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  • YamchaYamcha Member Posts: 490
    edited January 2014
    @PawnSlayer Do you have the dialogue between Tiax and Jan handy ? This must be epic !

    and btw. the Fuller's questreward is based on reaction, a mix of reputation and charisma

    depending on your Alignment, you start with a greater rep ie. a lower charisma may suffice (or the friend spell, for mages )
  • PawnSlayerPawnSlayer Member Posts: 295
    Yamcha said:

    @PawnSlayer Do you have the dialogue between Tiax and Jan handy ? This must be epic !

    and btw. the Fuller's questreward is based on reaction, a mix of reputation and charisma

    depending on your Alignment, you start with a greater rep ie. a lower charisma may suffice (or the friend spell, for mages )

    True, but friends is not a spell that most mages start with, and the only real way to get your reaction any higher than it starts at before you leave Candlekeep without having 18 Charisma.
  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,268

    Yamcha said:

    @PawnSlayer Do you have the dialogue between Tiax and Jan handy ? This must be epic !

    and btw. the Fuller's questreward is based on reaction, a mix of reputation and charisma

    depending on your Alignment, you start with a greater rep ie. a lower charisma may suffice (or the friend spell, for mages )

    True, but friends is not a spell that most mages start with, and the only real way to get your reaction any higher than it starts at before you leave Candlekeep without having 18 Charisma.
    There is a temple. If you have enough money you could make a few donations...
  • SharGuidesMyHandSharGuidesMyHand Member Posts: 2,586

    No doubt everyone knows this already, but before the fight with TorGal in Nalia's Keep, if you send Nalia up front to talk first, you get special dialogue between her and the troll. I never heard it before because my character's usually the one in front...but it was pretty awesome to see Nalia shine with anger and fury!

    I wish people would stop prefacing their posts by saying "everyone knows this already," because it usually turns out that I DON'T know it already and end up feeling stupid afterward. ;-)

    Anyway, thanks for this tidbit - I was always disappointed that Nalia didn't have more to say about seeing her father lying dead. In fact, in my experience, she doesn't even say anything about it being her father - you just surmise it on your own from looking at him.
  • SharGuidesMyHandSharGuidesMyHand Member Posts: 2,586
    deltago said:

    If you are a thief with an 18 CHR and talk to the nobles on the first floor of the Candlekeep in, you can get them to lock all of their valuables in the star sapphire chest.

    I recently played as an 18 char thief and didn't come across this - what dialogue options was I supposed to use?
  • SharGuidesMyHandSharGuidesMyHand Member Posts: 2,586
    dustbubsy said:

    Kivan often tells Alora, quite rudely, to shut up.

    While we're on the subject, Quayle and Alora don't get along either, a fact that often gets overlooked when BG1 intra-party rivalries are discussed. Quayle will often make nasty remarks to Alora, who will respond with something along the lines of, "Why are you doing this to me? I'm nice to you!"
  • PawnSlayerPawnSlayer Member Posts: 295
    Tresset said:

    There are at least two places in the game where you can use the spell Heal to cure someone of their insanity. The first one is one of the guy named Raevilin Strathi that comes out of that one gem of imprisonment in the underdark caves. If you cast heal on him you get some experience and his sword (Albruin +1) The second one is Yakman in watchers keep. If you cast heal on him you get some experience.

    Though in the former case it really isn't worth it, as you get more experience, and the sword anyway, for just killing him. Definitely worth it in the latter case as there's no benefit to leaving Yakman as he is.
  • ArchaosArchaos Member Posts: 1,421
    edited February 2014
    And also speaking of DAO.
    Leliana has a hairstyle similar to Imoen and almost in color too.
    She is a Rogue also. And her specialization is Bard, which gives her some magical abilities, I think.
  • SharGuidesMyHandSharGuidesMyHand Member Posts: 2,586
    Onestep said:

    Did you know that an NPC in Baldur's Gate, Lord Foreshadow, basically told you about Neverwinter Nights?

    In the same vein, you also meet someone named Pallonia in the lighthouse area (where you also meet Safana) who refers to "a city where it is never winter," and also "events unfolding in Athkatla that will make the current troubles pale by comparison," and that these events "will unfold regardless of what the outcome is here." This is a reference to NWN and BG2 respectively, and the fact that both of these will be made and released no matter what.
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