[Kit Pack] Deities of Faerûn - v [53 Cleric Kits and more for IWD, BG(2)EE and EET]

This mod is not being supported in this forum anymore. For further news, bug reports and everything else, please refer to the new thread at Gibberlings3. You may also get in touch with me through Twitter if you need something.
This kitpack is made of some components:
Those deities also receive multiclass kits! Check the next post to know more details.
All the kits were designed to be as close to PnP as possible, being changed only what could not be done within the Infinity Engine boundaries or would impact gameplay balance too much.
Every kit receives its deity personalized Holy Symbol which grants while equipped: Bless, a +1 bonus do Turn/Command Undead, a +1 bonus to spellcasting time and one extra level spell for every circle.
The Holy Symbol is automatically granted once the cleric reaches level 25, as in an unmodded game.
On top of that, some kits receive new and exclusive spells. Check the Readme file to get more info!
Be aware that some kits were altered to fit their PnP counterpart (as Tyr) and some abilities were completely altered (like Seeking Sword)!
Check the Readme to see the spells that are embraced by this sphere system. Kjeron made the base code and I've imported the spells from IWD. New spells are being created, wait for more!
DoF should be installed after mods that introduce NPCs - especially those that receive a kit from DoF (see the list below).
DoF should be installed before mods that introduce Kits that will use the Sphere System.
DoF should be installed after EET, except for EET_End that should always come last accordingly to K4thos and EET's Readme.
DoF should be installed before Improved Shamanic Dance.
DoF should be installed before Tome and Blood.
This mod is fully compatible with @kjeron 's Dual-Into-Kits and I strongly recommend that you use it as many kits on DoF have a nice synergy with dual-classing!
DoF is not compatible with Faiths and Powers.
DoF is not compatible with Spells Revision.
Before blowing your mind even further let me tell you guys about the things I know that are wrong but I can do nothing about:
Know Issues
* A multiclass R/C or F/C of one deity that gives d10 as HD will have 2 extra HP when created in ToB. I have no idea why.
* The Fear Gaze from Shar's Eyebite can sometimes turn the target berserker. It is a problem with the Opcode, not something I did wrong.
* Speaking of problems, Anomen will be able to get proficiency as an unkitted Fighter (5 slots in any weapon) but he will still be bounded to Helm's equipment restriction, so be wise about what you'll do when leveling him up. You won't have this issue if you use the aforementioned Dual-Into-Kits mod.
Wait? Anomen? YES! Next component!
It's true: some powers were lost (Branwen no longer has Spiritual Hammer, Yeslick no longer has Dispel Magic and Quayle no longer has Invisibility) but only because those powers were there to simulate the kits abilities - what now those NPCs actually have!
PS: Tiax can still summon his undead because that was not a kit-related thing, it is a character-related spell.
The current mod NPCs supported by DoF are:
* Branwen for BG2 (Battleguard of Tempus)
* Dave (Stormcaller of Tempus)
* Drake (Holy Justice of Tyr)
* Dusky (Silentwalker of Mask)
* Finch* (Glyphscriber of Deneir)
* Gavin (Dawnbringer of Lathander)
* Helarine (Doomguide of Kelemvor)
* Helga (Luckmaiden of Haela)
* Jetlaya (Dawnbringer of Lathander)
* Korin (Hawkeye of Solonor)
* Nephele (Horn Guard of Solonor)
* Quayle for BG2 (Hoodwinker of Baravar)
* Shar-Teel for SoD (Bloodreaver of Garagos)
* Tenya (Waveservant of Umberlee)
* Tiax for BG2 (Strifeleader of Cyric)
* Turald (Trailblazer of Marthammor)
* Yeslick for BG2 (Alaghar of Clangeddin)
* Yvette (Heartwarder of Sune)
Do you have an NPC mod of a Cleric and want to crossmod? Get in touch!
Well, I think it is over... BUT NO, IT IS NOT!
Thanks to @CamDawg 's guide and huge help from @kjeron we now have some...
This component would not be possible without @kjeron backing me up. Actually, he built this, all I did was testing (a lot). Thanks, mate!
That means that your Holy Strategist of Red Knight will go around wearing a red full plate instead of a pale blue one.
All the kits' colors were designed accordingly to the pictures provided by Faiths & Avatars, Powers & Pantheons, Demihuman Deities and Monster Mythology. If you think that some color is not tuned with the ones from those books get in touch and I'll gladly edit it.
For future references, info about all my mods (bug fixing, new releases) may be also found on my Twitter: /raduziel
I need to say thanks to some people here:
@kjeron , dude, you deserve a statue. You're the most helpful person I ever met.
@Gwendolyne I would never have started modding if it wasn't for your kindness and patience.
@subtledoctor and @Grammarsalad for encouraging me with this work and letting me use their sphere system.
@CamDawg and @argent77 for the helpful codes and tools.
@Aquadrizzt for the multiclass-kit tool that made the NPC kits possible.
@Arctodus for the brainstorming.
@Necromanx2 for all the patience and bug reports that made this mod better.

This mod is not being supported in this forum anymore. For further news, bug reports and everything else, please refer to the new thread at Gibberlings3. You may also get in touch with me through Twitter if you need something.
This kitpack is made of some components:
The kits per se. At the moment there are 52 kits: Arvoreen, Auril, Azuth, Baervan, Bane, Baravar, Beshaba, Bhaal, Clangeddin, Cyric, Corellon, Deneir, Eldath, Garl, Garagos, Gruumsh, Haela, Helm (revised), Hoar, Ibrandul, Ilmater, Jergal, Kelemvor, Lathander (revised), Leira, Lolth, Loviatar, Malar, Mask, Mystra, Myrkul, Oghma, Red Knight, Savras, Selûne, Shaundakul, Shar, Shiallia, Solonor, Sune, Talona, Talos (revised), Tempus (revised), Torm, Tymora, Tyr (revised), Ulutiu, Umberlee, Urdlen, Valkur, Velsharoon, and Yondalla.Those deities also receive multiclass kits! Check the next post to know more details.
All the kits were designed to be as close to PnP as possible, being changed only what could not be done within the Infinity Engine boundaries or would impact gameplay balance too much.
Every kit receives its deity personalized Holy Symbol which grants while equipped: Bless, a +1 bonus do Turn/Command Undead, a +1 bonus to spellcasting time and one extra level spell for every circle.
The Holy Symbol is automatically granted once the cleric reaches level 25, as in an unmodded game.
On top of that, some kits receive new and exclusive spells. Check the Readme file to get more info!
Be aware that some kits were altered to fit their PnP counterpart (as Tyr) and some abilities were completely altered (like Seeking Sword)!
Sphere System (by Kjeron)
DoF is shipped with its own sphere system. There are a total of 25 spheres: All, Healing, Necromantic, Suffering, Animal, Vermin, Plant, Protection, Sun, Moon, Darkness, Thought, Combat, Creation, Summoning, Air, Water, Earth, Fire, Divination, Travelers, Weave, Trickery, Time and Vocal.Check the Readme to see the spells that are embraced by this sphere system. Kjeron made the base code and I've imported the spells from IWD. New spells are being created, wait for more!
Install Order
DoF should be installed after mods that introduce items to the game and that introduces spells to the game (as IWDification, B_Spells, and Raduziel's Universal Wizard Spells).DoF should be installed after mods that introduce NPCs - especially those that receive a kit from DoF (see the list below).
DoF should be installed before mods that introduce Kits that will use the Sphere System.
DoF should be installed after EET, except for EET_End that should always come last accordingly to K4thos and EET's Readme.
DoF should be installed before Improved Shamanic Dance.
DoF should be installed before Tome and Blood.
This mod is fully compatible with @kjeron 's Dual-Into-Kits and I strongly recommend that you use it as many kits on DoF have a nice synergy with dual-classing!
DoF is not compatible with Faiths and Powers.
DoF is not compatible with Spells Revision.
Before blowing your mind even further let me tell you guys about the things I know that are wrong but I can do nothing about:
Know Issues
* A multiclass R/C or F/C of one deity that gives d10 as HD will have 2 extra HP when created in ToB. I have no idea why.
* The Fear Gaze from Shar's Eyebite can sometimes turn the target berserker. It is a problem with the Opcode, not something I did wrong.
* Speaking of problems, Anomen will be able to get proficiency as an unkitted Fighter (5 slots in any weapon) but he will still be bounded to Helm's equipment restriction, so be wise about what you'll do when leveling him up. You won't have this issue if you use the aforementioned Dual-Into-Kits mod.
Wait? Anomen? YES! Next component!
Kits for NPCs
Every single NPC-priest from the game (including some added by mods) receives one of those kits. Some adjustments were made in terms of stats and alignment so they could fit the kit's requisites.It's true: some powers were lost (Branwen no longer has Spiritual Hammer, Yeslick no longer has Dispel Magic and Quayle no longer has Invisibility) but only because those powers were there to simulate the kits abilities - what now those NPCs actually have!
PS: Tiax can still summon his undead because that was not a kit-related thing, it is a character-related spell.
The current mod NPCs supported by DoF are:
* Branwen for BG2 (Battleguard of Tempus)
* Dave (Stormcaller of Tempus)
* Drake (Holy Justice of Tyr)
* Dusky (Silentwalker of Mask)
* Finch* (Glyphscriber of Deneir)
* Gavin (Dawnbringer of Lathander)
* Helarine (Doomguide of Kelemvor)
* Helga (Luckmaiden of Haela)
* Jetlaya (Dawnbringer of Lathander)
* Korin (Hawkeye of Solonor)
* Nephele (Horn Guard of Solonor)
* Quayle for BG2 (Hoodwinker of Baravar)
* Shar-Teel for SoD (Bloodreaver of Garagos)
* Tenya (Waveservant of Umberlee)
* Tiax for BG2 (Strifeleader of Cyric)
* Turald (Trailblazer of Marthammor)
* Yeslick for BG2 (Alaghar of Clangeddin)
* Yvette (Heartwarder of Sune)
* Finch's original thread can be found here. I've linked the Beamdog thread because I don't know if the original one works with Enhanced Edition.
Do you have an NPC mod of a Cleric and want to crossmod? Get in touch!

Well, I think it is over... BUT NO, IT IS NOT!
Thanks to @CamDawg 's guide and huge help from @kjeron we now have some...
Stronghold Alterings (by Kjeron)
Hold your breath, cause here comes the list!-Arvoreen: Helm, Fighter
- Auril: Talos
- Azuth: Wizard
- Baervan Wildwanderer: Druid, Ranger
- Bane: Talos, Fighter
- Baravar Cloakshadow: Thief
- Beshaba: Talos
- Clangeddin: Helm, Fighter
- Cyric: Talos, Thief
- Corellon: Lathander
- Deneir: Lathander, Wizard
- Eldath: Lathander, Druid
- Garagos: Talos
- Garl: Helm
- Gruumsh: Talos
- Haela: Helm, Fighter
- Helm: Helm
- Hoar: Helm
- Ilmater: Lathander
- Jergal: Helm
- Kelemvor: Helm
- Lathander: Lathander
- Lolth: Talos
- Loviatar: Talos
- Malar: Talos, Druid
- Marthammor: Lathander
- Mask: Talos, Thief
- Mystra: Wizard
- Oghma: Bard, Wizard
- Savras: Wizard
- Selûne: Lathander
- Shar: Talos
- Shaundakul: Ranger
- Shiallia: Druid
- Solonor: Ranger
- Sune: Lathander, Bard
- Talona: Talos
- Talos: Talos
- Tempus: Fighter
- Torm: Helm, Paladin
- Tymora: Lathander
- Tyr: Helm, Paladin
- Umberlee: Talos
- Ulutiu: Helm
- Urdlen: Talos
- Valkur: Lathander
- Velsharoon: Talos, Wizard
- Yondalla: Helm, Ranger
- Auril: Talos
- Azuth: Wizard
- Baervan Wildwanderer: Druid, Ranger
- Bane: Talos, Fighter
- Baravar Cloakshadow: Thief
- Beshaba: Talos
- Clangeddin: Helm, Fighter
- Cyric: Talos, Thief
- Corellon: Lathander
- Deneir: Lathander, Wizard
- Eldath: Lathander, Druid
- Garagos: Talos
- Garl: Helm
- Gruumsh: Talos
- Haela: Helm, Fighter
- Helm: Helm
- Hoar: Helm
- Ilmater: Lathander
- Jergal: Helm
- Kelemvor: Helm
- Lathander: Lathander
- Lolth: Talos
- Loviatar: Talos
- Malar: Talos, Druid
- Marthammor: Lathander
- Mask: Talos, Thief
- Mystra: Wizard
- Oghma: Bard, Wizard
- Savras: Wizard
- Selûne: Lathander
- Shar: Talos
- Shaundakul: Ranger
- Shiallia: Druid
- Solonor: Ranger
- Sune: Lathander, Bard
- Talona: Talos
- Talos: Talos
- Tempus: Fighter
- Torm: Helm, Paladin
- Tymora: Lathander
- Tyr: Helm, Paladin
- Umberlee: Talos
- Ulutiu: Helm
- Urdlen: Talos
- Valkur: Lathander
- Velsharoon: Talos, Wizard
- Yondalla: Helm, Ranger
This component would not be possible without @kjeron backing me up. Actually, he built this, all I did was testing (a lot). Thanks, mate!
Kits' Colors
Based on Tweaks Anthology, this component will make all non-magical armors, helmets, and shields use the kit's assigned colors instead of those imposed by these items.That means that your Holy Strategist of Red Knight will go around wearing a red full plate instead of a pale blue one.
All the kits' colors were designed accordingly to the pictures provided by Faiths & Avatars, Powers & Pantheons, Demihuman Deities and Monster Mythology. If you think that some color is not tuned with the ones from those books get in touch and I'll gladly edit it.
For future references, info about all my mods (bug fixing, new releases) may be also found on my Twitter: /raduziel
I need to say thanks to some people here:
@kjeron , dude, you deserve a statue. You're the most helpful person I ever met.
@Gwendolyne I would never have started modding if it wasn't for your kindness and patience.
@subtledoctor and @Grammarsalad for encouraging me with this work and letting me use their sphere system.
@CamDawg and @argent77 for the helpful codes and tools.
@Aquadrizzt for the multiclass-kit tool that made the NPC kits possible.
@Arctodus for the brainstorming.
@Necromanx2 for all the patience and bug reports that made this mod better.
Post edited by Raduziel on
Icevassal of Auril
Weapon: Bludgeoning and axe only.
Major: All, Necromantic, Suffering, Thought, Air, Water.
Minor: Healing, Animal, Combat, Summoning.
Requirements: Con 13, Wis 12.
Stronghold: Talos.
Alignment: NE.
Race: Human, Half-Elf, Half-Orc, Dwarf.
Multiclass: Cleric/Mage.
Turn/Command Undead: No.
- Gains immunity to normal cold and 50% resistance to magical cold.
- May use the Frost Dagger special ability once per day, starting at level 1.
- May use the Frost Whip special ability once per day, starting at level 3.
- May use the Frost Sword special ability once per day, starting at level 5.
- May cast Ice Storm once per day as a special ability, starting at level 8.
- May cast Cone of Cold once per day as a special ability, starting at level 10.
- May use the Conjure Ice Paraelemental special ability once per day, starting at level 12.
The Icevassal throws a dagger made of pure ice into a target. The dagger deals damage and may freeze its target for a brief moment.
The Icevassal hits the target for some damage slipping it away from .
The Icevassal creates a sharp blade made of pure ice.
This spell conjures an Ice Paraelemental for 1 turn/level.
Magistrati of Azuth
Weapon: Bludgeoning only.
Major: All, Healing, Necromantic, Protection, Thought, Divination, Weave.
Minor: Moon, Creation, Travelers, Time.
Requirements: Int 13, Wis 14.
Stronghold: Wizard.
Alignment: LN.
Race: Human, Half-Elf, Elf, Gnome.
Multiclass: Cleric/Mage.
Turn/Command Undead: No.
- Gains a bonus of +2 bonus to spellcasting time.
- May cast some arcane spells as divine spells as they were one circle higher, starting at level 3.
- May cast Magic Missile once per day as a special ability, starting at level 7.
- May cast Fireball once per day as a special ability, starting at level 9.
Level 3: Armor (second circle)
Level 5: Agannazar's Scorcher (third circle)
Level 7: Melf's Minute Meteors (fourth circle)
Level 9: Otiluke's Resilient Sphere (fifth circle)
Level 11: Spell Shield (sixth circle)
Level 14: Protection From Magic Energy (seventh circle)
Dreadruler of Bane
Weapon: All non-missile bludgeoning and spears.
Major: All, Necromantic, Suffering, Thought, Combat, Summoning.
Minor: Healing, Darkness, Divination, Vocal.
Requirements: Str 12, Wis 10.
Stronghold: Talos, Fighter.
Alignment: LE.
Race: Any.
Multiclass: Fighter/Cleric.
Turn/Command Undead: No.
- Immune to fear.
- May cast Cloak of Fear once per day as a special ability, starting at level 5.
- May cast Mental Domination once per day as a special ability, starting at level 7.
- May use the Mystic Lash special ability once per day, starting at level 10.
The Dreadruler creates a whip that delivers electrical damage and may stun, paralyze, hurl or cut the target.
Black Finger of Beshaba
Weapon: Bludgeoning only.
Major: All, Suffering, Darkness, Thought, Divination, Trickery.
Minor: Healing, Necromantic, Summoning, Travelers.
Requirements: Wis 10.
Stronghold: Talos
Alignment: CE.
Race: Human, Half-Elf, Halfling, Gnome, Half-Orc.
Multiclass: Fighter/Cleric, Cleric/Thief, Cleric/Mage.
Turn/Command Undead: Yes.
- May use the Bad Luck special ability once per day, starting at level 1.
- May use the Doom special ability once per day, starting at level 3.
- May use the Bane of Beshaba special ability once per day, starting at level 5.
- May cast Lower Resistance once per day as a special ability, starting at level 7.
- May use the Misfortune special ability once per day, starting at level 10.
- May use the Beshaba's Mercy special ability once per day, starting at level 15.
- May cast Black Blade of Disaster once per day as a special ability, starting at level 20.
The reverse form of the wizard spell Luck.
The Black Finger calls for Beshaba's aid to decrease the Saving Throws of a creature.
The Black Finger pleads for Beshaba's curse upon an enemy, decreasing its chances of success on Saving Throws as well as in hit and damage rolls.
The Black Finger supplicates for the clemency of Beshaba to PRO_HIMHERself, receiving significant bonuses to several actions.
Deathstalker of Bhaal
Weapon: Bludgeoning and piercing only.
Major: All, Necromantic, Suffering, Combat, Summoning, Divination.
Minor: Healing, Darkness, Thought, Creation.
Requirements: Con 12, Wis 14.
Stronghold: -
Alignment: LE.
Race: Any.
Multiclass: Cleric/Thief.
Turn/Command Undead: Yes.
- May use the Bone Dagger special ability once per day, starting at level 2.
- May cast Finger of Death once per day as a special ability, starting at level 7.
- May use the Plane Skipping special ability once per day, starting at level 10.
- May cast Aerial Servant once per day as a special ability, starting at level 11.
The Deathstalker creates a dagger that has a slim chance of slaying any creature it strikes.
The Deathstalker steps into Gehenna and moves freely while others appear to be frozen in time. There's a slim chance that a Pit Fiend will follow the caster.
Strifeleader of Cyric
Weapon: Bludgeoning and longswords.
Major: All, Necromantic, Darkness, Thought, Summoning, Trickery.
Minor: Suffering, Combat, Creation, Divination.
Requirements: Str 13, Wis 13.
Stronghold: Talos, Thief.
Alignment: NE, CE.
Race: Any.
Multiclass: Cleric/Thief.
Turn/Command Undead: Yes.
- Gains +1 Saving Throw bonus against spells using Illusion/Phantasm magic.
- Immune to any spell that alters the emotions (including charm and fear).
- May use the Dark Aura special ability once per day, starting at level 7.
- May use the Phantasmal Killer special ability once per day, starting at level 10.
- May use the Instill Madness special ability once per day, starting at level 15.
The Strifeleader creates an aura that helps evil-aligned and undermines good-aligned creatures. Neutral aligned creatures are not affected.
The Strifleader creates an illusion that reflects the target's worst fear, scaring, injuring or even killing it.
As the wizard spell Feeblemind, except that it has a touch range.
Glyphscriber of Deneir
Weapon: Single-handed bludgeoning only.
Major: All, Healing, Protection, Thought, Travelers, Divination, Vocal.
Minor: Necromantic, Creation, Weave, Time.
Requirements: Int 15, Wis 15.
Stronghold: Lathander, Wizard.
Alignment: NG.
Race: Any, except Half-Orc.
Multiclass: Cleric/Mage.
Turn/Command Undead: Yes.
- Immune to the effect of cursed scrolls, glyphs and symbols.
- May use the Glyph of Revealing special ability once per day, starting at level 3.
- May cast Glyph of Warding once per day as a special ability, starting at level 5.
- May cast Dispel Magic once per day as a special ability, starting at level 7.
- May cast Symbol once per day as a special ability, starting at level 15.
The Glyphscriber creates a glyph that may reveal hidden creatures that pass by it.
Pacifist of Eldath
Weapon: Club, sling, quarterstaff.
Major: All, Water, Protection, Healing, Thought, Vocal.
Minor: Sun, Moon, Plant, Creation.
Requirements: Wis 14, Cha 13.
Stronghold: Lathander, Druid.
Alignment: TN, NG.
Race: Human, Elf, Half-Elf, Halfling.
Multiclass: Ranger/Cleric.
Turn/Command Undead: Yes.
- May cast Remove Fear once per day as a special ability, starting at level 1.
- May cast Sleep once per day as a special ability, starting at level 3. Gains an additional use every three levels.
- May cast Silence, 15' Radius once per day as a special ability, starting at level 5. Gains an additional use every three levels.
- May cast Sanctuary once per day as a special ability, starting at level 7. Gains an additional use every three levels.
Watcher of Helm
Weapon: Bludgeoning only.
Major: All, Healing, Protection, Combat, Creation, Divination.
Minor: Thought, Travelers, Vocal.
Requirements: Str 14, Wis 13.
Stronghold: Helm.
Alignment: LN.
Race: Any.
Multiclass: Fighter/Cleric.
Turn/Command Undead: Yes.
- Receives Attacks Per Round as if they were warriors.
- Gains -2 bonus to Speed Factor.
- May cast Glyph of Warding once per day as a special ability, starting at level 1.
- May use the special ability Wyvern Watch once per day, starting at level 3.
- May use the special ability Mace of Odo once per day, starting at level 5.
- May use the special ability Seeking Sword once per day, starting at level 7.
Through this spell, the Watcher creates a mace that deals 3d6 damage per hit (4d6 versus undead) for 3 rounds.
This spell protects an area from enemies. Anyone not invited by the Watcher must make a Saving Throw vs. Spells or become paralyzed.
The Watcher creates a magical sword that acts accordingly to the Helmite orders.
Darkwalker of Ibrandul
Weapon: Any.
Major: All, Travelers, Earth, Protection, Vermin, Darkness.
Minor: Healing, Suffering, Summoning, Trickery.
Requirements: Con 10, Wis 11.
Stronghold: -
Alignment: CN.
Race: Human, Half-Elf, Dwarf, Gnome.
Multiclass: Cleric/Thief.
Turn/Command Undead: No.
- Gains Infravision.
- May cast Darkness once per day as a special ability, starting at level 1. Gains another use at level 3.
- Gains a base armor class of 5 and loses 3 points of Charisma at level 5.
- May cast Stoneskin once per day as a special ability, starting at level 5
- May cast Spike Stones once per day as a special ability, starting at level 7.
Painbearer of Ilmater
Weapon: Bludgeoning only.
Major: All, Healing, Protection, Combat, Creation, Travelers.
Minor: Plant, Sun, Thought, Divination.
Requirements: Con 14, Wis 12.
Stronghold: Lathander.
Alignment: LG.
Race: Any.
Multiclass: Fighter/Cleric, Cleric/Mage.
Turn/Command Undead: No.
- Gains a bonus of +2 on Constitution and +4 to PRO_HISHER Saving Throws vs. Paralyzation/Poison/Death.
- May cast Remove Fear as a special ability once per day, starting at level 1 and gaining one additional use every level.
- May cast Draw Upon Holy Might as a special ability once per day, starting at level 3.
- May use the Endurance of Ilmater special ability once per day, starting at level 7.
- May use the Martyrdom of Ilmater special ability once per day, starting at level 12.
While this spell is in effect, the Painbearer is immune to physical damage, but can't move, cast spells or attack.
This special ability doubles the target's Hit Points, grants it immunity to disease and a +2 bonus to every Saving Throw. All the effects last for 3 turns.
Doomguide of Kelemvor
Weapon: Bludgeoning and piercing only.
Major: All, Healing, Necromantic, Sun, Moon, Combat.
Minor: Protection, Creation, Divination, Vocal.
Requirements: Con 12, Wis 14.
Stronghold: Helm.
Alignment: LN.
Race: Any.
Multiclass: Fighter/Cleric.
Turn/Command Undead: Yes (see below).
- Turns Undead as a priest two levels higher.
- Gains +1 Saving Throws vs. Paralyzation/Poison/Death.
- Gains +2 bonus to AC, Thac0, and damage vs. undead.
- May use the Chilling Scythe special ability once per day, starting at level 5.
- Gains permanently the benefits of Negative Plane Protection at level 7.
- May use the Summon Minor Death special ability once per day, starting at level 10.
Through this spell, the Doomguide creates a magical scythe especially effective against the undead.
This spell summons a powerful skeleton that stays at the Doomguide's service for 1 turn/level.
Dawnbringer of Lathander
Weapon: Bludgeoning only.
Major: All, Healing, Protection, Sun, Creation, Fire.
Minor: Thought, Combat, Divination, Travelers.
Requirements: Wis 14, Cha 12.
Stronghold: Lathander.
Alignment: NG.
Race: Any.
Multiclass: Fighter/Cleric, Cleric/Mage.
Turn/Command Undead: Yes (see below).
- Turns Undead as a priest two levels higher.
- May use the special ability Faerie Fire once per day, starting at level 3.
- May use the special ability Sunrise once per day, starting at level 5.
- May use the special ability Boon of Lathander once per day, starting at level 7.
- May cast False Dawn as a special ability once per day, starting at level 9.
The Dawnbringer receives a +1 bonus to PRO_HISHER attack and damage rolls and an extra attack.
The Dawnbringer makes PRO_HISHER enemy glow, giving it a -2 penalty to Armor Class and dispelling invisibility.
The Dawnbringer creates a light that blinds, damages and destroys (shadows and vampires only) an undead creature.
Mistcaller of Leira
Weapon: Bludgeoning only.
Major: All, Protection, Moon, Thought, Air, Travelers, Trickery.
Minor: Healing, Darkness, Weave, Time.
Requirements: Wis 14, Cha 12.
Stronghold: -
Alignment: CN, CE
Race: Any.
Multiclass: Cleric/Mage, Cleric/Thief.
Turn/Command Undead: Yes.
- Gains +2 Saving Throw bonus against spells using Illusion/Phantasm magic.
- May cast Mirror Image once per day as a special ability, starting at level 3.
- May cast Blur once per day as a special ability, starting at level 5.
- May cast Shadow Monsters once per day as a special ability, starting at level 7.
- May cast Demi-Shadow Monsters once per day as a special ability, starting at level 10.
- May cast Mislead once per day as a special ability, starting at level 13.
- May cast Project Image three times per day as a special ability, starting at level 20.
Pain of Loviatar
Weapon: Bludgeoning only.
Major: All, Suffering, Darkness, Combat, Summoning, Vocal.
Minor: Healing, Necromantic, Protection, Fire.
Requirements: Con 15, Wis 15.
Stronghold: Talos.
Alignment: LE.
Race: Any.
Multiclass: Fighter/Cleric, Cleric/Mage.
Turn/Command Undead: No.
- May use the Touch of Loviatar special ability once per day, starting at level 1. Gains an additional use every three levels.
- May use the Whip of Flame special ability once per day, starting at level 3.
- May use the Whip of Pain special ability once per day, starting at level 5.
- May use the Touch of Torment special ability once per day, starting at level 7.
- May cast Symbol, Pain once per day as a special ability, starting at level 15.
- May use the Ensnarement special ability once per day, starting at level 20.
The Pain inflicts a great pain on PRO_HISHER target.
A whip made of fire strikes one creature and may let it on fire.
The Pain materializes a whip that puts the target on pain upon touch.
The target gets damage and is afflicted by an incapacitating pain.
The Pain summons an Erinyes to serve PRO_HIMHER.
Talon of Malar
Weapon: Non-missile bludgeoning and dagger only.
Major: All, Animal, Vermin, Combat, Earth, Travelers.
Minor: Healing, Plant, Darkness.
Requirements: Str 13, Wis 12.
Stronghold: Talos, Druid.
Alignment: CE.
Race: Human, Half-Orc.
Multiclass: Ranger/Cleric.
Turn/Command Undead: No.
- May use the weapon Claws of Malar.
- Receives Attacks Per Round as if they were warriors.
- May cast Beast Claw once per day as a special ability, starting at level 3.
- Becomes immune to Charm effects, starting at level 7.
- May cast Animal Rage once per day as a special ability, starting at level 10.
These claws are given by the Church of Malar to its elected Talons. They consist of metal weapons gripped in the fists that resemble brass knuckles studded with rows of sharp, jagged edges along the top like lion's claws. The claws must be used as a pair to be effective in combat. Despise being uncomfortable, it is possible to wear a glove under the claws.
Equipped Abilities:
- Critical Hit Chance: +5%
Combat abilities:
– 1 extra attack per round
– Target suffers 3 points of additional bleeding damage per round for 2 rounds on a critical hit
Thac0: +1
Damage: 1d6+1 (slashing)
Speed Factor: 2
Proficiency Type: Talon of Malar
Type: Two-handed
12 Strength
Weight: 5
Silentwalker of Mask
Weapon: Bludgeoning, dagger, and crossbow.
Major: All, Darkness, Thought, Divination, Travelers, Trickery.
Minor: Healing, Protection, Combat, Creation.
Requirements: Dex 14, Wis 14.
Stronghold: Talos, Thief.
Alignment: NE.
Race: Any.
Multiclass: Cleric/Thief.
Turn/Command Undead: No.
- May cast Darkness once per day as a special ability, starting at level 1.
- May use the Shadowcloak special ability once per day, starting at level 2.
- May cast Shadow Door once per day as a special ability, starting at level 3.
- May cast Shadow Monsters once per day as a special ability, starting at level 5.
- May cast Demi-shadow Monsters once per day as a special ability, starting at level 7.
- May cast Summon Shadow once per day as a special ability, starting at level 9.
- May cast Shades once per day as a special ability, starting at level 13.
- May cast Invisible Stalker once per day as a special ability, starting at level 15.
The Silentwalker surrounds itself with dense shadows, completely silencing PRO_HISHER sounds and being protected against physical attacks.
Gray One of Myrkul
Weapon: Bludgeoning and scimitars.
Major: All, Necromantic, Suffering, Vermin, Protection, Darkness.
Minor: Healing, Combat, Creation, Divination.
Requirements: Str 14, Int 14, Wis 14.
Stronghold: -
Alignment: NE.
Race: Human.
Multiclass: Cleric/Mage.
Turn/Command Undead: Yes (see below).
- Commands Undead as a priest two levels higher.
- Gains +1 Saving Throws vs. Paralyzation/Poison/Death.
- May cast Animate Dead once per day as a special ability, starting at level 5.
- May cast Dolorous Decay once per day as a special ability, starting at level 9.
- May use the Summon Minor Death special ability once per day, starting at level 10.
- May use the Hand of Myrkul special ability once per day, starting at level 15.
This spell summons a powerful skeleton that stays at the Gray One's service for 1 turn/level.
As the wizard spell Disintegrate, except that it has a touch range and a casting time of 1.
Dweomerkeeper of Mystra
Weapon: Bludgeoning only.
Major: All, Necromantic, Protection, Thought, Divination, Weave, Time.
Minor: Healing, Moon, Combat, Creation.
Requirements: Int 14, Wis 12.
Stronghold: Wizard.
Alignment: LN, NG, CN.
Race: Human, Half-Elf, Elf, Gnome.
Multiclass: Cleric/Mage.
Turn/Command Undead: Yes.
- Immune to wild, dead and miscast magic.
- Gains a bonus of +2 bonus to PRO_HISHER Saving Throws vs. Spells.
- May cast Dispel Magic as a special ability once per day, starting at level 5.
- Gains a bonus of +2 bonus to spellcasting time, starting at level 7.
- Gains immunity to Remove Magic, Secret Word and Breach starting at level 15.
Lorekeeper of Oghma
Weapon: Bludgeoning only.
Major: All, Healing, Protection, Thought, Creation, Divination, Time.
Minor: Sun, Combat, Travelers, Weave.
Requirements: Int 12, Wis 14.
Stronghold: Bard, Wizard
Alignment: TN.
Race: Any, except Half-Orc.
Multiclass: Cleric/Mage.
Turn/Command Undead: Yes.
- May cast Friends as a special ability once per day, starting at level 5.
- May use the Legend Lore special ability once per day, starting at level 10.
- Gains permanently the benefits of Free Action at level 12.
The Lorekeeper boosts PRO_HISHER Lore, learning how to use any item, unequip cursed items, neutralize poisons and cure diseases.
Silverstar of Selûne
Weapon: Bludgeoning only.
Major: All, Healing, Protection, Moon, Thought, Combat, Divination.
Minor: Sun, Creation, Air, Weave.
Requirements: Con 12, Wis 14.
Stronghold: Lathander.
Alignment: CG.
Race: Any.
Multiclass: Fighter/Cleric, Cleric/Mage.
Turn/Command Undead: Yes.
- Gains Infravision.
- Immune to all Blindness effects and spells.
- May use the Moonbeam special ability once per day, starting at level 3.
- May cast Moonblade once per day as a special ability, starting at level 5.
- May cast True Seeing once per day as a special ability, starting at level 10.
- May use the Shooting Star special ability once per day, starting at level 15.
The Silverstar call a beam of light that blinds the target and forbids it from becoming invisible.
The Silverstar throws a shooting star upon an area, causing massive damage to all creatures within.
Nightcloak of Shar
Weapon: Bludgeoning only.
Major: All, Necromantic, Darkness, Thought, Summoning, Weave, Trickery.
Minor: Healing, Suffering, Moon, Creation.
Requirements: Str 14, Wis 12.
Stronghold: Talos.
Alignment: NE.
Race: Any.
Multiclass: Cleric/Mage, Cleric/Thief.
Turn/Command Undead: Yes.
- Gains +1 bonus to hit, damage and on Saving Throws during the night.
- May cast Darkness once per day as a special ability, starting at level 1. Gain an additional use every two levels.
- May cast Blindness once per day as a special ability, starting at level 3.
- May use the Nightmare special ability on per day, starting at level 9.
- May cast Shadow Door once per day as a special ability, starting at level 13.
- May use the Eyebite special ability once per day, starting at level 13.
The Nightcloak gazes a target and delivers one of the following effects: Charm, Fear, Sickness, Sleep.
Target is put to sleep and suffers 1d10 points of magic damage unless a Saving Throw vs. Spells is successfully made.
Windwalker of Shaundakul
Weapon: Any.
Major: All, Air, Combat, Travelers, Healing, Protection.
Minor: Divination, Vocal, Plant.
Requirements: Str 13, Con 11, Wis 14.
Stronghold: Ranger.
Alignment: CG, CN.
Race: Human, Half-Elf.
Multiclass: Ranger/Cleric.
Turn/Command Undead: No.
- Receives Attacks Per Round as if they were warriors.
- May cast Invisibility once per day as a special ability, starting at level 2.
- May cast Protection From Normal Missiles once per day as a special ability, starting at level 3.
- May cast Wraithform once per day as a special ability, starting at level 5.
- May cast Aerial Servant once per day as a special ability, starting at level 12.
Heartwarder of Sune
Weapon: Bludgeoning, shortbow, and darts.
Major: All, Healing, Protection, Sun, Thought, Fire.
Minor: Combat, Creation, Divination, Vocal.
Requirements: Wis 12, Cha 16.
Stronghold: Lathander, Bard.
Alignment: CG.
Race: Human, Half-Elf, Elf.
Multiclass: Fighter/Cleric, Cleric/Thief.
Turn/Command Undead: Yes.
- May cast Dire Charm once per day as a special ability, starting at level 1.
- May use the Rapture special ability once per day, starting at level 5.
- May cast Flame Strike once per day as a special ability, starting at level 7.
- May cast Emotion once per day as a special ability, starting at level 9.
- Gains a permanent +1 to their Charisma at level 9.
The Heartwarder either charms an ally, curing it of fear, disease and charm effects or awes an enemy, stunning it.
Malagent of Talona
Weapon: Bludgeoning only.
Major: All, Necromantic, Suffering, Vermin, Darkness, Summoning.
Minor: Healing, Thought, Divination, Trickery.
Requirements: Con 14, Wis 14.
Stronghold: Talos.
Alignment: CE.
Race: Any
Multiclass: Cleric/Mage, Cleric/Thief.
Turn/Command Undead: No.
- Immune to disease.
- Gains a bonus of +4 bonus to Saving Throws vs. Poison.
- May use the Poison Weapon special ability once per day, starting at level 5.
- May use the Poison Touch special ability once per day, starting at level 7.
- May cast Contagion once per day as a special ability, starting at level 10.
- May cast Poison once per day as a special ability, starting at level 10.
- May cast Cloud of Pestilence once per day as a special ability, starting at level 15.
The Malagent delivers a maleficent poison that gets worse every round.
Stormcaller of Talos
Weapon: Bludgeoning and spears.
Major: All, Suffering, Combat, Summoning, Air, Water.
Minor: Healing, Protection, Darkness, Fire.
Requirements: Str 13, Wis 14.
Stronghold: Talos.
Alignment: CE.
Race: Any
Multiclass: Fighter/Cleric, Cleric/Mage.
Turn/Command Undead: Yes.
- Gains immunity to all forms of lightning and electrical damage.
- May cast Shocking Grasp once per day as a special ability, starting at level 1.
- May cast Call Lightning once per day as a special ability, starting at level 3.
- May cast Lightning Bolt once per day as a special ability, starting at level 7 and gaining another use every three levels.
- May cast Earthquake once per day as a special ability, starting at level 15.
Battleguard of Tempus
Weapon: Any, except missiles.
Major: All, Protection, Combat, Creation, Travelers, Vocal.
Minor: Healing, Suffering, Divination.
Requirements: Str 14, Wis 12.
Stronghold: Fighter.
Alignment: CG, CN, CE.
Race: Human, Half-Elf, Dwarf, Half-Orc.
Multiclass: Fighter/Cleric.
Turn/Command Undead: No.
- Receives Attacks Per Round as if they were warriors.
- May specialize in any melee weapon.
- May Enrage as a Berserker once per day.
- May cast Prayer once per day as a special ability, starting at level 5.
- May use the Heroes' Feast special ability once per day, starting at level 10.
- Hit Dice: d10.
The priest creates a banquet that heals a small amount of damage, cures poison and diseases, prevents fear and blesses whoever eats it.
Holy Champion of Torm
Weapon: Bludgeoning only.
Major: All, Protection, Combat, Creation, Travelers, Vocal.
Minor: Healing, Sun, Thought.
Requirements: Con 12, Wis 15.
Stronghold: Helm, Paladin.
Alignment: LG.
Race: Human, Half-Elf, Half-Orc, Dwarf.
Multiclass: Fighter/Cleric.
Turn/Command Undead: Yes.
- Receives Attacks Per Round as if they were warriors.
- May cast Command as a special ability once per day, starting at level 1.
- May cast Greater Command as a special ability once per day, starting at level 5.
- May cast Bolt of Glory as a special ability once per day, starting at level 12.
- May cast Power Word, Stun as a special ability once per day, starting at level 15.
- May cast Holy Word as a special ability once per day, starting at level 20.
- Hit Dice: d10.
Luckbringer of Tymora
Weapon: Bludgeoning only.
Major: All, Healing, Protection, Thought, Divination, Trickery.
Minor: Sun, Moon, Creation, Travelers.
Requirements: Dex 14, Wis 15.
Stronghold: Lathander.
Alignment: CG.
Race: Human, Half-Elf, Halfling.
Multiclass: Cleric/Thief.
Turn/Command Undead: Yes.
- May cast Luck once per day as a special ability, starting at level 1.
- May use the Moment special ability once per day, starting at level 3.
- May use the Favor of Tymora special ability once per day, starting at level 5.
- May cast Lower Resistance once per day as a special ability, starting at level 7.
- May use the Luckbolt special ability once per day, starting at level 10.
- May use the Tymora's Blessing special ability once per day, starting at level 15.
The Luckbringer twists the odds of an action in PRO_HISHER favor, increasing PRO_HISHER chances of success.
The Luckbringer calls for Tymora's aid to increase the chances of a creature or PRO_HIMHERself success on Saving Throws.
The Luckbringer blesses a creature or PRO_HIMHERself with an outbreak of luck which gradually fades within 4 rounds.
The Luckbringer pleads for the goodwill of Tymora to PRO_HIMHERself, receiving significant bonuses to several actions.
Holy Justice of Tyr
Weapon: Bludgeoning, bastard sword, and longsword.
Major: All, Healing, Protection, Combat, Divination, Vocal.
Minor: Sun, Thought, Creation.
Requirements: Str 9, Wis 9.
Stronghold: Helm, Paladin.
Alignment: LG.
Race: Any.
Multiclass: Fighter/Cleric.
Turn/Command Undead: Yes.
- Receives Attacks Per Round as if they were warriors.
- May cast Hold Person as a special ability once per day, starting at level 1.
- May cast Strength of One as a special ability once per day, starting at level 3.
- May cast Holy Word as a special ability once per day, starting at level 10.
- May cast Detect Invisibility as a special ability at will, starting at level 12.
Waveservant of Umberlee
Weapon: Bludgeoning, spear, and dagger.
Major: All, Suffering, Summoning, Air, Water, Travelers.
Minor: Healing, Necromantic, Protection, Darkness.
Requirements: Con 15, Wis 13.
Stronghold: Talos.
Alignment: CE.
Race: Human, Half-Elf, Half-Orc.
Multiclass: Cleric/Thief.
Turn/Command Undead: Yes.
- May cast Smashing Wave once per day as a special ability, starting at level 4.
- May use the Dehydrate special ability once per day, starting at level 6.
- Gains permanently the benefits of Free Action at level 10.
- May use the Drown special ability once per day, starting at level 12.
- May cast Conjure Water Elemental once per day as a special ability, starting at level 15.
The Waveservant removes the water from the target's body, delivering damage.
The Waveservant fills the target's lungs with water, imposing heavy penalties to PRO_HISHER victim.
Bloodreaver of Garagos
Weapon: Any.
Major: All, Combat, Creation, Travelers, Vocal.
Minor: Suffering, Darkness.
Requirements: Str 13, Con 11, Wis 9.
Stronghold: Talos.
Alignment: CN, CE.
Race: Any.
Multiclass: Fighter/Cleric.
Turn/Command Undead: No.
- Receives Attacks Per Round as if they were warriors.
- May Enrage as a Berserker once per day.
- May use the Chaotic Combat special ability once per day, starting at level 5.
- May use the Blood Armor special ability once per day, starting at level 7.
- May cast Blade Barrier once per day as a special ability, starting at level 9.
- Hit Dice: d10.
The caster baths PRO_HIMHERself in blood, gaining protection against physical attacks, resistance against fire and cold and vulnerability to electricity.
The caster imbues a target with the chaos of the battlefield giving it a random bonus or penalty to AC and Thac0.
Doombringer of Hoar
Weapon: Any.
Major: All, Suffering, Combat, Divination, Vocal.
Minor: Healing, Darkness.
Requirements: Dex 10, Wis 9.
Stronghold: Helm.
Alignment: LN.
Race: Any.
Multiclass: Fighter/Cleric, Cleric/Thief.
Turn/Command Undead: Yes.
- May Enrage as a Berserker once per day.
- May cast Shocking Grasp once per day as a special ability, starting at level 3.
- May cast Lightning Bolt once per day as a special ability, starting at level 5.
- May use the Hand of Hoar special ability once per day, starting at level 7.
- May use the Thunder Staff special ability once per day, starting at level 10.
- Gains permanently the benefits of Protection From Normal Missiles at level 13.
The Doombringer inflicts a punishment upon a target that may turn it into a Revenant at service.
This spell creates a cone of force that hurls back, stuns and deafens everyone caught in its area of effect.
Doomscribe of Jergal
Weapon: Bludgeoning only.
Major: All, Necromantic, Darkness, Divination, Time.
Minor: Suffering, Protection, Vocal.
Requirements: Int 11, Wis 9.
Stronghold: Helm.
Alignment: LN, LE.
Race: Human.
Multiclass: Cleric/Mage.
Turn/Command Undead: Yes (see below).
- Turns or Commands Undead as a priest one level higher.
- Gains +1 Saving Throw bonus against spells using Necromancy magic.
- Gains +2 bonus to AC and Saving Throws vs. undead.
- May cast Ray of Enfeeblement once per day as a special ability, starting at level 1.
- May cast Skull Trap once per day as a special ability, starting at level 3.
- May cast Undead Ward once per day as a special ability, starting at level 5.
- May cast Negative Plane Protection once per day as a special ability, starting at level 5.
- May cast Animate Dead once per day as a special ability, starting at level 10.
- May cast Energy Drain once per day as a special ability, starting at level 20.
Woodwife of Shiallia
Weapon: Club, dagger, dart, sling, quarterstaff.
Major: All, Healing, Animal, Plant, Sun.
Minor: Protection, Thought, Travelers.
Requirements: Wis 11, Cha 11.
Stronghold: Druid.
Alignment: NG.
Race: Human, Half-Elf, Elf, Halfling, Gnome. Female only.
Multiclass: Ranger/Cleric.
Turn/Command Undead: No.
- May Lay on Hands as a Paladin three times per day.
- May cast Entangle once per day as a special ability, starting at level 1.
- May cast Goodberry once per day as a special ability, starting at level 1.
- May cast Animal Summoning I once per day as a special ability, starting at level 5.
- May cast Animal Summoning II once per day as a special ability, starting at level 7.
- May cast Animal Summoning III once per day as a special ability, starting at level 10.
- May cast Heal once per day as a special ability, starting at level 13.
Holy Strategist of The Red Knight
Weapon: Any.
Major: All, Protection, Combat, Divination, Vocal.
Minor: Healing, Travelers.
Requirements: Int 13, Wis 13, Cha 10.
Stronghold: Helm, Fighter.
Alignment: LN.
Race: Any.
Multiclass: Fighter/Cleric.
Turn/Command Undead: No.
- Receives Attacks Per Round as if they were warriors.
- May cast Clairvoyance once per day as a special ability, starting at level 3.
- May use the Divination special ability once per day, starting at level 5.
- May use the Consequence special ability once per day, starting at level 7.
- May cast Mass Invisibility once per day as a special ability, starting at level 9.
The caster becomes capable of foreseeing moments about PRO_HIMHER in a near future gaining a slight advantage in combat.
The caster becomes capable of foreseeing brief moments PRO_HIMHER and the environment around PRO_HIMHER in the near future gaining a slight advantage in combat.~
Seer of Savras
Weapon: Bludgeoning only.
Major: All, Healing, Protection, Moon, Thought, Divination.
Minor: Necromantic, Weave, Time.
Requirements: Int 11, Wis 14.
Stronghold: Wizard.
Alignment: LN.
Race: Human, Elf, Half-Elf.
Multiclass: Cleric/Mage.
Turn/Command Undead: Yes.
- May cast Clairvoyance once per day as a special ability, starting at level 1.
- May cast Wizard Eye once per day as a special ability, starting at level 3.
- May cast True Seeing once per day as a special ability, starting at level 5.
- May cast Farsight once per day as a special ability, starting at level 7.
- May use the Consequence special ability once per day, starting at level 10.
- Becomes immune to Blindness, starting at level 10.
- Becomes immune to backstab, starting at level 13.
- May target invisible foes, starting at level 15.
The caster becomes capable of foreseeing brief moments PRO_HIMHER and the environment around PRO_HIMHER in the near future gaining a slight advantage in combat.~
Iceguardian of Ulutiu
Weapon: Shortbow, spear, dart, dagger, short sword.
Major: All, Animal, Combat, Water, Vocal.
Minor: Healing, Air, Travelers.
Requirements: Str 12, Wis 14.
Stronghold: Helm.
Alignment: LN.
Race: Human.
Multiclass: Ranger/Cleric.
Turn/Command Undead: No.
- Gains immunity to all forms of cold.
- May use the Call Upon Polar Fury special ability once per day, starting at level 5.
- May cast Ice Storm once per day as a special ability, starting at level 7.
- May shapechange into a Great White Bear once per day as a special ability, starting at level 10.
- May cast Cone of Cold once per day as a special ability, starting at level 13.
- May cast Freezing Sphere once per day as a special ability, starting at level 15.
- May never start or use fire.
The Iceguardian communes with the power of the Great White Bear, gaining some of its combat's features.
Wavetamer of Valkur
Weapon: All bludgeoning, scimitar, and spears.
Major: All, Travelers, Water, Protection, Combat.
Minor: Moon, Healing, Air.
Requirements: Str 14, Wis 10, Cha 12.
Stronghold: Lathander.
Alignment: CG.
Race: Any.
Multiclass: Fighter/Cleric.
Turn/Command Undead: Yes.
- May spend three slots in Two-Weapon Fighting.
- May cast Goodberry once per day as a special ability, starting at level 3.
- May cast Call Lightning once per day as a special ability, starting at level 7.
- May cast Smashing Wave once per day as a special ability, starting at level 10.
- May cast Conjure Water Elemental once per day as a special ability, starting at level 15.
Necrophant of Velsharoon
Weapon: Bludgeoning only.
Major: All, Necromantic, Suffering, Darkness, Summoning, Divination.
Minor: Vermin, Weave, Time.
Requirements: Int 11, Wis 16.
Stronghold: Talos, Wizard.
Alignment: LE, NE, CE.
Race: Human.
Multiclass: Cleric/Mage.
Turn/Command Undead: Yes.
- Gains +2 Saving Throw bonus against spells using Necromancy magic.
- May cast Chill Touch once per day as a special ability, starting at level 1.
- May cast Animate Dead once per day as a special ability, starting at level 5.
- May cast Wraithform once per day as a special ability, starting at level 7.
- May use the Gaseous Form special ability once per day, starting at level 10.
- May cast Energy Drain once per day as a special ability, starting at level 15.
- May cast Wail of the Banshee once per day as a special ability, starting at level 18.
This spell enables the Necrophant to assume the gaseous form of a vampire.
Elemental Lords
Lords of the Golden Hills
Fastpaw of Baervan
Weapon: Club, crossbows, dagger, axe, sling, spear, short bow and quarterstaff.
Major: All, Healing, Animal, Plant, Protection, Earth.
Minor: Combat, Creation, Travelers, Trickery.
Requirements: Con 10, Wis 9.
Stronghold: Druid, Ranger.
Alignment: NG, CG.
Race: Gnome.
Multiclass: Ranger/Cleric.
Turn/Command Undead: Yes (see below).
- Immune to Entangle and Web.
- May cast Barkskin once per day as a special ability, starting at level 3.
- May cast Call Woodland Beings once per day as a special ability, starting at level 7.
- May cast Animal Summoning III once per day as a special ability, starting at level 13.
- May use the Changestaff special ability once per day, starting at level 15.
- Turns Undead as a priest four levels lower.
The Fastpaw turns an ordinary piece of wood into a Treant that will fight by PRO_HISHER side until slew or the spell expires.
Hoodwinker of Baravar
Weapon: Club, dagger, dart, crossbows, short bow, short sword, sling, quarterstaff.
Major: All, Protection, Combat, Earth, Travelers, Trickery.
Minor: Healing, Suffering, Moon, Divination.
Requirements: Dex 15, Int 15, Wis 9.
Stronghold: Thief.
Alignment: NG.
Race: Gnome.
Multiclass: Cleric/Mage, Cleric/Thief.
Turn/Command Undead: No.
- Gains +2 Saving Throw bonus against spells using Illusion/Phantasm magic at level 3.
- May cast Mirror Image once per day as a special ability, starting at level 3.
- May cast Invisibility once per day as a special ability, starting at level 5.
- May cast Dimension Door once per day as a special ability, starting at level 7.
- May cast Mislead once per day as a special ability, starting at level 13.
- May cast Prismatic Spray once per day as a special ability, starting at level 15.
Glitterbright of Garl
Weapon: Any.
Major: All, Protection, Combat, Creation, Earth, Trickery.
Minor: Healing, Sun, Thought, Travelers.
Requirements: Dex 11, Int 11, Wis 9.
Stronghold: Helm.
Alignment: LG, NG.
Race: Gnome.
Multiclass: Fighter/Cleric.
Turn/Command Undead: Yes (see below).
- Turns Undead as a priest two levels lower.
- May cast Glitterdust once per day as a special ability, starting at level 3.
- May use the Tasha's Uncontrollable Hideous Laughter special ability once per day, starting at level 5.
- May cast Mirror Image once per day as a special ability, starting at level 7.
- Gains +2 Saving Throw bonus against spells using Illusion/Phantasm magic at level 7.
- May cast Improved Invisibility once per day as a special ability, starting at level 10.
- Always protected as if wearing a Cloak of Displacement, starting at level 13.
The caster makes one creature fall into a burst of uncontrollable laughter, penalizing its Strength score.
Bloodstalker of Urdlen
Weapon: Slashing and piercing only.
Major: All, Suffering, Vermin, Darkness, Thought, Earth.
Minor: Necromantic, Combat, Summoning, Fire.
Requirements: Str 11, Wis 9.
Stronghold: Talos.
Alignment: CE.
Race: Gnome.
Multiclass: Cleric/Thief.
Turn/Command Undead: Yes (see below).
- May use the weapon Claws of Urdlen.
- Turns Undead as a priest two levels lower.
- May cast Cause Light Wounds once per day as a special ability, starting at level 1.
- May cast Blindness once per day as a special ability, starting at level 3.
- May cast Cloak of Fear once per day as a special ability, starting at level 5.
- May cast Dimension Door once per day as a special ability, starting at level 7
- May cast Creeping Doom once per day as a special ability, starting at level 10.
- May cast Slay Living once per day as a special ability, starting at level 13.
- May cast Wither once per day as a special ability, starting at level 13.
Yondalla's Children
Truesword of Arvoreen
Weapon: Any.
Major: All, Healing, Protection, Combat, Earth, Divination.
Minor: Sun, Creation, Vocal.
Requirements: Str 12, Con 12, Wis 9.
Stronghold: Helm, Fighter.
Alignment: LG, LN, NG.
Race: Halfling.
Multiclass: Fighter/Cleric.
Turn/Command Undead: Yes (see below).
- Turns Undead as a priest two levels lower.
- Gains +2 to all Saving Throws when wielding a melee weapon.
- May cast Detect Evil once per day as a special ability, starting at level 1.
- May cast Strength once per day as a special ability, starting at level 3.
- May Lay on Hands as a Paladin once per day, starting at level 5, restoring 1 HP/level.
- May cast Remove Fear once per day as a special ability, starting at level 5. The spell is centered on the Truesword and also grants +1 to Thac0 and Damage.
- May cast Strength of One once per day as a special ability, starting at level 7.
- May use the Easy March special ability once per day, starting at level 10.
- May cast Champion's Strength of One once per day as a special ability, starting at level 13.
This spell doubles the party's movement rate and grants immunity to fatigue for 5 days.
Horn Guard of Yondalla
Weapon: Single-handed only and bows.
Major: All, Healing, Plant, Protection, Combat, Creation.
Minor: Animal, Earth, Travelers, Vocal.
Requirements: Str 12, Wis 13.
Stronghold: Helm, Ranger.
Alignment: LG.
Race: Halfling.
Multiclass: Ranger/Cleric.
Turn/Command Undead: Yes.
- Gains +3 Thac0 with slings (instead of +1).
- May cast Magical Stone once per day as a special ability, starting at level 1.
- May cast Shield once per day as a special ability, starting at level 1. May target other creatures.
- May cast Bless once per day as a special ability, starting at level 3. The spell has twice the normal duration.
- May cast Goodberry once per day as a special ability, starting at level 5.
- May cast Spike Growth once per day as a special ability, starting at level 7.
- Gains immunity to fear and paralysis, starting at level 7.
- May use the Heroes' Feast special ability once per day, starting at level 10.
- May shapeshift into a Dire Wolf at will as a special ability, starting at level 13.
The priest creates a banquet that heals a small amount of damage, cures poison and diseases, prevents fear and blesses whoever eats it.
Alaghar of Clangeddin
Weapon: Any.
Major: All, Protection, Combat, Creation, Earth, Vocal.
Minor: Healing, Thought, Travelers.
Requirements: Str 15, Wis 9.
Stronghold: Helm, Fighter.
Alignment: LG, LN.
Race: Dwarf.
Multiclass: Fighter/Cleric.
Turn/Command Undead: No.
- Receives Attacks Per Round as if they were warriors.
- May achieve Mastery in Axes and Warhammers.
- May cast Command twice per day as a special ability, starting at level 1.
- May cast Spiritual Hammer once per day as a special ability, starting at level 3.
- May cast Strength of One once per day as a special ability, starting at level 5.
- May cast Defensive Harmony once per day as a special ability, starting at level 7.
- May cast Blade Barrier once per day as a special ability, starting at level 15.
Luckmaiden of Haela
Weapon: Any.
Major: All, Healing, Protection, Thought, Combat, Earth.
Minor: Creation, Divination, Travelers.
Requirements: Str 11, Dex 10, Wis 9.
Stronghold: Helm, Fighter.
Alignment: NG, CG.
Race: Dwarf. Female only.
Multiclass: Fighter/Cleric.
Turn/Command Undead: Yes.
- Receives Attacks Per Round as if they were warriors.
- Gains +2 to all Saving Throws when wielding a melee weapon.
- May cast Shield once per day as a special ability, starting at level 1.
- May cast Aid once per day as a special ability, starting at level 3, on themselves only.
- May cast Draw Upon Holy Might once per day as a special ability, starting at level 5.
- May cast Prayer once per day as a special ability, starting at level 10.
- May cast Heal once per day as a special ability, starting at level 15.
Trailblazer of Marthammor
Weapon: Bludgeoning only.
Major: All, Healing, Protection, Combat, Air, Traveler.
Minor: Animal, Earth, Divination, Vocal.
Requirements: Con 11, Wis 9.
Stronghold: Lathander.
Alignment: NG.
Race: Dwarf.
Multiclass: Fighter/Cleric.
Turn/Command Undead: No.
- Gains immunity to all forms of lightning and electrical damage.
- May cast Free Action once per day as a special ability, starting at level 1.
- May cast Call Lightning once per day as a special ability, starting at level 3.
- May cast Lightning Bolt once per day as a special ability, starting at level 5. Gains another use at level 10.
- May cast Haste once per day as a special ability, starting at level 7. May target only themselves and has no Fatigue penalty.
- May cast Dimension Door once per day as a special ability, starting at level 10.
- Gains immunity to Maze and Imprisonment, starting at level 15.
Feywarden of Corellon
Weapon: Any.
Major: All, Healing, Protection, Moon, Combat, Creation, Weave.
Minor: Sun, Thought, Divination, Time.
Requirements: Str 11, Int 11, Wis 9.
Stronghold: Lathander.
Alignment: CG.
Race: Elf, Half-Elf.
Multiclass: Fighter/Mage/Cleric (only).
Turn/Command Undead: Yes.
- Gains a bonus of +1 to PRO_HISHER Saving Throws vs. Paralyzation/Poison/Death.
- May use the Sixth Sense special ability once per day, starting at level 1.
- May cast Faerie Fire once per day as a special ability, starting at level 3.
- May cast Cat's Grace once per day as a special ability, starting at level 5.
- Gains a further bonus of +2 to PRO_HISHER Saving Throws vs. Paralyzation/Poison/Death.
- May cast Enchanted Weapon once per day as a special ability, starting at level 10.
- May cast Prismatic Spray once per day as a special ability, starting at level 13.
- May cast Sunray once per day as a special ability, starting at level 15.
The Feywarden enhances PRO_HISHER awareness about the events that surround PRO_HIMHER gaining a bonus to react to them.
Hawkeye of Solonor
Weapon: Any.
Major: All, Animal, Protection, Combat, Plant, Travelers.
Minor: Healing, Air, Sun.
Requirements: Str 13, Dex 13, Con 14, Wis 14.
Stronghold: Druid, Ranger.
Alignment: NG, CG.
Race: Elf, Half-Elf.
Multiclass: Ranger/Cleric (only).
Turn/Command Undead: Yes.
- May achieve Mastery in Shortbows and Longbows.
- May use the Aim special ability at will, starting at level 1.
- May use the Shattering Shot special ability at will, starting at level 5.
- May use the Rapid Shot special ability at will, starting at level 7.
- May use the Hail of Arrows special ability at will, starting at level 11.
While using this ability, the Hawkeye gains +2 to critical hit rolls, Thac0 and takes a penalty of -2 to Initiative and -1 to APR (minimum of 1 APR is maintained) for the next round. This special ability can't be combined with any other and works only with bows (both long and short).
While using this ability, the Hawkeye delivers +3 extra damage but takes a penalty of -3 to Thac0. This special ability can't be combined with any other and works only with bows (both long and short).
While using this ability, the Hawkeye gains +1 APR but takes a penalty of -2 to Thac0. This special ability can't be combined with any other and works only with bows (both long and short).
While using this ability, the Hawkeye's APR is set to 5, but PRO_HESHE also takes a penalty of -3 to Thac0 and can't move. This special ability can't be combined with any other and works only with bows (both long and short).
Dark Seldarine
Arachne of Lolth
Weapon: Any.
Major: All, Necromantic, Suffering, Vermin, Darkness, Summoning.
Minor: Healing, Thought, Divination, Weave.
Requirements: Wis 13.
Stronghold: Talos.
Alignment: CE.
Race: Elf (drow). Female only.
Multiclass: None.
Turn/Command Undead: Yes.
- Immunity to poison.
- Arachne are not harmed by spiders, unless if it is the desire of Lolth.
- May use the Spiderwalk special ability once per day, starting at level 2.
- May cast Dispel Magic once per day as a special ability, starting at level 5.
- May cast Spider Spawn once per day as a special ability, starting at level 7.
- May cast True Seeing once per day as a special ability, starting at level 10.
- May cast Domination once per day as a special ability, starting at level 13.
While this spell is active, the caster is immune to any sort of web, no matter its source (trap, spell or monster's special ability).
Orc Pantheon
Eye of Gruumsh
Weapon: Any.
Major: All, Suffering, Darkness, Combat, Earth, Divination.
Minor: Creation, Summoning, Vocal.
Requirements: Str13, Wis 9.
Stronghold: Talos.
Alignment: LE.
Race: Half-Orc. Male only.
Multiclass: Fighter.
Turn/Command Undead: Yes (see below).
- Hit Dice: d10.
- May achieve Mastery in Spears.
- Commands Undead as a priest two levels lower.
- Receives Attacks Per Round as if they were warriors.
- +1 bonus to hit and damage rolls against elves and half-elves.
- May cast Aid once per day as a special ability, starting at level 3.
- Gains immunity to all Blindness effects and spells, starting at level 5.
- May cast Blindness once per day as a special ability, starting at level 7.
- May use the Command the Horde special ability once per day, starting at level 9.
- May Enrage as a Berserker once per day, starting at level 11.
The Eye of Gruumsh may charm any evil critter with orcish blood in an area around him.
I'll be busy this weekend, but I'll definitely test that by Monday.
If you do it before me, please, let me know the results.
Hope you enjoy it.
About the item usability: I got around that. I did some stress-testing and not a single item compatibility issue appeared. Had to make some adjustments (the club-staff and long-short bow issue I discussed with you), but honestly, it is not the end of the world. Nothing that will break game balance or the kit's flavor.
I'll use the old system (minor = up to level 3 spells) and set it as DoF's default.
Thanks for pointing that out.
Edit: Now the line is one the Base Class Changes component (that is mandatory for everything else). v1.1 is up with this.
As far as kit suggestions in addition to what you are working on:
This mod is fully compatible with Spell Revision - please let me know if some odd behavior appears.
Deities of Faerûn will not be compatible with any mod that overhauls the base Cleric.
About the suggestions:
Auril and Talona are in a further To Do list.
Corelon will wait because I intend to make all the Seldarine in one go.
I'll need to study Malar and Kelemvor a little bit - I'm respecting the game's timeline (so you will be able to play as a Deathbringer of Bhaal in IWD, but not BG). But now I'm talking too much.
Thanks for the suggestions!
I'm studying how do I do it without messing with SCS (and without it ignoring the kit's new powers). This will take a while as I am very green when it comes to scripts.
Version 1.2 is upVersion 1.3 is up with the following features:
* Added immunity to dead magic and miscast magic to Mystra (as PnP rules).
* Correct weapon selection to Baravar and Baervan (now they do not have access to longbow).
* Fixed Mask's strings (he was stealing Torm's strings - what is kind of funny considering it is Mask).
PS: I'm aware that Baervan should not be able to wield staves, but removing it would cripple the kit's weapon selection too much and as its special ability is based on a damn staff I decided to overlook what PnP says and keep the proficiency for the kit.
Sorry for two updates so close to each other, it just occurred me after reading my discussion with subtledoctor that it was no longer necessary to give those two kits access to longbows (as I was doing this only to respect FnP's weapons system).
Altered to clarify this.
Edit; i meant to say spheres, not kits, in the second sentence.
Unfortunately, DoF isn't compatible with FnP's cleric's kits. Everything else should work fine. And I strongly recommend using FnP's sphere system with DoF's kits.
The number of kits from DoF will increase soon. I'm a little busy with some RL stuff at the moment, but I believe that my middle March I should have some pantheons entirely covered: Seldarine, Morndinsamman, Yondalla's Children, Lords of the Golden Hills, Elemental Lords, Dark Seldarine, the Orc Pantheon.
Future releases will be with entire pantheons package, so I wouldn't worry about the number of kits.
For now, I'll work on some evil-oriented kits to complete the Gods of Fury (Auril, Talos, Umberlee, and Malar) and Selûne.
Here is what I intend to release, chronologically (if possible):
Selûne -> Umberlee/Auril/Malar -> Loviatar/Talona -> Bane/Myrkul/Bhaal (IWD only) -> Morndinsamman -> Lords of the Golden Hills -> Yondalla's Children -> Seldarine -> Dark Seldarine -> Elemental Lords -> Orc Pantheon -> Gond/Deneir/Milil -> Tymora/Beshaba.
I have no idea when it will be done, but that is what I intend to do. Let's not forget that despite the support of a lot of helpful people this is a one-man-crew and I'm not a resourceful modder. I wouldn't hold my breath.
Some gods will not appear at all because they don't have specialist clerics, just druids, shamans or rangers at their service. Chauntea, Eldath, Gwaeron Windstrom, Shiallia, Silvanus, Uthgar, Rillifane, and Solonor to be precise.
I don't wanna flatter myself, but every deity demands a lot of work because they are a case-by-case analysis. The only thing I don't have to think about is the deity's description as I literally copy-and-paste them from the books.
Though he cannot equip the longbow. So could waste pip if not careful.
~DEITIESOFFAERUN/DEITIESOFFAERUN.TP2~ #0 #0 // Base Cleric Changes (required for all components): 1.4
~DEITIESOFFAERUN/DEITIESOFFAERUN.TP2~ #0 #1 // Install kit: Heartwarder of Sune: 1.4
~DEITIESOFFAERUN/DEITIESOFFAERUN.TP2~ #0 #2 // Install kit: Battleguard of Tempus: 1.4
~DEITIESOFFAERUN/DEITIESOFFAERUN.TP2~ #0 #3 // Install kit: Strifeleader of Cyric: 1.4
~DEITIESOFFAERUN/DEITIESOFFAERUN.TP2~ #0 #4 // Install kit: Nightcloak of Shar: 1.4
~DEITIESOFFAERUN/DEITIESOFFAERUN.TP2~ #0 #5 // Install kit: Alaghar of Clangeddin: 1.4
~DEITIESOFFAERUN/DEITIESOFFAERUN.TP2~ #0 #6 // Install kit: Hoodwinker of Baravar: 1.4
~DEITIESOFFAERUN/DEITIESOFFAERUN.TP2~ #0 #7 // Install kit: Fastpaw of Baervan: 1.4
~DEITIESOFFAERUN/DEITIESOFFAERUN.TP2~ #0 #8 // Install kit: Watcher of Helm: 1.4
~DEITIESOFFAERUN/DEITIESOFFAERUN.TP2~ #0 #9 // Install kit: Stormcaller of Talos: 1.4
~DEITIESOFFAERUN/DEITIESOFFAERUN.TP2~ #0 #10 // Install kit: Dawnbringer of Lathander: 1.4
~DEITIESOFFAERUN/DEITIESOFFAERUN.TP2~ #0 #11 // Install kit: Holy Justice of Tyr: 1.4
~DEITIESOFFAERUN/DEITIESOFFAERUN.TP2~ #0 #12 // Install kit: Lorekeeper of Oghma: 1.4
~DEITIESOFFAERUN/DEITIESOFFAERUN.TP2~ #0 #13 // Install kit: Painbearer of Ilmater: 1.4
~DEITIESOFFAERUN/DEITIESOFFAERUN.TP2~ #0 #14 // Install kit: Dweomerkeeper of Mystra: 1.4
~DEITIESOFFAERUN/DEITIESOFFAERUN.TP2~ #0 #15 // Install kit: Holy Champion of Torm: 1.4
~DEITIESOFFAERUN/DEITIESOFFAERUN.TP2~ #0 #16 // Install kit: Silentwalker of Mask: 1.4
~DEITIESOFFAERUN/DEITIESOFFAERUN.TP2~ #0 #18 // Quayle, the Hoodwinker of Baravar: 1.4
~DEITIESOFFAERUN/DEITIESOFFAERUN.TP2~ #0 #19 // Glint, the Hoodwinker of Baravar: 1.4
~DEITIESOFFAERUN/DEITIESOFFAERUN.TP2~ #0 #20 // Yeslick, the Alaghar of Clangeddin: 1.4
~DEITIESOFFAERUN/DEITIESOFFAERUN.TP2~ #0 #21 // Tiax, the Strifeleader of Cyric: 1.4
~DEITIESOFFAERUN/DEITIESOFFAERUN.TP2~ #0 #23 // Branwen, the Battleguard of Tempus: 1.4
~DEITIESOFFAERUN/DEITIESOFFAERUN.TP2~ #0 #24 // Viconia, the Nightcloak of Shar: 1.4
~FAITHS_AND_POWERS/FAITHS_AND_POWERS.TP2~ #0 #105 // Select an installation method below: -> no new kits - JUST install the sphere system: 0.74.21
That's weird. I just installed DoF with FnP's sphere system only and the longbow proficiency doesn't show up for character creation or level up.
I noticed that you're running an older version of FnP (currently it is 0.74.25) - maybe your version doesn't have the new system @subtledoctor implemented and talked about some posts above.
Could you please uninstal both and retry in this exactly same order using FnP's newest version? This should solve it. I don't know if you'll need a fresh game, probably yes.
Let me know about the results, please.
Just confirmed: the file that is needed to fix this was added on version 0.74.24
You can get it here:
Would spell revisions come before or after this mod?
2) As several kits are based on the COPY_EXISTING command, I recommend that SR comes first. I'm 90% sure that I didn't use any spell that is affected by SR, but I can be wrong so this is the safest approach.
I attached the debug from the mod install. Note that I quite the install when I hit the issue with Talos.
Here is a screenshot of the install error I see.