Chronic Restarting Detox Camp

Hi, my name's demented and I'm a chronic restarter. I wasn't always this way, I use to play games with only one character and saw it through to the end. There would be no roleplaying or multi-classing. Baldur's Gate changed that. Now I can barely get an hour in without restarting the game. There are just too many possibilities.
I might start with a monk who's devoted to justice. She eventually gets kicked out of her order for her actions and becomes a Kensai warrior who metes out her form of justice to those she sees as guilty. Then I'll think of a cleric/wizard who's determined to uncover the deepest secrets of magic, but eventually goes insane from his quest.
I've tried playing other video games but I just get bored. For Bhaal's sake I played Metal Gear Solid 4 for the first time yesterday and all I could think about was my wild mage Anansi. I need help.
I might start with a monk who's devoted to justice. She eventually gets kicked out of her order for her actions and becomes a Kensai warrior who metes out her form of justice to those she sees as guilty. Then I'll think of a cleric/wizard who's determined to uncover the deepest secrets of magic, but eventually goes insane from his quest.
I've tried playing other video games but I just get bored. For Bhaal's sake I played Metal Gear Solid 4 for the first time yesterday and all I could think about was my wild mage Anansi. I need help.
I've been clean for 6 days now, but the temptation is really coming again. I'd like to try a different party combination this time. Or maybe I can try a blackguard? Or how about an elf Druid? Or maybe a Ranger. It's endless.
Then came BG2EE and....and the kits...oh Helm...I...I knew I need help... *sob* *sob*
I wonder if I could have written this better...oh gods! It's spreading to other sources! must post comment before it's too late! O.o
But worse...
I'm an EEkeeper character tinkerer *sob*
At present I am playing as a Gnome Fighter / Wildmage / Thief.
I know it is not a valid character class! But... But... What if I discover a new locked chest in a game I have only completed 247 times? And how could I live with the knowledge that I used the spell knock and lost the precious xp... *sob*
And I need a FULL spell book... How could I go around Baldur's Gate missing those spells only available to wildmages? How could I?
And you never know who you might want to stab in the back or need to fight gnomo to mano...
Worse I keep putting my attributes up and down... Up and I will have undreamt power, down and I can live in the knowledge that I am using a nearly legal character *whimper*
But then I feel I have cheated.... And you just can't cheat can you? It is morally not right! Other people would look askance at my cheating ways and say to their children...
See that Mummy their, Cheater all the way... Cheats for fun. Loves cheating. Whenever and with whatever character comes along, That Mummy just loves to cheat... Stay away....
Thats what they would say...
*snorts loudly into a tissue, surprising since he seems to have a face covered in tissue... bbbbbbrrrrrrmmm*
*whails inchorently before collapsing in bandaged puddle*
I can almost only finish with a paladin. For RP reasons I find it funny to be sickening noble. I need to try something else. Especially in tob.
Please help!
I bet you send cloudkill to areas where you know there are enemies, but haven't officially confirmed through RP means. What's that in your bag? Are...are those protection from undead scrolls. That's sick, poor Kangaxx never stood a chance.
I guess it's age, but I just can't get into new games anymore. In the past few years, if I do play a game, it's always an old one, usually BG2 or Diablo 2.
I then tweak it down so it looks like I rolled a 97...
Look thats possible right? RIGHT? I mean thats NOT CHEATING ISN'T IT!
*Anduin is dragged away from the group by vampires*
Why do I need so many? Because if Jaheira's as good a tank as she is in BG2, then surely my Fighter->druid dual will be even better! Why do I always need to take Imoen or Nalia if I want a good aligned thief->mage, why shouldn't I make one who is better? Because if Edwin's such a great spellcaster, surely my PC conjurer will have even more spells! (that one doesn't work, gimme a minute...)
This Mummie is outraged! OUTRAGED!
*More vampires arrive and drag Anduin away*
I must have made 50 characters since BGEE came out and only completed with two.
Hello Anduin, I'd like you to come with me. Please, sit down. Can I offer you a cup of tea?
I'd like to talk about Kangaxx, if that's alright. You have known each other for some time, is that right?
Well, I'm sure you know that he has been dead for many years. I'm afraid I have bad news. He has become quite a bit more dead recently, and we're not sure he will recover.
I know this must come as a shock, but be assured that the Athkatla city guard are doing their best to find his ring, which has been missing.
Here are some contact details, one for our bereavement couselling service, the second for a reputable medium. If there is anything we can do to help, please let us know. I am truly sorry for your loss.
I currently have 11 games of BG and 7 games of BG2. I have 3 different spec'd Fighter illusionist Gnomes...
Please help.