690. You fail to follow the law hoping the flaming fist, cowled wizards, or amnish guards will confront you as a result.
I know, shame on me for double-posts and quoting an old post, but I swore that said "Amish" guards. ;_; The first thing that popped in my mind was Weird Al's "Amish Paradise".
786. You fly into a panic if someone walks up to you when you show up at a hotel.
787. You break into random people's houses looking for spiders to kill.
788. You refuse to use metal utensils out of fear that they'll snap in half when you really need them.
789. If you have information on the whereabouts of a serial killer, you pointedly refuse to take it to the police because you assume they'll run off half-cocked and get themselves killed. You instead confront the killer yourself.
790. You change the game's dialog.tlk file to replace the names of in-game characters with your personal nicknames for them. Like Kitty for Kitthix, or Cookies for Kuroisan.
797. When you roll a character by hand using real dice for the first time in years and wonder how anyone could expect such a weakling to last five minutes.
800. You look at this guy with the backpack next to you and basing on his appearance and fitness shape you wonder how many lbs he can carry in that backpack.
803. You grumble about the fact that nearly every dwarf portrait out there seems like they have the dwarf either holding an axe or a warhammer (or if they are using something else an axe or warhammer will be on their back or nearby).
A Dwarf using a sword, a bow, or crossbow? Ahh who are we kidding such a thing could never happen!
803. You grumble about the fact that nearly every dwarf portrait out there seems like they have the dwarf either holding an axe or a warhammer (or if they are using something else an axe or warhammer will be on their back or nearby).
A Dwarf using a sword, a bow, or crossbow? Ahh who are we kidding such a thing could never happen!
I really enjoy in Pillars of Eternity that Sagani, the best character, is a dwarf that dual wields and uses a bow . Well, I made her dual wield and use a bow, anyway.
803. You grumble about the fact that nearly every dwarf portrait out there seems like they have the dwarf either holding an axe or a warhammer (or if they are using something else an axe or warhammer will be on their back or nearby).
A Dwarf using a sword, a bow, or crossbow? Ahh who are we kidding such a thing could never happen!
It's specially annoying when you want to play a dwarf cleric...
804. On the occasion that you do play a completely different game, you immediately start to envision a Baldur's Gate theme in that setting and/or engine.
(I am playing 'Saints Row The Third' for the first time right now. I am loving it, and I wish it had Baldur's Gate in it. Or maybe I'm just missing Baldur's Gate...)
810. You're visiting a restaurant and when looking at the prawn spring rolls you've ordered you can't think about anything other than the carrion crawlers.
810. You're visiting a restaurant and when looking at the prawn spring rolls you've ordered you can't think about anything other than the carrion crawlers.
You have forever changed the way I will think of spring rolls.
787. You break into random people's houses looking for spiders to kill.
788. You refuse to use metal utensils out of fear that they'll snap in half when you really need them.
789. If you have information on the whereabouts of a serial killer, you pointedly refuse to take it to the police because you assume they'll run off half-cocked and get themselves killed. You instead confront the killer yourself.
795. You have multiple installations of BG:EE, BG2:EE, and IWD:EE for an umodded versions of the games and modded versions of the games.
Wow, we're at 800!
Edit: This thread is awesome
I'll probably end up fixing it up a bit and giving him a decent background
(I am playing 'Saints Row The Third' for the first time right now. I am loving it, and I wish it had Baldur's Gate in it. Or maybe I'm just missing Baldur's Gate...)