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"Maybe this time" [NO-RELOAD THREAD]: "The Tale of ONE MILLION visions"



  • Alesia_BHAlesia_BH Member Posts: 786

    I'm not that much into no-reloading nowadays, but I just wanted to stop by and say, it's a delight to see all the old Bioware veterans here and contributing so much life to our forum community. :)

    Hey! It's great to see you again, BelgarathMTH!

    I hope to see you back in the action someday!



  • Alesia_BHAlesia_BH Member Posts: 786
    Quick Note on Aestica's Game:

    Aestica's game is on hold due to an install issue. We can talk about it over in the lounge.


  • StummvonBordwehrStummvonBordwehr Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,385
    edited September 2017

    Undergate Pacifist Run: A "Solo" Seducer in Baldur's Gate

    @semiticgod I believe the mod is called the vault, and the specific quest is called return to Nashkel.
    It think its an add on to the Dsotsc

    You do have to fight drow and a matron mother... but its not Bg2 standard Drows - they are significantly nerfed.

    I found the person in Nashkel or the carneval - but its must be 8-10 years since I played so my memory may be a bit hazy..

    Good luck to all the no reloaders, and thank you for posting - insightfull stuff.
    Post edited by StummvonBordwehr on
  • Alesia_BHAlesia_BH Member Posts: 786
    edited September 2017
    Enuhal said:

    I had no idea the physical mirror vs. reflex interaction would go on forever.

    I did know. That's the irritating thing. I've talked about it before.

    I was just tired. Stupid tired. I was playing when I should have been sleeping. :(

    But, hey, we had fun. That's what counts. I wish we could have made it to the Throne, but these things happen. C'est la vie.



    Post edited by Alesia_BH on
  • Alesia_BHAlesia_BH Member Posts: 786
    edited September 2017

    @Alesia_BH: You will be missed, but I'm glad you've been able to stop by for as long as you have.

    Thanks! It was good to be here!

    What are you up to in Asia?

    I'll be doing the same stuff I do here: adventuring, trying not to die. Thankfully, I'm better at that in real life than I am in BG! :p


    Post edited by Alesia_BH on
  • Alesia_BHAlesia_BH Member Posts: 786
    edited September 2017
    Enuhal said:

    Now, I should propably bring up that in the Bioware Forums, as far as I'm aware, our rule was that if the game crashes, you are not forced to recreate the results of anything that happened between your last save and the crash.

    That's the Bioware rule, yes: If a crash occurs, you go back to the last save. You have no obligation to recreate events. This is a rule of convenience, since recreating events can be problematic.

    We trust that players will not exploit the rule by courting crashes if and when they find themselves in a disadvantageous position.


    Post edited by Alesia_BH on
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    Alesia_BH said:

    On the Bioware forums, we would not allow a reload to recover a chunked character, regardless of whether we had installed options that we had hoped would mitigate risk of chunking. We'd hold to that even if we strongly suspected -but could not conclusively prove- that a bug had caused the permanent death. An example would be Serg's Avatars run. One of his characters, Cassia, based on USSNorway, was permanently killed by a Sphere of Chaos, despite having 100% magic resistance. Upon inspection of the .spl file, we discovered that the disintegration effect was flagged bypass resistance. We suspected that this was a bug -we still suspect that it is a bug- but the evidence did not and does not meet our threshold for a justified bug reload.

    Consequently, we've never encountered a situation like the one you've described, exactly. If you wish to keep playing the way you have in relation to permanent death, then you'll have to come up with personal rules that satisfy you, I guess.

    The SCS component is supposed to prevent chunking in all circumstances--the fact that it doesn't always work is itself the bug.

    In fact, while poking around in EEKeeper, I discovered the reason why the SCS component was not working 100% of the time, the way that @Tresset's does: because SCS erroneously applied two effects, one which prevents permanent death in all cases except for cold- and petrification-related chunking...

    ...and another opcode, which completely overrode and negated the previous opcode. According to their labels in Near Infinity and EEKeeper, one of them is "Apply Non Permanent Death" and the other is "Remove Non Permanent Death." The first one is supposed to apply if you've installed the no-chunking component of SCS; the second one is supposed to remove it. You can see them in Near Infinity, SPIN668.spl and SPIN669.spl.

    If you install the no chunking component, both spells are applied, instead of just the one. And the "Remove Non Permanent Death" one is applied afterward, negating the intended effect.

    I don't know if it was an in-game script or a WeiDu error of some sort, but the SCS chunking fix actually does absolutely nothing whatsoever. It doesn't make chunking less likely; it literally does nothing. This is in fact a bug: it applies an effect that prevents chunking, and then removes the same effect. Unless it used to work properly in a previous version of SCS, nearly every chunking ever experienced by SCS players over the years, in no-reload runs and otherwise, has been due to a bug.

    If the SCS component were working properly, it would prevent all forms of chunking except for those caused by petrification and cold damage.
  • Alesia_BHAlesia_BH Member Posts: 786
    edited September 2017
    Final Note on Aestica's Game:

    If memory serves, I had said something about creating music videos for Aestica. This is not the video I was hoping to make, but, well, here it is... :D


    Post edited by Alesia_BH on
  • Serg_BlackStriderSerg_BlackStrider Member Posts: 211
    edited September 2017

    The SCS component is supposed to prevent chunking in all circumstances--the fact that it doesn't always work is itself the bug.

    I don't think so...
    From SCS readme:
    Make party members less likely to die irreversibly

    This component tries to prevent "chunking", the annoying permanent death of your character when you're reduced below -10 hp. Characters who get reduced to 0 hp or below just die in the usual fashion and can be resurrected. It isn't possible to prevent quite all forms of chunking (massive damage from fire, in particular, still seems to cause chunking fairly reliably), but this component should make it a rarer occurrence. This may be useful in the later stages of the game, when melee opponents often do 30-40 hp damage per blow - that 10 hp safety margin starts to feel slender.

    And I've checked my characters with NearInfinity - all of them except main character have Disable Permanent Death (295) Effect active (Stat value =1).
    Maybe in Cassia's case since all characters were not a NPCs but created by real people those characters were all *main* and thus didn't have this effect applied.
    Post edited by Serg_BlackStrider on
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