support for Subraces to Races like Kits to Classes would be great!

    That'd be super neat! I love Drow and always play as one when given the option n_n
  • T2avT2av Member Posts: 202
    Is this every gonna happen :(
  • billbiscobillbisco Member Posts: 364
    @Dee You don't Half-Orc is worthy of commentary either? There is almost none acknowledging it. That should be no excuse to deny subrace code. This has been a desire of players for years.
  • billbiscobillbisco Member Posts: 364
    @Dee If I pulled out the 2E prejudice to Half-Orcs would you listen to it? Game logic will never be perfect. It's not a valid reason not to do something. Gorion kills a murderous Charname on sighr. There's no logistifal reason without straining that CHARNAME could ever be a Blackguard or a slew of other classes or kits. That didn't stop Bioware or Beamdog.
  • shawneshawne Member Posts: 3,239
    elminster said:

    Not doing that extra scripting/writing and just allowing it isn't an option either since it would make Viconia's story (about her being hunted, having to hide, etc) make a lot less sense if a drow charname could just waltz around the game world with no consequences. Especially given her treatment (from the surface elves) when you are leaving the underdark.

    You'd probably have to rewrite a huge chunk of Ust Natha too, since Adalon wouldn't have to disguise you in the first place, which means the aboleth can't blackmail you, etc.
  • VallmyrVallmyr Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 2,459
    edited August 2015
    I've said this before in another thread but usually when I RP as a Drow I just EEkeeper myself for +2 dex, +1 int, -2 cha, -1 con. I then do not add MR because Drow on the surface are supposed to lose their MR and don't add light blindness since my character wouldn't be on the surface. I usually just RP that my character uses a disguise kit to look like a normal elf or if I'm a plate wearing class like a Cleric just equip a helmet that covers the face. For dialogue I just head-canon it because I'm lazy and haven't learned to mod dialogue yet. XD

    Edit: I derped my words. What I meant to say is I don't add light blindness since my character would have lived on the surface.
    Post edited by Vallmyr on
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    Vallmyr said:

    I've said this before in another thread but usually when I RP as a Drow I just EEkeeper myself for +2 dex, +1 int, -2 cha, -1 con. I then do not add MR because Drow on the surface are supposed to lose their MR and don't add light blindness since my character wouldn't be on the surface. I usually just RP that my character uses a disguise kit to look like a normal elf or if I'm a plate wearing class like a Cleric just equip a helmet that covers the face. For dialogue I just head-canon it because I'm lazy and haven't learned to mod dialogue yet. XD

    I wonder how many people that say they want to play a Drow CHARNAME would really want a 2E Drow? As @Vallmyr noted, Drow who spend more than 2 weeks away from the Underdark lose their special Drow abilities like magic resistance and all the innate spells. Since a Drow CHARNAME has spent their life at Candlekeep, they'd have none of the Drow abilities, but all the drawbacks (light blindness, 20% XP penalty). Even in BG2, your Drow CHARNAME would need to spend over 1,000 days in the Underdark to manifest their drow abilities (the recovery time is 1 day in the Underdark per week out of it, and 20 years = 1040 weeks).
  • shawneshawne Member Posts: 3,239

    I wonder how many people that say they want to play a Drow CHARNAME would really want a 2E Drow? As @Vallmyr noted, Drow who spend more than 2 weeks away from the Underdark lose their special Drow abilities like magic resistance and all the innate spells. Since a Drow CHARNAME has spent their life at Candlekeep, they'd have none of the Drow abilities, but all the drawbacks (light blindness, 20% XP penalty). Even in BG2, your Drow CHARNAME would need to spend over 1,000 days in the Underdark to manifest their drow abilities (the recovery time is 1 day in the Underdark per week out of it, and 20 years = 1040 weeks).

    To be fair, I'm guessing the argument goes that if those rules don't apply to Viconia (whose magic resistance only increases over time), they shouldn't apply to CHARNAME either.
  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704

    I wonder how many people that say they want to play a Drow CHARNAME would really want a 2E Drow? As @Vallmyr noted, Drow who spend more than 2 weeks away from the Underdark lose their special Drow abilities like magic resistance and all the innate spells. Since a Drow CHARNAME has spent their life at Candlekeep, they'd have none of the Drow abilities, but all the drawbacks (light blindness, 20% XP penalty). Even in BG2, your Drow CHARNAME would need to spend over 1,000 days in the Underdark to manifest their drow abilities (the recovery time is 1 day in the Underdark per week out of it, and 20 years = 1040 weeks).
    Disagree with the drawbacks, no reason to give light blindness if the character lived his entire life on surface. Even if official rules says this, i would disagree and banish this kind of rule from my roleplays (as BG changed some rules to add monk and sorcerer in 2D rules).

    Just don't make sense.

    20% xp penalty i would apply in roleplay paper and pen, as you character has hundred of years if not thousands to evolve, but not in BG game play, as the history is focused in the same saga no matter the race chosen.

    All that said, i will repeat my opinion about this, the one i voiced since 2012: Don't add Drows as playable main char, that make no sense.
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    kamuizin said:

    Disagree with the drawbacks, no reason to give light blindness if the character lived his entire life on surface. Even if official rules says this, i would disagree and banish this kind of rule from my roleplays (as BG changed some rules to add monk and sorcerer in 2D rules).

    Just don't make sense.

    20% xp penalty i would apply in roleplay paper and pen, as you character has hundred of years if not thousands to evolve, but not in BG game play, as the history is focused in the same saga no matter the race chosen.
    The 20% XP penalty is not due to long life. Otherwise, gold elves and moon elves would also have XP penalties (or even greater ones, since they are longer lived than drow). It's a reflection of the innate power of the race, like ECL in 3E.
  • VallmyrVallmyr Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 2,459
    I've actually battled with myself for the longest time if I agree with exp adjustments (whether penalties or using 3e's Level Adjustment system). In the end I decided that Drow instead of having a LA+2 I think of it as them starting as a "2nd level Drow Class." I think somewhere they made a system (maybe unearthed arcana) where you could play a Drow without the Level Adjustment and they turned the racial abilities into class levels you would take.

    Anyway, I'd just enjoy if the subrace mod for BG2 got updated for Enhance Editions. While I don't think mods are the answer to everything (I would still love a death deity Cleric kit added to the base game) I think it's the best fix we have for now.

  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    edited August 2015

    The 20% XP penalty is not due to long life. Otherwise, gold elves and moon elves would also have XP penalties (or even greater ones, since they are longer lived than drow). It's a reflection of the innate power of the race, like ECL in 3E.
    Then, one more reason to not apply it to BG if (what i expect not) Drow are added as NPCs), as they wouldn't have the underdark drow powers. So, no need to balance.

    But... r they really linked to underdark that much so they lose their innate powers if they leave? Drizzt never lose his darkness or faerie fire innate power, only his flying ability. His magic resistance was never much mentioned in the books anyway.
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    kamuizin said:

    Then, one more reason to not apply it to BG if (what i expect not) Drow are added as NPCs), as they wouldn't have the underdark drow powers. So, no need to balance.

    But... r they really linked to underdark that much so they lose their innate powers if they leave? Drizzt never lose his darkness or faerie fire innate power, only his flying ability. His magic resistance was never much mentioned in the books anyway.
    Those are novels, not game rulebooks. Novels follows the narrative whims of the author and needs of the story. The rules for Drow as a playable race are in the Complete Book of Elves (1992).
  • EdvinEdvin Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,244
    edited August 2015
    Dee said:

    People don't kill half-orcs on sight. They do kill drow on sight. This happens in the game for drow, and there are characters that join your party that refuse to travel with a drow.

    It's not an excuse, it's a reason. :expressionless:

    And thats why was in Icewind dale 2, which took place more than 50 years before the Iron Crisis, impossible to play as drow.
    Wait... I could play as a Drow (in my group were only Drow) and people don't tried kill me on sight. Well it does not matter, because Candlekeep is full of idiots and racists. Wait... Candlekeep is place of knowledge and wisdom, exalted above such a things. Well, it is a pity that drow can not wear a helmet or hood, which would protect them against aggressive racists. Wait... They can do that!

    On those things do not matter.
    Drow can not be playable race as well as kobodls can not be singers, successful writers or owners of shop in one of the largest cities.

    What would come next? Group with TWO drow NPC and GOBLIN ? :wink:
    Beamdog must maintain a certain logic.
    These things just cannot happen.
    Post edited by Edvin on
  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    Baldur's Gate isn't just a place to start the game, it's where main char was raised frim his early ages to teenages.

    Just to remember, the higher members of Candlekeep know the true origin of Main Char, so much that the guy who admin Candlekeep argued a lot and nearly refused Gorion there because of main char, be a drow wouldn't add much simpathy to him.

    Also, remember, viconia use the not so sucefful tactic of put a hood, the 2 times we find her ppl are trying to kill her. Hell, youself could attack Drizzt on act when you meet him in BG cos you don't know who he is besides an Drow.

    To finalize, for most of the game no one is saying that's impossible to play a Drow in BG saga, but a LOT of dialogues and events would need to be added to avoid a shallow narrative. Still, in this line of reason, let's remember some core event where being an drow would simply break the narrative:

    In BG2:EE, leaving underdark. The Elf war party there, if you have viconia, will want to kill her on sight. Even if you stand at her side, they will not let her leave unless a geas is promissed from her to charname. If charname is the Drow (and also the leader of the party), what would be the reaction there?

  • EdvinEdvin Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,244
    edited August 2015
    kamuizin said:

    To finalize, for most of the game no one is saying that's impossible to play a Drow in BG saga, but a LOT of dialogues and events would need to be added to avoid a shallow narrative. Still, in this line of reason, let's remember some core event where being an drow would simply break the narrative:

    In BG2:EE, leaving underdark. The Elf war party there, if you have viconia, will want to kill her on sight. Even if you stand at her side, they will not let her leave unless a geas is promissed from her to charname. If charname is the Drow (and also the leader of the party), what would be the reaction there?

    Actually, this is ONLY dialogue that would need to be adjusted.
    In game there is no other situation that would require special rewriting dialogues.
    (Neither Adalon will not blame Drow from the surface for acts of his race.)

    Solution is simple: Two geas.
    "Do you swear that will not betray us, and you'll protect the interests of surface elves?"
    This is roughly 10-20 additionally sentences (I count also our answers).

    You are looking problems where there are not.
    Do you really hate Drow so much?
  • shawneshawne Member Posts: 3,239
    Dee said:

    - a party NPC faces frequent interjections from other party members, external NPCs, and mobs of angry townsfolk for no reason other than that they are a Drow Elf

    "The drow were meant to be a race apart," says Viconia to the drow PC.

    "Back of the line, drow," says the drow PC to Baeloth.

    "The drow serves only her dark goddess," says Dorn to the drow PC.

    And that's just BG1.
    Dee said:

    If the thing that you want is to play as a Drow Elf with all of the story consequences that implies, then ask for that (and know that it's probably not going to happen). If the thing that you want is to play as an Elf with dark skin and white hair and magic resistance, and none of the story consequences that go with being a Drow Elf, then ask for a Subrace Framework that will allow you to create that race yourself.

    Hell, if a drow Bhaalspawn is what you want and you don't care about story/gameplay considerations, "Baldur's Gate Reloaded" is out there and free of charge. Knock yourselves out.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    Its also worth remembering that Icewind Dale 2 is a different situation. It takes place in a town under siege that is desperate for aid who are willing to overlook your race in favour of help (its in such dire straits that its resorted to dismantling homes to erect a palisade). It ultimately has dialogue however that accounts for when the person in your group doing the talking is a drow. Reig (one of the two people you encounter shortly after getting off the dock) even shows clear concern that you are working with the goblins and threatens to kill you if you are - an accusation he doesn't levy against you if you are anything other than a drow (including if you are a gray dwarf).

    So yea there would have to be quite a bit of writing and additional encounters thrown in to account for the fact that you are a drow.
  • EdvinEdvin Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,244
    edited August 2015
    Dee said:

    If the thing that you want is to play as a Drow Elf with all of the story consequences that implies, then ask for that.

    I think that people are asking exactly that... last three years on 17 pages.
    shawne said:

    Hell, if a drow Bhaalspawn is what you want and you don't care about story/gameplay considerations, "Baldur's Gate Reloaded" is out there and free of charge. Knock yourselves out.

    This is "feature request", no "mod requests".
    We care about story/gameplay considerations.

    If we will want make fake Drow, we will not need silly Baldur's Gate Reloaded or some mod.
    All we need is EE Keeper and twenty seconds.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    I should have been a little clearer: Ask for that, but don't pretend it's an insignificant amount of content that you're asking for.
  • shawneshawne Member Posts: 3,239
    Edvin said:

    We care about story/gameplay considerations.

    Clearly not, since you've ignored every single point in both games where a drow PC would require rewriting existing content.
    Edvin said:

    If we will want make fake Drow, we will not need silly Baldur's Gate Reloaded or some mod.
    All we need is EE Keeper and twenty seconds.

    Well, if that's all it takes...


    Get to it, and enjoy!
  • EdvinEdvin Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,244
    Fair point, but you don't pretend that it's extremely massive amounts of text.
    I estimate that it may take about the same amount of text as for Baeloth NPC, which was only "easter egg" (your words, not mine).
  • EdvinEdvin Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,244
    edited August 2015
    shawne said:

    Clearly not, since you've ignored every single point in both games where a drow PC would require rewriting existing content.

    And you are clearly ignored ALL my posts on 17 pages, where I am pointing out how few changes need to be done.
    shawne said:

    Get to it, and enjoy!

  • VallmyrVallmyr Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 2,459
    edited August 2015
    Er, while I'm on your side with the entire Drow thing I don't think calling someone stupid rallies people to your cause. In fact, it does the opposite. Instead of being on the offensive you could have been like,

    "Hey, in actuality it's not a lot of work to be done. I'd estimate it would be around the same number of lines for Baeloth. I mean, I may be wrong on that but I think that's how many would be needed to make the story work. If I am incorrect then inform me so that I may re-evaluate how much work a project such as this might take."

    You let yourself be open to correction while still throwing your point out there. By being nice you gain favor of those that read your post. You also give your readers respect and value their knowledge base. I'd be especially respectful to moderators and developers since they are the people you're trying to win favor over. You might also write your own dialogue scenarios as examples for them to read that are plausible and could work. That way you would prove your point about the number of words required and show how easily it could be to implement such an RP option.

    Edit: I would also like to say that even if someone is a doucher to you, doing it back still doesn't help the situation. I understand where you're coming from but do not agree with the response @_@.

    I actually want to apologize if I sound like a doucher myself in any of this >_>
  • EdvinEdvin Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,244
    edited August 2015
    Given that I was (due to the translation) went through ALL in-game texts, I have a pretty good idea of how much text must be rewritten/expanded. And on previous pages I have done most of what you say.

    And I have respect for the moderators and developers, but I just can not stand that often when someone has a really good idea, something easy and simple that would really improved the game, their reaction is:
    "I agree, it's a really good idea. Go and create a mod for that".

    BTW: Shawne is obvious troll, there is no need to treat him with respect.
  • VallmyrVallmyr Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 2,459
    Edvin said:

    Given that I was (due to the translation) went through ALL in-game texts, I have a pretty good idea of how much text must be rewritten/expanded. And on previous pages I have done most of what you say.

    And I have respect for the moderators and developers, but I just can not stand that often when someone has a really good idea, something easy and simple that would really improved the game, their reaction is:
    "I agree, it's a really good idea. Go and create a mod for that".

    BTW: Shawne is obvious troll, there is no need to treat him with respect.

    Ah ok, sorry for my ignorance on the situation and such!
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