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Suggestions Thread: Miscellaneous (Minor uncategorized tweaks and changes)



  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,268
    @Yell I have rescued your post here from the forum's spam filter and verified you so that you should not get caught by it again.
  • AllatumAllatum Member Posts: 16
    I'm not entirely sure how much has been posted about Toolset but some good quality of life changes and new features would be nice. My experience is mostly in cosmetic construction so my suggestion will likewise be limited to these.

    Quality of Life:
    The ability to 'lock' a placeable object to a location on the map.
    This may be an issue for the current iteration of things but it's easy to mess up placement (ESPECIALLY z-axis moved objects) by simply clicking them. Not to mention accidental drags of the wrong object.

    Easier Movement/plane translation. Especially Z-axis.
    Current you need to open up a dialog box with 'adjust location' to even get a passable means of raising or lowering an object. This is fine and all for fine-tuning objects, but as above, a missclick will reset this instantly. The other problem is that just clicking and dragging objects sometimes moves them in very strange and frustrating ways when near other objects, including jumps to random locations or simply refusing to move in certain directions.

    A suggestion here is something I've seen in other games/toolsets - a 'sphere' with arrows for XYZ to translate an object along that direction and only that direction.

    New Features:
    z-rotation, Along with having the translate sphere also apply to rotational movement
    This is a lighter suggestion, since a lot of placeable objects, vanilla/official or community made aren't exactly modeled in such a way to see their undersides. However I feel it'd still be a nice feature.

    Resizing creautres and objects in the toolset
    Fairly obvious suggestion. Giant monsters, model cities, and so forth would be cool.

    Object Recoloring
    I've no idea how possible this may be, but the ability to tint Placeable objects (or maybe even tilesets themnselves)

    Expanded Color palette for tileset lights. Possibly with the HSB sliders that editing an area's fog/ambient lighting gives

    Ability to turn Placeable Objects as blocking movement on/off
    Another idea which I'm not entirely sure of the possibility, but would be highly convenient
  • EetheartEetheart Member Posts: 22
    This is a minor thing, but it bugs a lot of players. Let the order of the Abilities on Character Creation screen match the same order of them in the Character Sheet.

    Here's a link that describes the issue.
  • PhilAireyPhilAirey Member Posts: 3
    A simple but I hope valuable suggestion - a "Best of" community pack of community generated content (particularly modules but PW stuff is fine) to showcase the best work.

    Many of us work and/or have family (or other!) commitments and limited time to search through the thousands of pieces but a bulk, downloadable (auto-installing!) curated content pack would be wonderful.

    Could be a major selling point!

    Best wishes

  • YellYell Member Posts: 3
    Allow more freedom customization of resistances and immunities, and also allow conditions built in toolset to make them work. That allows for more interesting enemies. Also, options for conditional vulnerabilities.


    1) Immunitty 100% (any number) to all physical dmg. Property is reduced by -100% (any number) for X (chosen in property) rounds if hit by electrical damage.

    2) Immunitty 100% (any number) to all physical dmg, unless hit by Magical weapons (ANY enhancement bonus works, could even tag only spells enchantments here like Magic Weapon, Holy Sword and Blade Thirst). This could also be expanded to properties on weapon (Material: Adamantine, Vorpal and others as examples).

    3) Immunity VS [Elemental Damage]. Disabled after absorbing X dmg or [Condition] (Breach, Dispell, other). Recharged every Y rounds.

    4) Sets [Debuff] (ex. Slow) after hit by [Condition] (ex. Ice Damage).

    5) Immunity (or X SR) vs Spells of [Conditions and type: "and", "or"] (Ex: Evocation "and" 5th Circle or lower/higher: meaning Spells of Evocation from 5th or lower are affected by property. Ex: Fire "or" Cold "or" Electrical: meaning spells from any of these single elements are affected.
  • D3V11_D3V11_ Member Posts: 69
    would it be possible to make trolls only killable by ice,fire or acid? this is how they are supposed to be killed. but it was not implemented in nwn1. they get to 0 hp and are knocked out, and will get up when they regenerate health if you don't use ice, fire or acid. I would like to see the same in nwn.
  • ProlericProleric Member Posts: 1,316
    @D3V11_ I've seen this done in other authors' modules. A nice touch, for those of us who remember the D&D lore, as long as the fine tradition of stashing firebombs (or whatever) nearby is also observed. :p
  • TheAmethystDragonTheAmethystDragon Member Posts: 86
    D3V11_ said:

    would it be possible to make trolls only killable by ice,fire or acid? this is how they are supposed to be killed. but it was not implemented in nwn1. they get to 0 hp and are knocked out, and will get up when they regenerate health if you don't use ice, fire or acid. I would like to see the same in nwn.

    Proleric said:

    @D3V11_ I've seen this done in other authors' modules. A nice touch, for those of us who remember the D&D lore, as long as the fine tradition of stashing firebombs (or whatever) nearby is also observed. :p

    This can be done via scripting (with the trolls' onDamaged script, and possibly using its Heartbeat script). I did it for my server. However, I don't have fire conveniently's up to characters to remember to bring some along, or be prepared to actually run away. :smiley: Oh, and it's not just "knock them down then hit them with a little bit of fire or acid" have to do enough total fire/acid damage to match their full health to finish them off. :neutral:

    If you wanted this behavior for all trolls in every module you play, you'd probably have to modify the scripting and troll blueprint(s), then keep those files in your override folder.
  • D3V11_D3V11_ Member Posts: 69

    This can be done via scripting (with the trolls' onDamaged script, and possibly using its Heartbeat script). I did it for my server. However, I don't have fire conveniently's up to characters to remember to bring some along, or be prepared to actually run away. :smiley: Oh, and it's not just "knock them down then hit them with a little bit of fire or acid" have to do enough total fire/acid damage to match their full health to finish them off. :neutral:

    If you wanted this behavior for all trolls in every module you play, you'd probably have to modify the scripting and troll blueprint(s), then keep those files in your override folder.
    I was hoping they could implement it in the original game thou, why not have it in there right out of the box, but your right you can modify the filed and put them in the override directory. Ill leave it up to everyone to vote on it if how they want it to work, my vote is for implementing it in the game out of the box, anyone that agrees click the button, and let democracy do its part.

    Im have changed near to no files for nwn, so if this is not implemented can anyone point me in the right direction to make this change, pleas, thank you.
  • NytelockNytelock Member Posts: 23
    This a really minor QoL suggestion.
    How hard would it be to simply grey out or hide the open lock icon when an object is set to be un-pickable?

    It's annoying waiting 10+ seconds for that little bar to fill up only to find out "A specific key is required"
  • SherincallSherincall Member Posts: 387
    Nytelock said:

    This a really minor QoL suggestion.
    How hard would it be to simply grey out or hide the open lock icon when an object is set to be un-pickable?

    Disproportionately hard to disable the option, however pretty easy to skip the bar if it requires a key.
  • YellYell Member Posts: 3
    1) More dynamic monsters, with some layers for equipped items. More (complete) voice sets, more movements in general.

    2) Better AI. Or at least easy tool to set individual monster's AI (like a list of conditions and tatic emplyed, for example: "If enemy: ranged => equip bow/cast spells" or "If deals Dmg change weapon/stop using ability"). That could solve AI spamming infinite attacks that have no effect.
    This also includes associates from PCs (they are often dumb and often bugs and attacks team mates even if in party).

    3) Player characters: way more models, heads, hairs (separate hair from head models), armor models, items in general.
  • FletcherBrownFletcherBrown Member Posts: 8
    In the original version of this game, if one summoned an animal companion, familiar, or used a summon spell, these summons counted towards the party size and would effect the amount of XP that the player received. It was possible to build a characters of several classes that relied heavily on summons and if they consistently used their summons throughout an extended campaign, they would be noticeably behind where a non-summoner class would be on XP accumulation. This problem was further compounded in a multiplayer environment with several summoners in a party together.

    Please consider changing this so that only "main" characters like PCs and full NPC henchmen with PC power level count in this XP distribution calculation.

    Thanks again. I can't wait to be playing this great game again.
  • FletcherBrownFletcherBrown Member Posts: 8
    In the original NWN there was a chest type that (a certain look, we called them "boss chests") checked your characters current inventory and dropped psudo-random loot that was good for your class and would be more valuable the poorer you were. It was an attempt to level off the power of the character at regular intervals.

    This caused 2 problems:
    1. The gear was for whoever opened the chest, so usually the rogue. In MP the rogue would have better gear than everyone else most of the time.
    2. It encouraged you to strip of naked and put all your items on the floor so that the chest thought you were "poor". If you did this it would be full of wonderful treasure.

    Loot per player like modern ARPGs have is such a time saver in a MP environment.
  • DinoDino Member Posts: 291
    edited March 2018
    1. It seems we are not able to target the player portrait with spells when Paused. That should work.
    2. Being level drained is a pain in the ass if you are a caster. I wish the game remembered what spells you had memorized in the lost slots once you get restored.
  • QlippothQlippoth Member Posts: 8
    My friend always used his keyboard for PC movement. After using keys for movement, he could be knocked or moved into a transition when bumped by another creature or PC. This does not occur if you use the mouse for movement.

    Prerequisites: You will need two PCs on the same server available to reproduce this issue.

    Steps to Reproduce:
    1. Use movement keys to use a transition from Area 1 to another (Area 2).
    2. Have a second PC (PC2) push your PC (PC1) back into the transition in Area 2.
    Result: PC1 will transition back to Area 1.

    Expected: Transitions should only be triggered by explicit player actions.

    After PC1 uses the keyboard movement keys when a PC is near a transition, and they are pushed or I believe even fighting, when the cross the transition threshold they will move to the area as dictated by the transition.

    If you perform the same test with PC1 using the mouse to go through a transition, PC2 pushing PC1 into a transition will NOT cause PC1 to change areas...
  • Swbf2lordSwbf2lord Member Posts: 10
    On newer MacBooks with the Touch Bar, I'd like for the Function Keys to be displayed instead of the touch controls, by default. Should be an easy fix.
  • RannRann Member Posts: 168
    As presumably others have mentioned, making windows moveable would really increased playability. I have an ultrawide monitor, and when I'm visiting merchants, having my inventory show up 24 inches away from the merchants inventory makes it a real drag (literally) to sell/buy or even compare items. (Obviously, when NWN was first developed, this wouldn't have been an issue.)

    Or, at least make the inventory windows adjacent to each other.
  • dTddTd Member Posts: 182
    edited March 2018
    I'd like the bioware loot scripts to get an overhaul so that they select from more than the last 15 or so items in the module wide chests. It's supposed to be random pick, but it's not. Thrikreen and I wrote treasure code utilizing a no hb time check for treasure respawn which is drop in and uses the bioware loot system. Would be so wonderfull to actually get actual random picks from the chests :) (edit) Guess this should be in the script suggestion thread yeah ...
  • spongiespongie Member Posts: 1
    As requested by Julius I'm posting my suggestions here.

    Original post found here

    - Ping is using master server as reference instead of client (my ping to a japanese server is appearantly 22 while my server 20km away from me (100/100, 4 hops) is 158, that's crapola and probably dettering a lot of players to join local servers).
    - Too much of the engine was hardcoded, such as limits on enchantments, bonuses, special abilities and events for registering new characters. It would be nice if one could mod this in nwscript instead.
    - Make use of Steam auth and Steam ID's to verify and ban players.
    - A lot of people are reporting performance issues (I'm not struggling, but I have 1080), this game should be able to run on a modern calculator considering it's original requirements.
    - The path finding is rubbish.
    - Not enough commands to companions and the few ones we have are readily ignored by said companions ("follow me! follow me! in my foot steps! follow me! FOLLOW ME DAMN IT!").
    - The UI scaling is borked, at least on 1920x1080.
    - Fullscreen not available on Linux.
    - Steam app for the dedicated server.
    - The toolset is very difficult to get running unless you boot Windows. I can confirm that it doesn't work very well in wine and not at all in virtualbox. I'll try qemu and vmware when I get the time.
  • CorsCors Member Posts: 2
    Any chance we could get it so whenever you save a game it will always keep the chat box the same size? It's just so annoying to have to readjust it every time you load in the game.
  • SherincallSherincall Member Posts: 387
    Well, to be fair, if you really want to ban someone, and they're playing on steam, banning them by steamid - in addition to every other method known to man - doesn't hurt. But circumventing a steamid ban is only marginally harder than a cdkey ban (both require a new copy of the game, this one just also requires a new free steam account), so there's no point to it.
  • LaputianBirdLaputianBird Member Posts: 107
    Yes I just meant, it's fine if it's an additional way to ban someone, not if it replaces the CD Key option - on the other hand, since a Steam client is still using a NWN key, a Steam ID ban is just useful if the offending player has multiple copies of NWN under their account (saves the trouble of finding out all nwn cd keys linked to the same steam ID and ban them all at once).

    Unless I'm getting something wrong
  • SherincallSherincall Member Posts: 387
    You can't buy multiple copies on steam. You'd have to buy them on beamdog, then swap out cdkey.ini files manually. And yes, this would prevent that, but if someone is doing that, they could go through the extra 2 minutes to make a new steam account as well.
  • LaputianBirdLaputianBird Member Posts: 107

    You can't buy multiple copies on steam.

    Seriously? That must be when the totalitarian customer control approach beats consumerism :D

  • QlippothQlippoth Member Posts: 8
    edited April 2018
    Pathing is abysmal. Was it changed in EE? Some of the same modules I've playing in 1.69 are harder to navigate.

    Also, this issue has been around forever:
    1. If you click on a spot on the ground and the pathing is too difficult, your PC will not move.
    2. If you click on an object on the ground in the same place your PVC will walk there just fine. Just FYI in case it helps fix this bug. You could (almost ;) solve a complex labyrinth if there's a placeable close to the start...
  • dTddTd Member Posts: 182
    That's odd because I find the path finding to be improved. On my PW there is a spot where zombies always used to get caught and people would kite them, now in EE they navigate around it easily.
  • PlokPlok Member Posts: 106
    I've just bumped into a problem working with some community tooling. It seems that the original NWN had a clcompile.exe (command line compile I'm guessing) binary that isn't in the EE.

    We've got another compiler we can use, but I would imagine that it has very different arguments to the one that shipped with NWN (it's also a lot stricter about sloppy code). Would it be possible to add it back in to make it easier for people to migrate their tools to EE?
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