On the Xvart Village map, Nexlit the Xvart tells you Ursa the Cave Bear will protect them. But the first thing Ursa does is attack Nexlit himself! Easy to see if you use an invisibility potion as soon as Ursa appears.
I recently came across the xvart village and checked this for myself, and it is indeed correct. Good thing too, because I didn't even see Ursa creeping up on us, and before I knew it, she was standing right next to Dynaheir! Fortunately, she was on a path toward Nexlit, and probably would've walked past my party altogether if I hadn't killed Nexlit first (which most people probably do).
I think the whole thing is done deliberately as a joke to show how stupid Nexlit is - first he accuses you of attacking his villagers without provocation (when the exact opposite is true), then he summons a supposed "friend" who attacks him without provocation.
On the Xvart Village map, Nexlit the Xvart tells you Ursa the Cave Bear will protect them. But the first thing Ursa does is attack Nexlit himself! Easy to see if you use an invisibility potion as soon as Ursa appears.
I recently came across the xvart village and checked this for myself, and it is indeed correct. Good thing too, because I didn't even see Ursa creeping up on us, and before I knew it, she was standing right next to Dynaheir! Fortunately, she was on a path toward Nexlit, and probably would've walked past my party altogether if I hadn't killed Nexlit first (which most people probably do).
I think the whole thing is done deliberately as a joke to show how stupid Nexlit is - first he accuses you of attacking his villagers without provocation (when the exact opposite is true), then he summons a supposed "friend" who attacks him without provocation.
Pretty sure this is an EE feature the reasoning being Ursa doesn't take well to being summoned! (Did not occur in BG1 Vanilla)
On the Xvart Village map, Nexlit the Xvart tells you Ursa the Cave Bear will protect them. But the first thing Ursa does is attack Nexlit himself! Easy to see if you use an invisibility potion as soon as Ursa appears.
I recently came across the xvart village and checked this for myself, and it is indeed correct. Good thing too, because I didn't even see Ursa creeping up on us, and before I knew it, she was standing right next to Dynaheir! Fortunately, she was on a path toward Nexlit, and probably would've walked past my party altogether if I hadn't killed Nexlit first (which most people probably do).
I think the whole thing is done deliberately as a joke to show how stupid Nexlit is - first he accuses you of attacking his villagers without provocation (when the exact opposite is true), then he summons a supposed "friend" who attacks him without provocation.
Pretty sure this is an EE feature the reasoning being Ursa doesn't take well to being summoned! (Did not occur in BG1 Vanilla)
It's been years since I played vanilla, but I'm pretty sure it occurred the same way. I know the bear attacked Nexlit in Tutu. Even if your whole party is pounding on the bear, it goes straight for the stupid Xvart!
On the Xvart Village map, Nexlit the Xvart tells you Ursa the Cave Bear will protect them. But the first thing Ursa does is attack Nexlit himself! Easy to see if you use an invisibility potion as soon as Ursa appears.
I recently came across the xvart village and checked this for myself, and it is indeed correct. Good thing too, because I didn't even see Ursa creeping up on us, and before I knew it, she was standing right next to Dynaheir! Fortunately, she was on a path toward Nexlit, and probably would've walked past my party altogether if I hadn't killed Nexlit first (which most people probably do).
I think the whole thing is done deliberately as a joke to show how stupid Nexlit is - first he accuses you of attacking his villagers without provocation (when the exact opposite is true), then he summons a supposed "friend" who attacks him without provocation.
Pretty sure this is an EE feature the reasoning being Ursa doesn't take well to being summoned! (Did not occur in BG1 Vanilla)
It's been years since I played vanilla, but I'm pretty sure it occurred the same way. I know the bear attacked Nexlit in Tutu. Even if your whole party is pounding on the bear, it goes straight for the stupid Xvart!
There are at least two places in the game where you can use the spell Heal to cure someone of their insanity. The first one is one of the guy named Raevilin Strathi that comes out of that one gem of imprisonment in the underdark caves. If you cast heal on him you get some experience and his sword (Albruin +1) The second one is Yakman in watchers keep. If you cast heal on him you get some experience.
Oh man... poor Raevilin got chunked by me... I feel so guilty now
Spell Sarevok's mage Semaj's name backwards Maybe Koveras isn't the only one who thinks he's all so clever. There is a designer of the game who was named James Ohlen. Could be a ode to mih.
Remember those lost Knights in the Planar Sphere? As a mage, your first stronghold quest is to save them. There's actually two options for this - you can go to the Order of the Radiant Heart, who will take them in, but it's better to go to the Adventurer's Mart. Ribald will get them back home, which gets you the same experience but also a Golden Girdle.
In the Red Mage enclave in Waukeen's Promenade, one of the merchants (the one who speaks to you when you first enter) won't go hostile and may survive the battle, if you're careful. You can then choose to kill him, let him run off, or remain where he is and sell things to you. You can safely do this until you clear out the rest of the Enclave. Attempting to speak to him again after this gets Neera pissed off, and if you insist on seeing his wares, she'll immediately leave the party forever (so just kill him for an easy 9k experience).
Did you know that BG1's Lord Foreshadow had a relative in BG2? It's Aphril, the inmate of Spellhold who sees too much (how fitting). If you are VERY lucky (a 1 out of 1000 chance!), she'll tell you more about Neverwinter Nights:
I see... a place... coming soon... where there is... never winter... where people have control... over their own stories. Yes, it's a shameless plug from Aphril Foreshadow.
Also, there are a lot of unused lines in the dialog.tlks of both games. Most of the stuff was probably used for testing or has been cut because of pressing deadlines. My favorite line is BG2's string reference 31661:
Just remember: If I can't damage it, it's time to run like the French in the war!
Xzar's line 'I have become death, destroyer of worlds', is a reference to Hindu scripture, famously quoted by the Manhatten Project's J. Robert Oppenheimer:
Although, a more accurate translation of the line is:
'I am all-powerful Time which destroys all things, and I have come here to slay these men. Even if thou doest not fight, all the warriors facing thee shall die.'
Xzar's line 'I have become death, destroyer of worlds', is a reference to Hindu scripture, famously quoted by the Manhatten Project's J. Robert Oppenheimer:
Although, a more accurate translation of the line is:
'I am all-powerful Time which destroys all things, and I have come here to slay these men. Even if thou doest not fight, all the warriors facing thee shall die.'
There's a few quotes among the character lines. Garrick's "run in fear" line is "Brave Brave Sir Garrick, Sir Garrick led the way", which paraphrases the "Brave brave Sir Robin" bit from Monty Python & the Holy Grail.
Incidentally, Garrick's entire appearance in BG2 is a parody of the play Cyrano de Bergerac, with the names of the other characters being a hint to this.
The 'Chiktikka Fastpaws' that Aerie is always going on about is a gnomish gods ~pet Raccoon, the name also gets a mention in Mass Effect 2 as a drone named 'Chitika vas Paus'.
Would seem that either Chiktikka Fastpaws was not very fast or Aerie was a compulsive liar.
Spell Sarevok's mage Semaj's name backwards Maybe Koveras isn't the only one who thinks he's all so clever. There is a designer of the game who was named James Ohlen. Could be a ode to mih.
And Winski Perotati was named after John "The Evil Genius" Winski, and Dar'ragh, the mage that summons the Phoenix Guards is named that way because of Mark Darrah.
The 'Chiktikka Fastpaws' that Aerie is always going on about is a gnomish gods ~pet Raccoon, the name also gets a mention in Mass Effect 2 as a drone named 'Chitika vas Paus'.
Would seem that either Chiktikka Fastpaws was not very fast or Aerie was a compulsive liar.
I prefer the other raccoon, 'Chiktikka Autopause'. Much more useful.
Would seem that either Chiktikka Fastpaws was not very fast or Aerie was a compulsive liar.
Aerie says "Faster than Chiktikka Fastpaws!" when you give her something to do.
She doesn't say anything about the speed of the racoon. Maybe Fastpaws is an ironic name, like 'Little John' of the Merry Men (Robin Hood). In which case Aerie is just promising to do it at a reasonable speed.
Nahhh we're talking about gnomish gods here... Fastpaws probably make a hasted character look like a mummified paraplegic turtle... No offenses to gnomes dead or alive intended @Anduin
@mlnevese , mummified paraplegic turtles, as we know, come fitted with rollerskates and my special invention, the Get Engine (because it gets you there faster).
I cannot tell you the secrets of how I have developed the Get Engine, but lets just say I feed my turtles on nothing but oils of fiery burning and glue a wand of fire on their back...
I can assure you, Baervan Wildwanderer, the so called Father of Fish and Fungus's ruddy giant raccoon, is about as fast as a slime, slowed, sludging across an area under the effect of grease, entangle and web in-comparison to my mummifed paraplegic turtles!
Did you know that Anomen's voice actor is the same one who plays Jack Fenton, the Box Ghost, and Nicolai Technus in the TV show Danny Phantom?
(We've been marathoning it for the last couple days, so... Lol)
Another thing I learned yesterday: did you know that on the third floor of Durlag's Tower, you can hear the faint giggling of children in the background? This is the same area that has the invisible Ashirukuru awaiting you in the garden.
@mlnevese , mummified paraplegic turtles, as we know, come fitted with rollerskates and my special invention, the Get Engine (because it gets you there faster).
I cannot tell you the secrets of how I have developed the Get Engine, but lets just say I feed my turtles on nothing but oils of fiery burning and glue a wand of fire on their back...
I can assure you, Baervan Wildwanderer, the so called Father of Fish and Fungus's ruddy giant raccoon, is about as fast as a slime, slowed, sludging across an area under the effect of grease, entangle and web in-comparison to my mummifed paraplegic turtles!
Check out the photographic evidence!
I'd call your bluff there good Sir, but I can not argue with photographic evidence!
I know there are some banters in the game that you never actually see in the game because the first lines have no conditions to trigger them. I was going through Aerie's banter file a little while ago and found these three:
Yoshimo: Amidst tears and laughter, an angel rises! Hail Aerie, and welcome back.
Aerie: I--I'm sorry, CHARNAME, it... it won't happen again.
Yoshimo: No apologies from so fair a blossom. We were fools to let you fall.
Aerie: Please, Yoshimo, just let me--let me gather up my belongings.
Yoshimo: As you wish, lass.
Aerie: Jan, how come you're always telling stories?
Jan: Because they're true, every last one of them, even the one about my great grandfather slaying the dragon.
Aerie: A dragon? Really?
Jan: Well not really, but close. He thought it was a dragon. He was experimenting with glass, grinding it down to make prisms and lenses, you see, because his daughter, my grandmother, was so cross-eyed that, until she was twelve years old, all she ever saw of the world was the nose in the center of her face. You never had that problem as a child, did you?
Aerie: Me? Oh no, not that...
Jan: Good, I wouldn't recommend it to anyone. So my great grandfather had put together a great series of lenses and prisms, I think twelve in all, and attached them to a leather helm he had, the strap of which always chafed under the chin. Then, all of a sudden, a cloud passed in front of the sun.
Aerie: Oh my! Was it the dragon?
Jan: No, no, it happened precisely as I tell it to you now: a cloud passed in front of the sun and my great grandfather looked up from his work so quickly that a dragonfly got caught between two of the prisms over his left eye and clung there for dear life. Of course you can't imagine the hullabaloo this caused, my dear!
Aerie: No, I can imagine it just fine, Mister Jansen.
Jan: There he was, throwing all his tools and turnips into the distance where he assumed his greatly magnified adversary to be, and he was running and hollering and telling us to get in the house while he tried to lure the ravaging beast into the backyard of our southside neighbors against whom he had always held a grudge.
Aerie: Whatever happened?
Jan: What do you expect happened? We just assumed that he hadn't been taking his herbs and berries again and all wrestled him to the ground, ruining his precious lens-helm in the process, I'm afraid. It took as a good hour to calm him down and figure out what the truth of the whole matter had been. Now, do you know what the moral of the story is, Aerie?
Aerie: Always wipe your lenses?
Jan: Hmm, that will do nicely. I hadn't come up with one for this story yet.
Aerie: And your grandmother, did he make her a new lens-hat so she could finally see?
Jan: What? Oh no, no, it was an idea doomed to fail, I'm afraid. Two years later she lost her nose in a bizarre harvest accident and she's been seeing just fine ever since.
Aerie: Isn't the... Isn't the forest wonderful, Minsc? All the birds flying about, making you dizzy!
Minsc: Boo likes the forest, but Minsc? Oh, every time Boo plays in the leaves, Minsc has to give him another bath.
Aerie: Haha! But Boo likes his baths, too, doesn't he?
Minsc: Of course he does, and it makes him squirm so much that I fear losing him. If he got loose... I worry what such a powerful creature would do if left unchecked.
Aerie: Well just make sure you don't clutch him too firmly, Minsc. Give him some... some space and room to grow.
Minsc: Aye, and when we face a foe, I shall show them his pointy teeth!
Did you know that after you complete the Abandoned Temple quest and defeat the Shade Lord, you can go back to the statue and find something pretty interesting? When you talk to it, it will say something like "My job is done, thank you for honoring Amaunator" and then the spirit will leave it. You can then get the diamond out of its eye.
Baldur's Gate is mentioned in the DVD commentaries for Futurama! I forget exactly which episode/season, but the cast started talking about video games they'd done voices for. Billy West remembers doing voices in Baldur's Gate, but not Baldur's Gate 2... he says he was shafted at the first gate.
Really? His IMBd says he did the voices for BG2 but not BG1: Lehtinan (owner of Copper Coronet) Lord Alibakkar (Lord of family in Trademeet) Higgold (bard's stronghold quests)
It's what he says in the commentary; he might just not be remembering correctly. Voice acting for video games... they just go in to a recording studio and read out the lines they're given. There are no other actors there, and they might leave when they're done and go do a couple other voice jobs on the same day. Most of them probably never play the game when it's done, and when it's released will have forgotten ever doing it.
Baldur's Gate is mentioned in the DVD commentaries for Futurama! I forget exactly which episode/season, but the cast started talking about video games they'd done voices for. Billy West remembers doing voices in Baldur's Gate, but not Baldur's Gate 2... he says he was shafted at the first gate.
Really? His IMBd says he did the voices for BG2 but not BG1: Lehtinan (owner of Copper Coronet) Lord Alibakkar (Lord of family in Trademeet) Higgold (bard's stronghold quests)
It's what he says in the commentary; he might just not be remembering correctly. Voice acting for video games... they just go in to a recording studio and read out the lines they're given. There are no other actors there, and they might leave when they're done and go do a couple other voice jobs on the same day. Most of them probably never play the game when it's done, and when it's released will have forgotten ever doing it.
I think the whole thing is done deliberately as a joke to show how stupid Nexlit is - first he accuses you of attacking his villagers without provocation (when the exact opposite is true), then he summons a supposed "friend" who attacks him without provocation.
Maybe Koveras isn't the only one who thinks he's all so clever. There is a designer of the game who was named James Ohlen. Could be a ode to mih.
In the Red Mage enclave in Waukeen's Promenade, one of the merchants (the one who speaks to you when you first enter) won't go hostile and may survive the battle, if you're careful. You can then choose to kill him, let him run off, or remain where he is and sell things to you. You can safely do this until you clear out the rest of the Enclave. Attempting to speak to him again after this gets Neera pissed off, and if you insist on seeing his wares, she'll immediately leave the party forever (so just kill him for an easy 9k experience).
she says she learnt about you from Garrick
Also, there are a lot of unused lines in the dialog.tlks of both games. Most of the stuff was probably used for testing or has been cut because of pressing deadlines. My favorite line is BG2's string reference 31661:
Although, a more accurate translation of the line is:
'I am all-powerful Time which destroys all things, and I have come here to slay these men. Even if thou doest not fight, all the warriors facing thee shall die.'
Incidentally, Garrick's entire appearance in BG2 is a parody of the play Cyrano de Bergerac, with the names of the other characters being a hint to this.
Yes, I only know this because of Star Trek and I am something of a Trekkie...
Would seem that either Chiktikka Fastpaws was not very fast or Aerie was a compulsive liar.
She doesn't say anything about the speed of the racoon. Maybe Fastpaws is an ironic name, like 'Little John' of the Merry Men (Robin Hood). In which case Aerie is just promising to do it at a reasonable speed.
I cannot tell you the secrets of how I have developed the Get Engine, but lets just say I feed my turtles on nothing but oils of fiery burning and glue a wand of fire on their back...
I can assure you, Baervan Wildwanderer, the so called Father of Fish and Fungus's ruddy giant raccoon, is about as fast as a slime, slowed, sludging across an area under the effect of grease, entangle and web in-comparison to my mummifed paraplegic turtles!
Check out the photographic evidence!
Did you know that Anomen's voice actor is the same one who plays Jack Fenton, the Box Ghost, and Nicolai Technus in the TV show Danny Phantom?
(We've been marathoning it for the last couple days, so... Lol)
Another thing I learned yesterday: did you know that on the third floor of Durlag's Tower, you can hear the faint giggling of children in the background? This is the same area that has the invisible Ashirukuru awaiting you in the garden.
Aloras line "Happy happy joy joy" is a reference to a song sung in the Ren and Stimpy Show (yet another Billy West role).
Also did u know that turtles with frickin' rockets strapped to their shells kick major ass?? I didn't until this thread
Yoshimo: Amidst tears and laughter, an angel rises! Hail Aerie, and welcome back.
Aerie: I--I'm sorry, CHARNAME, it... it won't happen again.
Yoshimo: No apologies from so fair a blossom. We were fools to let you fall.
Aerie: Please, Yoshimo, just let me--let me gather up my belongings.
Yoshimo: As you wish, lass.
Aerie: Jan, how come you're always telling stories?
Jan: Because they're true, every last one of them, even the one about my great grandfather slaying the dragon.
Aerie: A dragon? Really?
Jan: Well not really, but close. He thought it was a dragon. He was experimenting with glass, grinding it down to make prisms and lenses, you see, because his daughter, my grandmother, was so cross-eyed that, until she was twelve years old, all she ever saw of the world was the nose in the center of her face. You never had that problem as a child, did you?
Aerie: Me? Oh no, not that...
Jan: Good, I wouldn't recommend it to anyone. So my great grandfather had put together a great series of lenses and prisms, I think twelve in all, and attached them to a leather helm he had, the strap of which always chafed under the chin. Then, all of a sudden, a cloud passed in front of the sun.
Aerie: Oh my! Was it the dragon?
Jan: No, no, it happened precisely as I tell it to you now: a cloud passed in front of the sun and my great grandfather looked up from his work so quickly that a dragonfly got caught between two of the prisms over his left eye and clung there for dear life. Of course you can't imagine the hullabaloo this caused, my dear!
Aerie: No, I can imagine it just fine, Mister Jansen.
Jan: There he was, throwing all his tools and turnips into the distance where he assumed his greatly magnified adversary to be, and he was running and hollering and telling us to get in the house while he tried to lure the ravaging beast into the backyard of our southside neighbors against whom he had always held a grudge.
Aerie: Whatever happened?
Jan: What do you expect happened? We just assumed that he hadn't been taking his herbs and berries again and all wrestled him to the ground, ruining his precious lens-helm in the process, I'm afraid. It took as a good hour to calm him down and figure out what the truth of the whole matter had been. Now, do you know what the moral of the story is, Aerie?
Aerie: Always wipe your lenses?
Jan: Hmm, that will do nicely. I hadn't come up with one for this story yet.
Aerie: And your grandmother, did he make her a new lens-hat so she could finally see?
Jan: What? Oh no, no, it was an idea doomed to fail, I'm afraid. Two years later she lost her nose in a bizarre harvest accident and she's been seeing just fine ever since.
Aerie: Isn't the... Isn't the forest wonderful, Minsc? All the birds flying about, making you dizzy!
Minsc: Boo likes the forest, but Minsc? Oh, every time Boo plays in the leaves, Minsc has to give him another bath.
Aerie: Haha! But Boo likes his baths, too, doesn't he?
Minsc: Of course he does, and it makes him squirm so much that I fear losing him. If he got loose... I worry what such a powerful creature would do if left unchecked.
Aerie: Well just make sure you don't clutch him too firmly, Minsc. Give him some... some space and room to grow.
Minsc: Aye, and when we face a foe, I shall show them his pointy teeth!