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All you wanted to know about Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear ("Adventure Y" previously)



  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714

    2e Shamans have appeared in TSR 2135 PHBR10 The Complete Book of Humanoids, TSR 1103 Masque of the Red Death and Other Tales, TSR 2148 PHBR14 The Complete Barbarian's Handbook, TSR 9507 Shaman, TSR 9516 Faiths & Avatars and TSR 2163 Player's Option - Spells & Magic.

    You brought peace into my heart, fellow.
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  • ValamirCleaverValamirCleaver Member Posts: 184
    edited February 2016
    Raduziel said:

    You brought peace into my heart, fellow.

    I don't know if it will be any more peace of mind, but there's been Shamans in D&D since the 70s. Shamans and Witch Doctors are described on page 40 of the 1e AD&D DMG under the heading "TRIBAL SPELL CASTERS".
  • FardragonFardragon Member Posts: 4,511
    edited February 2016

    2e Shamans have appeared in TSR 2135 PHBR10 The Complete Book of Humanoids, TSR 1103 Masque of the Red Death and Other Tales, TSR 2148 PHBR14 The Complete Barbarian's Handbook, TSR 9507 Shaman, TSR 9516 Faiths & Avatars and TSR 2163 Player's Option - Spells & Magic.

    Quite. There where a great many classes added to 2nd edition. Some (e.g. Barbarian, Blackguard, Shaman, monk) originated in some form in 1st edition. Saying "these are the 2nd edition classes and you can't add any more" runs contrary to the established spirit of 2nd edition.
  • FlashburnFlashburn Member Posts: 1,847
    Question: a while ago I saw that specialist wizards' spells gain a -2 saving throw penalty if its a spell from their chosen school, while all their other spells gain a +2 saving throw bonus.

    Is that getting ported over to the other EE games too once SoD comes out?
  • FlashburnFlashburn Member Posts: 1,847
    Really? I hadn't noticed.

    So its the equivalent of Spell Focus and Arcane Defense from NWN. Neat.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
    Even the more important thing will be a -15% penalty when scribing scrolls from other schools of magic and a +15% bonus when scribing scrolls from your own scholl for specialist mages.

    Will it backported from SoD to BGEE and BG2EE?
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    There's nothing to backport. What @elminster describes is how it's always worked; the effect was just never enumerated in the class descriptions.
  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582
    Cool. Well it be documented in game in the next patch?
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
    @Dee The penalties / bonuses to scribing scrolls are not in the BG1&2EE.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
    @Dee or @elminster

    Are you sure the scribing bonuses and penalties are implemented into current versions of BG1&2? Because it comes as a greatest revelation to me, and lot of other players. As of 2013, they weren't implemented - and the subsequent patch notres don't mention them. In IWDEE it's indeed the case, but I have never experienced them in BG.

    With 24 INT my specialist mages have never failed, no matter what spells they have been trying to scribe. If the 15% penalty was there I would have seen failtures in 100+ attempts.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
    It's an amazing discovery, thank you, @Dee. Maybe it's time to include "Did you know?" posts into the Beamblog :)
  • YamchaYamcha Member Posts: 490
    So a specialist with Int18 should be able to scribble his school's spells at a 100% rate. (base 85), should be easily testable if it really works or not.

    Never really heard of this before, so I have no idea if it works or not ^^
  • SikorskySikorsky Member Posts: 402
    Don't know if anybody asks that but can I bring my gold from BG:EE to SoD? I've already collect 330000 in my playthrough and still didn't do Durlags and Werewolfs island. I'm just courius is it worth to keep that amount of money.
  • YupImMadBroYupImMadBro Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 347
    Sikorsky said:

    Don't know if anybody asks that but can I bring my gold from BG:EE to SoD? I've already collect 330000 in my playthrough and still didn't do Durlags and Werewolfs island. I'm just courius is it worth to keep that amount of money.

    I would also like to know this before I dump in my gold into scrolls for spells I don't plan on casting.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
    Question: "Will SoD updates and changes be retroactive to BGEE, BGIIEE, ToB & IWDEE?"

    Answer by Phillip Daigle: "Yes. It's our intent to continually update all of the IE games and keep them at feature parity where relevant."

    This is the confirmation in terms of IWDEE, which we didn't get before. To @Rodrian and others
  • Mikey205Mikey205 Member Posts: 307
    Heres a question: I heard on the last live stream that there will be dreams again. Woot!!! Will these be Baldurs Gate 1 style (narrated) or Baldurs Gate 2 style (in game engine)? Also are they affected by reputation or events at all?
  • VallmyrVallmyr Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 2,459

    I had a dream last night that we did the livestream and @PhillipDaigle couldn't figure out how to award the prizes so he just sent everyone spiders instead. Let's hope that doesn't happen.

  • NonnahswriterNonnahswriter Member Posts: 2,520
    Vallmyr said:

    I had a dream last night that we did the livestream and @PhillipDaigle couldn't figure out how to award the prizes so he just sent everyone spiders instead. Let's hope that doesn't happen.


    Driders were confirmed during the stream, so it's not too much of a stretch.

  • RazorRazor Member Posts: 436
    Hi guys, you may not care about this, but I'll just leave the suggestion. I looked in Steam for Siege of Dragonspear and there is nothing. Now maybe you dont need steam but this is your first RLY new game and a pre-order page there wouldnt hurt, and it would be in the upcoming tab.

    Sorry the offtopic but I'am curious, has there ever been data about how well Beamdog sold on steam these years? What was more profitable, steam, BD or android/apple?
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    Dee said:

    Just in case, let's get everyone to check their shoes for tarantulas before going out Friday night.

    This is also just good advice when putting on your shoes in general :)
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    Vallmyr said:

    I had a dream last night that we did the livestream and @PhillipDaigle couldn't figure out how to award the prizes so he just sent everyone spiders instead. Let's hope that doesn't happen.

    Nah, Landrin just needs you to clean out her vacation home... :wink:
  • DoubledimasDoubledimas Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,286
    Razor said:

    Hi guys, you may not care about this, but I'll just leave the suggestion. I looked in Steam for Siege of Dragonspear and there is nothing. Now maybe you dont need steam but this is your first RLY new game and a pre-order page there wouldnt hurt, and it would be in the upcoming tab.

    I guess that will happen (almost) simultaneously with the pre-order being opened on Beamdog's own website. But as there is no release date yet, there is no pre-order availability either, regardless of platform.

  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
    Razor said:

    Sorry the offtopic but I'am curious, has there ever been data about how well Beamdog sold on steam these years? What was more profitable, steam, BD or android/apple?

    As of July, 2015, according to Trent Oster, Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition sold over a million copies.

    As for the steam only, BGEE has 481,405 ± 16,046 owners, BG2EE has 331,378 ± 13,317 owners and IWDEE has 87,656 ± 6,852 owners
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