i'm inclined to believe that NPCs from BG1 that appear on BG2 somehow will have a role in SoD. I can be absurdly wrong in this, who knows, it's just a guess.
Ajantis, that we kill in the Windspear hills by the trick of Firkgaark. So somehow he goes to akhlata.
Coran and Safana that we meet in the Area with the portal to the Elven city. They know we're around from their bantes.
Garrick that flirt with an paladin of The Radiant Hearth. Other that somehow reach akhlata.
Faldorn, the leader of the Shadow Druids in the Trademeet quest. Other that somehow reach akhlata.
Quayle. the owner of the circus and fosterfather of Aerie. Other that somehow reach akhlata.
Xzar and Montaron that appear in the Harpers questline. Other that somehow reach akhlata.
@kamuizin - the BG2 stories of some of those listed (inside your spoiler tags) seem to me to imply that they have already been in Amn for quite a long while. I therefore suggest that this is a reason to assume that they don't have a role in SoD - they must have hurried to Amn immediately after the defeat of Sarevok. In particular, I suggest that
Quayle and Faldorn
would have needed plenty of time to establish themselves in their new roles in Amn.
@kamuizin - the BG2 stories of some of those listed (inside your spoiler tags) seem to me to imply that they have already been in Amn for quite a long while. I therefore suggest that this is a reason to assume that they don't have a role in SoD - they must have hurried to Amn immediately after the defeat of Sarevok. In particular, I suggest that
Quayle and Faldorn
would have needed plenty of time to establish themselves in their new roles in Amn.
Maybe, but others as garrick or coran and safana does have a timing alike main char.
But in fact we never had the info of how much time main char and company were hold in irenicus dungeon.
The Feywild, also known as the plane of Faerie, exists as an "echo" of the Prime Material Plane. It is a place of unusually potent magic. http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Feywild
Psionics... I just adore them!
[spoiler=this is why]
Psionics are an important part of AD&D. A psionicist is much like a wizard, except that his powers derive from his mind rather than external agencies. As psionicists gain experience, they gain access to more attack and defense strategies and to more psionic powers.
The Psionicist class was introduced in 2nd edition, in which it is the sole official psionic class, in The Complete Psionics Handbook. Psionicists use psionics using 2nd edition's standard psionics system, in which they expend Psionic Strength Points to activate and sustain powers, and activating most powers requires a roll based on an ability score.
Their 5 main disciplines are as follows: Clairsentience (dealing with knowledge and investigation); Psychokinesis (manipulating the physical world); Psychometabolism (affecting creatures' bodies); Psychoportation (dealing with movement); Telepathy (affecting creatures' minds).
When a psionicist character is created, he choses one of these as his primary discipline (his favourite), when he goes up a level, he gets two rolls if he decides to take a power from his primary discipline, (i.e. 2 powers instead of the usual one).
Their 5 Attack Modes are as follows:
MIND THRUST Victim must save vs. spells (adjusted by Wisdom) or loses the use of 1 random ability (a language other than its native tongue, proficiency, a specific psionic ability, weapon skill, a specific spell, breath weapon etc) for 1d6 days, but not basic or movement abilities (a goblin could forget how to us a spear, but not how to speak or move). Against a psionic creature, a failed save inflicts 1d4 PSP damage. The power causes the victim to forget things.
EGO WHIP Victim must save vs. spells (adjusted by Wisdom) or have ALL rolls penalized by -5 for 1d4 rounds, victim can't use any spell above 3rd level or an Adept or Master psionic power. Against a psionic creature a failed save inflicts 2d4 PSP damage. The victim feels pathetic and worthless.
ID INSINUATION Victim must save vs. Spell adjusted by Wisdom or be stunned for 1d4 rounds. Against a psionic creature it inflicts 3d4 PSP damage if the save is failed. This power causes the victim's baser self to emerge, overwhelmed with desires to eat, kill and breed, it takes a while for him to regain control. of that round. Inflicts 4d4 PSP damage on a psionic creature that fails its save. Causes victim's nervous system to fire uncontrollably, causing vicious spasms, they also can't think.
PSYCHIC CRUSH Victim must save vs. Paralyzation or take 2d8 hp and be paralyzed for the rest
PSIONIC BLAST Victim must save vs. Spells (adjusted by Wisdom) or lose half their current hit points, except for victims with only 20 or fewer hit point, if they fail they are automatically reduced to 0 hp. This loss is purely stun damage and will be recovered in one turn. However, a victim reduced to 0 hp or below will be rendered deeply unconcious for 1d100 hours, a save vs. spell will reduce this time by half. Against a psionic creature, a failed save inflicts 5d4 PSP damage. This power is a massive mental barrage of devastating power that tries to completely overwhelm the victim's mind.
Looks very interesting and was in the 2nd Edition. What's not to like?:)
I've never heard talking about psionics. [spoiler=Psionicist] Will psionicist be a new subclass of wizard? [/spoiler] Btw, who's kiss is on "the List" ?
@bengoshi if I remember right, feys were characters in Kingdoms of Amalur, created by R.A. Salvatore.
No, surely not, @bengoshi. There's only so much new expansion and development which can be worth doing on an engine which you're planning to phase out. Having already announced a whole new class of Shaman and a major UI revision, I can't see how they could commercially justify the investment of resources to add playable psionicists to IE as well.
Perhaps the psionics reference relates to some future project rather than SoD. Or maybe it just means that they're having troubles with the (confirmed) implementation of neothelids in SoD (athough I'd have expected that that'd be merely an adaptation of extant illithid mechanics).
I've never heard talking about psionics. [spoiler=Psionicist] Will psionicist be a new subclass of wizard? [/spoiler] Btw, who's kiss is on "the List" ?
bengoshi if I remember right, feys were characters in Kingdoms of Amalur, created by R.A. Salvatore.
Your kiss was added by Alex. It doesn't belong on the list.
It would be awesome if they added psionics. I've always wanted to play one in the IE games. However, I am not holding my breath. That would be a lot of work to add. They would have to implement power points and do animations for all the psionic powers. They would also have to add items (weapons/armor/etc.) to be usable by the class. I don't see them doing this.
Most likely it is abilities for that psionic monster they are adding.
The Feywild, also known as the plane of Faerie, exists as an "echo" of the Prime Material Plane. It is a place of unusually potent magic. http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Feywild
Psionics... I just adore them!
[spoiler=this is why]
Psionics are an important part of AD&D. A psionicist is much like a wizard, except that his powers derive from his mind rather than external agencies. As psionicists gain experience, they gain access to more attack and defense strategies and to more psionic powers.
The Psionicist class was introduced in 2nd edition, in which it is the sole official psionic class, in The Complete Psionics Handbook. Psionicists use psionics using 2nd edition's standard psionics system, in which they expend Psionic Strength Points to activate and sustain powers, and activating most powers requires a roll based on an ability score.
Their 5 main disciplines are as follows: Clairsentience (dealing with knowledge and investigation); Psychokinesis (manipulating the physical world); Psychometabolism (affecting creatures' bodies); Psychoportation (dealing with movement); Telepathy (affecting creatures' minds).
When a psionicist character is created, he choses one of these as his primary discipline (his favourite), when he goes up a level, he gets two rolls if he decides to take a power from his primary discipline, (i.e. 2 powers instead of the usual one).
Their 5 Attack Modes are as follows:
MIND THRUST Victim must save vs. spells (adjusted by Wisdom) or loses the use of 1 random ability (a language other than its native tongue, proficiency, a specific psionic ability, weapon skill, a specific spell, breath weapon etc) for 1d6 days, but not basic or movement abilities (a goblin could forget how to us a spear, but not how to speak or move). Against a psionic creature, a failed save inflicts 1d4 PSP damage. The power causes the victim to forget things.
EGO WHIP Victim must save vs. spells (adjusted by Wisdom) or have ALL rolls penalized by -5 for 1d4 rounds, victim can't use any spell above 3rd level or an Adept or Master psionic power. Against a psionic creature a failed save inflicts 2d4 PSP damage. The victim feels pathetic and worthless.
ID INSINUATION Victim must save vs. Spell adjusted by Wisdom or be stunned for 1d4 rounds. Against a psionic creature it inflicts 3d4 PSP damage if the save is failed. This power causes the victim's baser self to emerge, overwhelmed with desires to eat, kill and breed, it takes a while for him to regain control. of that round. Inflicts 4d4 PSP damage on a psionic creature that fails its save. Causes victim's nervous system to fire uncontrollably, causing vicious spasms, they also can't think.
PSYCHIC CRUSH Victim must save vs. Paralyzation or take 2d8 hp and be paralyzed for the rest
PSIONIC BLAST Victim must save vs. Spells (adjusted by Wisdom) or lose half their current hit points, except for victims with only 20 or fewer hit point, if they fail they are automatically reduced to 0 hp. This loss is purely stun damage and will be recovered in one turn. However, a victim reduced to 0 hp or below will be rendered deeply unconcious for 1d100 hours, a save vs. spell will reduce this time by half. Against a psionic creature, a failed save inflicts 5d4 PSP damage. This power is a massive mental barrage of devastating power that tries to completely overwhelm the victim's mind.
Looks very interesting and was in the 2nd Edition. What's not to like?:)
Sorry, no. I don't want to say exactly what The List is for a variety of reasons, but I also don't want to get anyone's hopes up, so I will say it's nothing directly related to Siege of Dragonspear. Which doesn't mean one or more of those things may not show up in Siege but it definitely shouldn't be interpreted as confirmation that any of them will be (obviously there will be a gnome involved at some point, but that's got nothing to do with The List. Nothing in Siege of Dragonspear does.)
Sorry, no. I don't want to say exactly what The List is for a variety of reasons, but I also don't want to get anyone's hopes up, so I will say it's nothing directly related to Siege of Dragonspear. Which doesn't mean one or more of those things may not show up in Siege but it definitely shouldn't be interpreted as confirmation that any of them will be (obviously there will be a gnome involved at some point, but that's got nothing to do with The List. Nothing in Siege of Dragonspear does.)
Some people have The List of things they don't like, things they're definitely not going to do, things which have been vetoed, etc. Maybe The List here is the list of plot elements which are not to be included in ... er ... something they're currently writing. Maybe things which everyone else is forbidden to mention to the writing team, because they're likely to thump the next guy who suggests it again.
"BG was overloaded with Doppelgangers! We've nothing more to say about Doppelgangers!"
"After Oswald in IWD, that's quite enough about a Gnome with an airship! And his ruddy airship did a cameo in BG2, that's enough cross-over already! No more Gnomes and airships!"
"Feywild is even more fantastical than Toril, and maintaining consistency even in Toril is hard work, so Feywild is too darn difficult! Stop nagging us about writing a Feywild plot, we're not going to do it!"
"Psionics is like another whole different kind of magic, and it's already hard enough with just arcane and divine! We're not going to try to incorporate psionics into the story as well!"
Some people have The List of things they don't like, things they're definitely not going to do, things which have been vetoed, etc. Maybe The List here is the list of plot elements which are not to be included in ... er ... something they're currently writing. Maybe things which everyone else is forbidden to mention to the writing team, because they're likely to thump the next guy who suggests it again.
"BG was overloaded with Doppelgangers! We've nothing more to say about Doppelgangers!"
"After Oswald in IWD, that's quite enough about a Gnome with an airship! And his ruddy airship did a cameo in BG2, that's enough cross-over already! No more Gnomes and airships!"
"Feywild is even more fantastical than Toril, and maintaining consistency even in Toril is hard work, so Feywild is too darn difficult! Stop nagging us about writing a Feywild plot, we're not going to do it!"
"Psionics is like another whole different kind of magic, and it's already hard enough with just arcane and divine! We're not going to try to incorporate psionics into the story as well!"
"And I don't care what flavor lipgloss you use, I'm not making out with you, Andrew!"
Ajantis, that we kill in the Windspear hills by the trick of Firkgaark. So somehow he goes to akhlata.
Coran and Safana that we meet in the Area with the portal to the Elven city. They know we're around from their bantes.
Garrick that flirt with an paladin of The Radiant Hearth. Other that somehow reach akhlata.
Faldorn, the leader of the Shadow Druids in the Trademeet quest. Other that somehow reach akhlata.
Quayle. the owner of the circus and fosterfather of Aerie. Other that somehow reach akhlata.
Xzar and Montaron that appear in the Harpers questline. Other that somehow reach akhlata.
But in fact we never had the info of how much time main char and company were hold in irenicus dungeon.
The Feywild, also known as the plane of Faerie, exists as an "echo" of the Prime Material Plane. It is a place of unusually potent magic. http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Feywild
Psionics... I just adore them!
[spoiler=this is why]
Psionics are an important part of AD&D. A psionicist is much like a wizard, except that his powers derive from his mind rather than external agencies. As psionicists gain experience, they gain access to more attack and defense strategies and to more psionic powers.
The Psionicist class was introduced in 2nd edition, in which it is the sole official psionic class, in The Complete Psionics Handbook. Psionicists use psionics using 2nd edition's standard psionics system, in which they expend Psionic Strength Points to activate and sustain powers, and activating most powers requires a roll based on an ability score.
Their 5 main disciplines are as follows:
Clairsentience (dealing with knowledge and investigation);
Psychokinesis (manipulating the physical world);
Psychometabolism (affecting creatures' bodies);
Psychoportation (dealing with movement);
Telepathy (affecting creatures' minds).
When a psionicist character is created, he choses one of these as his primary discipline (his favourite), when he goes up a level, he gets two rolls if he decides to take a power from his primary discipline, (i.e. 2 powers instead of the usual one).
Their 5 Attack Modes are as follows:
Victim must save vs. spells (adjusted by Wisdom) or loses the use of 1 random ability (a language other than its native tongue, proficiency, a specific psionic ability, weapon skill, a specific spell, breath weapon etc) for 1d6 days, but not basic or movement abilities (a goblin could forget how to us a spear, but not how to speak or move). Against a psionic creature, a failed save inflicts 1d4 PSP damage. The power causes the victim to forget things.
Victim must save vs. spells (adjusted by Wisdom) or have ALL rolls penalized by -5 for 1d4 rounds, victim can't use any spell above 3rd level or an Adept or Master psionic power. Against a psionic creature a failed save inflicts 2d4 PSP damage. The victim feels pathetic and worthless.
Victim must save vs. Spell adjusted by Wisdom or be stunned for 1d4 rounds. Against a psionic creature it inflicts 3d4 PSP damage if the save is failed. This power causes the victim's baser self to emerge, overwhelmed with desires to eat, kill and breed, it takes a while for him to regain control.
of that round. Inflicts 4d4 PSP damage on a psionic creature that fails its save. Causes victim's nervous system to fire uncontrollably, causing vicious spasms, they also can't think.
Victim must save vs. Paralyzation or take 2d8 hp and be paralyzed for the rest
Victim must save vs. Spells (adjusted by Wisdom) or lose half their current hit points, except for victims with only 20 or fewer hit point, if they fail they are automatically reduced to 0 hp. This loss is purely stun damage and will be recovered in one turn. However, a victim reduced to 0 hp or below will be rendered deeply unconcious for 1d100 hours, a save vs. spell will reduce this time by half. Against a psionic creature, a failed save inflicts 5d4 PSP damage. This power is a massive mental barrage of devastating power that tries to completely overwhelm the victim's mind.
Looks very interesting and was in the 2nd Edition. What's not to like?:)
"We'll check back again at the end of the month with more news, content, and sale announcements."
[spoiler=Psionicist] Will psionicist be a new subclass of wizard?
Btw, who's kiss is on "the List" ?
@bengoshi if I remember right, feys were characters in Kingdoms of Amalur, created by R.A. Salvatore.
Perhaps the psionics reference relates to some future project rather than SoD. Or maybe it just means that they're having troubles with the (confirmed) implementation of neothelids in SoD (athough I'd have expected that that'd be merely an adaptation of extant illithid mechanics).
My guess is the psionics bullet point might refer to monster-only abilities, possibly in relation to those neothelids we keep hearing about.
Most likely it is abilities for that psionic monster they are adding.
Extra large Doppelgangers disguised as airships will be used by gnome characters only to travel to the feywild where they will learn psionics.
Amazing! This is a near certain possibility!
Exciting stuff @Vallmyr Exciting stuff!
Dun dun dunnnn
"BG was overloaded with Doppelgangers! We've nothing more to say about Doppelgangers!"
"After Oswald in IWD, that's quite enough about a Gnome with an airship! And his ruddy airship did a cameo in BG2, that's enough cross-over already! No more Gnomes and airships!"
"Feywild is even more fantastical than Toril, and maintaining consistency even in Toril is hard work, so Feywild is too darn difficult! Stop nagging us about writing a Feywild plot, we're not going to do it!"
"Psionics is like another whole different kind of magic, and it's already hard enough with just arcane and divine! We're not going to try to incorporate psionics into the story as well!"